As soon as the Nightmare Shadow completely possessed Ken's body, it did the next thing it was ordered by its Lord to do.
But it quickly observed its body before a small smile settled on his face.
"A... A body... Fi... Finally."
Its Lord was right; humans were indeed stubborn creatures and would need to be forced.
Immediately 'he' finished observing his body, he instantly got up from the bed and stared outside through the window.
Without wasting time, he moved backward and began gathering Dark Energy around his body.
Since it was now in control of Ken, its Dark Energy was inside Ken's body, so it could utilize it.
He continued gathering Dark Energy around his body as he still continued moving back.
"Just like my Lord said," Ken muttered.
And then...
He suddenly dashed forward with incredible speed and jumped. As soon as he jumped, his body came in contact with the room wall, and then...