Chereads / A Love Uncondemned / Chapter 14 - Chapter 14 — A Heartbreaking Goodbye

Chapter 14 - Chapter 14 — A Heartbreaking Goodbye

The Williams family gathered around the dinner table, the aroma of freshly cooked food filling the air. Joden's eagerness to dig in was palpable. "Let me dig in already!"

Mrs. Williamsʼ gentle reprimand followed. "Excuse me?"

Joden's response was laced with innocence. "What? You cooked for us to eat, Mum. Or are we waiting for guests?"

Mrs. Williams' expression turned serious. "Table manners haven't changed, Joden. I'm scared."

Mr. Williams' curiosity was piqued. "Scared of what?"

Mrs. Williams' words were laced with a hint of nostalgia. "That Joden is slowly growing up to be like you were when we first got married."

Joden's curiosity was sparked. "What happened? What did father do?"

Mr. Williams' dismissive tone was evident. "Your mother is recalling false memories. She's getting old, don't mind her."

Mrs. Williams' determination was clear. "If that's the case, then I'd like to tell the story to my son."

Mr. Williams' frustration grew. "The food is getting colder. Let's eat."

Mrs. Williams' resolve was firm. "Not until..."

Mr. Williams' irritation was palpable. "You like reopening old wounds, don't you?"

Mrs. Williams' smile was knowing. "Not until we say grace."

Mr. Williams' embarrassment was evident. "Why then didn't you say so at first? Look at how I'm worked up!"

Mrs. Williams' eyes sparkled with mirth. "It's always funny seeing men's faces when they are trying so hard to hide their humiliations from the past!"

With a gentle smile, the family joined hands and recited grace, the tension dissipated by the warmth of their togetherness.

Mrs. Williams' inquiry was laced with concern. "Where were you the whole day, Joden?"

Joden's response was evasive. "I'm not telling you."

Mrs. Williams' tone turned playful. "Are you now a spy agent?"

Joden's reply was sarcastic. "I wish I was."

Mrs. Williams' curiosity was piqued. "So, the guy who was giving you a headache finally went out with you?"

Joden's denial was swift. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Mrs. Williams' memory was sharp. "Dear, you remember the other day when your son stormed into the house, claimed to be tired, and said that he needed to rest? It was because of a boy."

Joden's frustration was evident. "What is wrong with you, mother?"

Mrs. Williams' intention was supportive. "I'm just trying to be supportive, dear. I want you to be comfortable discussing your love life with us."

Joden's boundaries were clear. "I told you that it's not your field of expertise. Quit it now."

Mrs. Williams' attempt was acknowledged. "I tried."

Joden's exasperation was palpable. "You did, mother. We all witnessed it."

Mrs. Williams' persistence continued. "So, you spent the whole holiday with him?"

Joden's relief was short-lived. "I thought the topic was sealed."

Mrs. Williams' curiosity was unabated. "Mommy just wants to know."

Joden's appeal for rescue was directed at his father. "Father, this is the time when you bail me out. The red flag went up long ago."

Mr. Williams' intervention was timely. "Well, you can just answer the question and then no one will continue with this topic."

Joden's resignation was evident. "Fine! Yes, I spent the whole day with him!"

Mrs. Williams' excitement was unrestrained. "Oooh! What was he like? Manly? Controlling? Polite? Humble? What was he like?"

Joden and Mr. Williams' disbelief was synchronized, their eyes fixed on Mrs. Williams in a mixture of amazement and annoyance. The sudden ring of Joden's phone provided a welcome reprieve from the intense interrogation.

Joden excused himself from the dinner table, his phone call beckoning. "Excuse me, I have to take this."

He hastened to the living room, answering the call with a hint of playfulness. "Hey! You miss me already?"

Jonathan's tone was serious. "Not a chance."

Joden's teasing persisted. "I know you do."

Jonathan's solemnity was unrelenting. "I know. I'm sorry. I wish I were calling with good news."

Joden's concern was piqued. "What is it? Are you okay? Are your parents alright?"

Jonathan's hesitation was palpable. "This is about me. There's something I need to tell you."

Joden's curiosity was aroused. "Okay."

Jonathan's request was unusual. "Not over the phone though."

Joden's invitation was spontaneous. "You can come over. We are having dinner. Mom made..."

Jonathan's interruption was surprising. "I am outside! Come out."

Joden's disbelief was evident. "What? Are you crazy? Are you warm? It's too cold now!"

Jonathan's reassurance was calm. "I'm sane, you know that. I'm in the car and the heater is on."

Joden's reluctance was overcome. "Good. Okay, I'll be with you in a sec."

He returned to his parents, explaining his abrupt departure. "I'm going out for a bit."

The chilly night air enveloped him as he opened Jonathan's car door and climbed in, eager to uncover the purpose behind this mysterious late-night visit.

Joden's greeting was apprehensive. "Hi, again."

Jonathan's response was solemn. "Hi."

Joden's curiosity was piqued. "What is it?"

Jonathan's words were laced with resignation. "This will come as a surprise, but it is what it is. You can't do or say anything that'll change my mind. You'll have to respect my decision and live with it."

Joden's concern was evident. "You're scaring me now."

Jonathan's tone was somber. "I'm just trying to prepare you for what I have to say. It's not good at all."

Joden's trepidation grew. "If it's that bad, can't you just not tell me about it?"

Jonathan's reasoning was sound. "You'll feel betrayed if you don't hear it from the horse's mouth."

Joden's mind raced with possibilities. "Have you done something wrong?"

Jonathan's admission was hesitant. "According to my father, yes."

Joden's shock was palpable. "What is it?"

Jonathan's revelation was stunning. "He knows about us."

Joden's disbelief was evident. "How? I thought we were careful!"

Jonathan's absolution was swift. "It's not our fault."

Joden's remorse was sincere. "I am so sorry. I really am."

Jonathan's reassurance was firm. "Hey, stop that! It's not your fault."

Joden's guilt persisted. "If I hadn't chased you..."

Jonathan's gratitude was heartfelt. "That was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. I found myself..."

Joden's words were stuck in his throat. "I don't know what to say."

Jonathan's declaration was resolute. "I came here to tell you that you will never see me again."

Joden's shock was overwhelming. "What? Why?"

Jonathan's explanation was simple. "I'm going abroad."

Joden's questions came in rapid succession, his voice laced with desperation. "What about your family? What about your friends? What about me? What about your job?"

Jonathan's resolve was unwavering. "I'm leaving it all behind. I can't stay. It's not my will to leave the country, but I have to."

Joden's frustration boiled over. "Why? Why? Why are you leaving in the first place?"

Jonathan's explanation was tinged with sadness. "My family feels embarrassed about me. If I leave now..."

Joden's interruption was swift. "Questions and suspense will surround your family!"

Jonathan's counter was soft. "No, they'll be free. They won't have to worry about me anymore. My mother can go to church. Father can get himself a new son, a straight son."

Joden's anger gave way to pleading. "You can't just leave. You have to fight your battles. How does a soldier conquer without fighting? Not all roads are paved. You're selfish, Jonathan!"

Jonathan's apology was sincere. "I know, and I'm sorry."

Joden's voice cracked with emotion. "How do you think I'll survive without you? I love you. I love you, do you understand that?"

Jonathan's response was gentle. "I know. Perhaps some day I'll come back to visit you."

Joden's desperation returned. "Where exactly are you going? Do your parents know?"

Jonathan's secrecy was firm. "They don't know where I'm going, and you too will never know. I love you. I have to go, or else I won't catch my flight in the morning. Please, don't follow me."

Joden's cry was anguished. "Jonathan..."

Jonathan's resolve was unshakeable. "Iʼm sorry, Joden Williams, but I have to do this."

The two shared a tearful embrace, their hearts heavy with sorrow. As they parted, Joden climbed out of Jonathan's car, watching in despair as the vehicle drove away, Jonathan's figure disappearing into the distance. Jodenʼs tears flowed freely, his wave goodbye a poignant gesture of love and longing.
