The sun shined as it rose.
Ken woke up early and stared through the open window and saw the sun rise.
Ken got up and made his bed as he got ready to go out early in the morning.
He took a top hat and a long black coat and wore that as he headed outside.
He didn't need a guide unlike Kelvin.
Unlike Kelvin, he already knew the language of this world.
Unlike Kelvin, he had already gotten fairly used to walking in this world, this environment, this place.
He walked and walked before he stopped in front of what seems to be like an adventure guild.
The building seemed more well developed as it was a grand multi-story building made of stone and steel, Its exterior had intricate carvings and magical symbols etched into the stone.
Large, reinforced glass windows which would allow natural light to flood the interiors could be observed.
It showcased both the guild's wealth and its commitment to transparency and progression.
As Ken walked inside, he saw a woman with a scar in her face clearly talking to someone about something.
As his footsteps echoed through the hall Daila, being aware of his presence, looked at Ken in his eyes.
Ken continued to walk and only stopped when he stood right next to the chair she was sitting in.
The masked man who she was talking to quickly left the guild silently as Ken observed the masked man.
He sat at the chair and looked at Daila before he spoke, "the guild is pretty empty isn't it?"
"That's because only a very few people go to the guild when the sun has just barely risen." Daila said as she drank the cup of alcohol in her hands.
"Hey how did you get that cup of alcohol?"
"I brought it by myself."
"I see"
The Silence quickly grew, making the situation tense.
As Ken stared at Daila for a few seconds, he took out a piece of paper and a pen from his pocket.
He then said seriously, "Let's negotiate."
This is just too much
Currently, Ken was running alongside Odios.
He was already feeling salty that Kelvin didn't join them and he was feeling even more upset to know that the level of training will be increased.
He was out of breath, mentally exhausted from constantly casting low level magic over the course of the exercise.
This is just unfair. Why do I have to suffer alone? I want that guy to suffer also you know?
He continued to train
I could probably use this as an excuse to guilt trip him and make him make some food for me
Despite everything, he still continued.
As he trained and trained his thoughts became ever so silent.
Despite everything I think, I still respect him. He's probably doing something great and probably already figured out a lot more things than me. He should have gotten my overpowered abilities.
As the morning training was about to end, Kelvin looked at his hands which were casting a low-tier magic spell.
He stared at it silently and then continued his exercise.
He soon finished his exercise and began to sit down and eat some food.
There's no need to think about the 'what if's'. We just have to work with what we have.
He sat next to Odios as he ate his food.
Kelvin now could understand around 60% of the words of this world's new language but he hadn't started to learn the grammar system or calligraphy of the language.
He had developed a good physique quickly as he could develop muscles quickly due to the passive healing skill.
He could also do more exercise while lasting much longer than a normal human could as his passive ability recovered his stamina quickly and even reduced the stamina required to do the exercises as it recovered them while He was still doing the exercises.
His magic was the most lacking currently even though he had the most potential in that field. He could only cast low-level spells properly. If he were to cast any spells above that Level, then the structure and the strength of the spell would be terrible.
The pacing is too weird. We literally get jumped and big things happen within a day and now it's been a week and nothing big has happened.
A sigh left Kelvin's mouth as he took another bite of his sandwich.
Well this is real life and things in reality are not always consistent so I guess that makes sense.
He soon finished his sandwich and asked Odios to accompany him to go sightseeing.
He requested this because he wants to see the new world and not just train.
"Don't you have lessons about Ebom history and the language after 30 minutes?"
Ebon is a short for The Ebon Sovereign. An empire hitch is in control of the place I'm staying in and the language used the most globally.
"It's fine to skip some lessons once in a while, you know?"
Odios looked at Kelvin for a second and said, "Yeah I'm not that naive so tell your lies to someone else."
"Hey yo-"
"But since you requested this I as a guide have a responsibility to follow your order" Odios interjected.
Kelvin stood silently for a while looking at Odios's brown eyes before a smile appeared on his face.
"Let's get going then"
Two people were seen walking through the busy street.
"Come eat this freshly cooked lizard."
"This potion will heal most injuries you might face!"
"The Pastries are 30% off today so come and buy them"
"I'm willing to paint you for 7 copper coins"
"7! Make it 3 and the we have a deal"
"Hey old man, can you repair this sword for me?"
Multiple Food stalls were trying to promote their products while some were bargaining and some adventurers were trying to prepare for their next adventure.
It was chaotic but it was also blooming with life.
The air was alive with a strange mix of scents.
The fresh and Crisp air was mixed with the sweet and savoury scents of freshly cooked food.
Kelvin as if admiring the lively yet somewhat refreshing atmosphere closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
He started to slowly relax and got more comfortable as he walked and walked. He soon saw a small bakery that had some cake on display and to his luck and Odios's relief, it was 30% off.
The two men walk there and Kelvin seems to stare at the pastries in front of him trying to choose one to eat.
"Hey I would recommend our today's special, lemon cake"
The man who spoke was the person who seems to be the owner of the small shop. He looks like the person that bakes, the person who cleans, the person who serves food, he seems like a guy trying to open a small business all alone on his own.
"Yeah sure that sounds interesting. Give me a slice."
"And I'll have a slice of chocolate cake"
"Sure that'll be there in just a second, please sit down."
The black haired man cut a piece of cake of their respective orders as they sat down.
After getting themselves sitted and comfortable, the food soon arrived and they started to dig in.
The lemon cake was soft and moist with tiny airy crumbs that just melted in your mouth. The subtle citrus and sour taste from the lime added more depth while the lemon jest added a sense of complexity to the taste. The sweetest of the lemon cakes balanced the complex taste and made it delightful to eat. It also had that slight unrecognisable that made it even more addicting
Tears of happiness could be seen falling from Kelvin's eyes as if he had no regrets in his life. He looked fully satisfied with his life and started to think that he was acceding.
Odios seems to also be enjoying his cake although it's quite hard to tell since his face is basically emotionless.
"Hey, why isn't this shop popular!?" Kelvin asked as he finished his plate in a second.
"It's a new store that my wife and I just opened around 1 week ago so not many people know about it."
"I see…but is your wife the one making these pastries?"
"No, she's currently sick and is resting at home."
Hearing this Kelvin felt a bit guilty for asking the question.
"I-Is your wife okay…?"
"She just had a cold nothing too serious but she decided to use this as an excuse to go to the entertainment districts to have fun"
A sigh left the shopkeeper's mouth as Kelvin felt relieved that nothing too serious had happened.
"Man I really was worried that I just brought up a serious topic."
"No need to feel guilty but if you do, just buy another slice of cake."
"Yeah I'll do just that"
A hand grabbed Kelvin's shoulder.
"You know these are bought with my money right? My own pocket money."
After a while of discussion Odios reluctantly agreed to buy another slice of cake and they soon left the store after waving goodbye.
As they roamed among the streets they saw a grand, multistory building made of stone and steel, reflecting the industrial and architectural advancements of the 1900s. The exterior might have a blend of gothic and early art deco styles, with intricate carvings and magical symbols etched into the stone.Large, reinforced glass windows allow natural light to flood the interior and a sign saying Adventure Guild. The two men were about to head inside, and a man walked out. He wore an elegant black suit with a black top hat.
Seeing the man's face Kelvin went to greet him.
"Nice to greet you my friend"
The well-dressed man or to be specific, Ken looked at Kelvin and smiled before he responded, "same with you my friend."
"Though what were you doing in the adventure guild?"
As Ken was about to speak, Kelvin interjected,"let me guess you wanted to experience the world like how those MC's from those manga would."
"You are completely wrong."
"Then what the hell are you doing?"
"Trying to get ready for the future."
"Huh?" Kelvin looked a bit stunned.
"Stop, aren't we too old to get shocked like that over these types of things?"
Hearing this, Kelvin immediately stayed silent. After all, he was just eating some lemon cake and was even acting childish at times so he felt very attacked by the statement that Ken had just said.
"Well I guess you should enjoy your day for as long as you can as a cold night is approaching"
"Hey don't make things so Vague." Kelvin said a bit irritated.
"The information I have is vague so naturally I'll be making things vague"
"That's a bit of a leap in logic but at least it's something reasonable I guess."
"So I guess I'll just accept that stupid reasoning of yours for now." Kelvin continued.
"Thanks but I really gotta go somewhere."
"To a restaurant." Ken said as if it was common sense.
"Wait, you haven't eaten anything since morning?"
"Yeah I was busy trying to make this vague information more clear."
A look of pity could be seen from Kelvin's face.
Seeing that face Ken got irritated and punched Kelvin."
The results?
Ken 'accidentally' broke one or two of Kelvin's ribs.
Odios, seeing this pathetic sight, quickly sighed and started to slowly heal Kelvin.
After 20 minutes, Kelvin was well enough to do things normally.
The two men followed Ken to a restaurant because apparently Kelvin said, "Men should stick like feathers."
It was obvious that this was just an excuse for Kelvin to eat more food.
They soon sat down at a restaurant and ate some food of course making Odios pay for the bill, which he did hesitatingly.
After that nothing much really happened and they all just roamed around the town.
It was already evening before you know it so Kelvin decided to go back.
Ken said that he wanted to buy something since he got some pocket money so Kelvin went back even though he knew Ken had just lied because it was useless trying to understand him when he himself doesn't understand the situation properly.
Now that's done let's deal with this message
A blue screen appeared on the screen with a few words.