Time flew by, and six months had passed.
Qiao En's pregnant belly was now very noticeable, perhaps it was a common instinct for women that once they were about to become mothers, their mindset became exceptionally different.
That day, Auntie Jiang was supposed to accompany Qiao En to buy baby supplies, but Xu Cong's child fell ill, and Auntie Jiang, unable to set her mind at ease, went to visit.
Xiaolu clamored that it was no big deal and wanted to accompany Qiao En.
The sisters-in-law, arm in arm, strolled leisurely and happily through the mall.
Right, Xiaolu was also pregnant, but only three months along.
The two chatted about morning sickness along the way, sharing tips and laughing merrily, creating quite a lively scene.
Upon entering the mall, Qiao En and Xiaolu walked into a mother and baby store.
Qiao En scrutinized the items carefully, while Xiaolu initially accompanied her, but then Zhou Chucheng called, and she let go of Qiao En's arm to answer the phone elsewhere.