Now the kick was totally unnecessary now was it deserved that is yet to determined we got back on our mounts and started to ride away from the trees after yeeting the meat bag in my hands to the long grasses cause im pretty sure the are still dogs following us at a distance cause even in our travels after fighting the damn dogs they've been using us as vending machines it is quiet handy anything we hunt half of it we leave for the dogs apparently when the ox tribe start moving eating means absolutely nothing so by hunt i mean whatever was dumb enough to attack us we killed it then we cut off the limbs and side the move on leaving about 60%of the body and after moving on wed here rabid growling and barking thus my deduction of the dogs being around us but the big one is way more reserved for some reason.
now back to business he speaks up after moving far enough from the tall trees now wake the wolfmen female i wanna ask her something "
shara being right in front of me she kicked up standing and jumping behind me and kicking off the poor girl from majesty's back shes really being rough for some reason when she hit the ground she immediately bounced up like a cat and stood on all fours in a fighting stance ?? i raise an eyebrow are you a cat or a dog i asked allowed the woman no girl hissed yep definitely a cat shara appeared out of nowhere kicking her in the face again all the only thing i think i head was goooooooooooaaaal! cause it looked like the cleanest soccer ball kick I've ever seen but the girl hardly moved well her head whipped like a dead duck but she just pull some capoeira bull shit and whipped her leg towards Shartza's head but i was right there and i just put out my hand catching her leg she was shocked but mostly i was shocked because it fucking hurt a lot but i just pushed her back and started talking "now cat lady id like to ask you a few questions"
the girl hesitated for a few moments and started " why are you brutes rebelling for we let sleep near our woods when you want"
i start in a even tone" first of all rude and second of all answer my damn question" intensifying my voice making it more intimidating now "why are the ox tribes and nomad tribes being used as fodder "
the girl twitched and began " well thats the job they are good we are told these monst... i mean half barbarians are warring tribes so the other kingdoms give them immunity if they fight on the front lines in our wars and because of our alliance with the Romani we sent the Ox tribe on our behalf " she said
i thought to myself so the dick heads of this world fight one another using the so called barbarians as their troops but it doesnt look like the tribes are afraid of the other countries wait no they dont fear anything do they no my old general used to tell us something i always thought was hilarious is that a brave man will charge and retreat when needed but an idiot aaaaaahhh how did it go again it doesnt really matter all i understood after he told me that proverb is that idiots know nothing of fear i finally spoke out "so all the other countries are trying to wipe out all the tribes arnt they"
the girl was shook and started "know were just paying them to fight against our own and their own enemies the plains are a constant war zone between the tribes the ox, boar, crow ,vulture and the grass snakes where always fighting and then one day the Dwarves gave the Grass snakes food and weapons to defend against the Romani when the Romani fought the Grass Snake they lost horribly because the savages did not tire they just fought until the Romani retreated and then we all just started doing the same but lately well as you saw the where only five scouts on our side its because when we fight and find ourselves facing the tribes we get crushed so we stopped joining them on the battlefield and started fighting on the side lines well some countries just sent the tries on their behalf and well...."
i interrupted " ive heard enough the Ox tribe will no longer fight before we leave you to send our message to your people why do you say im a barbarian and what is a barbarian"
the girl was slack jawed then contemplative before speaking "uhm well barbarians are monsters that transcend human ability they are tall and extremely powerful but they are in the prime evil lands where the are many monsters apparently the are giants and as well and you look like a giant and a barbarian with the hair color and hairstyle you must be..."
i interrupted " ohk racism and wait 7ft 5 isnt that big to be seen as a giant and well dreads arnt that weird two other meat shields in the tribe have them" grabbing one of my luscious locks i felt it immediately its not hair well its not hair in the normal sense its more like ropes of muscle and its not like hair its just that thick rope muscle things and with that shock came another shock it moved well more like just shivered and straightened depending on my emotions its actually very horrible to think about honestly well time to make plans .