"The time is 0700. Wake up Jonah." The computer alarm stated loudly while also vibrating Jonah's bed.
"Five more minutes, I don't even have school anymore you stupid thing." Jonah grumbled through his pillow at the computer. He had just graduated from High School the day before and now that he was 18 as well, he had been trying to figure out what to do with his life.
"Jonah Owens, the time is now 0705. Wake up Jonah." The female computer voice stated again, the bed vibrating at a more quickened pace than before.
"God! Fine... You're worse than my mother was." He complained as he sat up from bed and the blinds opened to reveal a sunny English morning just outside of London.
Jonah stood up and stretched out his arms above his head. He was athletic and around 6' 1" with a caramel mocha complexion, his family originating from South Africa. His parents moved to London before he was born, so Jonah never knew much about their life before that as his grandparents had passed before his birth.
"Jonah you're going to be late!" Came a female voice from his bedroom door. It was his roommate Maria reminding him of his appointment at the career selection center. The government created them fifteen years ago to help individuals find a productive path that would benefit society and the of course the war.
Not everyone was suitable for the military, research, or intelligence. Some were more suitable as engineers, mechanics, factory workers, the usual. But everyone played their part in the Celestial Empire.
"Yeah, yeah. I hear you." Jonah stated with a smile as he pulled a dark blue and white polo shirt over his head and placed on a pair of khaki slacks with his brown shoes.
"Probably just get stuck in a factory or retail..." He thought to himself as he brushed his teeth and took care of his daily personal hygiene.
"Are you dragging yourself around again?" Maria asked as his bedroom door slid open and she walked in.
Maria was about 5' 8" with very blonde straight hair that stopped around her shoulder blades. She was dressed in a pink sundress with black shoes and white stockings that almost matched her pale skin but made her blue eyes radiant.
"Nooooo!" Jonah said in an immature childish like tone with a smile. "I just don't get why everyone is so hyped to find out what torturous job they will have for the rest of their lives."
Maria shook her head with a smile, "Jonah you can't look at it that way. The whole purpose is to match you with a career that fits your skills and personality so that way you will be the most productive and happy."
"How can they honestly know that. People use to change jobs all the time and what they like one moment they may not like the next." He retorted to her logic. "Plus, you have nothing to worry about brainiac. You'll get intel or research no problem." He smiled as walked past her and left his bedroom heading towards the kitchen.
Jonah sighed as he picked up a piece of toast and started to munch on it as Maria came in right after him and leaned against the counter, "Jonah you will be fine. I promise. Remember, some of the greatest leaders out there were great because they didn't want to be who they were."
"Here we go with your logic again." He chuckled as he finished off the toast and looked down at his watch. "Well, I guess we better get going. Selection starts at 0830 and I don't want to hear you whine if we are late again."
"Oh stop it. You know I'm only late because you drag yourself around like a slug." Maria laughed as she headed out the door with Jonah following.
The streets outside were buzzing with the sounds and movements of others going about their day. Mech suits carrying supplies and deliveries, pods flying overhead, and street merchants selling wares and scrap pieces for others to fix their tech.
The pair walked to the corner of their street where several squares were outlined on the ground with embedded lights and singular waist high pillars stood with buttons. Maria walked up to one of the pillars and pushed the button and a pod from above swooped down and landed in the square.
"You ready?" Maria asked as she looked over her shoulder at Jonah. "Yeah... I guess..." He replied with a sigh as they both stepped into the pod.
"Please state destination." A digital male's voice requested politely.
"Career Selection Center, please." Maria replied cheerfully. She loved going in the pods and seeing the city below whiz by.
The pod doors closed with a hiss and within moment it took off straight up into the air and then joined others on planned routes through the sky, theirs heading to the Career Selection Center.
"Jonah?" Maria asked almost in a whisper as she looked out the window.
With a glance her way all he did was reply with a simple, "Hmm?"
"What if we don't see each other again? You know..." Maria suddenly looked saddened and bothered as she looked towards her lap, "What if we get selections that never deal with each other, and this is it?"
Jonah looked at Maria with a bit of surprise and sudden concern. He had not thought of it that way before. "Maria... I... I'm not sure we have that to worry about." He smiled weakly back at her. "We are ordinary, most likely we won't even have to move."
Maria looked back out the window and watched as they moved through the city, closer to their destination. She wasn't so sure Jonah was right, but his words did make her feel a bit better. Afterall, they had been roommates since the age of 14 when the government placed them in housing. Children with no living family were granted such things to make sure they remained productive and daily needs were met.
Maria and Jonah both lost their families at the beginning of the war, so it was a natural fit for them to live together as they knew how the other felt.
"Yeah, maybe." Maria replied as the pod began to descend for its landing at the selection center.
Other pods were coming and going from the center as their pod landed and the door opened. Jonah stepped out and reached out a hand for Maria to take as she exited the pod.
"Why thank you kind sir." She chuckled as she took his hand and stepped out, letting go of it once she was outside the pod.
She turned and looked at the selection center and then back to Jonah, "Are you ready for the rest of our lives?" She smiled as she turned and started to walk towards the entrance.