The Ice Princess, also known as "Hyōsetsu Kōjo," announced her presence with a chilling proclamation. The moment her name was uttered, the heavy, oppressive summer air vanished, replaced by a biting, icy wind that cut through everything around us.
I quickly spread out Silveit, weaving it into a protective cocoon to shield Shirayuki-sensei and myself from the freezing gusts.
"You're the one who invaded first, Hyōsetsu Kōjo!" Shirayuki-sensei shouted, her voice filled with defiance. But instead of a verbal retort, the Ice Princess responded with a massive block of ice.
The ice, so large it covered the moon, descended from the sky, casting a shadow over everything.
Shirayuki-sensei gasped in horror.
The Ice Princess's magic was pure Mana Form Transformation—the exact same principle as my Meteor.