Chereads / Little Mischief / Chapter 5 - Chapter 5- Innocence ĪĪ

Chapter 5 - Chapter 5- Innocence ĪĪ

"Thank you, I don't have many friends so… Faye!" Kara made an audible gasp as she saw me climb out of the bath and step onto the towel. She looked right at me for what seemed like an eternity while I, as nonchalantly as I could, patted myself down with another towel. When I looked up at her I saw she had simultaneously crossed her legs, put a hand over her eyes and turned away.

"What's wrong?" I asked in my most innocent voice.

"N-nothing, I just… I wasn't expecting… that…" she stayed still with her head turned away. Now it was time to play my ace card.

"Oh… I'm sorry, I didn't think… wow, if I'd known you'd be so disgusted by me getting out the shower I would've given you a warning," I said in a semi-bitchy and semi-hurt kind of way.

"Disgusted? No! You don't disgust me, far from it. I was just surprised, I'm sorry, honey. I didn't mean to offend you," she offered in a semi-apologetic, semi-pleading kind of way.

Pouting a little I said, "It's alright, just stop covering your eyes and look at me."

"Why do you want me to look at you?"

"It's not that I want you to look at me," I lied. "I just don't want you to hide your eyes from me like I'm some kind of weirdo."

"Oh… right," she couldn't really do anything but agree and slowly turned to face me while uncovering her eyes.

"See," I said dropping a hip like a glamour model. "Nothing to be scared of," I laughed a little nervously and I turned away and carried on drying myself. I tried to make it look like I wasn't watching her watch me or like I was showing off for her. Instead, I just carried on like she wasn't there but still kept half an eye on her.

"You're so pretty," Kara uttered. I could see that she was mainly looking at the floor but also glancing up like she was daring herself to look at me.

"Aww thank you, too bad no one else seems to think so," I said with a hint of regret in my voice.

"No, I don't believe that," she said shaking her head.

This was going exactly like I'd hoped a few seconds ago in the shower! I finished rubbing the water from my body and gently patted my damp hair. Normally by now, I would have wrapped up, but this wasn't a time for covering up, I was enjoying the attention far too much for that but, eventually, I had to put something on. So I walked across to my robe. For no particular reason I chose the smaller robe I have, it's white and fluffy with long sleeves but only just covers my bum by about two inches.

"I can't believe a boy hasn't snapped you up yet," she continued as she followed me out of the bathroom and back towards the living room.

"Ha-ha, I wouldn't let a boy snap me up," I laughed gently. "I'm a lesbian!"

"Oh… oh, I'm sorry Faye, I didn't know," she apologised.

"I'm surprised my mum never mentioned it to you," I lied again. if my mum had told anyone about it I would've gone insane at her!

"No, she didn't. I'm sorry."

"Stop apologising Kara, it's fine," I laughed again and sat down in the armchair. Kara sat opposite to me on the sofa and again I noticed she was looking down at the floor more than me. "I only ever had one boyfriend when I was fifteen, and after that, I vowed to never again let a man anywhere near me again! And to be honest, men have never really made me feel the way I want to feel y'know? It's hard to explain but… Kara?"

"Yeah?" she replied while still facing the floor.

"Are you okay?"

"Of course, why?"

"Nothing, you just seem a little uncomfortable, sorry am I being too open here?"

"Oh no honey, it's not that, it's just…" she trailed off.

"What is it?"

"Y-you're kinda flashing me a little," she nervously revealed.

"Flashing you?" I looked down and saw my right breast had almost totally fallen out of my robe and, purely accidentally, I'd forgotten to fasten the little cord around my waist. So from where she was sitting, she must have an unobstructed view of my pussy! Imagine my surprise.

"Oh… oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, I…"

"No, no it's fine, I don't mind I just wanted to let you know," she spoke quickly and her words were somewhat forced.

"Well I don't mind if you look," I said playfully.

"No, I wasn't looking; well I was of course but not in a weird way."

"A weird way?"

"No, not weird, I don't mean it's weird to look at you I mean…"


"Sorry, sorry I don't want to sound bad..."

"Kara stop! It's okay, it's fine…"


"If you say that word once more I'm going to throw something pointy at you."

"S… okay, but…" she had to stop because of what I was doing. I stood up in front of her, with my gown hanging open enough to show the skin between my breasts but pulled it around me at the bottom so my pussy was covered. I walked past her slowly and sat next to her on the sofa with my knees pulled up under me and my body facing her. She was sitting bolt upright with her hands clasped tightly in her lap while I got comfortable. In my head right then I was repeating one thing in my mind over and over again: Do not fuck this up, Faye!

"It's okay to look," I said in a low voice. She was still looking down at her own knees, refusing to look up.

"Kara…" I put my hand on under her chin and turned her head slowly towards me. "Look at me, I want you to."

I was desperately trying to appear confident but honestly, I don't know who was trembling more. She allowed me to turn her head but her eyes remained lowered, so as she turned she would've seen my legs first and the rest of my body in a kind of slow-motion reveal. When I released her chin I was pleased to see she didn't look away.

"It's okay to look... and…" I reached down to her lap and took her left hand in mine and guided it towards me…" and it's okay to touch."