Chapter 7 - [Not a hero]

Ikke storms into my house.

Ikke [ Level 0]: You promised you would save her!

Zed [ Level 1]: I never made that promise. Why would I make a promise I can't fulfill? No. But seriously. You are crying harder than Reika.

Ikke [ Level 0]: You said you would save her though!

Zed [ Level 1]: I did say that didn't I? Right. Then it's time to go.

Ikke [ Level 0]: Go where? Takeda killed her!

Zed [ Level 1]: I'm going to save her. Takeda used a fake knife. That monster hasn't killed her yet. 

Me and Ikke get to the school and find a different route to the church. When we get there, Takeda has already put Reika on a table. Takeda didn't kill or touch her.

Ikke [ Level 0]: Takeda!

Takeda turns our way and is speechless.

Takeda: How did you know I'd be here?

Ikke [ Level 0]: You underestimated me!

I glance at Ikke, and he gets scared.

Zed [ Level 1]: So, you know how the others thought you killed Reika? Well. I know you didn't kill Reika since that will also kill the Demon Queen. And to save the hassle of finding her again, you bring her to the church. Also, there was that fake knife.

Takeda: Seems you lot outsmarted me. Still, that does not mean the plan is over yet.

Zed [ Level 1]: Are you sure about that? Rule number 4 of the Demon Human Academy: It is impossible to get away with attempted murder.

Takeda, Ikke, and groups of demons get thrown into prison. Don't forget that one dude who grabbed Reika by her hair.

Captain: Under strict orders from the student council, you are under arrest for trespassing on school grounds.

Zed [ Level 1]: Excuse me. I didn't have anything to do with the trespass. I wasn't involved in any action. I tried to convince my friends not to go, but they refused.

Captain: You are free to go then! Arrest everyone else!

Zed [ Level 1]: I wouldn't mind spending time under the school dungeon.

I get locked up and thrown into a dungeon. My last words to Reika. Nah., I didn't save her because I love her. Takeda rigged the votes.

Zed [ Level 1]: Excuse me. I didn't have anything to do with the trespass. I wasn't involved in any action. I tried to convince my friends not to go, but they refused.

Captain: You are free to go then! Arrest everyone else!

Zed [ Level 1]: I wouldn't mind spending time under the school dungeon.

I get locked up and thrown into a dungeon. My last words to Reika: "Nah. I didn't save you because I love you. Takeda rigged the votes."

Takeda: Good job, moron! You had to get the great Takeda arrested!

"You kind of asked for it."

"Exactly how did Takeda get this plan of his to work?"

Takeda: I'm not going to tell you my secret plan. You'll ruin it!

Zed [ Level 1]: We already ruined your secret plan.

Takeda: What?!!

Ikke [ Level 0]: That's right. You used this ritual only to buy time for the Demon King to come to this world.

Zed [ Level 1]: The captain has gone to the place where you kept the other demons.

Takeda: Fine. You win. That was the plan all along. Anyway, I'm bored. 

Since we have nothing to do in prison, we talk about the past. Takeda explains first why he hates humans and the sad story of his parents. Ikke sheds a tear, but I don't. Ikke speaks up next, and his story is terrifying, and it has to do with the discrimination at this school. When it's my turn to speak, I stay focused. This story is incredible, and it's about a time when I tried to kiss a girl in first grade. I closed in on her but didn't know what the right move was. I saw her beautiful necklace. After that story, we laugh for some time.

Just then, Ezio walks in, and our smiles turn into frowns.

Ezio: What's good boys?!!!!

Zed [ Level 1]: Great!!! More dialogue exchange. Keep that dialogue to the shadows, please!

Ezio: C'mon, don't be like that! Good students get good rewards. He shakes the keys in his hand.

Takeda and Ikke get up and try to reach for it. Realizing they failed, they stand straight and don't say a word.

"Just hurry up already!"

Ezio sets Ikke and Takeda free.

Zed [ Level 1]: Wait, what about me?!

Ezio then leaves. Moments later, I ask the guards to do something. Ezio returns but is confronted by many guards. Ezio gets thrown into a cell.