Ella's POV
Thus, leaving the Whispering Peaks, we got a sense of greatness to unveil the upcoming battles. That place had provided us the elemental mastery which enabled us to manipulate some phenomenon of nature to a certain extent now. From there we moved to the Valley of Shadows, a place that was unknown and seemingly filled with darkness. They said it held one of the most powerful items in the world, an item which can be used to fight the Lich King.
"Everything is going well," Jack said, pointed at the map. "You are actually a few hours from The Valley of Shadows. "
I just smiled, arose and sat on the other side of the table, happy yet nervous at the same time. "I've heard stories about that place guys it's so dangerous. "
Jack smiled reassuringly. Of course, we've had danger before, and we know we can manage it so we need not to be scared.
In the next scene the location shifted as we moved away from the mountain terrains. They progressed from tall trees and hilly land to ravines and rocky surfaces of the country. The temperature dropped, and there was a deathly pall settling in the valley.
The separation between the main ground of the royal castle and the Valley of Shadows was guarded by two big pillars made of stone with unknown symbols on them. That very moment as we moved from one to the other, the temperature dropped even further and a layer of fog began to fill the air, [107:], so that we could no longer distinguish either the people or the various items and objects in the wagon.
"This place feels strange," I commented running my hand over my body to cover the goose bumps that just ran down the length of my spine. "Let's stay close. "
Slowly and carefully, we crossed the fog trying to remain alert all the time. The valley was very calm, the only feeling the treading of our shoes on the gravel. After a while we clearly heard a low growling sound and out of the fog appeared a figure.
Jack and I holding some sort of weapons, knowing fully well that this was going to be it. It was a shadow wolf that had red glowing eyes in the dimness. It attacked us and just the right moment we fired at it. I decided to use my elemental power to make a wall of wind and pushing it back, on the other side there was Jack who used his telepathic abilities to 'see' the movements of the wind.
The confrontation was very stiff but could not tell apart the performing parties. Thus, with our last remaining power in us, we were able to overpower the shadow wolf and it turned into mist.
"Well done," Jack said between panted breaths. "These creatures are though."
I nodded at her and felt perspiration on my forehead. "We must be cautious, I think there are perhaps more of them nearby. "
We proceeded further in the valley meeting other shadow creatures on the way. Every fight was a learning process and we felt more and more comfortable with every win we scored. This power which was thought of from the previous places of power was so influential that it assisted the Equatoguinean team to overcome every difficulty.
Last of all, we were within the center of the valley. And there in front of them, in the middle a clearing was a huge, old tree with many branches and going in different directions. They surrounded an altar itself made of stone at the bottom of which were runes.
Suddenly Jack spoke, "This must be the place," he said and his voice was full of admiration. "The artifact belongs to be here. "
As the culmination of the ritual we standing before the altar and we felt the energy coming from it. Soft pulsations emanated from the runes, and there was this heavy feel of sorcery as if one could touch it. Knowing that artifact is sealed, we understood that we have to perform one more ritual to activate it.
"We need the Codex," I said, placing the leathery-barked ancient book on the table. "The situation here definitely calls for a ritual. "
What we came across was the spells; specifically one that involved summoning and protection. When I started with the chant the runes on the altar illumination intensified, and the tree looked like it awakened. The floor trembled and a bright light came from the alter; there was a crystal-like sphere glowing at the center.
Jack nodded, "This is it!" he said and grabbing the sphere firmly in his hands. Seemingly, in order to provide accurate information and assertively respond to queries, Sniegoski requires "The artifact we need. "
Then he touched the orb and the energy that went through his body also passed through me and I was energized. The power of the artifact was extraordinary which in turn boosted out abilities to the next level.
"This will definitely help us defeat the Lich King," I said, boosting with energy vigorously evenly.
Jack looked at him and nodded his head with decision in his eyes. "Better soon. Let's continue. "
Jack's POV
So, the artifact in our hand we walked out from the Valley of Shadows and proceed further for our mission. The next place of power was Moonlit Lake, which was said to have a curative affect on any ailment, in addition to increasing the strength of spells.
The conversation made me smile and I continued walking as Ella commented: "We've come so far." "It is quite astonishing just how much knowledge we have soaked up, and how much character development we have acquired. "
I nodded at him, and for the first time I felt proud. "The LK is almost gone, we are winning more fights for the horde."
It shifted again as we got near the Moonlit Lake. The desert like ground started getting replaced by hilly ground and vast green fields. A fragrance of the flowers was in the air, and that sufficed to calm our nerves.
"You should see this place," I replied beaming with pride at Ellas comment, "this place is beautiful." "For a structure, which appears quite small from the outside there is so much power concentrated here. "
It was a day towards dusk when we got to the edge of the lake. The water shimmered a little silvery and this scared reflected the light from the moon. It was very beautiful and the lighting gave it a fairy-like appeal which gave me a quiet happiness.
"This must be the Moonlit Lake," I said to myself marveling at the beauty of the place. "Let me have a look what is in their store for us."
Now we were beside the water and I could feel many things go through my body as I got this burst of energy. The water in the lake started to swirl, and there was a sound as if someone was chanting spells. We understood that it would be necessary to conduct another ceremony to obtain a charge from the lake.
It was the Codex again," I stated, producing the over-sized book. "Its is evident that this place should have a ritual."
Ella just nodded, and we located the ritual, the spell which is used for healing, and enhancement. When we started the incantation the water shinning even brighter and the energy building up. I could notice that I was getting more and more fluent in my telepathic skills and Ella's powers had progressed as well.
"This is amazing," I essays the power surging through me, "We are indeed growing with every place that we go."
Meal time came and went with no signs of her stepmother and stepsisters and finally after what seemed like hours Ella smiled, her eyes sparkling with the eagerness of a child. 'This is the right direction, carrying on then.'
After the ritual is complete the glowing diminishes but the energies do not. The Moonlit Lake was the feature that had empowered us so; therefore we stood ready in as we confronted the grueling experiences lying ahead of us. We then took some time and sat besides the lake so that we could take some time off before continuing with the trek.
It was not the end of our road yet, but at every place of power that we were visiting, we were only getting bolder. Together me and Ella would still look for the locations of power to become even more ready for the last confrontation with the Lich King. And as each of us supported the other, then nothing could go wrong as we shall be facing it together.