Within The Realm of the Dead, Death, and Life both went quiet as they watched what Samuel had unleashed. Untold billions of souls had just gotten devoured by Mag'ladroth which caused the C'Tan's power to rise to a level where its actions could consume entire Galaxies.
As for Samuel, his mass Life Hunt had caused his already incredible power to break its previous limits. As a result of his Adaptive Regenerative abillities and his Zenkai Boost from his Saiyan genes, he adapted to the overload of Life Force causing his Black Light Virus to undergo mass mutations.
Death however didn't focus on Samuel, but Mag'ladroth. Those billions of souls would have one day entered her realm, but now they were lost to her.
"We got to have a talk with him and soon. If he lets that beast mass feed on Souls that entire universe will lose too many souls. What if it expands to other Universes?"
Life though squinted her eyes as she felt the true horrible power of the Life Hunt. As an ability, it was almost without limit as he could feed on anything that lived. If Samuel ever entered the realm of the dead of any Death God he could mass harvest Death Force and empower himself that way.
"Before, he was interesting, now he is a danger."
Mistress Death agreed as they would need to approach Samuel carefully. Within this universe, when Samuel got access to the Soul Stone his power would be effectively without limit.
He could even pose a threat to her Avatar as another variant of Thanos had traped one of her Avatars into an artificial Reality Stone, the Death Stone. If Samuel used the six Infinity Stones along with his power he could.
"If he gets the Soul Stone, we could have a repeat of Thanos. If he does it, for all we know he could trap our Avatars in Life and Death Stones and absorb our power. Our Avatars have been defeated in the past so what do we do?"
Mistress Life shook her head as if they actively became Samuel's enemies he could retaliate in more destructive ways.
"What we got to worry about is him getting an Astral Regular. Just with five Infinity Stones, he can create abominations we don't know about. Add the power of a Regulator and he will be unstoppable."
Speaking of Samuel, after he devoured every last speck of Life Force from the dead he looked down at Vormir. The 150 ships had made planetfall meaning that at least one of them would get the Soul Stone.
"Gather around."
In his words, Mag'ladroth, Giratina, Palkia, Dialga, Grayfia, 2B, Diablo, Puck, Igris, Belion, and Beru surrounded him. From the look of it, Giratina and Mag'ladroth had undergone a mass feeding.
All the anti-matter weapons that had been used on Giratina had just elevated its power. As for the Void Dragon, it had feated on so many souls that it had reached the height of the C'Tan's great power.
"150 ships have landed on the planet. Among them were the flagships of Thanos The Mad Titan and Ronan of the Kree. There are also a few Skrull, Shi'ar, and Spartoi ships with a couple of ravagers. All these forces are not allies so they will definitely fight for the alter of the Soul Stone.
All we got to do is be patient as among those that landed, no one is stronger than the Mad Titan."
Diablo flew forward on a large pair of demonic wings. He crossed his arms as he peered down at the desolate planet. He focused on Thanos who emerged in full war plate with his dual-bladed sword.
His Chituari and Black Order emerged alongside him already being confronted by a short-term alliance of Spartoi and Shi'ar soldiers. On the other side of the mountain, the Skrulls and Kree were fighting each other while several Broods were charging up the mountain.
Holding them back were several mercenary and Ravager groups that had joined together.
"They are all tearing each other apart. Whoever makes it to the top will have the right to try to claim the Soul Stone. As you say, no one is stronger than The Titan Thanos. What will you do with him?"
Samuel gazed down at Thanos who was rather unique. He was an Eternal with Deviant Genes which were both created by the Celestials. His genetics were rather useful, but he planned to use Thanos' soul for something special.
From what he could sense, this was not an MCU-weak Thanos. This Thanos was overflowing with cosmic and mystical energy. Such a powerful being could be used if only he was leashed and collared.
"Make him a new body. Place his soul into one of my creations which will rapidly enslave his soul to my will. As for his body, its genetics will serve me quite well."
Diablo smiled as he looked at the planet again.
"I would like you to allow me to face him when the time comes."
Samuel glanced at Diablo before he flew over. He placed his hand on the Arch Demon's shoulder before he nodded.
"If you succeed, I will enhance your power even further. I will turn you into a Demon Lord without equal. As you ready?"
Diablo nodded.
"I will be right back and bring you your prize."
Diablo hurled himself down toward Vormir. Once Diablo was gone, Samuel took the time to watch with great interest. Diablo was one of his strongest servants and turning him into a Demon Lord would make him a terror to behold.
That is why he planned to make a few more interesting characters like the True Dragons or even Rimuru himself. The Ultimate Skills were of great intrest to him after all.
On the planet, Thanos walked forward with a ferocity and power that left him essentially unchallenged.
"Leave none alive. The Stone is mine."
Above his head Chituari Leviathans, and ships surged forward as his Chitauri, vast in numbers began to decimate the two opposing Shi'ar and Spartoi soldiers. The two races came from the same galaxy and even originated from the same base line species.
Hundreds of thousands of years of genetic drift had made them become separate species. Not allies by any means, but also not enemies so they quickly worked together to push back the forces of the Mad Titan.
The General of the Spartoi took cover behind the rocky terrain. It was a good thing the Emperor had not come along as they would have ended up like the Shi'ar. Speaking of them, he turned to the surviving forces of the Shi'ar which numbered just a couple thousand.
From what he could see the surviving Shi'ar Commander was ordering his forces to join the line of the Spartoi. He agreed with that so he called out to the man he knew from a few joint exercises.
Ka'dar was fine with that if it meant surviving.
He didn't get to finish as Ebony Maw used his powers to levitate and throw Cull Obsidian and Proxima Midnight into the lines of the Shi'ar and Spartoi. Cull when he came down used his axe to slice the Spartoi Commander in half.
Not far behind him, Corvus Glaive, Ebony Maw, Thanos himself, and thousands of Chitauri rushed in. Thanos much to his great power began to single-handedly slaughter Spartoi and Shi'ar soldiers with brutal ease.
His Chitauri and Levithans used their master's great power to cull their enemy's numbers. Hidden from their view through his magic Diablo observed Thanos with close fascination.
Thanos from birth could synthesize cosmic energy and he had enhanced his abilities through bionic and mystic enhancements. Drawing on this power he raised his fist which began flowing with vast cosmic energy.
He unleashed this in a massive concussive blast that destroyed the Spartoi and Shi'ar forces with relative ease. Thanos's eyes glowed brightly with power as he unleashed potent beams of heat from his eyes killing thousands more.
With pure telekinesis, he crushed the ships of his foes into small balls of meta that exploded slaughtering the remaining Spartoi and Shi'ar. The few survivors were quickly cleaned up by his Black Order and Chitauri.
As Thanos was going to make his way up the Mountain, he spun around and lunged out at Diablo. Quite impressed that he was found out, Diablo leaned back to avoid Thanos' hand.
He undid his invisibility as he was rather impressed.
"Marvelous, you actually managed to find me. No wonder my Master finds you interesting."
Thanos Black Order surrounded Diablo, but he ignored them all.
"Who are you?"
Diablo landed on the ground before he gave a polite bow.
"I am Diablo, personal butler to my Lord. He has use for you. If you are wondering, he is the one who killed the entire fleet above. And called you all here."
Thanos raised his blade as he found that interesting.
"I knew someone was behind that dream. I will send you back to your Master without a head."
Thanos empowered himself with magic and Cosmic Energy before he unleashed a massive blast at Diablo. With a nonchalant air, Diablo blew on the blast causing it to curve, taking out hundreds of Chitauri.
"Oh my, seems you missed."
Thanos squinted his eyes before he smiled. He pointed his sword at Diablo as he knew this fight would be interesting.
"Tell your Master, he can watch me kill his butler."
Diablo smiled before he turned around and started walking away.
"Maybe. See you at the top of the mountain, I will give you the fight you desire. Get the Soul Stone first, maybe then it will be fair."
With that out of the way, Diablo disappeared teleporting away. When he was gone, Thanos turned around.
"With me, to the top of the mountain."
The Black Order gathered around Thanos before Black Maw used his telekinesis to rip out a large part of the ground to bring them to the altar of the Soul Stone. Meanwhile, Diablo sat down on a large stone and looked up at the mountain.
He licked his lips as Thanos would be a wonderful opponent. He would show his Master why he deserved to enforce his will.
As Thanos and his Black Order made it to the mountain, around the planet other forces were still locked in their struggles. The Kree led by Ronan were still in battle with the Skrull Forces which were about even.
The Brood's desire for the Soul Stone caused them to throw themselves against the Ravager and Mercenary groups, but they were held back. Other small wars were still taking place, but Thanos had made it.
When they reached the Mountain, they were met by Red Skull. Schmit was quite pleased to see Thanos here.
"Welcome Thanos, son of A'Lars. Proxima Midnight, Black Maw, Cull Obsidian, Corvus Glaive, children of Thanos."
Thanos stepped forward before gazing down at Red Skull.
"You know us?"
Red Skull bowed low showing his crimson face.
"It is my curse to know. I once sought the Stones, but they rejected me. Banished me here, to lead others to them. What you seek is at the top. But beware, acquiring the stone will put you at risk."
Thanos didn't buy that.
"At risk? By what?"
"Someone else seeks the stones, they already have all five. Why do you think you are here?"
Thanos thought back to the Dream he and most of the universe had.
"The dream, the other Stones would allow someone to project a dream like that. Who is pulling the strings?"
Red Skull shook his head.
"I do not know that. Only that the Soul Stone is warry, but can be yours."
Thanos and his Black Order began to follow Red Skull to the top of the mountain. As they did so, Black Maw spoke to his adoptive Father.
"Sire, if what this wraith speaks is true, that man from before spoke of his Master. He must have the other five stones. What will you do?"
Thanos was confident in himself.
"I am confident in my power, once I have the Soul Stone I will use my magics to escape. Five Stones against one is a risk. I will have to prepare carefully once the Soul Stone is in my possession."
When they finally reached the top of the mountain Red Skull stepped aside.
"What you seek is in front of you?"
Thanos glanced around using his mystical and cosmic powers to search for the stone. When he found nothing he turned to Red Skull.
"The Soul Stone is unique among the Infinity Stones. It is the reason that man sent you all here. It has a price he didn't want to pay. To claim the Soul Stone, you must give up that which you love. Without it, the Stone will be lost to you."
When Thanos heard that he clenched his fist. That which he loved? He had no such thing and knowing that the Stone was in front of him, but out if his reach filled him with such rage. However, after a few moments, he remembered something.
He turned to Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight. His two adoptive children were rather close and they were even married.
"Corvus, Midnight are you two willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for me."
Realizing what he was asking Midnight and Corvus looked at each other. They tensed as if there was anything they loved, it was each other. Would they give that up for their Father's goal?
Corvus Glaive closed his eyes before he placed down his spear. He stepped toward the cliff, but Proxima grabbed his hand.
"Let me."
Glaive pulled his arm away.
"Be quiet, this is my burden. I will make that sacrifice."
Diablo watched on with great interest as the two went back and forth. Thanos, Maw, and Cull Obsidon watched on as the two fought to be the ones to give their life. However, as if deciding, Proxima Midnight pulled and stabbed Corvus through his leg with her spear.
Corvus yelled out in pain as Proxima hugged him close.
"Forgive me, my love."
With him down, Proxima lept off the cliff making Corvus scream in despair as he watched her plummet to her death. Red Skull nodded as he stepped away.
"The Stone is yours."
The Soul Stone emerged at that moment, but it didn't go to Thanos. It floated toward Corvus Glaive who in his grief grabbed the stone in his hand. Thanos held his hand out toward his adopted son.
"She will be missed my son, now give me the Stone."
Corvus Glaive clenched his fist around the stone before he relented and handed it to Thanos. When Thanos held the Soul Stone he could feel it's power flowing into him. At that moment, Diablo who had been flew down on his demonic wings.
"You have the stone now. Are you ready?"
Diablo had a confident smirk on his face as he looked at Thanos. The Mad Titan smiled as he used his powers to warp his gauntlet to place it on the back of his hand.
"I didn't need the Stone to deal with you, but let's test its power shall we."
Thanos blasted Diablo with the Soul Stone's soul-based cosmic power that slammed into the Arch Demon with terrible force. Diablo was sent hurling thousands of meters away before he was slammed into another mountain.
After a few moments, he picked himself up. Thanks to his Spiritual Attack Nullification and Abnormal Status Resistances, he was more or less ok. However, he did notice the Soul Stone bypassed his resistance to a certain extent.
Diablo popped his neck from side to side before he spun his arm around.
"This is going to be interesting."
As for Samuel, he and his group had already landed on the planet. They were going to watch Diablo as he had made in oath and he would deliver or die trying.