Chereads / MISSION: Make her fall for me / Chapter 10 - FLASHBACKS

Chapter 10 - FLASHBACKS

WARNING: This chapter contains descriptions of child abuse and violence. Some readers may find the content distressing or triggering. Please exercise discretion before continuing to read.


Stella stumbled into her room, her body quaking as she desperately tried to hold back the tears that threatened to spill over. She closed the door and leaned against it, her heart racing and her mind racing even faster as her mother's words played in her memory.The pain from her past represented itself in her memory. The tears and the anger mixed together, creating a maelstrom of emotions that threatened to overwhelm her. She sank to the floor, her limbs feeling weak and shaky, as the tears streamed down her cheeks.

She buried her face in her knees ,her sobs filling her room.

The memories she never wanted to think about appeared in vividly as if she was experiencing it again.

She closed her eyes and the sounds of her sobs increased.


Little Stella was busily writing the poem she was going to showcase to her class the next day when she heard sounds that sounded like an heated argument emanating from her parent's room.

Curious, she place her pen on her book and got up from her study room to see what was going on.Her room wasn't far from theirs so she just tiptoed abit and stopped when she stood Infront of their room.

The door was slightly open so she peeked at them.

"What are you saying Dom?"Magdalene asked Dominic,her husband then calmly. Dominic on the other hand was burning with intensity as he stared at her.

"Are you now dumb?!" Dominic yelled as his hands clenched into a fist. Little Stella was surprised.This was the first time she was seeing her parents arguing and her father looking so angry.

The question she was asking herself was why her father was angry.

"Dom... Babe we can talk about this." Magdalene's voice was soft and it emphasized concern. Magdalene gently wrapped her had around Dominic's neck.Little Stella smiled warmly at the scene.She thought her marvelous mother had made her father happy.

By then, Stella's parents relationship made her want to fall in love and be with the best man in future. She felt like love was all that mattered and love was what made her family the best.

The smile erased swiftly when Dominic fiercely pushed Magdalene away.

"Don't touch me!"Dominic snapped,his eyes burning with anger.Madgalene recoiled from the force of his shove .Her eyes widened in shock and hurt. She gulped.Her lips parted but she was unable to talk.

"Um... why?"Magdalene inquired. "You are married to me Magdalene and you know this.Why are you still having control over me? I am the man!" Dominic yelled at her and both Magdalene and Stella stared at him as fear ,shock and hurt engulfed them.

"Not this again." Magdalene said." We already talked about this.I...can't sign the contract."Magdalene averted her gaze from his intense gaze.

Stella got scared. What was happening to her father?!

"You can't?!"He roared. Magdalene stepped closer to Dominic, putting a hand on his cheek gently. "Please, my love," she said gently. "I know you're angry, but there's no need to be this way." Dominic's eyes softened a little, but his jaw was still set tightly in anger. He didn't say anything, but his gaze lingered on her face for a moment before he looked away.

Dominic felt a rush of anger and power a, his hands rough and forceful. Magdalene stumbled backwards, her eyes wide with shock and fear. Before she could regain her balance, Dominic lunged at her again, his hands wrapping around her arms and shoving her hard against the wall. She gasped as the air was forced out of her lungs, and her heart raced with panic and terror. Dominic leaned in close to her, his face twisted in a snarl. "You think you can fool me?" he snarled. "You think you can buy me off with your sweetness?"

" What are you saying?" Magdalene was scared.

Suddenly he slapped her, the sound echoed in the room.Magdalene's eyes widened and she place her hand on her cheeks where the pain emanated .

Stella shuddered as he stared at the scene.


The sounds of her mother's sobs and pleading filled her mind.It felt like she was in the Stella's head ached and she continued crying.She remembered the next morning after that night —which was the first time Dominic laid his hands on her mother —Magdalene had a black eye and when Stella asked her she said it was nothing.

Nights like that repeated itself a lot subsequently until Stella got fed up and decided to confront her father.

As she remembered that day she confronted him,her sobs became loud and her head ached seriously.


Stella walked towards her father with great trepidation, her body was stiff and her movements were careful. Her heart pounded. Each step felt shaky and uncertain, as if she's walking on thin ice. Her eyes were fixed on her father's face, wary and anxious, searching for any signs of anger or aggression.

He stared at her. "...I... I wa—wanted to ask y—you a question"She said,her voice was shaky as he gaze was fixed on her.

"What?"He asked. "Why a–are you doing this to mommy?"She asked. " now you'll talk for your damned mom?"He got up from the lavish couch and stared at her. "She's not damned!"Stella defended. "Oh....then you are!"

With that,he slapped Stella and held her wrists, fiercely pushing her into the couch. Stella screamed and cried but no one helped her.


Stella Cruze eyes became red and puffy.She remembered the day she called the cops on him and reported him.That day Magdalene yelled bitterly at her.

That was the beginning of Magdalene's impulsive yet domineering and careless attitude.

This was what made Stella hate love.

It was what made her independent.