Chereads / Gamers in Game of Thrones / Chapter 81 - Chapter 81-[Betrayal made clear]

Chapter 81 - Chapter 81-[Betrayal made clear]

Robb watched the soldiers wait for them, his army was prepared, the siege engines had arrived thanks to Yara, and they were two hours away.

"Ready?" he asked.

Dacey next to him.

"Let's finish this," she muttered.

The king of the north took out his sword and prepared himself.

At his signal, the men shouted war cries and headed for the rock.

Robb watched the wave receive the soldiers defending the rock, thousands of arrows flew from their towers and collided with his army.

" Total Improvement " the boy whispered.

His strength increased, but it was not enough.

"Haste," the boy casted, exceeding his speed by one more, his muscles felt tense before the two magics.

He casted the same spell on Dacey and headed to the battlefield.

The boy watched as dozens of soldiers approached him.

"Summon Guardian," he whispered.

The guardian appeared and attacked soldiers from left to right.

Robb did the same and eliminated two in a couple of seconds without them being able to avoid his attacks.

" Summon Weapons " he muttered.

A javelin appeared in his hand.

He threw it into the air and hit a soldier.

"Aura of fire," he whispered.

His sword turned into fire and exploded against the soldiers.

An explosion appeared on the battlefield and the boy attacked the others. He could see Dacey swinging her war hammer on another.

A dozen arrows attacked the towers, and he saw Val prepared with her men attacking the towers, preventing them from responding.

The boy saw Jaime and Kevan at the doors of the rock handing out orders.

"This time there is nowhere to run, kingslayer," he whispered.

His gaze crossed Jaime's from hundreds of meters away, yet the boy could see him without problems, and he pointed his sword.

He watched as Jaime retreated and went inside the castle, leaving Kevan in command.

The boy ignored him and continued attacking.

"His majesty," He heard and turned to see a soldier arrive.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Problems, they have sabotaged the carts, the siege engines will take two more hours to arrive," he said.

'dwarf' Robb thought annoyed but nodded.

He saw how a lost soldier came towards him and ran through him.

He found himself in the white room. And he went to the computer.

[T/N: This is new, where's the congrats?]

{Name: Robb Stark

Level: 22


King of the North (+1 skill points)

Trident King (+1 skill points)

Iron King (+1 skill points)

King of the Valley (+1 skill point)

Skill Points: 14

Exp: 0/7300


Swordsmanship Level: 8

Support Magic Level: 9

The player has selected the swordsmanship skill.

Do you want to raise your swordsmanship skills level to level: 9?}

The boy typed yes.

{Swordsmanship level: 9 acquired}

Robb felt the pain and sword dizziness again and looked at the screen.

{Swordsmanship level: 9

Death Blow: By sacrificing 90% of your health and mana, these are converted into power and you attack your opponent with a final blow, powerful enough to knock out an elephant. Has a 90% chance to leave the opponent with a high-status attack.}

Robb smiled at that.

{Congratulations, you have reached the maximum level of your skill Swordsmanship.

You have acquired the legendary ability holy sword.

You do not have a level in this skill yet.}

Robb left the room.

Dacey came to his side.

"They have gone into the rock, without the siege engines, there is nothing to do," she said.

"Gather the men at the doors," he said.

Robb waited a few hours, rested, and drank a few bottles of mana and health potion, which his wife left him, enough to fill his mana and health to maximum. While Dacey organized his men, the boy when he was ready headed to the doors and Kevan looked at him, Robb's men stood aside and he raised his sword.

"Deadly Blow," he whispered.

He felt his strength drain away, all the fatigue of the battle, the others saw how the sword was illuminated with a strong light.

And the boy swung his sword forward, it felt like a hurricane, for a second nothing happened and then the doors of the rock flew into pieces, and the towers that supported it fell with all the men who protected them.

Dacey was incredulous and Robb looked at her.

"TAKE THE ROCK!" ​​he shouted.

Out of nowhere, a war cry was raised and his men entered Casterly Rock, the main house of the west, and of the Lannister family.


Arya walked with her ghost ability through the Sept, she had already detected thirty guards. And no more of that happened, Margaery was in one of the rooms of the chapel, Loras in the dungeons.

She couldn't understand why the sept had dungeons.

She had not yet communicated with them, she did not require that, she preferred that they not cause problems, but in the worst-case scenario, she would paralyze them and get them out of there, although she hoped that would not be the case.

She was tempted to go to the red keep and take the lives of Tywin and Cersei, but no, Robb promised something sweeter than slitting their throats, although it was very tempting.


"King Robb? " He heard the dwarf enter.

Robb nodded.

"Congratulations on your victory," said the impartial Tyrion.

"Victory? You mean Casterly Rock," he said.

"It wasn't your goal," Tyrion said uncomfortably.

Robb smiled sarcastically.

"My target was the Lannisters, it was your brother, I don't care about the castle," he said.

"I heard that Jaime escaped," said the dwarf.

Robb nodded.

"Yes, Kevan fell at the doors, a shame really, he was one of the few in your family, who really had nothing against him," he said.

"A good man, my uncle," Tyrion lamented.

Robb nodded.

"Yes, well...Competent...Loyal" he whispered.

Tyrion furrowed an eyebrow.

"Strange no, we had the rock surrounded, there was no way for him to escape, yet he did it, almost as strange as the carts that broke down carrying the siege engines," he said.

Tyrion shrugged.

"Do you think it was me?" he asked.

"Oh I don't think so, I know, Lord Tyrion, I know," he said.

"are you going to kill me?" he asked.

"No," he said simply.

"Oh, is it the wall then?" asked the dwarf.

"Killing you would be easier, and would save the men from carrying you, no Lord Tyrion, you will go back to your queen, her assistance will no longer be required," said King Robb.

"Queen Daenerys ordered me to stay until she takes king's landing," Tyrion told him.

"Well, I'll be sorry to disappoint her when she reaches Stepstone," Robb replied.

The dwarf looked at him uncomfortable.

"The queen, she is the current ruler of Valyria," he clarified.

Robb looked at him coldly.

"No, Lord Tyrion, the queen is the wife of the current sovereign, the king of Valyria, and neither of them has authority in the north," he said.

"I wasn't trying to belittle the king," he said.

"It was Daenerys Targaryen who knelt before the king, and not the other way around... You were sent here, to negotiate, and you failed, not only that, you helped the kingslayer to escape, oh Lord Tyrion you will not only go to StepStones, you will inform your queen what you did unless you want to face the king of Valyria. My brother has a high sense of honor but he also allows himself to be dominated by his fury...I wonder what will happen to you...Well it doesn't matter now, I will send him a letter so he is aware, you can hide behind the queen, but don't forget that Dragons or No, armies or not, Valyria answers to Jon and not to Daenerys, he will be the one who judges you, but you are no longer welcome in my army, my protection over you is over," he said.

The dwarf sighed and shook his head.

"If it's any use, I tried to get Jaime to surrender," the dwarf finished.

Robb watched him leave and Dacey appeared behind him.

"You should have killed him," she said.

"He is still a citizen of Valyria, and without proof, there is not much I can do, I will let Jon take care of him" he finished.

"How many escaped?" he asked.

"Jaime, a couple of soldiers, and Kevan's wife with her children," she said.

"Anything else?" he asked.

"We found the escape place, a tunnel that ends behind the rock, a boat there, if it is small, it will go unnoticed, it is not strange that Yara has not noticed it," she said.

Robb nodded.

"A secret tunnel, it's not Tywin's style, I doubt he even knew that the rock had a weakness like that in its structure," he muttered.

"Information has arrived from the allies, Dorne is almost dominated, only Sunspear remains," she said.

Robb nodded.

"Do I seal the entrance?" she asked.

Robb nodded.

"And prepare the men, use every resource we have, as soon as the kingslayer arrives with his father, Tywin will want to recover the rock immediately, we will be greatly attacked," he said.

"We'll be ready," she said.

Robb nodded.

"Yes, I will not allow the old man to recover his rock, I want him to feel firsthand what it is like to lose his house," he muttered.

Dacey nodded.

"Do you want company? " She asked flirtatiously when she saw him.

The boy raised an eyebrow.

"At night perhaps, we should celebrate the conquest," he said with a smile.

"Val will want to come too," she warned.

"Why not," the king of the north finished, giving her a gentle spank.

[T/N: WHOO that chapter was something else! I loved it but, it was too short. I'm also glad that Robb's getting stronger though I feel like with his personality he may one day challenge Jon if he gets too powerful, hopefully, more of Ned is in Robb. If you like this chapter then leave a comment, write a review, and drop some stones. If you want to read a few advanced chapters then check out the P@treon or the Ko-fi. It's well over 20+ chapters ahead!]

[Also check out my other books, either go to my profile or search up 'Invisible-a Harry Potter FanFic', 'Searching in the Abyss', or 'Omnitrix of Justice'.]


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