I teleported back to Taylor's side over the Atlantic Ocean, my feet coming to rest on Menhir's broad surface. Taylor rushed up to me, holding onto my arm.
"How did it go?" she asked anxiously.
I smiled, trying to reassure her. "It went well, all things considered. Your dad got the letter, though he was understandably upset that we won't be coming home for a while." I paused, debating whether to share the next bit of information. "I, uh, may have teleported into the house to check what he was going to do. He called the PRT to report us missing."
Taylor's shoulders slumped and she nodded slowly. "So... it's official then. We're really on the run."
I reached out, gently removing her mask. Her brown eyes met mine. Leaning in, I pressed a soft kiss to her lips.
"Hey, keep your spirits up," I murmured. "It'll all be fine, I promise." I pulled back slightly, giving her a small smile. "For now, why don't we head to the pocket dimension? I've got something I want to show you."
Taylor hummed in agreement, her eyes fluttering closed as she enjoyed the gentle kisses. I hated to break the moment, but we had things to do.
"Wait here for a moment while I get a door, okay?" I said, reluctantly pulling away.
Taylor nodded, and I focused on one of my ghostly butterflies. Through its eyes, I guided it inside a Home Depot, scanning the aisles until I found what I was looking for. Once I was sure no one was looking, I teleported inside.
Grunting with effort, I lifted a wooden door off its display. It was heavier than I expected, and I silently cursed my lacking muscles. Focusing on another butterfly flying west over some mountains, I teleported through its eyes, suddenly finding myself plummeting through the air with a door in my arms.
My eyes darted around, searching for a safe landing spot. A small opening in the mountainside caught my attention - not quite a cave, but a minor entrance that didn't seem accessible by foot. Perfect.
I teleported inside, wincing as the door hit the ground with a loud thud. The space was smaller than I'd hoped, but it would work. I could hide the door around a corner, out of sight from the outside.
Propping the door against the rocky wall, I teleported back to Taylor. Without giving her time to react, I grabbed her arm and teleported us both back to the mountain hideaway.
Taylor stumbled slightly, looking around in confusion. "Where are we?"
"Our new base," I explained, gesturing to the door. "I found this secluded spot in the side of a random mountain. We'll use it as our main entrance to the pocket dimension."
I pulled out the golden key and inserted it into the door's lock. With a twist, the portal opened, revealing the familiar interior of the Smithy's pocket dimension.
"After you," I said with a grin, gesturing for Taylor to step through.
Once we were inside, I guided Taylor to sit down next to a large wooden box I'd placed in the corner of the Smithy's pocket dimension.
"So, what's all this about?" she asked.
I grinned, unable to contain my enthusiasm. "Remember that box that appeared next to us when Glory Girl caught us having sex? Well, it's filled with fruit, and here they are!"
I dramatically flung open the lid of the box, revealing dozens of large, juicy-looking yellow fruits nestled inside. Taylor's eyes widened as she peered at the contents.
"Each one of these babies increases your lifespan by five years," I explained, picking up one of the fruits and tossing it from hand to hand. "Oh, and they enhance your looks too. Not drastically, but enough to be slightly noticeable."
Taylor gaped at me, her mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. I continued, my voice softening, "Look, I know you're not... super thrilled with how you look. And hey, I think you're gorgeous just as you are. But this is your chance to become your absolute ideal self, if you want."
She stared at the fruits, her brow furrowed in thought. "What about the lifespan thing?" she asked hesitantly. "Don't you want them for yourself?"
I waved off her concern with a casual flick of my wrist. "Eh, I'll probably pick up other powers to extend my life down the line. Plus, the box has seeds we can plant. Takes a thousand years to grow, but I bet I'll find a way to speed that up eventually."
Taylor nodded slowly, still looking uncertain. I decided to take the initiative.
"Tell you what, I'll try one first. We can see what it does, okay?"
Without waiting for a response, I snagged one of the yellow fruits and took a big bite. Juice dribbled down my chin as I chewed, enjoying the sweet flavor on my tongue. As I swallowed the last bite, I felt a slight tingle throughout my body, but nothing too dramatic.
Eager to see the results, I stood up and waved my hand, my costume disappearing in a flash. Taylor's cheeks flushed as I twirled around naked, striking a few poses.
"Well?" I asked, grinning. "Notice any improvements?"
Taylor's eyes roamed over my body, her blush deepening. "Um... your butt looks a bit rounder," she said slowly. "And your boobs seem perkier. Maybe your lips are a little fuller? It's hard to tell."
I nodded, pleased with the subtle enhancements. Turning back to Taylor, I held out another fruit. "So, want to give it a try?"
Taylor bit her lip, hesitating. "Are you sure? I don't want to take anything away from you..."
"Don't be silly," I chided gently. "I want you to have these. Think of it as my gift to you."
Slowly, I began trailing the tips of my fingers along the graceful curves of my body - starting at my collarbones and tracing down between the swell of my breasts. Taylor's eyes followed the path of my hands.
"You're already so gorgeous, Taylor," I murmured. "But these fruits could help you become everything you've ever wanted to be. The ideal version of yourself."
My hands roamed lower, caressing the flat plane of my stomach before dipping down to tease along my hip bones. Taylor's gaze was locked onto my every movement, her chest rising and falling with increasingly ragged breaths.
"Don't you want that?" I asked, my voice dropping to a sultry purr. "To look in the mirror and see utter perfection staring back at you?"
Without waiting for her response, I brought my hands up to cup the weight of my breasts, giving them a firm squeeze. Taylor whimpered softly at the display, her thighs pressing together subconsciously.
"Go on, Taylor," I urged, flicking my tongue out to wet my plump lips. "Take off your clothes and join me. Let's see just how beautiful you can become."
For a long moment, Taylor didn't move, her internal conflict playing out across her features. Then, slowly, she reached up with trembling gloved fingers and began peeling away the layers of her outfit, exposing more of her slender form with each passing second. She was soon completely naked, shivering slightly in the wind.
"Good," I smirked, taking a step closer to hand her the yellow fruit. Taylor shivered at the sound of my voice, her cheeks flushed a becoming shade of rose.
Taylor reached out with a trembling hand to accept the offered fruit. I bit my lip in anticipation as she brought it to her wide mouth, darting her tongue out to taste the beaded droplets of juice along its skin.
Hesitating slightly, Taylor parted her thin lips and took a bite of the magical fruit. I watched with bated breath as she chewed and swallowed.
"What the hell..." Taylor gaped in wonder, running her hands along the newfound curves. She turned questioning eyes up to me.
I giggled excitedly at the changes, delighted to see the fruit's effects taking hold. "Keep going!" I urged with a brilliant smile. "Eat another one!"
Needing no further encouragement, Taylor quickly devoured a second fruit, then a third. With each one that passed her lips, the transformation intensified. Her thin mouth plumped into a lush, pillowy pout, the bottom lip becoming delightfully full and sensual. Her facial features refined further - her slightly too-wide nose shortening into a delicate button, her jawline sharpening and growing more feminine.
By the time Taylor had consumed six of the magical fruits, the changes were becoming dramatically apparent. Her body continued filling out in all the right places as soft, supple curves blossomed along her thighs and backside. The slightest swell of high, perky breasts made itself known along her chest. Her legs lengthened and toned, giving her a statuesque, modelesque figure.
"Don't stop!" I pleaded breathlessly, slightly aroused by what I was seeing. "Keep going, Taylor!"
At twelve fruits, it seemed Taylor had reached some sort of physical ideal. A flawless, creamy complexion glowed across her skin, devoid of any blemish or imperfection. High, sculpted cheekbones lent an aristocratic elegance to her features. Her lips were full and rosy, made for pouting invitingly or curving into a sultry smile. Even her eyes appeared bigger, richer, and more mesmerizing than before, framed by thick dark lashes. Her ebon locks shone like spun silk.
But it was Taylor's body that had been utterly reshaped into the most breathtaking of feminine forms. She was statuesque and gracefully tall now, standing at an elegant six feet. Yet her figure remained hourglass-perfect - luscious thighs, a flaring hip curve, a narrow waist, and a set of full, high breasts with puffy pink areolas that seemed to beg for one's mouth and hands.
Taylor consumed one final fruit, but her transformation appeared complete - she had been remade into an ideal vision of female perfection. She stood there utterly dumbfounded as she groped slightly at her breasts.
My own arousal spiked tremendously at the sight of her. "Taylor..." I whispered, reaching out to caress her flawless skin. "You're so beautiful..."
Taylor's dark eyes flicked up to meet my gaze. Before I could react, her arms were around me in a tight embrace, pulling me flush against her now-bigger body.
"Thank you," she whispered thickly against my hair. Her body trembled with emotion. "Thank you so much for this, Lara."
I returned the embrace fiercely, having to crane my neck up slightly to meet Taylor's eyes now that she had a couple inches of height on me. "You're so very welcome," I murmured, meaning it wholeheartedly. "I'm just glad I could help you become your ideal self."
We held each other for a while, just hugging. I reluctantly pulled back with a sly grin. "Why don't you take a look at the full effect?"
With a thought, I teleported through the senses of one of my ghostly butterflies. I reappeared in a department store, quickly scanning the aisles until I spotted a full-length mirror on display. Grabbing it, I teleported back through the ghostly butterfly at Taylor's side in the pocket dimension.
"Here," I said, offering her the mirror with a flourish. "See for yourself how utterly gorgeous you are now."
I stood there, unable to tear my eyes away as Taylor accepted the mirror with trembling hands. Her breath caught audibly, the most beautiful sound of awe escaping her plump lips. One delicate hand rose to trace the refined line of her jaw, her dark eyes wide with wonderment.
"I...I c-can't...oh my god..." Taylor's voice shook, cracking with raw emotion as tears began spilling freely down her flawless cheeks. "Lara, I'm...I'm beautiful. Me! I-I'm actually beautiful!"
She whirled to face me, cheeks flushed and eyes shining with disbelieving joy. "I'm way prettier than that bitch Emma now!" Taylor blurted, a giddy giggle escaping her. "Like, she doesn't even compare anymore!"
I couldn't help but giggle right along with her. Pulling her into a fierce hug, I nuzzled against the elegant curve of her neck.
"You've always been the most beautiful girl in the world to me," I murmured, meaning every word. "But I'm so glad I could help you see it for yourself now, baby."
Taylor clutched me tightly, burying her face against my hair as she cried tears of joy. We simply held each other in the quiet solitude of the pocket dimension, her body warm and soft against mine.
Eventually, Taylor pulled back enough to look down into my eyes adoringly. "I love you," she said simply, with all the intensity and conviction she could muster.
I felt my own eyes well up at the raw emotion in her tone. Reaching up, I cupped her face in my hands and guided her mouth down to mine for a tender, loving kiss. Our lips moved together in a slow, sensual dance until the need for air finally forced us apart.
"I love you too," I whispered against her full lips.
The words had barely left my mouth when an unprecedented surge of energy pulsed through my mind. It was so powerful that I couldn't even think or react. My body went rigid, every muscle seizing up as the force of it overwhelmed me.
"Lara?" Taylor's voice sounded frantic, muffled as if coming from a great distance. "Lara, what's happening? Are you okay?"
But I couldn't respond. The energy was too much, locking me in place as it flooded my consciousness.
[Blossoming Sun - Fate/Legends - The Land of The Rising Sun] – Free, 150cp remaining
You had a fortunate birth, whatever you end up being, and find yourself above average for these lands. Japan is not particularly a bastion of mystical heroes in the way of Greece or Britain. Indeed, many of the legends to be found following are made from incredible skill or the command of many soldiers instead of personal feats of might and magic. But even these skillful heroes do tend to stand above the other poppies.
Your body is naturally on the higher end for human fitness, ably competing in modern athletics without any training required. Magically, you possess a number of high quality circuits, equal to the much later coming Tohsaka heir. A prodigy in those times but still notable even a thousand years prior. You lack training for now but magic is not so hidden as it becomes in the modern day, with the presence of spiritual temples and Onmyouji practitioners.
As a quirk of this land, you also have the ability to summon a wide range of aesthetic effects, even when they make no sense. A flurry of cherry blossoms on the wind as you make an entrance, the sun shining down the red rays of a sunset even mid-morning to dramatise your battles. One might claim you're in some sort of samurai movie, with how many dramatic effects tend to occur around you. As part of this national style, you also have the unique trait of never struggling to draw or sheathe your weapons, no matter how impractically sized they are. The katana and sheath longer than your entire body won't take anymore time to draw than a reasonably sized weapon. Not that you're any better at using the weapons, you just won't look like a tool taking them out.
The pulse looped back on itself before I could fully process that first power.
[Raiment - Generic MG] – Free, 250cp remaining
The raiment of a magical girl is usually frilly, will probably have ribbons or a bow, and almost always has a skirt. (I suggest you follow my lead and at least wear shorts or something underneath. See?)
While those might sound impractical to some people, especially those with more combat experience, don't worry: your raiment will never get caught in something, trip you up, or interfere with your movements. It'll even make sure your hair never does that either.
In addition, the raiment is technically a form of armor, so you can import existing armors into the transformation trinket later.
Again, the pulse looped back, trying to give me another power that cost choice points. But this one failed.
[A Weapon fit for a God - God Of War (2018)] – 600cp. Failed to purchase, 350cp remaining.
One more time, it struck me with a surge of energy. But again, the power was too expensive for my remaining choice points.
[The Darkforce - Dial] – 500cp. Failed to purchase, 450cp remaining.
I came back to my senses with a groan, blinking away spots in my vision. Taylor's perfect face swam into view, her gorgeous features creased with worry. Tears streamed from her wide, dark eyes as she cradled me in her arms.
"Lara? Oh god, Lara, are you okay?" Her voice was thick with panic. "You just... collapsed and started bleeding!"
Reaching up, I felt wetness on my cheeks. Sure enough, when I pulled my fingers away, they were stained crimson. Blood trickled from the corners of my eyes, but the flow seemed to be slowing already.
"I'm alright," I rasped, my throat feeling raw. "Just... give me the Lon Lon Milk, please?"
Taylor nodded frantically, snatching the half-full bottle from my pouch. She guided it to my lips, letting me drink deeply of the healing liquid. With each gulp, I could feel my body recovering from the strain of those intense power surges.
When the bottle was drained, Taylor gently rearranged me so that my head rested in her lap. She bent over me, chin propped atop my head as her hands stroked soothing circles across my stomach.
"What happened?" she asked, her voice trembling. "Are you doing okay?"
I closed my eyes for a bit before answering. "Yeah, I'm fine now. My power just… overwhelmed me, I guess. It tried hitting me with like four new powers all at once."
Taylor's brow furrowed adorably. "Four? But I thought you could only get two at a time at most?"
"Apparently not," I said with a weak chuckle. "Two of them failed, but the other two... well, they came through loud and clear."
Curiosity flickered in Taylor's dark eyes. "What are they?" she asked, unable to hide her interest despite her lingering concern.
I smiled up at her reassuringly. "The first one gives me a naturally athletic body capable of competing in modern sports without any training required."
Taylor's eyes widened slightly at that, but she didn't interrupt.
"The second ability of that first power is... honestly kind of silly," I admitted with a giggle. "Apparently I can summon all sorts of overblown visual effects now. You know, like having the sunset shine down dramatically even if it's the middle of the night. Or a flurry of cherry blossoms swirling around me for no reason."
"Wait, seriously?" Taylor's voice rose in pitch with her surprise. "You can make the actual sun shine whenever you want?"
I laughed at her incredulous expression. "No, no, I don't think it's that literal. It's probably just making illusions or something to add flair to my entrances and battles. Like I'm in some sort of samurai movie."
Taylor snorted, rolling her eyes good-naturedly. "Of course you'd get a power like that. Miss Dramatic is going to be even more of a diva now."
"Hey!" I protested with a pout, giving her flat stomach a light smack. "I'll have you know, I plan to use this power responsibly. A lady needs to make an elegant entrance, after all."
I chuckled at Taylor's playful jab, then slowly pushed myself up to a sitting position. "Actually, that reminds me of the second power I got," I said. "Apparently, my outfit will never get in my way or interfere with my movements. Oh, and get this - it's technically considered a form of armor now. Combined with another power that lets me transform my costume, I feel this has major synergy."
Taylor's eyebrows shot up. "Armor? Like, actual protective gear?"
"Let's find out," I said with a grin. I stood up, feeling a bit wobbly still. With a wave of my hand and a small expenditure of magicka, my usual costume materialized on my body.
"Okay, here goes nothing," I muttered, concentrating hard. I waved my hand again, this time picturing my costume made of kevlar. To my delight, I felt the material change beneath my fingers.
"Holy crap," I breathed, pinching the fabric of my coat. It felt noticeably tougher. I gave it a light punch, and yep - definitely more resistant. "Taylor, check this out!"
She reached out, running her hand along my sleeve. Her eyes widened. "That's... that's pretty impressive."
Giddy with the possibilities, I decided to push further. I waved my hand once more, this time imagining an indestructible costume. Nothing happened. Frowning, I tried again, picturing myself wearing mithril chainmail from Lord of the Rings. Still nothing.
"Huh," I said, a bit deflated. "Looks like there are some limits. I can't just conjure up impossible materials or anything too out there."
But I wasn't ready to give up just yet. Over the next several minutes, I cycled through various mundane materials - steel, titanium, ceramic plates, even good old-fashioned leather. Some worked better than others as armor, but I was starting to get a feel for what I could and couldn't do.
"So," I said, turning back to Taylor after my impromptu fashion show, "looks like I'm limited to real-world materials. But still, pretty cool, right? I can basically have instant armor of whatever kind I want whenever I need it."
Taylor nodded, looking impressed. "That's actually really useful. Especially combined with your other abilities."
I beamed at her praise, then struck a dramatic pose. "Just imagine - I teleport in, cherry blossoms swirling dramatically around me, my kevlar-reinforced coat billowing majestically in the wind..."
Taylor burst out laughing, the sound rich and melodious. "Oh god, you're going to be insufferable, aren't you?"
I winked at her. "You know you love it."
As our laughter died down, I noticed Taylor fidgeting slightly, her eyes darting around the pocket dimension. "So, uh," she said hesitantly, "what exactly are we going to do now? I mean, we can't just hide out here forever, right?"
I sobered up. "You're right," I said with a sigh. "We need a plan."
Just as I opened my mouth to suggest some ideas, another surge of energy pulsed through my mind. My body went rigid, muscles locking up as the force overwhelmed me.
[Peacegiver's Treasure - Warbreaker] – 1000cp. Failed to purchase, 550cp remaining.
I came to after a few seconds, blinking rapidly to clear the spots from my vision. "What the hell?" I muttered, shaking my head to dispel the lingering dizziness.
Taylor's perfect face swam into focus, brow furrowed with concern. "Lara? Are you okay? What happened?"
I groaned, rubbing my temples. "Another power surge," I explained, still in a bit of a daze. "It's getting ridiculous. We weren't even doing anything exciting like beating a villain or having sex, just talking! I don't get why they keep coming so fast all of a sudden."
Taylor was quiet for a moment, a thoughtful look crossing her features. "What do you mean by that?" she asked slowly. "Do you... do you know how you gain powers?"
I froze, feeling like a deer caught in headlights. Crap. I'd said too much in my dazed state. For a long moment, I just stared at her as I tried to figure out how to respond.
Finally, I let out a heavy sigh. "I... I have a theory," I admitted reluctantly. "It's not certain, but I feel like the more unique and exciting situations I get pulled into, the more likely it is that I get powers. For example, if we took down a cape, I'd probably get a chance at a new power soon after. Something like that."
Taylor's eyes widened slightly as she processed this information. "So, wait," she said in slight disbelief, "you're saying that you get powers based on how... exciting your life is?"
I nodded sheepishly. "Yeah, pretty much. It's why I've been so eager to go on patrols and stuff. The more action we see, the more powers I might get."
"Is that..." Taylor's voice cracked, tears welling up in her eyes. "Is that why you've been so affectionate with me? To get more powers? Was any of this even real?"
My heart shattered at the raw pain in her voice. "No!" I exclaimed, reaching out to grasp her hands. She yanked them away, leaving me grasping at air. "God no, Taylor. I love you. That's real, I swear. The powers are just... a bonus, I guess."
Taylor shot to her feet, pacing furiously. "A bonus?" she spat. "Is that all I am to you? Some... some power-up dispenser?"
"Taylor, please," I begged, scrambling to my feet. "It's not like that at all. I-"
"Save it," she snapped, whirling to face me. Tears streamed down her cheeks. "How long have you known about this? How many of our moments together were just you trying to get a new power?"
I felt my own eyes burning with unshed tears. "I've suspected for a while," I admitted quietly. "But Taylor, I swear, everything between us is real. I didn't tell you because... because I was scared. It's such a weird thing, and I didn't want you to think I was crazy or using you."
Taylor laughed bitterly. "Well, great job on that one. Because that's exactly what it feels like right now." She turned away, her shoulders shaking with silent sobs. "I need... I need some time. Don't follow me."
With that, she stormed off deeper into the pocket dimension, leaving me alone with my guilt.
Hours passed, feeling like an eternity. I sat there, replaying every moment we'd shared, questioning my own motivations. Had I really been using her? Initially… I did. But my feelings were real. Hah… I'd messed up, hadn't I? Badly.
In the end I couldn't take it anymore. I got up and went searching for Taylor, finding her curled up in a corner, her eyes red and puffy from crying.
"Taylor," I said softly, my voice cracking. "I'm so, so sorry. I know I hurt you, and I'll never forgive myself for that. But please, please believe me when I say that I love you. Truly, deeply love you. The powers... they're not why I'm with you. They're not why I care about you. You're everything to me, Taylor. Everything."
I fell to my knees before her, tears streaming down my face. "I was wrong to keep this from you. I was scared and stupid, and I hurt the person I care about most in the world. I'll do anything to make it right. Anything. Just... please don't give up on us. On me."
Taylor looked at me silently for a moment, then spoke up. "How can I trust you, Lara? How do I know this isn't just another lie?"
"Because I'm telling you everything now," I said. "No more secrets. No more lies. I'll tell you everything I know about my powers, about how I get them. I'll never hide anything from you again. I promise."
Taylor just stared at me. Then, slowly, she uncurled from her position and reached out to me. I didn't hesitate, pulling her into a tight embrace. We clung to each other, both of us crying, our tears mingling as we held on for dear life.
"I'm sorry," I whispered over and over. "I'm so sorry. I love you. I love you so much."
Taylor's grip on me tightened. "I love you too," she murmured. "But Lara, you can't ever do this again. No more secrets. No more lies. Promise me."
I pulled back just enough to look into her eyes. "I promise," I said solemnly. "No more secrets. No more lies." I hesitated for a moment before adding, "But... there's more I have to tell you. Things I can't fully explain yet, but I will. I promise I will."
Taylor's eyes flashed with anger. "Are you kidding me? We literally just agreed no more secrets, Lara. What the hell?"
I held up my hands. "I know, I know. It's not like that, I swear. It's... it's related to the origins of all parahumans' powers. Until I get an ability that can completely block the sight of where powers come from, I can't risk saying too much. I already got one power that keeps the origin from paying attention to me, but it only works as long as I don't taunt it or attack it."
Taylor's anger faded slightly, replaced by confusion. "What are you talking about? The origin of powers?"
I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "I don't want to risk telling you everything in case it counts as taunting. But I can tell you something else. Something big."
Taylor looked at me expectantly, her perfect eyebrows raised.
I took a deep breath. "I'm not from Earth Bet. I'm from another world entirely."
Taylor gasped, eyes widening in shock. "What? How is that possible? You're my cousin, aren't you?"
I nodded slowly. "Technically, yes. But I was originally from another Earth in the year 2024. An Earth with no parahumans at all. I suddenly woke up in this world during the car ride to Brockton Bay. I've only been here since less than an hour before we first met."
Taylor's mouth opened and closed a few times, struggling to form words. Finally, she managed to speak. "But... how? Why?"
I shrugged helplessly. "I don't know exactly what happened. I think I might've replaced an alternate version of myself or something like that. It's all so confusing."
I took a deep breath, trying to gather my thoughts. This was a lot to dump on Taylor all at once, but she deserved the truth. Or at least, as much of it as I could safely share.
"Look, Taylor," I began, "my powers aren't exactly... normal. Even by parahuman standards."
Taylor snorted at that understatement. "Yeah, no kidding. I figured that out pretty quick."
I couldn't help but smile at that. "Fair enough. But it's more than just being versatile or strong. I keep gaining new powers, and there's no end in sight. No real limits on how many or how powerful they could get."
Taylor's eyes narrowed at that. "How could you possibly know that?"
I took another deep breath. Here goes nothing. "Because I'm not a parahuman, Taylor."
Her jaw dropped. "What? But... but how? You have powers!"
"I know, I know," I said, holding up my hands. "It's crazy. But the origin of my powers is completely different from parahumans. I don't know exactly where they come from or who gave them to me, but I do know they're not connected to whatever gives parahumans their abilities. And the source of parahuman powers isn't entirely...friendly towards humans. "
Taylor's brow furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean? What is the source?"
I gently shook my head. "I can't give too many details right now. The most I can tell you is that they are some kind of aliens, but I don't want to risk mentioning anything more specific. Once I gain an ability that can completely block them from perceiving me as a threat, I'll be able to share everything without endangering us."
Her eyes widened at my words. "Aliens? You're saying parahumans get their powers from aliens?"
Nodding slowly, I tried to explain further without revealing too much. "I know it sounds crazy, but yeah...the powers don't come from anywhere natural. And these aliens, they're not exactly benevolent either. If they perceive me as taunting or attacking them directly, it could have severe consequences for both of us."
Taylor worried her full bottom lip between her teeth. "But...how do you know all this? And why are you exempt from their influence?"
"I can't really go into the specifics right now," I said apologetically. "Just know it's related to my original Earth, and the power I mentioned earlier that lets me avoid their gaze so long as they don't perceive me taunting or attacking them."
She stared at me silently for a long moment, clearly trying to process this earth-shattering revelation. Taylor spoke up in a small voice. "Is...is it dangerous? This alien threat?"
I grimaced, hating that I had to be the one to burden her with this knowledge. "Honestly? Yeah, it's incredibly dangerous. There's going to be some kind of...apocalypse or cataclysm in the future related to them. But it's still a long way off, and I'll get stronger. Powerful enough to handle it eventually, I'm sure of that."
Taylor's eyes went wide with alarm at the mention of an apocalypse. I reached out and took her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
"Hey, it's okay," I said softly. "We've got time, and my powers will just keep growing more versatile. I'll be able to protect us."
She took a shaky breath but nodded, seeming to draw strength from my words and touch. "Okay...okay. I trust you."
"Good." I leaned in to press a tender kiss to her plump lips.
Taylor melted into the kiss, her arms sliding around my neck to pull me closer.
I could feel the tension leaving Taylor's body as she surrendered to the passion. Her hands roamed over me hungrily, grabbing and caressing with growing urgency.
When we finally broke apart, Taylor's dark eyes smoldered with a familiar heat. "I need you, Lara," she whispered. "I need to feel in control again."
A delicious shiver ran down my spine at the commanding tone. "Yes ma'am," I purred, playing along eagerly.
Taylor gave me a predatory smirk. "Good girl. Now turn around and bend over for me. It's time for your punishment."
My pussy clenched with arousal at her firm order. I quickly complied, turning to present my backside while bending at the waist. The cool air caressed my exposed lower lips, already growing wet with lust.
The first smack of Taylor's palm against my ass cheek took me by surprise. I yelped, then moaned shamelessly as she rained down a flurry of stinging swats.
"You've been such a bad girl, keeping secrets from me," Taylor growled, giving me another loud smack straight on my sex. "You need to learn your lesson."
"Yes! Oh god, yes!" I cried out, writhing and pushing my reddening ass back for more punishment. "I'm sorry, Taylor! I'll be good, I swear!"
Taylor's fingers tangled in my hair, yanking my head back at a punishing angle as she continued raining down blistering smacks to my ass and thighs. I could only whimper and moan, utterly at her mercy.
When she finally stopped, I was panting harshly, my entire backside throbbing deliciously. Taylor released my hair, and I slumped forward, trembling.
Cool fingers traced along my inflamed skin in a feather-light caress. "Good girl," Taylor purred. "I think you've learned your lesson."
Before I could react, she grabbed my hips and spun me around. With surprising strength, Taylor shoved me down until I was sprawled on my back. She didn't give me a chance to catch my breath before climbing atop me, straddling my face with her slick pussy hovering just above my parted lips.
"Now make it up to me," she commanded, grinding her soaked folds against my gasping mouth. "Don't stop until I say."