Chereads / FORGIVENESS AT A FULL MOON / Chapter 11 - Chapter Eleven: Missing him

Chapter 11 - Chapter Eleven: Missing him

Eyes on the ceiling ,hand under her head and the other on her stomach. That night of her father's wedding,Nina stayed in her room. Well it's not like she had a choice. Every now and then she'll hear giggles from her dad's room . Then it was dead silent. She rolled her eyes knowing full well what they were planning to do. She tried clearing her mind and then thought that she most absolutely was not mentally and physically prepared for any siblings.

At 8PM Wei Guang called Nina telling her that she could go meet up with him. Nina hesitantly agreed and used her window to sneak out by using her sheets as ropes to slide down. She hid from the guards and distracted them by creating another sound from else where using stones. Whilst they were checking the sound,Nina got the keys on thier chairs ,opened the gate,got out and closed it from the outside. She walked through the empty streets and the only light that guided her way was the moon and the bright orange from the street lights.

It took her 15minutes to get to his house. When she finally got there ,the front gate was open,so she pushed it,entered amd closed it back.

She walked through the aisle made by the plant bushes along it. Till she reached the front door. She made a fist with her hands and gently knocked on the door. She anxiously waited and her heart beat increased. Not long she heard foot steps coming towards the door and she nervously watched as the door knob turned and the door was pulled in to open.

Infront of her was Wei Guang ,effortlessly stunning and making eye contact with her. Oh how she missed those sky blue eyes! Lost in his eyes,she didn't notice him move his body and wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his head on her shoulder and allowing himself to take in her scent. Her sweet scent.

Nina wanted to push him away but then she couldn't . Was it because she was weak? No. But because she missed him too much to ever push him away.

They stayed like that for a solid 5 minutes till they pulled away. Nina looked at her feet not daring to look at him. Wei Guang sadly smiled and made way gesturing for Nina to come in.

Nina got in the house and lazily scrutinized the living room. The couches were in white,behind the table and ahead was the TV ,hanging on the wall looking amazing as big as it is . The chandeliars were shining that of a glistening orange bringing in an autum feeling around. By the corner of the room,a chair settled next to the window covered lightly by white tulle curtains. On the TV stand ,perceline decorations adorned the room and complimented the captivating hues of the room texture.

She immedietely felt like home and made herself comfotable on the couch. Folding one leg under her thighs and placing a pillow on her lap,she relaxed on the couch and inhaled the honey sweet scent of the room,kinda like Wei Guang who smiled warmly at Nina and sat next to her. Thier shoulders touching. Nina's heart skipped a beat and confirmed to herself that she definetely still had feelings for him.

Wei Guang observec her actions and saw how shakey she was so he held her hands and they made eye contact. The smile on his face was still there. She wanted to pull back her hands but his grip was firm enough to not allow her to pull her hands back. Still holding onto her hands,he allowed himself to rest on the arm rest of the couch and encouraged Nina to open up saying that he was very much ready and willing to listen.

Nina sighed and told Wei Guang everything. Abouther father's disapproval,about Ms Gao's visit,the wedding and everything else.

All the while , she was fighting back tears so by the time she was done ,she looked at Wei Guang and he immedietely pulled her into a hug . He knew just how fragile Nina has always been. As tough as she might make herself appear but he knew better,in the inside she was a fragile glass. His warm embrace encouraged her to let our all her tears and from whimpering to whinning then to quite sobs. He rested his chin on the crown of her head and gently stroked her hair. Whimpering comforting words into her ears.

"Nina, you should have told me. Isn't that the whole thing of why we are in a relationship? If your father doesn't approve of our relationship ,it will get outta hand if we keep doing this. This isn't the right way to solve this. For all i know ,a parents instruction has it's own reason behind it. Maybe it's because it might turn up as a distraction."

" No,Wei Guang. You are not a distraction,in fact your'e my motivation. I look forward to a future together and because of that i study hard because i wanna be with you so that's why. I just don't understand why he can't see that point. Not all children are like that. I've never dated anyone before and i waited . I waited til i got older. Here i am 23 and i can't even make my own decisions. This is truly unfair."

" Nina,please don't cry . Alright do this,since you where not suppoed to be here,you can start off . I'll escort you close to home and when you get there,write down everything you feel like you always do and go to sleep. In the morning tell him that you were here and talk to him regarding how you feel okay. Don't be afraid,okay? You should tell me how it will go. Everything will be alright."

Nina nodded. Bearly noticeable but Wei Guang was fast enough to see it. He kissed her forehead and be smiled. Though scared about her fathers reaction about this,she still felt secure cause Wei Guang was with her.