Chereads / Corrupted blood lord / Chapter 4 - funny wood physics

Chapter 4 - funny wood physics

After he read a few pages of the book he placed it on the ground near the shelf and returned Talmirs hiking stick back to the front door.

'That should do it, but man i have to practice mana control for atleast 2 months now, and that's if im talented ...hmmm is it possible to know how manny circles one has? Or can someone see that im a mage somehow? This would require me to not actually practice it and start at a normal age'.

Crawling back to Saldia he signaled to her that he wants to be picked up so he can see what's for dinner today.

"Hmm?" Noticing him wanting to be held close and his cuteness, she picked him up in to her arms and continued making dinner

Once he was sitting comfortably in her arms he sadly saw that she made potato paste with herbs ,milk and honey in it again. He wouldn't die from it but he was already very bored of that dish as he ate it atleast every 2nd day if not every day.

'The same again, im starting to hate the baby life. Even if they give me meat its only a few tiny chips of it ...well atleast we aren't starving so that's a plus'

After about half an hour she sat him down on a chair close to her and prepared the table. Just in time as the door opened and Talmir walked in.

With a smile Saldia asked him "How was your hunting day today?"

Sitting down at the table he picked up the food and said.

"Nothing special really ,we did hit the quota for the day tho so that's good i guess. Listen we will probably have to start stocking up food, as every one started talking about the war on the way back...even Kosak mentioned it and you know how affraid he is of the draft. This stalemate is taking a toll on our land and the nobles are starting to take more of everything just so their life style isn't affected."

"I know, Lala also started talking about it and even advised me to stock up aswell...we might have to move south if this continues"

"No south is the territory of the lizard men ,tho the mountain range seperates us from them it's still dangerous ...we either have the choice of going to Talmia where our kin who rules those lands to the west is or to the east where the elves are ,ateast we have a peacefull relationship with them"

Listening in on the conversation Teclos paled a bit,

'Shit i guess this war is more serious than i thought ...and a 2 front war? No dad said that the mountain range seperates us from the south, so it's atleast not an immediate problem. Also there are elves on this planet? Well well well this is turning in to a proper fantasy world hehe. Hmmm if we are having trouble with the current war why is dad at home and not on the front? I mean it wouldn't hurt to have a capable hunter wih them would it? There were cold wars in my previous world but i was never even anywhere close....hopefully i won't die as a baby, my luck ain't that bad right?'

Noticing he wasnt eating Saldia addresed him wondering what's wrong.

"Hmm? Teclos are you not hungry? Why are you just looking at the food?"

"It's probably because he eats it almost every day, but he will get used to it as we aren't exactly rich" said Talmir but also cursing the lack of choice inwardly

Teclos snaped out of it and started eating again. After dinner there wasn't any interesting conversation going on anymore so he tried to go back to reading the book ,sadly with both parents at home he couldn't really read freely. They also noticed the book on the ground so Talmir picked it up and put it back on the shelf.

'Just my luck... well i can try the bits that i know now, after they are both asleep i'll get a knife and paper so i can do the ritual. When i know the type of mana i have i can start building a circle ,but i should still be carefull if there are peopple that can see circles, so i can't complete it.'

With a plan in mind Teclos waited for nightfall to come, after pretending to be a normal baby and playing with wooden toys and his parents yet another day, the time finnaly arrived.

'Allright they should both be asleep by now , lets get going then'

Jumping down from his bed trying to be as silent as possible ,he crawled towards the kitchen where the knife was. Standing up he was just tall enough to reach the wooden cubboard where the knives were . Now the only problem was paper, which they didn't have and he also couldn't just rip a page from a book as they would surely notice it and then pay closer attention to him when he was near a book. But there were a few firestarting wooden chips near the fire place so that was good enough.

With both items at hand he now only needed his blood but cutting him self intentionally proved to be hard as he wasn't exactly brave. Thinking back at the doctors apointment of how it hurt drawing blood from the finger he rather chose the top of his forearm avoiding his hands comepletely, now he just had to do it.

'Come on don't be a wuss ,i can do it ,this will benefit me greatly, i am strong, just dont cut to deeply, i am strong...phew ok here it goes.'

After a bit of pep talk he comepletely blanked out, so as to not have any unnecessary thoughts except for "go quick but controled as we don't exactly want a massive wound".

Teclos successfully stabed himself just enough so that he wasn't hurt too bad. Picking up the wooden chip he soaked it in blood and after that was done, he made a makeshift gauze with his chlothes applying pressure on the would and stoping the bleeding ,altho not perfect and not exactly disinfected it would do the job.

Now with everything in order ,both parents still asleep and a bloody wooden chip in his hands he started channeling his mana towards it. It took a few seconds to channel it towards his hands but when it arrived it started turning comepletely black and seething with power, fascinated by it he tested the "wooden?" Chip a bit .

It was defenetly heavier than before but somehow more intangible and it seemed that if he droped the item it would just sink in to the ground, so while still holding it he moved it closer to the ground not releasing it even for a second to try that theory. To his astonishment it did in fact fall through the ground or rather it merged with it.

'Awesome! So i guess im a darkness mage then!'