I have a good news to announce to all my readers i have decided to start posting on webnovel again you will be getting free chapters for an unlimited period of time.
This book will remain free for all time.
New chapters will keep being published.
Though timing will be a bit messy and i would like to apologize for it.
Thank you
The new chapter will be arriving soon.
I think i might change it to like one chapter a month but it probably won't happen. There is a tiny bit a small chance that it might happen but you will get more than or equal to ten thousand word chapter which will complete a whole arch.
And as some may not be able to read it on one sitting i will make sections in the chapter like it will have something like part one written in bold letters so do not worry just give me your love and i will keep publishing it.
There will be ton of twists and plots but do pardon me for tiny mistakes that i make.
Thank you very much😄😄