Chereads / Quantum Drifters / Chapter 15 - Uninvited Guest

Chapter 15 - Uninvited Guest

Iris stepped forward, eyes scanning the lynch mob of faces. The atmosphere was heavy with the weight of anger and resentment, and yet she regarded the crowd with a calculated disinterest-a sly smile hugging her lips as she spoke to Queen Rosalia and the rest of us.

"You see," Iris began, her tone silky and assured, "I have absolutely have no interest over land or power. My ambitions are so much greater. My true purpose, is to become the Master of Multiple Worlds."

Her words sent a cold stroke through the room, and I could feel my pulse start to quicken. Lynsithea's grip on my arm tightened, as though she felt the weight of what was to come.

"I've already set the wheels in motion," Iris furthered, her voice growing even colder.

"Uniting various realms via technology is what I'm about. What you would call 'magic' is but a hindrance-a limitation that holds you in this singular world. I'm seeking to break those chains. To make a Perfect Society, one where humankind thrives free from the restraints of magic, emotion, and the chaos it brings forth."

I could almost see the incredulity in Queen Rosalia's eyes, and the murmurs in the room got a little louder. Iris was speaking of a vision none had ever conceived; a world that was ruled by technology alone, in which even the very life of Calyx, already fragile because of its magic, would be extinguished.

"And to achieve that society," Iris went on, her voice rising to a more commanding cadence, "I will do whatever it takes. Your kingdoms, your clans, they are all pawns in a greater game. Some will fall, and some will adapt, but ultimately I will forge utopia across these worlds-a place where humanity rules, not the chaotic whims of magic."

Her words echoed in the banquet hall, a prophecy of something ominous; each sentence felt like a blow from a stone in my stomach. She wasn't here for the conquest by force; she was here to subdue whole worlds into her ideal of 'perfect' order.

"I have mastered many worlds," she said with an eerie finality, "and Calyx will not be any different."

Queen Rosalia straightened, her own proud expression unflinching, returning Iris with a look that dared not be diminished.

"It is impossible to do as you will," she said firmly, an edge of scorn in her voice.

"The master of more than one world? No such thing could be possible. The only person with such a grandiose idea in their head would come to take up control of the realms so diversely different from one another in this lapse of foolishness and almost crazed arrogance. You would prove yourself to be the most essential being that ever existed-you who would be over and beyond everyone else. But vision is blinded, for life's freedom comes in diversity, not containment."

The Queen's words sent a shiver down my spine; goosebumps cascaded across my skin. Somehow, her calm defiance only made Iris's weighty ambitions more sinister. The whole of the huge banquet hall paused for a moment in silence, caught between the two powerful women standing at odds against each other.

Iris leaned sideways, one side of her mouth hooking upwards into a smirk. "Ah, but that is where you are wrong, your majesty," she told her with dripping condescension.

"It's not impossible. it's inevitable. Humanity is on the brink extinction, and the only way forward is through control. Only the strongest should survive, and I intend to be the guiding force that ensures that outcome."

Her words were chilling, and with each ticking second, the air thickened. Iris was convinced in her very being that she could save humanity-an assurance that distorted her perception into a dangerous one.

"I control the dwindling resources, the quantum portals, the technology that binds these worlds together," she spat out, her narrowed eyes intense.

"With IRIS Corp, I hold the keys to the future, while the rest of you cling to the past, dependent on magic and traditions serving none of you anymore. I am the only one with the power to shape the new world order where the weak perish and the strong endure."

She stepped forward, a presence commanding as if she were already ruler.

"I see myself as the savior of humanity. Only through me can they be guided into a good life, one free from terrors of magic and emotion. The imperfection I see in society is no chimera. It is an inexorable consequence of evolutionary process. The future belongs to whoever mobilizes to shape it, and I will ensure that future is mine, and mine alone."

This echo of Iris' words in my head brought about the chilling reality that she wanted more than just control-she was out for control over life.

She imagined herself the builder of a new world where there was technological supremacy, with all beings bowed to her will. My blood ran cold when I realized, really understood, the extent of her ambitions, for by that time she was beyond redemption, wholly convinced that she was humankind's only hope. She had drowned herself in her delusions of a perfect world with her at the helm and knew that to make that warped dream real, she would stop at nothing.

Iris's stare went right through me, the tension in the room curdling. Her eyes slitted, raking down my length as if she were hunting for a predator's weakness.

"Who are you?" she asked, her words slicing. "What is a human doing here?"

I steeled myself, my heart juddering but pretending the opposite. "Zane Liebert" I answered.

At the mention of my name, Iris's face twisted into genuine astonishment. Her brow arched, and a cold smile crawled its way across her lips. "Ah, I see," she breathed measuredly, intriguement dripping from her words. "You are the one who killed Sentinel."

My fists instinctively closed as I remembered that encounter. In an instant, all the pain of the battle, all that happened that day, came right back in a rush, but I managed to keep my cool.

Iris took a delight in this and continued, "And that name, Liebert."

She erupted into a hard, mocking laugh that echoed off the hall. "I thought the Liebert bloodline was eradicated long ago. Unless....." Her eyes sparkled with curiosity and humor.

"Unless that's not your real name."

A cold feeling ran down my spine, and I didn't know what to say, not knowing what she was implying. What did she know about my past that I didn't?

She leaned in, scanning me with a more sober face. "You remind me of someone," she said-the tone almost wistful, drawn from some memory older. "A friend of mine, before the quantum portals were built. It's like history is repeating itself."

I blinked. A friend? Before the portals? What was she talking about?

Iris's smirk returned. "You were left behind during the Quantum Exodus, weren't you?"

Her words hit me like a gut punch. She knew. She knew what happened to me, how I'd been left to survive on a ruined Earth while the rest of humanity fled. The casual nature of it was what made something inside of me rise in anger.

"Yes" I replied through clenched teeth. "I was left behind."

Iris tilted her head to the side. She almost seemed. Amused. "Interesting,"

"How fate would have it that the past come back to haunt us, huh? The question is, Zane Liebert, what role do you play in this story? Because I can assure you, you're far more important than you think."

Her words hung in the air, and I just had more questions: What did she mean by what she said? Why did I feel I stood on the edge of something far greater than I could comprehend?

Iris took another step closer, her voice softening; it almost felt… calculated. Her eyes were still cold, however, and seemed to search mine, peeling back layers, trying to get inside my head. 

"Is this revenge?" she asked, using a cutting tone, trying to persuade me. "For Ethan's death?"

My friend's name-the android that taught me to survive, who became like family-cut through me like a knife through the chest. Ethan's face flashed through my mind-his calm demeanor, his quiet strength, the bond built in the ruins of a broken world. Yet Iris knew of him; she knew what happened. The manipulative edge in her voice made it clear that she wanted to dig deeper, twist the knife further.

I had said nothing, trying to hold the rage inside, but she wasn't about to stop.

"Or," she hissed on, "is it something more? Is it the truth you're after? Trying to understand why you were left behind during the Exodus? Wondering why your name-your very existence-appears to be tied to something much bigger than you?"

My fists clenched down at my sides, her words tearing through my thoughts. She was getting to me, and well.

The memories of that day, the Quantum Exodus, resurfaced in my mind with full vigor-the blinding light, people vanishing into portals, and me, left to face the chaos of a dying world. I had no answers then. Standing here now, with this woman who seemed to hold pieces to it, I had none.

"I can see the conflict in your eyes, Zane," Iris said softly then, her voice turning almost sympathetic, but I knew better than to trust it.

"Revenge is a powerful motivator, but so is the search for answers. You've been in the dark for so long. Aren't you tired of it? Don't you want to know why? Why you were abandoned? Why your family-your parents-disappeared without trace?"

My breath caught at her words. My parents. In all these years I was forced to bury the pain, focus on survival. And now, the question she had raised clawed at my mind.

I glared at her, my voice no more than a whisper, filled with anger. "What do you know about them?"

Iris's smile grew, a smug expression that made me want to tear it off her face. "More than you think," she said.

"But you won't find what you're looking for through anger alone. Perhaps. you and I have more in common than you realize."

Her words were like poison, seeping into my thoughts, making me question everything. Was this about revenge, or was it about finding out the truth-the truth about Ethan, my past, the Quantum Exodus, and why I'd been left behind?

She watched me in silence, waiting for her words to sink in-the weight of the moment pressed down on me. I stood there, torn between the rage I felt for what IRIS Corp had done to my life and questions that I had kept buried for a long time now welling up to the surface like old wounds reopening.

What was I really after? 

Iris's words cut through the thick tension, and I was left speechless by her bone-chilling declaration.

She turned to Lynsithea then and said with a voice tingled with malice, "Ah, Lynsithea, how could I forget the atrocities which you faced? Imprisoned for twenty years, in total isolation, and forgotten. None of these people here," she flailed her hand around the room, "ever tried finding you. They had been too busy with their lives to care about your suffering. Your pain, your loss-it was nothing to them."

Lynsithea's eyes widened, contorting her face with the strain of repressed memories. I saw how Iris's words fell upon her like weights, fueling her anguish.

"That's enough!" I screamed, unable to put up with her manipulation any more.

I grasped my Nova Watch, and with an electric flash, it transformed into the Aether sword. My heart was racing as I plunged down towards Iris, trying to slice through her face, to end this nightmare. But before the blade would have cut her, Iris easily grasped it with her eyes alight with cold mirth.

"How pathetic" she said, her voice dripping with malice. "Didn't I already tell you? You can't win."

In one swift, sure motion, she crushed my Aether sword and Nova Watch-those treasured gifts from Ethan-into shattered remains.

Rage boiled in my veins as I stared at the wreckage of my most valued possession. I plunged at Iris, fists clenched, before I could think. I fought with all I could muster, but my blows were vain against her. Alekos and Parveen joined me, the latter with grim determination set on his face, while Sasha stood protectively by Lynsithea's side, her own face showing a mask of worry.

"Stop this madness!" Alekos bellowed, attempting to push through Iris's defenses.

"Freeze" Iris dictated in her imperial tone. Her voice reverberated across the hall, an authoritative force that seemed to seal the air itself in place. Instantly, I felt my body lock up, unable to move.

"No. no!" I grunted, trying to fight the invisible force clutching me. "Let us go!"

"Enough," Iris said calmly and clearly and without reserve. "You have had your chance. Now you will see the true extent of my powers."

As Alekos, Parveen, and I stood petrified, our bodies refusing to move, all I could do was watch in seething impotence as Iris prepared to unleash the next movement. The room grew thick with tension, its faces a blur of shock and fear.

Iris's eyes held the room hostage as her voice chilled and hardened. "Like I have said, I am only here to return the Quantum Crest to where it does belong," she told the hall as if the weight of her words would be heard and carry across. "I only took advantage of the opportunity to present my vision and motives."

She paused, allowing the tension to momentarily hang in the air before she replied, "My vision does not just stop at plain control but goes to mastering multiple worlds and creating a perfect society. It is only through strength and structure that will ensure the survival of humanity, and I am here to enforce my vision upon them."

Her gaze latched onto Lynsithea, a sadistic smile twisting her lips. "You see, Lynsithea, your pain was the tiniest cost of a higher relevance. I had to make sure that the weak do not impede the progress of those who are destined to lead. Your return was simply coincidence, part of the grand scheme of my plans."

A stunned silence fell when Iris's words finally seeped in. All the grandeur and brilliance of the big banquet hall dimmed in view of the threat of that monstrous girl, and we were left dealing with the implications of her twisted vision.

As Iris turned to leave, her voice carried an air of finality. "Enjoy the rest of your evening," she said with a chilling smile.

"I'm sure you'll have much to ponder after today's revelations." Her subordinates followed her out, their presence a dark shadow over the elegant room.

The doors closed behind them with a heavy thud, leaving a stunned silence in their wake. Lynsithea's eyes scanned the retreating figures, and her gaze fell upon one of Iris's bodyguards. Something about him seemed oddly familiar. As the crowd began to stir and murmur, Lynsithea's eyes widened in recognition.

"Wait," she whispered, her voice trembling. "One of Iris's bodyguards… he's a Sylph."

Zane looked toward the figure Lynsithea was pointing at. The bodyguard, with his striking features and aura, stood out among the rest. His presence was a stark reminder of the connections that stretched beyond their immediate grasp, hinting at a deeper, more complex web of alliances and enmities. 

Lynsithea's expression hardened as she took in the sight. "If even the Sylphs are involved, this situation is more dire than we imagined."


Perched atop a high-rise, Jade braces her sniper rifle; her gaze is set upon Iris. She overshoots the area in search of just that moment when she can get Iris in her scope. Her breathing controlled, focusing on the target and waiting for exactly the right moment to strike.

Through the sniper scope, Jade had Iris fixed unflinchingly in her sights, her finger resting on the trigger. "Finally got you after all these years," she whispered to herself, almost the sound of determination and anticipation in her voice.

Leo held Jade's binoculars and peered through. "You've got a clean shot. Just take it."

But just as Jade was about to squeeze the trigger, Iris turned her head and looked directly at the rooftop where Jade was hidden. Jade's breath caught in her throat as Iris's gaze seemed to lock onto her position. Iris didn't move or show any sign of aggression; she simply waved, as if greeting an old friend.

Leo's eyes bulged in surprise. "How could she see us? We were utterly concealed!" Jade's heart raced as she lowered her rifle. "I don't know, but we need to reconsider our plan. She is more aware than we thought."

Iris's face had now set in an expression of grave seriousness. She began to make a number of conscious hand motions; she was signing. While signing, her eyes never left the rooftop.

Leo, observing close, interpreted for Jade, "She's saying, 'One wrong move and you'll die."

Jade's eyes narrowed as her brain seemed to wrap itself around the threat. "So she knew all along we were coming. We have to be extra careful from now on."

Jade hesitated, her finger hovering over the trigger. As Iris's warning sank in, she saw Iris start to move-quick, intent movements. Jade watched Iris's actions with a mixture of curiosity and concern.

Leo, still holding the binoculars, turned to Jade. "I didn't know you could sign," Jade said, shocked.

Leo shrugged slightly. "Picked it up over the years. It's useful for situations like this."

Jade nodded, still looking after Iris's disappearing form. "Good to know. Let's keep an eye on her and plan our next move with care."

Leo lowered the binoculars, pale and tense. "I don't like this," he muttered, shakily. "The way she looked right at us, waved like she was playing with us-and then the sign language? It's as if she knew every move we would make."

Jade threw him a glance; unease filtered in. "Yeah, it's unnerving. She didn't even appear to be scared, just.... in control."

Leo shook his head, edgy. "This whole thing gives me the creeps. Like we're playing right into her hands."

Jade watched as Iris and her underlings vanished through the portal, the glittering gateway clapping shut after them. She let out a breath, and the hold on the sniper loosened slightly. "I just hope no one got hurt back in the palace," she said quietly. "They didn't provoke her… I can only imagine what Iris might do if they did."

Leo nodded, still disturbed. "The way she just walked out of there, like she didn't have a care in the world. It's as if she is just untouchable."

Jade looked down at the now-closed portal. Her mind was already racing with ideas. "I wonder what happened on that palace"


One week has now passed since Iris appeared in Calyx, and I have hurled myself into training each day since then. Her words-her twisted vision of the world-still ring inside my head: Next time I see her, I will be ready. I will get the answers I need. I'll ask her about my parents, why I was left behind during the Quantum Exodus, and know the truth of all this mess. After which, I will kill her.

Lynsithea. I haven't seen much of her lately. I am not sure what she has been up to, but it is most likely best that I just don't disturb her right now. She's got demons of her own. Just like me.

I was in the middle of my training, centering my focus, when suddenly Sasha barged in, leaning against the door frame with that excited energy she always had.

"Taking it a bit too seriously, aren't you?" she said, crossing her arms over her chest with a smirk.

I stopped mid-swing to catch my breath. "What do you want, Sasha?" I asked, really not in the mood for her playful jests now.

She stepped off the wall and wandered closer. "I thought you'd want to know how Lynsithea was doing. You have been training nonstop, haven't even checked in on her."

I lowered my weapon, mopping sweat from my brow. "How is she?"

"She has been practicing tirelessly in an effort to master Cryo Essence," Sasha explained.

"She's always reading books about spells and magic, always practicing. She is quite determined, but you can tell. something is weighing on her."

I scowled, turning my head in the direction where Lynsithea had kept herself. "I figured she'd be overexerting herself too."


Sasha nodded. "Just like you, huh? You both can't stop trying to carry the weight of the world."

Sasha's eyes landed on my wrist, furrowed in concern. "Your Nova Watch. it's broken, isn't it?" she whispered and moved closer to investigate it further. "That thing looks like it's past saving."

My fists clenched, trying to will away the swell of anger in my body. "Iris crushed it. It was from Ethan."

Sasha shook her head and then let out a soft sigh. "I'm sorry, Zane, but that watch was important to you, even more than that, you need something reliable-especially now."

I looked away, not wanting to linger on it more than I had to. "It doesn't matter. What's done is done."

Sasha folded her arms, an almost serious disposition crossing her face. "You know, I was thinking. with all the chaos that has been going on with Iris, we should be thinking of our next course of action. I am going to call Alektos, Parveen, and Lynsithea. We really should get together and discuss what comes next."

I blinked, taken aback by the sudden suggestion. "A meeting? Why?"

She shrugged. "We need a plan, Zane. We can't just keep wandering in the dark while Iris is out there, scheming. And it's not just you who's got a score to settle."


I wavered for a moment, completely uncertain of what she was getting at now, and then nodded. "Alright. fine. Let's do it."

I told to Sasha as she went to fetch Alektos, Parveen, and Lynsithea, "I need to go find something; I will be back soon."

She gave a questionable raised-eyebrow look at my response but pressed no further. "Alright, just don't take too long. We need everyone here."

I nodded and slipped out of the palace, my mind already elsewhere. I had to find Jade. There was something about her-something she knew-that might help us understand Iris, and I couldn't shake the feeling she was the key to all of this. If anyone could give me more insight into what Iris was really after, it had to be her.

The streets of Floralia were quiet, but an underlying tension still loomed over the city since Iris's visit. I walked at a quick pace, knowing I needed to find Jade. Whatever she was hiding, I had this sneaking suspicion it was going to help me piece together this mess.

I walked the streets of Floralia, scanning the busy marketplace, and stopped when I saw Leo leaning against a merchant's stall. I approached him and asked, "Have you seen Jade?"

Leo turned to me, glanced at me, and nodded. "Jade? Yeah, she's over at Enzo's-the blacksmith. Not sure what she's up to, but she mentioned something about needing new weapons."

Weapons? Now, that's more like it. "Let's go," I said, and Leo tagged after me.

By the time we arrived at the door to Enzo's shop, I could hear the clanging of metal from inside. And then, there she was: Jade rummaging through the display case of blades and other equipment, peering intently as if she were looking for something in particular.

"Looking for a weapon, I guess?" I called out as we stepped in. Jade looked up; her expression was unreadable but definitely deep in thought.

"Something like that," she replied, holding up a sleek dagger. "You never know when you might need a little extra protection."

I approached Jade as she was examining a dagger, that she was studying with great concentration. "Jade, you need to come with me to the palace," I said, hoping that I sounded as convincing as possible.

She looked at me with one raised eyebrow. "Why? What is the hurry?"

"Just come along with me," I insisted. "It's serious."

"No," she countermanded, turning firmly back to the display of weapons.

I exhaled a sigh and tugged on her arm. "Come on, you're coming with me."

Jade gave an incredulous look and implored, "Hey, let go of me!"

I didn't budge. With a little struggle, I pulled her in my direction toward the door. As we were about to leave, I turned to Enzo, who sat throughout my performance watching with a bemused expression.

"Don't worry, she'll be back," I said.

Enzo laughed, "Alright, alright. Only make sure she doesn't break anything on the way out!"

Jade shot Enzo a look of apology as we exited, still trying to wriggle her way free from my grasp. "I'm sorry about this," she called back.

Enzo waved us off with a grin. "No problem! I'll just be here, waiting for the next pop-in!"

As we walked down the streets, Jade tugged at her arm, curiosity having overcome her once again. "Why would any sort of royal family want to meet me?" she asked, staring up into my eyes with a mixed expression of suspicion and confusion.

I tightened my grip a little, kept us moving. "You know about IRIS and their plans, don't you?" I replied. "Even if you don't know everything, you know more than most. And you have that device"

I nodded toward her bracelet, "which allows you to travel between worlds."

Jade looked down at her bracelet, the purple glow faintly illuminating her face. "I suppose," she admitted, "but I'm not sure how that's relevant."

"It is," I said. "IRIS is a serious threat, and any information or technology that can help us to understand or counteract them is crucial. Besides, having a device like yours could change the whole course of our strategy."

Jade thought for a second, the look of deep contemplation etched on her face. "I see your point," she said finally, the opposition softening somewhat. "Alright, I'll go with you. But you'd better have a good reason for dragging me all the way there."

I nodded. "Trust me, it's worth it. We need all the help we can get."

As Jade and I finally came close to the palace, the architecture was more than great. The guards stood in attention, but when they saw me, they seemed shocked. Their eyes were wide, and one stepped forward in apparent surprise. 

"Who is this?" he asked gruffly, the suspicion sticky on his tone, "Is she some other human? From IRIS, perhaps?"

I felt the guard tense, his hand inching casually toward his weapon. I readied myself, taking a deep breath to diffuse the situation.

"No, she's not from IRIS," I said calmly and authoritatively. "She's with me"

His eyes darted back and forth, trying to read Jade and me. "Very well," he grumbled; the reluctance was heavy in his tone. I could tell he was nowhere near confident with this decision.

"Follow me. I'll let you in, but let this be on your notice: one wrong move, and I will show absolutely no mercy."

I nodded, feeling my heart race through a mix of emotions-relief and anxiety, while we were escorted inside the palace.

The moment Jade and I entered the palace garden, my eyes met those of the familiar faces waiting there: Lynsithea, Alektos, Parveen, and even Azalea. The serenity of the garden was cut short as Sasha's gaze fell upon Jade and me.

Surprise gave way to alarm on her face. Sasha drew her lance, pointing it at us as she shouted, "Who is this other human?!? Don't tell me you hired her from IRIS!"

I stepped forward, my hands partly raised in an automatic gesture of peaceful intent. "No, Sasha, she's not from IRIS. This is Jade. She has important information about IRIS corp."

Lynsithea, noticing the tension, approached us with a curious expression. "What's happening here?"

Alektos and Parveen exchanged guarded glances while Azalea said nothing, her eyes narrowing as she too watched Jade.

Sasha's fingers tightened over her lance, her gaze never budging from Jade. "I don't trust anyone from IRIS. You need to prove to me she's not a threat."

Jade took one step forward and spoke in an even tone. "I am not here to create a disturbance; I am here because I do have information that might facilitate a solution for all of us."

Parveen nodded with caution. "We'll have to check that. For now, say your piece."

The tension now started to dissipate in the garden, and I knew that it was now just a matter of something that weighed us down. We needed to gain their trust as soon as possible so that we could move forward with our plans.

As we entered the luxuriously set hall within the palace, Lynsithea was already awaiting us, accompanied by her sister, Azalea. Their eyes fell upon Jade's bracelet, and Lynsithea's face contorted into a face of realization.

"Is that.." Lynsithea started, her words trailing off as she stared at the bracelet. "Is that a fragment from the Quantum Crest?"

Jade nodded, her gaze steady. "Yes, it is."

Lynsithea's eyes widened. "How did you know what it's made of?"

I watched as Lynsithea's curiosity piqued. "Many years ago, someone stole the Quantum Crest, which was capable of traveling between different dimensions. Last week, Iris herself returned it, though it was drained of its power."

"That's why she was able to create the Quantum Portals 20 years ago," I said, piecing it together. "She had the Crest."

Sasha was intrigued by his words; she had listened well. "So Iris has had the means of manipulating dimensions all this time? That is quite the advantage."

Alektos, until then silent, turned to regard Jade. "If you are not from IRIS, what then exactly are you? Rebels?"

Jade glanced at me briefly, then answered, "We're not exactly rebels. We're. outsiders trying to get to the truth and try putting an end to IRIS's plans. We've seen what they can do, and we are here so that they will not get any stronger."

Lynsithea and Azalea exchanged glances, her unease unmistakable. "If you're fighting against IRIS," Lynsithea started in, "then we share a common enemy. We'll do what we can to help you, but first we need to understand more about your goals and how we can support you."

I nodded in appreciation that they were willing to cooperate. "We appreciate that. We need all the help we can get. Iris's reach is large, and her plans are more hazardous than we imagined."

Alektos let out a curt nod. "Then let's discuss how we can work together. We need to be prepared for whatever comes next."

I turned to Jade, seeking clarification of her background. "You said you were from Aerathis, right?"

Jade nodded. "Yes, that's right."

My curiosity got the better of me, and I continued, "What's it like? I don't know much about it."

Jade took a deep breath and began to collect her thoughts. "Aerathis is a world a bit unlike Calyx and the other dimensions you may be accustomed to: it's a land of high-tech cities and ancient magic. The balance between technology and magic is delicate, yet both are part and parcel of our way of life. We have advanced machinery, but we also resort to various magical artifacts and ancient knowledge."

She fell silent for a moment, a more contemplative look crossing her face. "It's a place of innovation and tradition, combined, but it has its problems, such as the political climate, mostly unstable, and the different factions that fight for control over resources, magical and technological alike. We've had our share of conflicts, and that's part of why I'm here now."

I nodded, taking it all in. "It sounds like a place with a lot of complexity and conflict. How did you end up getting involved with IRIS?"

Jade's face clouded a little. "IRIS has its claws in many worlds, including in Aerathis. They seek control of powerful artifacts and dimensions for the manipulations of their desire. My involvement began when I chanced upon a plan they laid, and chose to fight them. Since then, I have been on their tail."

She was determined, and I could feel the weight of her mission in her eyes. "Thanks for sharing that; it puts into perspective where you are coming from and helps us to see the bigger picture."

Jade nodded, acknowledging that she was now ready to move on with the discussion.

Sasha tried to decipher Jade's description: "So, let me get this straight; you are trying to say that Aerathis is something like a Skyland complete with floating cities and a mix of technology and magic?"

Jade nodded. "Yes, sort of. We have floating cities and this fusion of both technology and magic. It does not feel precisely like the skylands one may have envisioned, but the concept is similar in some ways-integrating high technology with magical elements."

Parveen had been listening intently; she suddenly said, "That sounds really interesting. Aerathis must be quite something. How do the people maintain the balance between magic and technology?"

Jade looked contemplative. "It's a balancing act that's constant. We have whole institutions that work on maintaining that balance, so that neither magic nor technology overpowers the other. There are strict rules and research teams working on integrating them in harmony."

"Still curious", Alektos leaned forward. "And you said IRIS is involved with Aerathis. How deep does their influence go?"

Jade's face turned serious. "IRIS's influence in Aerathis goes deep. They want to know about our magical artifacts and technological advances. Very often they manipulate factions and attempt to seize control of key resources. It is my goal to expose their machinations and stop their plans from spreading further."

Alektos nodded, his expression acknowledging how grave the situation was. "If they're entrenched to that degree, we sure have to find out their next moves and how we should counteract them."

Parveen looked toward Jade with a mixture of admiration and concern in her eyes. "You're doing very important work, and it's obvious we'll need to work together to fight this threat."

Jade's expression softened slightly. "Thanks. It feels good to know we're not alone in this fight."

Parveen looked round the room, her face serious. "Well, what's the next step, then?"

Azalea caught Jade with a question, grasping the conversation. "From what you have told us, Aerathis is under influence by IRIS, right? If not, then correct me."

Jade nodded her head in agreement. "Yes, IRIS has much control over Aerathis."

Azalea's tone then turned contemplative as she said, "If IRIS still has such a firm grasp over the place in Aerathis, then our best bet just might be to target who oversees that from the top. If we can take out the head of such a chain of control, then we might be able to glean valuable information about Iris and her plans."

Jade thought of this, her eyes set.

"That could work. Removing the key figures from power might weaken the hold they have and give us the leverage that we need. It's just the approach we need to take very carefully. We want to get as much intelligence as possible before making any moves at all."

Alektos nodded in agreement.

"If we are going to strike at the leadership in Aerathis, then we will have to ensure a solid operation plan and extraction of information are properly arranged so that one misstep does not happen"

Parveen added, "We also need to be in consultation with whatever allies we might have at Aerathis to assist us in insider information or help in the operation."

Jade looked around at everyone, appreciative of the strategic insight. "Agreed. I'll start reaching out to my contacts and preparing for the next steps. We can't afford to be underprepared if we are going to dismantle IRIS's influence."

Azalea nodded, a look of resolve set upon her face. "Then let's begin. The sooner we act, the better chance we have at staying ahead of Iris and whatever plans she has."

Lynsithea turned in a circle and seemed to scan the gathered group, shining in her eyes, just a little excitement. "It's like an adventure-just dangerous," she said, tempering the dangerous-sounding part with a note of enthusiasm.

Sasha turned back toward her, a smile spreading across her face. "Just like you dreamed of, right?"

Lynsithea nodded, a more thoughtful look crossing her face. "Exactly. It's a chance to face challenges and make a difference."

As the meeting began wrapping up, I took a deep breath and asked of the three Clan leaders, "Before we seal things up, I have one more request. As we go into this trip, I would like to learn from each of you. Could you teach me your fighting styles?"

The Clan leaders regarded one another a moment, then one after another, they began to speak.

Alektos spoke first. "Training with each of us will give you a well-rounded set of skills that could be crucial in the challenges ahead. I'm willing to help."

Parveen nodded in agreement. "I can teach you some of the techniques and strategies we use. They're effective in various combat situations."

Sasha added, "And I will show you the fighting style peculiar to my clan. It may be different from what you are used to, but it could be very useful. "

I felt a rush of gratitude. "Thank you all. I know this will take time, but I believe it's for what's to come. I'm ready to learn and prepare for whatever lies ahead."

Lynsithea smiled encouragingly. "It's great you take this step. We will soon be needing all our skills in dangers ahead."

With this, I felt a new determination for this next stage of training and adventure, knowing full well that Clan leaders' support would be immense in forthcoming battles.

It was the view of this somewhat irregular assemblage in the palace that brought a rollercoaster of emotions my way. My thoughts fell back to how I had been brought from an isolated existence, surviving in a dying world on my own, into having allies and friends fighting alongside with me. And the contrast was stark and profound.

It felt surreally impossible that all allies and friends were at my side, powers and knowledge each, co-operating for one purpose. Far from the loneliness to which I was accustomed, the camaraderie and sense of shared purpose were strong. There was a feeling of hope and determinations that I hadn't felt in a very long time.

I thought of Ethan, how he had taken me under his wing and taught me the ways of survival, and how much the value of companionship meant between us. He'd have been mighty proud now if he could see the journey I've taken from that lonely survivor of Æsir City to a pivotal part of something so much greater.

But now, at least surrounded by friends and allies, the conviction to fight for a better future that Ethan had always instilled in me was being lived. His lessons, his spirit were with me to guide my steps, to nourish my determination. I almost seemed to hear his voice encouraging me: be true to yourself and embrace every moment, even the challenging ones.

I felt a new sense of purpose, turning back to face the group, ready to take on whatever lay ahead. It was now about being sure, with their support and Ethan's memory guiding me, that I fought for and made some difference in this freedom that we all wanted.