"The darkest parts of one's soul can only be seen by an eye that's light and a soul that dwells in Chervia"~Davikon.
What was the kind of fire that burnt the soul, heart, and body? It was the kind that was so slow, so unpredictable that it went out and reignited as it wished.
It crept from your heart, infecting your blood, and traveling faster when your heartbeat raced. That was how my fire was. So slow. Always keeping camp in my heart, burning, waiting for me to feel it before it finally appeared, physically.
And I was feeling. Feeling like I hadn't felt in years. The open-air and calming breeze contrasted with the tightness and heat swelling in my body.
After the orientation, we were all scattered in groups or ones waiting for our squad leaders to arrive. But the wait was killing me. I was losing control and all of the deep breaths seemed to be fueling my fire the more. I even had to unzip my jacket halfway, revealing the top I wore inside and my necklace. The necklace that I was clutching so hard gave me support. It was the only thing left I had of Arthur. I had Drakon's piece of clothing but I had to give up to the flames.
I even wanted to take off my diamond ear cuffs. Anything to relieve the heat.
She was happy. Her tinkling laugh, her mousy hair, and her rosy lips warmed my heart. Maze. My Maze. Then I would spot a glimpse of her chestnut eyes and my heart stung.
She got what she wanted even after she abandoned her sister for years. She had everything. She fit right in, chatting with her fellow knights, probably congratulating themselves on achieving what they wanted. Well, I was here, left to relish in the memories of what it felt like to almost have it.
Was it fair? I had imagined for years sitting behind a block desk, in a class asking questions, and being the most knowledgeable person in the room. Now all that was taken from me. Why did she deserve it?
I was the one who always comforted Maze when her eyes reflected nature's gloom during the rainy season. It tore my heart because Maze was the other half of my soul and I understood what it felt because of my feelings. Was it worth it? Abandoning me? Abandoning your sister for this?
She was laughing again and I walked up to her, thoughtlessly.
"On a scale of one to ten, how happy are you to see me?"
"What the fuck do you want?" Her voice. Her tiny and feathery voice was like Maze, but she had a certain roughness that gave it an edge.
"Oh, I don't know. Maybe an explanation as to why you left me in the woods"
"A humorless laugh escaped her lips, and her voice dripped with sarcasm. 'You think I owe you an explanation? You, of all people?'"
I crossed my arms and shrugged as if saying, "Why not?"
"You being here fucking tarnishes the principles this hood was built on"
"Enlight me, Eritrea, what principles do you seem to know about?" I mocked.
"You don't belong here. The codes are to fucking honor and protect."
"You have worked your entire life for this, yet everything you've done goes against the very codes you speak of. " I scoffed. "I might be dishonorable in your eyes but you are not very far behind"
"Of course, how could I fucking compare? I mean you killed the emperor's son." She smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes.
Arthur. It registered in my brain. Arthur was the emperor's son.
"Tell me, you abandoned your sister for this," I swept my arms around the vast field, "was it worth it?"
"You know nothing about me" She took a step forward. I saw something flicker in her eyes as the wind tousled her hair. I felt like there was more to her hatred for me. Her voice had layers of harshness to it. It was personal. This wasn't just about Maze, was it? But I didn't care.
"You are right. I don't. So did Maze. She knew nothing about you!? How could she!? When you abandoned her!?"
"You are fucking hypocrite". Realization dawned in her eyes as she smirked and said, "You killed Maze because she knew the shit of a monster you were, yet you still have everything even when you don't deserve it." I saw an emotion. An emotion I didn't think was possible in those eyes that I hated so much. It felt akin to... jealousy.
And I snapped. "How dare you!? Your tongue should cut itself out for mentioning Maze's name. You abandoned her! You abandoned your sister when she needed you!" Our argument was gathering the attention of the knights around us. They were watching, entertained. Waiting for one of us to strike first. Bastards. I hated their nonchalance and they spoke of honor.
My fire was traveling rapidly throughout my entire body. My emotions were rising.
"You fucking stupid asshole of a noble! You are just a self-centered prick! You can't see past your own emotions!" Her eyes watered. "I fucking hate you!"
"Is that why you tied to me a tree to leave me to die!? A bear attacked me, you witch!" I could feel the fire in my lungs. All the air I took in became fuel.
"Are you here to exact revenge? Will you burn me like the others?" Her taunting made my heartbeat rise rapidly. That didn't seem like a bad idea right now.
"You are pathetic! You will never understand what honor and protection mean because you let the only person who could have shown you slip away!" Pain. I could smell it on her and it just made me angrier. She didn't know pain. I would show her. I would burn her and burn her ashes.
"Who died and made you King? Let me fucking guess.... Arthur!"
"Don't" Don't tempt me Eritrea. My jaws set.
"You only care about what Maze fucking felt! You know nothing about what and why I did what I fucking did and don't you understand that people make tough decisions to fucking protect and provide for their families!? There was a softness in her tone that made me remember Maze.
"I mean how could you?" She eyed me from head to toe, lingering on my ears. "You are a fucking noble and everything is yours. You get to choose. My path was chosen for me, not by me. Unlike you" My nostrils flare.
Why should I care about her and her 'struggles', when she didn't care about Maze!? She didn't understand what Maze went through.
"Don't" I closed my eyes trying to feel anything but this.
"You are a Nobel and you know nothing about pain and suffering!"
How dare she!? I knew nothing about pain and suffering!? I was going to burn her.
She noticed the shift in me and her eyes widened. "Your eyes..." She stuttered.
I had to get out of here. Our squad leaders were slowly approaching us because of Eritrea's panic. So I ran. I ran away.