I dont really talk that much in public. Hell I can't even think of a topic to talk about. It is really frustrating to not have anything to say when with someone. Not that I mind it I just dont wanna make the one who is talking with me uncomfortable. Lemme tell you guys a story. Wait, not really a story but whatever!
So I and Friend A and B were outside the class but it was lunch break. So we don't really eat. I refuse to eat just because going to the cantine is a pain in the ass. Friend A refuse's to go the cantine because bro is poor af. Friend B refuse's to go the cantine because bro save's his money.
Ok! OK! Lets do something fun. Why do you think save's his money???
Option 1.Because he might need it in future
Option 2.Because he needs it to buy gaming controller.
And your answer is???????
TF u mean Option 3 there ain't no option 3.
And the answer is option 2. WoW so unexpected uuuuuuuuuu
Bruh I lost track.Anyway we were chilling outside the class talking about our childhood games.
"FR that mission was so ass bro" I said.
"Seriously though we couldn't beat that mission back than now it became a piece of cake lol" Friend A said.
"Skill Issue" Friend B.
"Seriously" I and Friend A said.
The conversation was going on so well now all of a sudden we went silent.
(Bitch someone say something its starting to feel awkward) I think
*Bell ringing*
"Oh looks like break is over lets go" I say
So what did you learn from this???
Cause I have no clue tell me if you can.
Wait a minute Chapter is about online trash talking but I haven't really talked about it.
Next time on Life of a Introvert. True:Online Trash Talker