Warning: The following is an original novel authored by me. It was originally written in Spanish and translated into English, so it may contain spelling errors. I would appreciate it if you could point out any errors in the comments. Thank you.
Follow me on twitter @MiesterSaul
Raiza and I ran to the center of the city, but what I saw on the way filled me with a mixture of fear and disgust: robberies, kidnappings, fights between civilians...
Even the military police, in an absurd attempt to stop these altercations, were attacking to kill citizens under the effect of the orb of lust, as if this were a battlefield.
The military committed murders as if it were the most normal thing in the world; People also defended themselves against them, so they also resorted to violence, resulting in the death of some police officers.
But the scene that made me vomit... by the goddess... I saw a grown man trying to rape a little girl, and before I could intervene, a boy very similar to the girl started stabbing the man in the back to death.
Although the man was dead, the boy continued stabbing him, and the girl said:
"Brother, stop hurting dad."
I couldn't stand the urge to vomit. Raiza cleaned my face, carried me on her back and we walked away from that horrible scene without looking back.
I barely had time to get the bad taste out of my mouth when we arrived in the center of the city.
There, we saw two enormous soldiers feasting amidst the bodies of other military police officers.
Behind them was the Orb of Lust floating above the water fountain in the center of the city, as if it were just a decoration. It was obvious that these giants were protecting the orb from anyone who approached.
"Younger brother, there's a girl carrying a child," said one of the soldiers.
"Yes, older brother, she's a very ugly woman with that helmet, but she looks strong. That excites me, brother, and you?" replied the other soldier.
"She doesn't excite me, younger brother, but the boy on her back catches my attention. I want to tear him apart, brother," said the first one.
I spat to get the taste of vomit out of my mouth and prepared for the fight.
The older brother drew a shield, and the younger brother drew two short swords.
Raiza launched a direct attack on the older brother's shield.
Although it didn't break the shield, it knocked him to the ground.
The younger brother attacked Raiza directly; he was very fast and almost sliced her in half.
But she was wearing Ellen's armor, which was tougher than the younger brother's swords, shattering them.
Then, from behind Raiza, I performed the same move I had practiced so many times with Chizze.
I used Raiza's back as a springboard and leaped onto the younger brother's head. I stood with my hands on his head and recited:
"Degenerative Magic: CELLULAR DESTRUCTION."
The younger brother's head began to rot, as this spell destroys the brain, causing a massive collapse in the body.
The man fell dead.
The older brother, seeing this, shouted:
"Brother! What have you done to my brother? You bastards, I'll kill you!"
The man lunged at me and grabbed me in his gigantic hands.
"Degenerative Magic: Paralyze NERVOUS SYSTEM."
The man writhed on the ground while crying at the sight of his brother's lifeless body.
I yelled, "Raiza, grab the orb!"
Quietly, Raiza took the orb with her left hand.
The orb had so much power that it burned Raiza's hand, but she managed to grab it and deactivate it.
The barrier surrounding the city disappeared, and with it, the effect of the Orb of Lust on the citizens of Nessy also vanished.
I approached Raiza, took her hand along with the orb, and healed her body with my magic. But strangely, I didn't feel drained.
"Ester, did you notice that? The orb reacted to your healing. Unlike me, the orb doesn't reject you," said Raiza.
I took the orb and noticed it was true: the orb didn't burn my body. So I put it away in my suit.
I approached the older brother.
"Tell me your last words."
Still dazed, the man spat at me and shouted:
"You will die in pain for killing my brother. Lord Blodsai is far stronger than the two of you…"
The older brother's head flew through the air and began to burn in flames.
"I always thought you two were a pair of idiots. You couldn't guard that orb even for an hour. It was my mistake to trust you…" said a voice, revealing a short soldier with pale skin.
His hair was long on top and bald on the rest of his head, a military haircut that stood out due to his sacred knight armor.
But what caught my attention was the sword in his hand, which, between the blade and the hilt, was a bit taller than the soldier himself. The hilt of that sword was very long and divided into three parts.
"That's the Lady of the Lake's sword," I shouted, surprised to see the weapon.
"Oh, we have a priest here. You're mistaken. The Lady of the Lake never bestowed her sword to humans, but a human made his own sword by copying the real one. How sacrilegious to take something sacred and make a vile copy!" said the man holding the sword, a human who clearly hated his own kind.
The sacred knight Blodsai was a devout believer in the holy word, coming from a wealthy family. His brothers died in the war against the Demon King in Amster, leaving him alone for serving the church and staying to live in the city of Nessy.
Blodsai developed a hatred for the people of this city. They lived well, did not suffer the ravages of war, and were also very ungrateful to the King and the Goddess.
This is how Blodsai saw it. For him, the only sacred thing was the Goddess, and seeing that the Goddess did not destroy the Demon King, he came to think that perhaps humans deserved to die at the hands of demons.
Blodsai was on night watch in the church courtyard of his city, while his heart, filled with resentment, overflowed from performing such a repetitive task...
"Hey, do you want to make a contract with me?" said a little girl with black hair in a white dress and gloves.
She was alone in the middle of the courtyard. Blodsai was so indifferent to his surroundings that he didn't care to see a child wandering around at that hour in the church courtyard.
"You shouldn't bother adults, child," said the sacred knight, preparing to leave.
"You hate humans, you want to prove to yourself that they are worse than demons. I can give you that power, but you have to make a contract with me…" the girl said, and Blodsai stopped and looked in the direction of that eerie child...
Now I am facing the sacred knight holding the sacred sword. I always wanted to see that sword in action, but now I'm on the wrong end of that sword's point.
Blodsai holds the sword by the first hilt, and with a single swing of that sword, cuts my body in half.
The cut was so perfect that my body stayed joined; only my left arm fell to the ground. I vomit blood, but without wasting time, I use my...
...before my body separates from the cut of his sword, although I continue to vomit blood. But what frightened me most was that my healing magic was not as perfect as before; I am still severely injured, my magic was almost like cheap glue that only kept me together by a miracle.
"Wow, how good is your healing magic. Any other priest would have died," commented Blodsai, noting that his skin had turned paler after using the sword.
I suppose that was the price of using his power.
Raiza immediately drew her rapier and attacked the sacred knight.
"Do you really think you can defeat me with a simple sword, you vulgar woman?"
Blodsai placed his left hand on the second hilt and his right on the third hilt, beginning to use the sword like a spear.
He wielded the sword with great speed, keeping a safe distance while landing multiple attacks on Raiza.
Raiza was a hero, but her attack range was very short, so this fighting style was the right choice if you wanted to defeat her.
Blodsai made a vertical cut in Raiza's armor.
"Damn it! If this fight continues like this, we'll die without even reaching the capital," said Raiza, receiving a kick and falling to the ground.
With a posture and look of superiority, Blodsai said:
"I don't care who you are, woman. This was your fate, and it will also be mine. Since the Demon King appeared, our fate was this… TO DIE!"
I closed my eyes in fear; once again I was useless, and once again I would be alone…
Ha, ha, ha, even in these moments I have selfish thoughts.
Maybe that sacred knight is right...
"I won't let you kill the boss," said a beastwoman, hitting Blodsai hard in the face.
"Master Ester, are you alright?" asked a woman with white hair…
I thought I would never see them again. It was Chizze and Kharla, who arrived just in time to prevent us from being killed.
"I'm missing my left arm, but you can reattach it later. Now listen:
That guy almost killed me. The elf and you need to use the Sacred Connection. The sword he's holding is a sacred sword with many tricks to use. Imagine you're fighting an entire army and be very careful."
While I was talking to Kharla, Chizze kept Blodsai occupied. Thanks to Chizze being under the effects of the Sacred Connection, she was able to give the sacred knight a fight, but she wouldn't last long in a war of attrition against that man…
Kharla listened attentively as I explained Blodsai's fighting style. I think she had already thought of a plan.
Thanks to her connection with Chizze, Kharla also understood Blodsai's fighting style.
"Kharla, break the connection with Chizze on three," said Chizze as she counted with Kharla.
"Three... two... one..."
Kharla broke the connection with Chizze and connected with Raiza.
Chizze stepped back to let Raiza take her place.
"By the power of the goddess, bless this person with bravery, strength, and courage. Grant her the power we all have in our souls and our hearts. Sacred Connection!"
Raiza repelled Blodsai's attacks, causing the sacred knight to retreat.
"You've suddenly become much more troublesome," commented Blodsai. By this point, he had used so much power from the sacred sword that his face had twisted and he looked like a true demon… the sword had greatly corrupted his body.
Meanwhile, I was with Kharla and noticed that maintaining the Sacred Connection with Raiza was affecting her body.
I placed my remaining hand on her back and used my little vitality to heal her body and buy as much time as possible.
"Don't give up, Kharla. If you fall now, we'll all die along with this city."
Raiza managed to make a move with the sword and struck Blodsai's right hand with the hilt of her sword, causing the sacred sword to fall to the ground.
At that moment, the Sacred Connection with Kharla was broken...
Raiza didn't waste any time this time and grabbed Blodsai's hands. Chizze appeared behind Blodsai and began to hold and pull his head.
"What the hell are you doing, filthy beast woman?"
It seemed that Blodsai's body still had some of the power of the sacred sword, as he was withstanding Chizze's and Raiza's grip.
Kharla vomited some blood and, through her sobs, said:
"By the power of the goddess…
Bless this person with bravery...
Grant her the power that we all have in our souls and hearts...
She used the Sacred Connection on Chizze, giving her the strength to finally tear off Blodsai's head.
"Wait, stop, you filthy..." those were Blodsai's last words…
The next sound was the blood splattering on the ground...
How disgusting… it was a shitty victory…
We were all devastated, and the city was in a deplorable state… Although we quickly deactivated the orb, its citizens suffered irreparable damage, all because of the philosophical conflicts of the decapitated man at my feet.
Kharla picked up my severed arm and approached to hand it to me. She then asked me for the details of the fight and how the city fell into chaos. I gave her a brief summary of everything I could remember...
Kharla listened and then said these words:
"Miss Raiza, take that sword and Mr. Ester and bring him to the cabin. The Dryad will be able to help them. Miss Chizze and I will stay behind to explain the situation to the military."
We were still concerned about Kharla. Although she didn't fight, she was one of the most affected by this battle. Although I was in much worse shape...
I barely escaped death just because Blodsai's cut was so clean that I didn't end up dead...
That's why both Chizze and Kharla wanted to prioritize my recovery, so, reluctantly, Raiza agreed to take me to our cabin.
"Thank you, Kharla. Without you and Chizze, the two of us would be… dead," said Raiza as she carried me in her arms and we headed to our cabin.
On the way home, we passed through the city. The consequences of people's darkest desires were palpable in the city's chaos.
I only thought that, although we came out victorious, the seed of resentment among humans had already been sown, so we did not feel this as a victory.
The truth is, it was a total defeat.
We followed Princess of Rusthia, Kharla Dante Rusthia…
Once the fight was over, we saw Mrs. Raiza and Mr. Ester leaving the city center. I was left alone with Chizze to explain what had happened to the military.
Luckily, the Dryad updated us on the situation as soon as the Lust Orb was deactivated, but I still remember what I told Mrs. Raiza.
I am so embarrassed to think about it.
"Good job, little princess," said the beast woman.
"Damn dog, don't call me princess. Don't you want to go have the priest's four-eyed pups?" I replied to Chizze, blushing and angry.
"Chizze doesn't mind you knowing that, really. It was never a secret, but I admit it felt good seeing the master so helpless at that moment. I think Chizze will do that another day in private."
"Damn shameless bitch."
After a while, soldiers from the neighboring city arrived.
We handed over Blodsai's body, told them about his connections with demons, his plan to make humans fight each other, the Lust Orb, how it caused the city to fall into chaos, and finally that he had stolen and destroyed a sacred sword from the church's tombs, specifically, the Sword of the Lady of the Lake.
Together, we were escorted by military officers from Dredprism. We gave them a summary of the entire conflict, omitting details that might compromise us.
After recounting our story to a military officer who seemed to hold a high rank, he said:
"I understand your story, young lady. You and your beast-woman friend must be very strong if you defeated Blodsai. He was one of the best holy knights. Although since he lost his brothers and his recent parents' death, he has become crazier than usual.
Anyway, we ask that you do not leave the city while we investigate this disaster further. I know you rented a cabin on the outskirts of the city.
Do not leave there and, if you do, let us know where you are going. If you flee without notifying us, we will hunt you down as criminals."
When we left the barracks, it was already 3 in the morning…
The city remained in chaos, even without the Lust Orb active, the damage done in that short time was irreparable…
Although help from other parts of the country arrived to assist the population, the trauma of what they saw tonight will surely follow them to their graves.