I can't find a way out. And I've been walking here for like an hour. Where the heck am I? What is this place? I remember being with Ziel and just when I was about to put the flower crown on his head, I suddenly feel very weak, like my body's numb or something. I'm so sure this is because of the dark magic. I just know it.
I remember hearing Asher's voice as well, so he's probably working on this problem now. I hope he can fix it right away---I mean, it doesn't need to be 'right away', but I hope he can do something about this sooner. I'm tired looking for a possible path in this darkness. My glowing body produces light but it can only range to where I am standing. That's why I can't see the surroundings at all.
So annoying. Whoever it is that made my life like this, I'll make sure to make them pay---double the price! No, triple!
I continue walking. Focusing on the floor. Because, who knows? Maybe a hole suddenly opens up and I fall? That's going to be dangerous! And it might affect Alina's body as well!
I have an idea what's happening to me though. I'm probably within Alina's consciousness, and her body is outside where Asher, well maybe her family as well, are working hard to wake her up. I just hope I won't have to stay here longer.
Okay. Instead of straining my vocal chords, I should just think back and figure out how I got involve in this dark magic thingy. It is true that the Odilia Family had some issues with a black magician and their ancestor even got cursed throughout their generation. However, it is mentioned in the book that she was sealed by an Astra--Asher also mentioned it. After she was sealed, the Odilia had to face their fear of having a cursed daughter, because it is known that the curse only awakens every fifty years.
Alina got this curse, unfortunately.
And because of that, I've been experiencing strange occurrence and been feeling strange feelings as well.
When I arrived here, I never experienced any of these things. However, when I got out of the Antares Palace, and became aware of a lot of things about Ali. A lot of miserable things have started to happen, and I AM ABSOLUTELY NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT!
Still, maybe I could gain some new information after this. I just need to stay strong here and wait for Asher to come and save me. Because I know he will. He even saved Alina when she was drowning, there's no way he's ignoring my situation right now, knowing it's far more dangerous than the drowning accident.
And thinking back...since when did all this started? I think it was when I had a nightmare and we went to the central plaza in the middle of the night. Hmm, yep, I think that's it. Also, I won't forget when I bumped into someone while we were strolling, and that guy addressed me as 'Your Highness' despite the disguise.
It was then when I started experiencing strange things. I'm pretty sure that guy was the culprit...
I sighed and roam my eyes again around the place. Is there no chance of being able to leave this place at all? It's a good thing that my feet aren't hurting after all the exchanges of walk and run. Still...unlike before when I am feeling very very fine. My chest is starting to hurt now, like I'm being suffocated or something.
I took a deep breath and placed my hands on my chest, and I was surprised when it passes through it. What?! How?! I could literally touch myself earlier?!
"Dang it..." Oh, my voice still echoes even when I am not yelling.
Still, why can't I touch my body now? Does this dark place affects this soul-like body now? This is annoying.
I took another deep breath as I continue walking. I won't be able to do anything here if I stay still. I need to keep looking for a way out. Maybe Asher would arrive soon if I try hard...
"Fuu hah ~" I kept repeating that just to be able to breathe properly. Because seriously, I'm starting to have trouble breathing now.
The surrounding is still the same no matter how far I've walked and ran. And the feeling being within this dark place is also the same. Earlier, even without the breeze of the wind, I can still breathe. So, why is it hard to do that now?
I continued walking as I focus on taking deep breaths, so I won't have to die because of lack of oxygen! Dang it...
'Hmm hmm ~ hmm hmm ~' Huh? Who's that? The voice isn't echoing around the place like mine, but it sounds close...
A female voice?
'Hmm ~ hmm hmm ~' She's humming. And the tune sounds really creepy. I know I shouldn't be approaching anyone or anything in this dark place right now, but I won't be able to move forward if I don't.
Right now, let's pretend that I'm in a game and there's a quest I need to accomplish, where I have to find a way out, and this humming lady I'm hearing right now is part of that quest. Someone who will give me a heart attack but will help me to move forward with my quest.
Right...she's the final boss.
I stopped and gulped. I AM NOT READY! It's scary, I can't breath properly, and now I'm also getting nervous too and my heart's beating so fast! Dang it, I don't have the courage to do this. Just get me out of here, Asher!
I'm scared. Do I really have to do this? But, I'll die of suffocation if I just stay here! Still, I have no idea what I am going to encounter when I try to find the source of the this voice. However, it is still a fact that she's the only new variable here and could possibly lead me out of this dark place!
'Hmm ~ take all the worries away ~ little child ~' What? Is she singing for me? Does she know I am here?! Could it be the black magician?! No, no, no. Please spare this Clara!
I took a deep breath, force a smile and nod my head. Trying to encourage myself as I take one step forward, and another one. That's right, just one step at a time and you'll get there, Clara. Don't think about scary things and keep walking.
Don't sync your arms with your legs, damn it!
The voice, it's starting to become loud even though I only took a few steps towards it. Is it actually just close and I can't see it because of the darkness that envelops this area? I hope this person is a good person who will help me out of this dark place.
'Hmm ~ na na na na ~ hmm hmm ~' Just what is that tune she's humming? It sounds like an old nursery rhyme that's been considered as a creepy song due to being used in some scary movies and is not used for a long time. I'm pretty sure she just made this song up.
This is really scary. I wonder how many times I'll have to experience scary moments while I'm in this world. Somehow, the thoughts I had before about being lucky that I got reborn as Alina because she's got Themis and the others is fading away now. I regret being transported here now just to live this little kid's life being cursed and having to be sent in a dark place, being paralyzed in my sleep, and having a nightmare!
Okay, calm down. Clara. Calm down...
Just keep walking and stop thinking about unnecessary things. I just know that being suffocated within this dark place would affect Alina's body, it might even kill us both if I were to die in this place. And who knows? Maybe that was the black magician's plan all along! That's why I need to stay strong.
Let's face this last boss!
I continued walking, and increase my speed. I can't stay here any longer, and if the owner of this creepy voice can help me, I'll definitely grab that opportunity!
As I get close to the sound of the voice, I am also starting to see a light? It's a dim light. Not far from me now. I was about to continue walking but it felt like something is preventing me from doing it. I looked behind me and notice a gold thin string, glowing. I followed where it is attached only to see that it is tied to my index finger.
I look back behind me and try to find where the end of this strange string is, but I couldn't see it. Is it actually telling me where to go? Then, the voice I am hearing?
Hmm...where should I go then?
I turned my head to the place where a dim light can be seen. There's someone there...a silhouette of a person.
'Na na ~ na na na ~' She's the one humming that creepy song! Uh-uh...since this golden strings gives me a feeling of relief, I should follow it. A person humming a creepy song is bound to be an enemy---what's more if it's just a silhouette?!
I gulped and slowly turned around.
I shouldn't make much noise if I don't want this creepy lady chasing me.
I was about to start walking, but suddenly...
'Where are you going, little child?' I don't know why but my reflex just kicked in and I ended up turning my head back to the place. Which is absolutely the wrong move!
When I looked at her, I saw her slowly turning her head to me. And I felt my heart beating even faster and it feels like sweats are dropping to my face despite not sweating at all since earlier.
'You are my...sacrifice'
"Waaaaaaah!!!" I turned around and starts running. Just when she turn her head to me, I saw her face---there's a hole on it and it's dark! What was that! And she was also dark! No, I wasn't talking about her skin color---she's literally dark! A dark entity!
I run away from her, following the golden strings.
I looked behind me and found the girl following me. She's only walking but why is she almost catching up to me?!
Dang it, dang it. My heart's beating so fast!
Help me!
Asher and Abel were both alarmed when Alina's hands moved to her chest. She's breathing heavily, as if getting out of breath. Orpheus and his sons turned their head to the two magicians when they saw Alina acting strange.
"H-hey...what's happening now? Ali looks out of breath..." Diellzain asked, feeling nervous thinking about what could happen to his sister. He gulped and watches Alina.
'Stay strong, Ali...we've only just met. I want to spend more time with you...' Diellzain thought as he grits his teeth and try to calm himself.
"It looks like somethings happening within her consciousness. It's entirely depends on the Princess if she can hang in there until her body absorbs enough divine mana," Asher answered. His jaw clenched as he stare at Alina who's under a dark magic influence right now. He know very well how dangerous it is, what's more if it's targeting the person's mind?
A lot of things could happen, and the enemy might even take over of Alina's body if Clara couldn't save herself.
"Let's...wait. I know she...I know that Alina can fight it off, that dark magic. I trust her," Asher spoke. Orpheus and Helios looked surprised after hearing the Astra's words.
He was able to encourage Alina's family just by saying that he trusts her. He's an Astra after all. A famous figure after the Gods. There is no doubt that his trust for Alina is enough for her family to stay positive while trying to help their youngest Princess.
"Is there no enough divinity yet?" Orpheus asked. Asher shook his head.
Asher closed his eyes and when he opened it, a strange mark appeared. A four-pointed star, with his eye glowing gold.
"Not enough...not enough, tsk. The dark magic is surrounding the princess despite the barrier," Asher spoke. Abel looked at him with concerns written all over his face.
"Brother, you don't have to activate the stella vision, I can do it for you," Abel spoke.
Stella vision greatly enhance their mana, and it can also see all the surrounding's magic auras. Even those small particles that's floating everywhere. This same thing occurs to human magicians as well, however it is called Allure vision. Their eyes glows when using magic, but there's no four-pointed stars at all, just their normal eyes glowing. As for the Odilia, their eye designs turns white as their golden eyes glows. The differences is that the humans are not capable of seeing the mana particles that's surrounding their world.
"It's fine. I wasn't planning to use it for a long time after all," Asher replied.
Asher faced his palm to the barrier and tried releasing normal magic towards the barrier, it transformed to a divine magic after passing through the barrier, however when it was about to enter Alina's body, it disappears, as if melting into thin air. He tried the same thing with his stella vision activated, but to no avail.
"Tsk. Even normal magic and stella vision can't do it, huh?" Asher clicked his tongue.
"Just leave it to us, Astra," Orpheus spoke. Asher nods his head without looking at the Emperor and walk towards the wall. He leaned on it and crossed his arms.
'Hah...just wait until I got your neck within my grasp, jerk. Your immortality will surely end,'
Asher grits his teeth as he smirk.
'I won't get tired torturing you,'