A boy was involved in an accident, but because of his good deeds , he was reincarnated and given unlimited power so as to become the greatest person ever. But there is a twist: He must follow the orders of a girl or else he dies.
He must listen to all the orders, no matter how cruel or demeaning.
For example:
"Slash him! Rip his guts out! Kill him!"
"I refuse."
"Then you die."
"I refuse to die. I don't want to die. That is my wish, and I'll follow it, so please let me live."
"That wasn't an order."
"Hahaha! Hahaha! Ahhh! How about this: I'll let you live if you kill him."
Such were the commands he received from his Master, and so he did what was commanded, even when it resulted in him becoming a criminal.
However, this isn't the kind of story where the Master is the hero, nor is she a villain.
It is the story of how the two of them tried to save the world.
There are many twists and turns along the way, and the two of them were never on the same page.
At times, they were enemies.
At other times, they were friends.
At times, they hated each other.
But at the end of it all, they became lovers.
In this world where death is everywhere, there are only two who can laugh and make jokes.
One is a man who will kill anyone he is ordered to.
The other is a woman who is able to give such orders.
The only ones who can laugh are those who have the ability to control fate itself.
They are the main characters of the story, and they are the only ones who can smile in the face of such overwhelming odds.
That's right. It was a story that ended with their happily ever after.
And so, it was time for the story to begin anew.
now, I'm going to kill your parents. So tell me, who should I kill first?"
"Why are you making me choose!?"
"Don't worry. I'll let you go. You can spend the rest of your life thinking about how you could have stopped me."
"You're insane! Completely, utterly insane! Are you some kind of sadist!?"
"Well, I can't say that I'm not, but what's your point?"
"My point is that this is insane!"
"It may be insane, but that's not going to stop me. You should know this better than anyone. After all, I am your Master. Right, Demon King?"
"D-Demon King!?"
"Now then, who should I kill first?"
"W-Wait! Why are you suddenly calling me a demon king!? I'm a human, not a demon! I don't have any powers! And even if I did, I'm not evil enough to use them for my own selfish desires!"
"You're not a demon? That's not very nice. I thought we were friends."
"Friends!? When did we ever become friends!?"
"Hmm, that's true. You're more of a slave than a friend. Well, whatever. I'm not a demon either. We're both human, right?"
"Right, but—"
"So if you're not a demon, and I'm not a demon, then what is the difference between us?"
"There's a huge difference!"
"Then there's no problem. If there's no problem, then we can agree on this, right?"
"I don't think I've ever heard of a demon king who was called a human."
"And you haven't either, have you?"
"No, but—"
"Then we agree. I'll call you a demon king from now on."
"Why are you so obsessed with this demon king thing!?"
"Because it suits you."
"Well, to me, you are a demon king. I'm sure you'll understand that soon enough."
"No, I won't!"
"Really? Because from what I can see, you are a demon king who is very popular with women. You must be very happy."
"I-I don't understand what you're talking about! I have never once felt happy about being a demon king!"
"I think you're lying."
"I'm not lying!"
"Yes, you are. You're a liar. You're a big,fat liar."
"How am I lying!? You're the one who's lying! You're a liar! You're a demon!"
"No, no. You're the demon king. I'm just a regular human. A normal human. There's nothing special about me."
"That's not true! You have the ability to make people obey your orders! You're an abnormal person!"
"Is that so? Then I suppose I should change the name from demon king to demon slave. How does that sound?"
"That's even worse! And besides, how did you get the power to make people obey your orders, anyway? There's no way you could have gotten such a power in the normal way!"
"You're right. But I wasn't always like this."
"Then you were a normal person before?"
"I suppose I was."
"Then why did you change!?"
"Why indeed. You'll have to figure that out for yourself. Anyway, let's go back to the topic of who should die first."
"Wait! Don't change the subject!"
"Weren't you going to let me kill your parents? How about I kill your father first?"
"You're not listening to me!"
"I'm listening. It's just that there's nothing interesting to hear."
"Why are you saying that!? There's plenty of things to talk about!"
"There are? Then let's talk."
"We can't just suddenly change the topic!"
"But we just did."
"I'm serious! I have a lot of questions I want to ask you!"
"Then ask them."
"Fine. First, what's your name? What's your real name?"
"Why do you need to know?"
"It's important! It's a crucial part of the conversation!"
"Fine, fine. It's a little embarrassing, though. My name is Alex"
And so the story of the demon king, his master, and their eternal companionship begins.
A story where a boy, forced into slavery, meets a girl, who orders him to save the world.
This is a story of friendship, love, and the power to control fate.
And this is only the beginning.