The whole class stood up to greet him as he entered into their class, the man was highly respected maintaining his cold face as usual he nodded and they all sat down.they were all bewildered why this cold man sunddenly showed up in their classroom, most students avoided him like plaque because of his cold nature, and wicked as they painted him
He went straight to point
" I will be brief with what I am about to say" he uttered making the whole class hold their breath in anticipation they weren't ready to face something difficult or uncertainty now it was only a few months and they were out
But then he smiled making them stunned for a moment
" we will be expecting new students in our school" he announced the smile still plastered on his face
The class released there breaths immediately they heard it wasn't a bad news they were relieved but then again unbelievable frowns settled on their faces to what he just said he just said something weird they all stared at one another faces to reason out what he just said new students when they where already close to passing out who those that, and the fact that he came to announce it himself was what they couldn't understand, it baffled them
The man wasn't much surprise with the actions he already saw that coming, he knew why they had those frowns but he wasn't here to see that
" They will be here here tomorrow" he said making the whole class turn to him again there eyes widening, it wasn't even one person they taught
" but sir why will they sunddenly show up isn't it weird" one of the students asked and they couldn't hide their curiosity as they expectantly stared at him to know his answer
" I think I owe you no explanation" the man said coldly making the students sigh as expected of this man they taught
" that will be all for now" he said throwing them meaningful gazes before finally leaving the class as soon as he left the class turned chaotic they all couldn't fill the blank spaces of there answers, they were all expectant to see the so called people that there esteemed director came all the way to tell them himself, lectures later closed for the day as everyone despersed heading home.
But outside the school gate an average looking girl not up to 20 though hid at a corner she waited till who she was avoiding left the school premises, before she sneaked into the school, heading to library made sure no one noticed her but rest assured someone caught her.