.... πTHE NEXT DAYπ....
Mother pushed me to school on my wheelchair, and as usual the students in the school compound couldn't stop giggling and whispering something into their ears.
I ignored them totally, thinking of my new handsome friend. We almost got to my class and I heard Matthew's name in some ladies discussion.
I paid attention to them and I heard they saying Matthew is so handsome and they wish to have him on their beds one day.
I rolled my eyes in disgust as mother stopped pushing the chair at the front of the door.
"Bye Charlotte, I need to get going now." She kissed me and rushed out of my sight.
I sighed and held my wheels pushing it into the class. Immediately I got in, the students started throwing rags at me.
I blocked my face with my hands and I felt tears wet my eyes. I know this is all Faith's plan.
"That's enough!" I heard a familiar voice yell in front of me. I opened my eyes and I saw Matthew facing the class and boiling in anger.
The ladies were drooling over him and they stopped throwing the rags. I was Faith burning in fury as she watched both of us.
"Are you okay?" Matthew asked facing me. He smoothened my hair with his palm helping me remove the dirt in it.
"Thanks." I replied shyly. He moved to my back and pushed my wheelchair to our seat. I looked at Faith and I saw her clench her fist.
We got to our seat and Matthew placed my chair very close to his before sitting down. I looked up and I saw the whole class were focused on us.
"Why does he defend her so much? He is so handsome when angry. Faith won't let her be. Matthew is too handsome to like somebody like her." I heard the class murmur.
I sighed feeling very sad but I felt Matthew hand on mine.
"Ignore them friend." He said smiling.
"We are friends now?" I asked happily.
"Yes we are and I really wish we could talk in a private place." He said smiling.
"Sure, what about lunch time?" I asked.
"Great!" He replied smiling. It is so amazing, he looks happy today.
Another teacher came in and wrote Mathematics on the board. Ye!!! I love Mathematics.
I heard Matthew sigh sadly. I looked at him wondering what changed his mood all of a sudden.
"Matthew are you okay?" I asked looking at his face.
"I am not. I don't seem to understand anything I am thought, it looks like the teachers performs magic." He said sadly.
"Wow, sorry about that. But I can help you with the little I know." I said smiling.
"You will?" He asked smiling making me melt as he did.
"Yes, we are friends remember?" I asked.
"Thank you so much." He said holding my hands and kissing it. I felt butterflies dance in my tummy and I couldn't stop smiling.
I looked up and I saw Faith and her friends staring at me evilly. I quickly looked away facing the teacher.
The mathematics teacher left the class immediately the school alarm sounded for lunch time. Throughout all the teaching I kept thinking of Dora.
She is very beautiful and smart, I wonder why life has to be so mean to somebody like her. She doesn't deserve it.
"Matthew it is lunch time." She said jolting me out of my thought.
"Oh yes. Let's go somewhere seperate to discuss." I said standing up. I held her wheelchair as I pushed her out of the class ignoring the murmurings of the students.
The students at the hallway kept staring at us and I felt Dora bow in shame.
"It is okay Dora." I whispered into her ears and she looked at me smiling.
I moved her to the back of the school where no student was. There was a bench under a tree and I moved under the tree.
I sat on the bench and made her face me. She stared into my face with a smile on her beautiful face.
"Dora promise me you won't tell anyone what I am about to say." I said looking into her eyes.
"I promise." She said crossing her chest with her hand.
"Dora I am a psychopath." I said sadly.
"What?" She asked in shock.
"Yes, I am have a brain tumor and it affects me socially and educational." I said as tears rolled down my cheeks.
"Oh My God, I am so sorry Matthew." She said holding my hands.
"No one wants to be friends with me because they think I can freak out all of a sudden and hurt them. That is why I told you we can't be friends." I said with so much pain.
"Matthew I am not like those ones. I will always be your friend no matter how weird you are." She said smiling.
"I wanted to undergo a brain surgery but my parents are scared, they said any slight mistake could lead to death." I added looking at her.
"I understand them totally, but don't worry God will do the best." She said cleaning my teary face with her palm.
"Dora I have a request and I wish it could be granted." I said holding her hands.
"If it is within my capacity I will do it." She replied paying rapt attention.
"Can you be my private tutor?" I asked hoping she would say yes.
"Tutor? Sure I will." She said happily.
"Thank you so much." I said hugging her tight.
"I will take you to see my parents today." I added happily.
"But won't they disagree when they see I am disabled?" She asked sadly.
"No they won't Dora. Please come with me to see them." I said pouting my mouth.
"Hmmm okay, anything for a friend." She said grinning.
"Thank you!! I love you so much!" I said hugging her again.