Chereads / My seven clingy husbands / Chapter 13 - chapter 13

Chapter 13 - chapter 13

Ray cutely said "where is my good morning kiss?". Fiyana looked at him with a smirked on her face and said "ohh,so, you want a kiss first?".Ray got shy and fiyana chuckled and said "come,my cutie". Ray then came a little closer and bent his head down a little and fiyana grab his head and than gave a kiss on his lips.

A few moments later, fiyana pulled her head back and asked "want more?". Ray shook his head and said "no that's enough". Fiyana smiled and said "than should we eat now?". Ray nodded and they started to eating those fruits.Fiyana looked at Ray and saw, he's whole face was red and he was blushing hard than she smiled and started to gave him some fresh fruits and said "Ray,eat those ones, they are fresh". Ray obediently started to eating those fruits after finished their eating Ray said"I should go to the hunt now ". Fiyana nodded and said"oh, okay then, good luck ". Ray nodded and asked"what are you going to do today? Are you going to take a nap?". Fiyana shook her head and said"no, I am planning to go joyi's place today ". Ray said"oh,then good luck ". Fiyana nodded and said"good luck to you too ".

Than ray stood up and started to walking than stop and looked back at fiyana and fiyana started to laughing loudly and said"I knew it, you will stop , because, you forget your good bye kiss, right?". Ray nodded and Fiyana than stood up and went near him and kiss his lips and she"good bye, come back soon ". Ray got shy and blushed than gave her a pretty smiled and said"bye, take care ". Fiyana nodded and Ray left the cave.

Fiyana than started to pickup some fruits than put them in a skin bag and went outside of the cave.Fiyana was walking in the forest, at that time, she saw inside of the forest there was a white long hair man and with him there was another two person and they were hitting him and laughing at him.Fiyana thought' I should help him ' so she went near them and heard them, they were saying that "you are so weak, can you ever give baby to any female, you weakling , how dare you talked back to me? You can't ever hunt a small animal, who will going to take you as a mate, you will stay single your whole life, no female going to proposed to you, looked no one proposed you until now and no one going to be in the future either". Then they pushed him and he fall on the ground.Fiyana thought ' I should stop them' than she went there,a little near to them and said"what are you guys doing?".

These men got shocked from fiyana's sudden entry, so ,they stepped aside and said "it's nothing,we were just talking and joking, that's it". Fiyana asked "than why is he's on the ground". They said "he just fall on his own,we did nothing". Fiyana said "than why are you guys not helping him, isn't he your friend ?". They fall silence and fiyana bent down then helped him to stand up and said"you are Yuki, right? Joyi's cousin ". Yuki nodded and fiyana said"oh, that's good,I was going to your house, it's good I found you here,then let's go together ". Yuki just nodded and fiyana started to walking and Yuki was following her from behind.

A few minutes later, Fiyana asked"they were bulling you, right?". Yuki nodded his head and his snow white hair fall on his face.Fiyana asked"and why is they were bulling you?". Yuki when removing his hair from his face,he answer"because I am weak ,I can't hunt strong and big animals,so they see me as a weakling and it's common to weak bullied by the stronger one ". Yuki lowered his head and his pink eyes becoming red from the sadness, it's felt like he will cry any moment.

Fiyana sighed and said"no it's not, I don't think so,I think strong should protect the weak one, not bulling them, the most important thing is, you should stop seeing yourself as a weakling,be confident and don't let them insulted you".

Yuki's pink eyes started to glowing and he asked"what do you mean?".

Fiyana said"what I mean is simple, don't listen to them, do not pay attention to them, don't respond to them, do that, be a little confident and walked away from them,if they don't found any responded from you, they will stop coming to you but if you reacted ,they will bully you more,so don't let them hurt you anymore ".

After hearing that, yuki's pink eyes started to growing like a dazzling pink moon and he gave fiyana a cute smiled and said"thank you so much, no one ever say something like that to me,I will keep that in my mind ". Fiyana stared at him with a smiled on her face because ,she kinda found him cute. Fiyana thought 'he's kinda cute, he has a cute smile and his eyes are so pretty like a dazzling beautiful moon, ohh no, it's not good,I shouldn't call someone pretty or cute beside Ray, Ray is my only cutie ' than reached in front of the goat clan's house.