The voyage to Braavos was going to take 3 to 4 days if the wind blessed them. Those few days Robert planned to keep an eye on Sansa and Myrcella and find out what was going on with their minds. Why were they sinfully exploring each other at an age where handsome men should be their goals?
To his joy, the girls barely did anything inappropriate. They didn't even sit close to each other during the dinner that night, rather choosing to sit beside him on each of his sides. When the night approached on the sea, he purposefully prepared their bedding distant from each other.
He took the main bed in the middle as it was made to his size, on the right was Sansa, and on the left was Myrcella, a good respectful distance away. He'd have merrily given them the other large quarter, or the smaller rooms, but he truly didn't trust the girls, let alone the horny sailors on the ship.
On the first night, he barely slept and kept an eye on the girls in case one of them tried to sneak into the other's bed. And thankfully, the girls didn't seem interested in doing anything. In a matter of moments, they fell asleep.
Eventually, Robert also drifted into sleep.
When morning came and the sway of the ship woke him up, he checked Sansa and Myrcella first thing and relaxed when the girls were still in their beds.
Feeling calm and collected, he quickly washed his face, donned his regular clothes, and left the room, giving the girls enough privacy to clean up and get dressed for the day's mundane activities.
"Sansa, wake up!" Myrcella called softly but urgently, noticing Robert slipping away. She slipped out of bed and hurried to her friend's side. "We need to prepare for tonight."
With groggy eyes, Sansa woke up. Falling asleep wasn't easy for her as the constant thought of what she was supposed to do with Robert soon made her feel nervous.
"What's the plan?" She asked, uncertain about it all.
Their different attitudes were a mere reflection of their upbringing. Sansa, albeit being a nobleman's daughter, was raised to be timid, feminine, and submissive. Meanwhile, Myrcella was a royal princess raised to be proud of herself, and her beauty while maintaining her femininity.
Myrcella smiled softly and pulled a small glass jar from her luggage. "We must rid ourselves of the bedding, and what better way than bedbugs? I brought these from King's Landing. The men can lay the bedding out to sun-dry, and—oh dear—into the sea it might tumble."
Sansa gulped and glanced at the King's bed in the middle. It was large, custom-built for Robert's mighty frame. Imagining herself sleeping beside him left her blushing.
"Let's do it."
The girls quickly sprinkled the bedbugs on their bedding. Then, they pinched themselves across their arms and necks to make a few red spots.
Finally, they washed their faces, dressed up in pretty, feminine gowns, and left the private quarters to watch the sea outside.
Of course, the girls purposefully found Robert sitting at the top deck with Ser Barristan, discussing some matters.
"My ladies." Ser Barristan stood up in respect and greeted them. "I hope you've rested well. It takes time to get used to the sea."
"The sea is pleasant enough, Ser Barristan, but our bedding is less so. Bedbugs, I'm afraid." Myrcella frowned and held out her arm, smooth but marred with red marks. "Sansa and I can both attest to it."
Robert rose from his chair, grumbling as he inspected Myrcella and Sansa's arms. "Seven hells, what are the servants doing? Barristan, get the men to haul the bedding into the sun. And fetch the girls some ointment while you're at it!"
Barristan quickly left to scold some servants.
The two girls then accompanied the King throughout the day. There wasn't anything to do in the middle of the sea. Other than Robert's planned training with the Kingsguards, eating, and sleeping, there was nothing else.
Normally, Sansa and Myrcella would have gotten bored beyond fix. But knowing the monumental task ahead, they couldn't help but feel excited as well as scared at the same time. They discussed the plan from morning till evening, refining every single detail.
They had two goals that night.
As the time for dinner arrived, Robert, Ser Barristan, and the commander of the royal fleet sat together at the table. Robert sat between Sansa and Myrcella, keeping them separated at all times as he was aware of the touching that goes around underneath the table.
"Your Grace, let me pour you some wine." Myrcella was quick to grab the pitcher as soon as Robert's cup was empty.
Once Robert finished that cup again, it was Sansa who offered the wine. Robert didn't refuse the girls and smilingly accepted the offering.
The dinner went on like that and the girls fulfilled their first goal. The grand plan was for the next night, not that one. By pouring Robert wine that evening, they had set a precedent, so when they did it with a certain goal in mind, Robert wouldn't refuse.
Eventually, when Robert and the girls changed into their sleeping clothes and entered the large quarters, they paused in front of the only bed.
"Where are your beddings?" Robert frowned.
Myrcella and Sansa acted similarly confused. In no time a servant was called in and interrogated. Then, a ship-wide search for the beddings was launched for an hour. In the end, it wasn't found anywhere.
"Bring spares then," Robert ordered.
But there weren't any spares. The Kingsguards slept on hard wooden beds, the sailors slept in hanging hammocks. Even the captain of the ship slept on hard wood with a mere bed sheet covering it. Only the King had a full-sized bed with the softest cushions. Myrcella and Sansa's beds were spare in themselves.
"I think we can manage." Myrcella stepped forward, gathering a few pillows with care. Swiftly, she arranged three partitions on the bed and settled on the left side. "Sansa can take the right or the middle. It's only two nights, after all."
"Y-Yes." Sansa rushed over to the right side and copied Myrcella.
For a moment, Robert stood in silence. He felt absolute discomfort at the mere thought of sharing the same bed as the two girls. But seeing how respectfully distant they were with the pillow partition, he convinced himself to sleep. It was a matter of mere two nights, after all.
Besides, as long as the girls remained separated, he was fine with it.
Still, hearing their gentle breaths so close to him didn't help. Although he felt nothing towards Sansa, Myrcella was a different matter entirely. In his gaze, she was just an ordinary, beautiful girl unrelated to him at all levels.
And somewhere inside that body of his, his lust spoke to him.
But it was all under his control.
Myrcella and Sansa planned big for the next day. Since the morning they nervously prepared themselves for the night activities. This was it, the final test of their resolve.
They behaved well and kept Robert company throughout the day. As the night approached once again, Myrcella began her handiwork. Once again she poured Robert some wine. As the King's pitcher was different from the others, she was able to plan beforehand and get the King some special wine… more potent.
Still being an unofficial princess, it was easy for her to sway the cooks. A mere request for stronger wine for the King to sleep well was instantly accepted. On top of that, she added some extra spice for the nightly activities.
"Let me pour, Your Grace." Sansa helped in getting the King somewhat drunk.
The entire time the two girls exchanged glances, silently deciding who should pour the wine next. It was important to empty the pitcher to leave no evidence, and they had no desire to drink it themselves.
"You girls!" Robert bellowed, his laughter rumbling like a thunderstorm. The wine was taking hold now. "You're good, aye—your husbands will count themselves damned lucky to have you!"
Sansa and Myrcella awkwardly laughed, feeling embarrassed by the things they had planned for that night.
"Please, Your Grace. We're still too young for marriage," Myrcella complained with a pout.
"Hah! Young?" Robert barked, eyeing Sansa with a smile. "Your mother was sixteen when she carried Robb, seventeen when she bore him. And you two? What—eighteen? Nineteen? By the gods, you ought to have a brood by now!"
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