{A long chapter ahead ^-^}
"Woaaah ~ you're very pretty, Your Highness," Ande's sparkling. All the servants here who just finished dressing me up are all staring at me as if they're being blinded by just looking at me.
"The dress really suits the Princess!"
"You're so beautiful, Your Highness!"
"Like an angel!"
"A goddess!"
I admit, this dress really is beautiful. Since my hair is white and my eyes are gold, they chose a white dress with gold design as well. It's like a mini ballgown and the skirt is puffed. I don't think I can describe this in detailed...because there's a lot of ornaments and accessories hanging around my dress and me!
Seriously...Alina's really beautiful, huh?
I stared at my own reflection and smile. I'm excited to show Dad and Big brothers how I look. I'll make sure to thank everyone as well later during my speech. Actually, it was me who asked Dad if I can give me a speech before we start the party and he agreed. It won't be a long speech, that will bore out everyone. Just a few thank you's, and give my flower crowns to Dad and big brothers! The reason for that is...to make an appeal to all the visitors.
"Shall we go now, Your Highness? His Majesty and His Highnesses are waiting for you outside," I feel so excited after hearing Themis' announcement. It's been a week since we all last seen each other. Dad and my big brothers have been so busy, because of my birthday preparation.
They invited some people from the other kingdoms as well, that's why they're away from the palace for a week. Dad and I were the only ones that were left in here, but he's also very busy with all the papers he had to finish. I heard he's been delaying his sleep just to finish those papers, because he said that he wants to enjoy my birthday party with me and big brothers.
Brother Heli went to the Kingdom of Gita to invite the Royal Family of Gita Kingdom. I heard that the Crown Prince is Brother Heli's friend in Wizard Akademia, and that the First Princess likes my big brother. Haha...I want to see them. He also had to visit the Melinoe Empire to invite their Imperial Family, but only the First Prince and the First Princess were sent. I thought I'd finally see the male lead, Aiden Flynn de Melinoe, but it looks like this is not the right time for that.
Anyway, Brother Aeli also went to the Kingdom of Veda. He once stayed there to study herbal medicines, and was able to make friends with the whole Royal Family...yes, I said that right. He's friends with the whole Royal Family, isn't my brother friendly? It's because when an epidemic broke out, my big brother was the one who ended it, saving the lives of a whole lot of people, and prevented the virus from killing anyone. Big Brother's first huge achievement.
Meanwhile, Brother Dae went to the Northern Dukedom to send an invitation to the Sigrid. I bet it was just his excuse to see Sis Kae. He was also the one who visited Auntie Chan and Uncle Ran in the East and South Dukedom.
No one went to invite the Hecate Royalty? Hmm...I'm a bit curious about them. When I asked Brother Dae once about them, he frowned and then told me not to ask about them. I wonder why? So, I ended up asking Asher instead. He told me that the Hecate Kingdom is close to the Western Dukedom, and that Hecate Kingdom have stopped contacting them all of a sudden eight years ago. I hope it's not related to when Mom used the Hecate's King to lie to Dad.
"There they are, Your Highness," I turned my head outside the gate of the palace, and I saw Dad with my big brothers. They all stopped talking with each other when one of the knights informed them about me.
They simultaneously turned their heads to me, and I can see how amaze they are just by looking at the expression on their faces. Well, I looked like a mini-version of Mommy right now and Mom's very beautiful. Everyone also made sure that I look really pretty for my birthday party, even the dress is so pretty! Although, My shoulders are exposed with this dress. There's only one strap for the right shoulder, and there's a cilium flower attached to the top of the strap. And it's sleeveless.
I smiled at them as I continue to walk towards their direction, holding both sides of my skirt. This dress is beautiful, but it also feels a bit heavy, I wonder if I can ask Asher later to make it feel lighter. I don't know how to do it yet. Oh, wait, I can just ask Dad!
Ahh...they're just staring at me. Looks like I can be mesmerizing sometimes, haha! But, they're even more beautiful! Look at their outfits, it looks really good on them. And the way their hairs are fixed...they're even more mesmerizing! What genes...
"Daddy! Big Brothers!" I called and waved my hands to them. They snapped back to reality when I called them as they all smiled at me at the same time.
"Wow, Ali looks really pretty. As expected of my youngest sister," Brother Dae said as I reach their location. You're even prettier than me, big brother. Especially Brother Aeli! Am I the Princess here or you? He looks really gorgeous, and they even ponytail-ed his long hair, with left over hair on both sides! How pretty...
"Hehe ~ Dad and big brothers are even more handsome! I'm so happy to have gorgeous Dad and big brothers!" I replied. Of course, I am sooo happy! Their faces are something I can be proud of!
"Still, Ali is the prettiest," Brother Aeli answered. No way ~ You're the prettiest big brother Aeli!
"Of course! I need to be the prettiest today because it's my birthday party!" I replied. Brother Heli nods his head and touched my chin.
"However, Ali is always pretty,"
"You're flatter me, Brother Heli, hehe ~"
"So, shall we go now, Little Princess?" Dad asked, offering me his hand. All of them smiled at me, and I can't help but feel really warm seeing all those smiles they're giving me.
My smile widens as I nod my head and accept Dad's hand.
"Are you alright, Ali?" Brother Dae asked. We're at the waiting room, standing behind this huge door as we wait for the announcer to call us out. The announcer, it's Auntie Chan.
And to answer Brother Dae's question, I'm not really alright. Jut earlier when we entered the banquet hall---not using the front door of course, I can already hear the voices of the visitors, and I can say that there's a lot of them. I'm kinda nervous, and I'm only trying to calm myself because Dad and my brothers are here.
"I'm a bit nervous, b-but Dad and big brothers are here with me. I know I'll be fine!" I replied with a cheerful voice. That's right, like Asher said, I should just stay with Dad and big brothers, so no one will try to bother me. Still...how am I supposed to act later once everyone gives me their presents? All of the noble representatives will be called one by one to hand over their gifts to me after all.
"That's right. Just stay with us and no one is going to bother you," Brother Heli said. Yes, of course...they're all scared of you after all.
For the past two years that I've been living here, I realized that the only one who's considered as 'gentle and nice' in this family are Brother Aeli and me. But they know not to anger Brother Aeli, since he's still stronger than normal humans. Brother Aeli may not be strong as Brother Heli and Brother Dae, but his strength is only a few levels lower than Brother Dae!
"Calm down, Ali. We'll be there with you as you leave this room," Dad said, smiling at me. I nod at him as I chuckle nervously.
"And now! Let's give a round of applause to our Imperial Family!" As Auntie Chan said those words, this huge door of the waiting room slowly opened. Brother Dae held my hand, while big brother Heli and big brother Aeli stood behind us, with Daddy in the middle of them.
"Now entering, His Majesty, The Emperor Orpheus Raven de Ciera! With The Three Ciera Princes, Prince Helios Rishi de Ciera, Prince Aelius Luke de Ciera, and Prince Diellzain Ray de Ciera!" They were the first ones that were called. And why is this door opening so slowly? It's making me nervous even more!
"And with them, is our one and only Princess..."
The door that's slowly opening suddenly slammed opened! The heck happened? Was that intentional?
"Princess Alina Devi de Ciera!"
And after Auntie called my name, the voices of the crowd that was already so loud---became even louder as they all cheer my name and greets me happy birthday.
I gulped, seeing the few heads of the people from up here.
"Let's go, Ali," Brother Dae smiled at me, so I nod at him and we both started walking, with our big brothers and Daddy following us. My heart is still racing so fast, but with Brother Dae holding my hand, with Dad and big brothers behind us, I feel calmer.
When we finally stepped outside the waiting room, the whole crowd started cheering for us. I flinched when I heard the loud cheers of the visitors and it felt like I stepped out from my comfort zone...
Still, it feels good seeing new faces. Even though I feel really nervous right now, I can't help but smile as I look at everyone's happy face while chanting our names and greeting me happy birthday.
"Greetings, everyone. I thank you all for attending the birthday banquet of my daughter," Dad started. Everyone became quiet when he spoke. What power...
"Princess Alina's birthday celebration will last for a month with different events each week. For the first week of my daughter's birthday celebration, we've decided to let everyone, whoever you are, to freely roam every corners of the Imperial Palaces, you can even visit the Callisto Garden if you want to. But, of course, many knights are going to be assigned to all of the four palaces, including my First and Third sons---so watch your hands if you want to keep it attached to your arms," Daddy...
He started his speech with nice tone and positive words, and now he's changing the course of his speech...
"On the second week, we will hold a festival in the Central Plaza. No doubt that we will also be there with everyone to enjoy the festival of my daughter's birthday," They even made a festival out of it?! Oh brother...Dad's really enthusiastic about these things...
"On the third week. This is going to be an opportunity for the knights to flex their capabilities. We included a competition for the knights, to choose a personal knight for my daughter. Of course, the winning knight will have to fight the Third Prince, for us to see if they're worthy to be my daughter's personal knight," Ehh?
EHHH?! Now, I'm gonna have a personal knight as well?
"I'm against with this though..." Brother Dae mumbled. I turned to him and tilt my head, but he just smiled at me. Why is he against it?
"Does Brother Dae doesn't want me to have a personal knight?" I asked. He shook his head as he smile.
"That's not it, Ali. I just know...that jerk has a high chance of winning..." That jerk? Who could he be referring to? Now, I'm curious.
"What will happen if Brother Dae defeated the winning knight?" Dad didn't say anything about it, but it turns out that the final knight will have to face my third brother. Well, good luck to them, I think?
"If they can last a minute while fighting me, they will be accepted as your personal knight. If they can't---then, we'll have to hold another event for that. It'll occur every year until we find a personal knight for you," Is that really necessary though? I already have Asher, a literal incarnation of a God. He can protect me from everything...
Hmm, but well maybe this is just for formality? My brothers have personal knights as well, but they're more like of a right hand or an aid. They don't really need personal knights...
"On the last week of my daughter's birthday, another banquet will be hold, and everyone will be able to eat a feasts on the same table as the Imperial Family. Of course, you will need reservations first. There will be four tables, with each of us, Of course the Princess will dine with me--moving on, the four long tables will have one prince seated to each end, me and my daughter included. You will simply have to choose which table you want to be seated on. It's first reserve, first serve," Amazing...we'll be able to have a feast with everyone? They really planned this thoroughly, huh? I was worried how they plan to make this birthday celebration going for a month, but I was worried for nothing!
"And now, let's start with the party!"
Everyone cheered as they all clap their hands. They all look so happy...
I'm glad. Seeing the smiles on their faces are now helping me to calm my heart. I'm quite excited about how this night is going now.
Before the actual banquet, my party is divided into phases. First one is to ask the High Priest to pray to the Gods, and then everyone will sing a song for them. After that, we'll have speeches from the Imperial Family members to the birthday celebrant, and then they'll choose five people to also give me a birthday wish or something. After the speech, it's giving gifts time! After the presents, there will be dance performances, and then the banquet! A lot of things are going to happen, I hope I won't get exhausted right away.
Brother Dae and Brother Aeli held my hands as we all walk to the side, where our seats and table are located. After we're all seated, Auntie Chan faced everyone again.
"Let's have the High Priest, Kiernan Chilton to lead us with our prayers," Mr. Holiness took the stage after Auntie Chan called for him. He stood in front of all the people and placed his right hand in the middle of his chest as he bow his head.
We all did the same as we close our eyes.
"God Creo of Creation, God Deo of Prophecy, and Goddess Moira of Fate. We are all gathered here, bowing in front of you to show gratitude for the blessings that we received today, for all the happiness that we experienced, for all the opportunities we got, and for the safety of all the people in Ciera Empire. Th Princess' birthday celebration that will last for a month is something that everyone has been waiting for. We pray that you watch over the people who are attending this celebration..."
I'm pretty sure this prayer is going to be long. Mr. Holiness have to pray for everyone and their desires after all. As well as for their safety. And while Mr. Holiness is praying, I can smell a familiar scent coming from his direction. This is...it's the divine incense! It smells really sweet!
Oh, looks like Mr. Holiness is done with the prayer. It's time to sing...
The sound of the piano sounds really beautiful. It's starting!
"With grateful hearts, we promulgate ~" I've ended up memorizing the song over the two years that I've been living here. We had to visit the Cathedral and Temple every end of the month after all.
"Loyalty to our greatest Gods ~ You, who created the world ~" The tune and beat of this song may not be similar to the ones we had in Earth, but it's something that will be forever repeated in your mind, haha!
"You, who gave us life ~ You, who respects souls, sending them back to your heavenly realm ~" The five 'You's' here refers to the Five Gods in this world. Despite the banishment of the Goddess of Life and the God of Death, they're still included in the song.
"You, who guide us with your prophecies ~ and You, who who guides our lives ~"
I roamed my eyes around the crowd and I can't help but smile, seeing all of them raise their right hand while swaying their body. I admit, this part of the this song is what makes it similar to the ones in Earth.
Oh, wait...that man at the back. Who's that? He's got black hair? Although his eyes aren't red or gold...
But, as far as I know only the Ciera Family should have that hair color? Or are there any exemption? I mean, the three Astra's have the Odilia's hair and the Ciera's eyes? Hmm...
My eyes widens when the guy stares at me and slowly smile--no, is he smirking at me? What the heck? I suddenly gets a bad feeling about this.
I turned to Dad.
"Daddy..." He turned to me when I silently called his name.
"That guy over there..." As we both look at the location where I saw the guy a while ago, he has already disappeared.
"Who's guy?" Dad asked. I roamed my eyes to try and find him, but I failed. He's gone? Was he a magician?
"N-nothing, Dad," I replied. Dad smiled at me and nod his head.
Am I only seeing things? But, no...there's no way. He definitely have black hair, but his eyes were blue. It's similar to the kid who approached me in the Imperial Library to ask for book. However, that kid seems to be using a magic to change his hair color to black, because I caught a glimpse of red part of his hair. But, the man I just saw a while ago...he really had a black hair and blue eyes. Was he a Ciera?
Or could it that he is also using a magic?
Not impossible. Magic can do a lot of things after all, and maybe he though that having the hair color of Ciera would earn him the respects of people? Isn't that against the rules?
I turned my head to Auntie Chantelle after the song. Mr. Holiness went to his seat again and Brother Aeli held my hand.
"Shall we go?" Oh, it's time for their speech, huh? What a long birthday...
"Happy Birthday, Ali. I'm glad to be able to celebrate your seventh birthday with you, and as an older brother, I am really happy that you're here with us right now. Having a younger sister never once entered my mind, I admit, but when I heard about you, I can't help but to feel excited and happy...I enjoyed these past two years with a lively and cheerful sister with me. Thank you for accepting us, Ali, I wish that you stay kind and nice as you grow up, Brother Dae loves you," Aww. My heart's moved by Brother Dae's words. And he never really expected to have another younger sister after big sis Amara died, huh? I wonder what his reactions were when he knew about me. And, why is that...my heart feels so moved that I feel like crying.
"Ali, happy birthday. I hope you're happy with your birthday party right now, haha...the truth is, I am nervous, standing here in front of my little sister. When Brother Heli asked us, 'What would you feel if we have another sister?', I was surprised, and I couldn't believe what he just said. But...you see, I was quite happy and looking forward to it. You might not remember it, but our first time meeting you was when you were three, at the Callisto Garden. Seeing you that time, I immediately figured out we're related, but I chose to hide it within me...you look exactly like mother that I almost teared up. And when we finally got you with us, I'm so happy, I could cry. Being with you in your seventh birthday, and your future debut, I couldn't be any happier,"
Ahh...I feel like crying. My eyes feel hot, and I feel like my hands are trembling from trying my best to prevent my tears from escaping.
"Ali...hmm, Happy birthday. You know I'm not really good with words...despite that, you enjoy hanging out with me, and you're always smiling brightly that I can't help but smile as well. I admit, you are the first one to give us a very comfortable feeling ever since Mom disappeared...Ali, big brother Heli is always here for you, to protect you, to give you everything you want. I'll do all I can to be the best brother you can have...I'm beyond happiness right now...seeing my little sister in front of me being so adorable and pretty. Brother Heli loves you very much, my dear sister,"
I smiled at big brother Heli, in order to prevent these tears from falling. This is something I never heard from my family before. Those soft voice...the expression on their faces. I feel so happy...
"Ehem," We all looked at Dad when he cleared his throat after he got the microphone.
"Happy birthday, my daughter. Before everything, I'd like to tell you that you're the most beautiful here tonight," I giggled at Dad. Dad that's not really something you should say in front of everyone here who sees their own daughter as the most beautiful as well.
"Thank you, Daddy..."
"Today is your special day, and all I want is to see your bright smile. Unlike your brothers, the very first time I saw you was during our very first meal together. Do you remember it? My heart was beating so fast that time and I wanted to embrace you right away, but I had to prevent myself from doing so, because I thought that you might feel uncomfortable about it. And when you smiled at me widely after seeing me use magic, you were so adorable, I almost cry," Dad's really exposing himself, huh? Is this alright? What if those people who hates Dad sees me as my Dad and brother's weakness? Hmph, that'll be good for me to show off my skills then.
"My two years with you and your brothers were the bestest. Before, just seeing my three princes were enough to make my day, and now that you're added in the family, I'm even more contented with everything. I feel complete, and it's all thanks to you, my princess. I wish that you grow up to be healthy, and please stay what you are. But, still...we will love you no matter what,"
That's it. I can't prevent these tears anymore...
"Aww, you made my niece cry," Auntie Chan said, and after she said that, Dad and my big brothers walk towards me.
What's this. My heart feels so happy...these tears suddenly escape my eyes no matter how hard I try to prevent it from falling. I can't help it...their words just gives a big impact in my heart that I can't help but cry.
"Ali, don't cry. You're going to ruin your make up..."
"Summon the servants,"
I can't stop crying no matter how hard I try. My heart that's been void because of my previous family's abuse was slowly filled with their love and affection. Everything I experienced here were my first times...all of it. Recalling the struggles I had in my previous life, and remembering the happy moments I had with my family here...
I'm so lucky to have them...
But, I still have to give them my surprise speech as well. I gulped and carefully dried my tears with the tissues given to me.
"Of course, my niece have a speech as well!" I giggled as I jump off from the comfy couch where I was sitting. I walk towards Aunt Chan and she asked me to kiss her before giving me the mic, so I gave her a peck on the cheek.
"Greetings, everyone! I'm so happy to see that all of you are able to attend my birthday! The truth is, I'm nervous before I step outside the waiting room, but because of my Dad and big brothers, I feel a lot calmer now. Ehem..." after I cleared my throat, four servants from the Antares Palace appeared, and I can see confusion all over my family's face.
"Ever since I met Dad and my big brothers, I've been really really happy! And not just that, I met a lot of new friends too, and I was really glad. My big brothers play with me despite their busy schedules and they do their best to make me happy all the time! They smile at me so nicely and they give me pats on the heads! And Dad also hangs out with me even though he's busy with a lot of paperworks and it makes me really really fuzzy inside. I know it is my birthday today, but I want to give something to my Dad and big brothers too!" The four servants carries a small pillow, and on top of it are the flower crowns I made yesterday.
"This one is for Dad. Thank you for giving me the best life I could have, Daddy! I really really really love you! These crowns has a magic spell to prevent the odilia flower from wilt and wither!" I reached for the first crown, and Dad suddenly kneel in front of me as if he's being coronated.
"Thank you, Ali---you're going to make Daddy cry," he kissed my forehead after he said those and them hugged me.
"And, the next one is for Brother Heli ~ my big brother who do his best to guard me and protect me. I love you so much, brother!"
"This brother loves you even more, Ali,"
"And then...for Brother Aeli! Brother Aeli always teach me medicine and it became our favorite topic everytime we spend time together! Thank you for spending time with me brother, I love you very very muuuch!"
"What a beautiful flower crown. Ali made these? I'm happy, I love you as well, sweetie,"
"And, and, for my third brother! Brother Dae, he always spoils me hehe ~ thank you for always following me with whatever I want, brother! I super super love you!"
"Super super...haha! New vocabularies again, Ali? This brother super super loves you as well,"
That was tiring...I made sure to kiss them on the cheeks after giving them the flower crowns. And after I did that everyone cheered.
"The princess is so cute!"
"So thoughtful, Your Highness!"
"We love you as well, Princess Alina!"
I smiled at everyone and waved my hands to them and they cheered even more. My nervousness has completely fade away now, thanks to their chants. Being a kid again really has its advantages and perks.
After the speech of the five lucky people that were chosen to give me a birthday wish, we started with the presents giving, and we're almost done with it. There's a lot of them, and all of them acted as if looking at me in the eyes blinded them. It was so funny that I laugh everytime they do it.
"Of course, I also have a gift for my niece!" Auntie Chantelle walked towards me, with a luxurious rectangular box on her hand. Oh, is that an accessory? I already got lots of accessories, but I'll make sure to use Auntie Chantelle's gift.
"Here it is, will you accept this, my sweetie..." And then she opened it, my eyes widened when I saw what is was.
A key?
"To my beloved niece who loves collecting gemstones. This key leads to one of my treasuries in the Eastern Dukedom," T-treasures!?
Oh, wait, calm down. You're not the same person before who wants to collect loots to escape. Calm down, Alina. It looks like I still can't leave my adventurous self behind.
"Woaaah, treasures? I'm looking forward in visiting your land, Auntie Chan!" I replied, she stared at me as she press her lips together and close her eyes, she even placed both her hands on her chest.
"I've been smiled upon by an angel," Please, stop, it's embarrassing...
"And well, before the Imperial Princes gives the Princess their gifts, there's still one person who is yet to give his present to the Princess," Eh? There are still another one? Hmm, I counted every gifts, and it's already enough for all the nobilities?
"Moving on, let's have...our youngest knight," Youngest knight...don't tell me...
"Young Lord Kafziel Laverde of the Laverde County, please take the stage!" Ziel!
He started walking from the crowd, and they even made way for him! Woahhh...he's so tall now! I feel like a proud mother who finally see her son after a long time! And boy, was he this handsome before? Wait---I think I remember saying 'he better come back as my male lead', ugh, why did I remember that all of a sudden.
"Greetings, Your Highness, The First Princess. It's been a long time since we've seen each other," Indeed! I missed you, my son!
"Good evening, Ziel. I'm glad you are able to attend my birthday..." I spoke, giving him a smile. I hope he can stay here now. How old is he now? 11? He's become more handsome and taller in just 2 years! And he looks more mature too! What did they fed him in the Elda Region?
"The Princess has become more pretty," Geh---don't compliment while giving me that handsome smile, you're going to give me a heart attack, my son.
"Thank you, Ziel. Ziel has changed a lot too, you've become more taller and more handsome, but still nice and kind!" Yes, this should be the normal conversation of kids.
"I will hurry it up now, Your Highness. I feel like my forehead is going to have a hole if I take more time," Huh? What is he saying---
I turned my head behind, and I saw how Dad and my big brothers are glaring at the poor kid! I quickly searched for Ziel's parents, and they're both snickering after seeing my family's reaction! Is this normal? As if they're entertained that their son is provoking the imperial family without even doing anything. Please, he just want to give me a gift...
"It is a simple necklace, Your Highness. With an odilia flower as it's pendants. I made sure that it is within a condensed resin to prevent it from withering," W-wow...
"It's so pretty..." I mumbled. And it's even an odilia flower...so, pretty!
"I'm glad that the Princess liked it," I smiled at him.
"Thank you, Young Lord,"
"It's an honor to give the Princess a gift made by my own hands," He bowed at me before he turned around and walk away from my direction. I'm pretty sure he felt exhausted after receiving those murderous stares from my family. So, he made this, huh? I'll make sure to take care of it properly.
"Now that we're done with the gifts---oh, it seems like there's another one who wants to give his gift," Huh? Another one? Please, just let me eat already!
"I think this will be the first time that he'll show himself to the public," First time? Who could it be?
"Give it all up to one of our Astra's, Asher Astra!" Huh...
"You look quite surprised," I flinched when the jerk suddenly appeared in front of me. How the heck--I'm pretty sure Aunt Chan was about to call my Dad and brothers, and then she paused. Don't tell me Asher telepathically talked to her? And dang, he really dressed up properly, huh? He's looking so handsome right now. He also tied up his hair...
"Ahaha...well, obviously..." He's dang pretty...
"Greetings to the Almighty Astra!" Okay...everyone's bowing to him. At least they're not slamming themselves on the floor now.
"I won't take long, Your Highnesses, Your Majesty. I can tell that all of you are excited for the banquet. I only wish to hand my gift to the First Princess," he said, snapping his fingers, and a rose flower suddenly appeared in front of me. A white rose? It's within a glass bell jar, and is it glowing? I quickly hold it with my both hands so it won't fall. It hasn't bloomed yet...
"Wait, that's...!" Hmm? Brother Aeli seems surprised to see it. What's this?
"A holy flower," Brother Heli added. Holy flower? What's that? Is it similar to the holy crystal? Eh? Wow, everyone looks surprised about Asher's gift. From its name, I can tell that it's really important.
"Hmph, show off," And brother Dae seemed annoyed.
'I'll explain later the purpose of this flower, for now enjoy your day,' Asher said within my mind.
"You look so pretty today, Your Highness," My eyes widened as I blink for a couple of times. Did I heard that right?
"I shall go now then," He didn't even wait for my reply and just disappeared! That was the first time he called me pretty!
Hmm, surely he just said that because he's in front of everyone. What a two-faced jerk.
"I hope that everyone still have the energy! As the gifts of the Imperial Family are yet to unfold!"
Hmm, I wanna eat.
I stared at the glass bell jar on my lap and I can't help but smile. This flower glows beautifully, and for some reason...I feel really calm while looking at it. I wonder what this is? It's like...there's something inside, and it's helping me relieve my exhaustion.
Asher better explain himself.