When a green fluffy fur ball lands on Lithe's head out of seemingly nowhere Lithe was relieved.
"You little rascal. Is it me or have you gotten fatter? If we make it out alive I'm going to put you on a diet."
Teacup looked at Lithe with those two glowing orbs as if to say, 'who me? You got the wrong monkey.'
While stuffing his face with the last of some nuts from Hamil's breakfast that he had pocketed earlier that morning down his throat.
Poor Teacup didn't seem to understand the brevity of the situation.
Though he was curious as to why everyone was huddled together and looking panicked but along as Teacup was with his human parents he wasn't worried.
That was until the sirens went off and he wondered where Lithe and Zen were.
He felt like screeching to compete with the loud wails of the sirens because they scared him.