I wonder, how flames,
Fries up all names who game;
Coldy zone's elemental-ness or..?,
It's ruthless-ness you aim..?;
Does isolation is the peak...?..?..,
...Or it's be-ing a freaky weak.....?..?..;
Why eyes, too shy,
Blinks every-time I die..;
Does ashes, gonna hurt you..?,
Or you don't ac-cept it right..?;
Is choosing worse the worst case....?..?..,
...Or one worser is your face....?..?..,
Being cannibal, is madness,
Won't works with those Hens..?;
Killed butterflies, you're monster!,
Why not knocking up serpents..?;
Only few kicks praises ethics...?..?,
...Isn't ethics this game kicks....?..?;