Chereads / Ezekiel's Rebirth / Chapter 6 - A New Land

Chapter 6 - A New Land

 </p><p><Traveler to Another World> </p><p>~ You are the first person to travel to another world </p><p>~Perks </p><p>-Since Retainer would be instantly apprehended by authorities upon entering the new world you have been randomly teleported 10 miles away from the portal exit </p><p>-Gained 10,000 dollars worth of currency </p><p> </p><p>'Well, there goes one worry out the window' Ezekiel thought while breathing a sigh of relief. " </p><p>Thank you Ariel" he said with a salute. </p><p>Looking around Ariel had teleported him dead center into a city. </p><p>Luckily nobody had paid any attention to him and hadn't noticed he had just appeared out of thin air. Allowing him a second to think. </p><p>'Now what do I do' he had no money, no friends, and all he knew was that Entities are bad and he wants to have some fun </p><p>'First things first I must find out where I am' he said to himself </p><p>Looking around he saw a rather modern-looking city, although cars seemed nonexistent. </p><p>He was in what looked like a park with a large pond to my right and an open area littered with trees here and there to his left. </p><p>Looking further he noticed there were no walls, although he could vaguely sense a protective barrier circling the city. </p><p>Ezekiel noticed that the entire layout of the city was just one big machine of war, on the surface the layout looked odd, but he could tell that evacuation and allowing for the humans to fight on the best terms possible were the priority when creating the city. </p><p>From what he was told, this world seemed to be a dark and gloomy place, but people all seemed to have smiles on their faces and seemed to be rather joyous. </p><p>They must've all grown soft due to the lack of fighting. </p><p>He also noticed there was no electricity, either it was too hard to create in this land or had been destroyed. But although there may be no phones, communication over long distances wasn't impossible due to many different abilities. But Ezekiel truly had no way of knowing anything about this world. </p><p>Being ignorant was the same as losing an arm in a fight so Ezekiel decided to find some information. After walking for what felt like hours, he had finally found a map. </p><p>He was in a city called Longing bordering two other cities along with the Entity territory. </p><p>Looking at the map he had borrowed, Longing City had mapped out a good portion of the Entity Territory, 'probably because it used to be their own' Ezekiel muttered </p><p>The closest Entity zone to Longing was just an open desert, people say it used to be rocky terrain but during the war, it was reduced to an enormous desert. Although the dessert was good at keeping the Entities away it was dreadful to cross, especially due to the unbearable heat. </p><p>Past the desert was a valley that spanned for miles, and to the right of the valley was what seemed to be a volcano. </p><p>It is theorized that inside the volcano sleeps a monster as deadly as the Highlanders themselves, maybe deadlier. But nobody truly knows. </p><p>Past the volcano and valley, nobody has any idea as to what could be there. </p><p>Now that all may sound terrifying but that's only the land that borders Longing City, to the right is the City of Clandestine, which borders just as many Entity zones as Longing does, but Longing somehow doesn't have the information on the zones bordering Clandestine. </p><p>After figuring out where he was Ezekiel began to get bored, so he decided to just start walking around trying to find something to do. </p><p>His instincts began to scream something was going to happen, something big, and he knew he was powerless to stop it. </p><p>Allowing his instincts to guide him, he decided to buy a lot of water, and food along with some other random items he found helpful. Although his need for both water and food had decreased it hadn't completely disappeared. </p><p>His instincts were now screaming but he didn't care that much, he noticed that his instincts only screamed when something interesting was going to happen. </p><p>So instead of worrying he started to get excited, although this new world was amazing, he had nothing to do but that was about to change. </p><p>As he was walking down the street, he suddenly began to fall. All he saw was darkness below him. </p><p>Hearing multiple screams around him allowed Ezekiel to know that this wasn't just happening to him. </p><p>Then everything went black. </p><p>*** </p><p>Opening his eyes, all Ezekiel saw was the sky above him, the sun covered with ash caused a grey tint to cover the land. </p><p>Ezekiel slowly stood up, still a bit dizzy, he looked around, and behind him a good distance away was a large lake that gave off the scent of death. </p><p>All around him were trees, all the leaves either gone or dead, the trees weren't the tallest but there were thousands of them. </p><p>Off in the distance was a large mountain that seemed spread out forever. Either forcing people to climb it or turning around. </p><p>The atmosphere around Ezekiel was new, it gave off the feeling of death, as if killing intent was constantly in the air. </p><p>It was new and he basked in it, he felt like he had finally drank cold water after a hot day of work. </p><p>He was getting worried that he wouldn't have been able to find anything to do in this new land, but here comes this exciting new adventure. </p><p>Calming himself down Ezekiel looked between the mountain and the lake quickly deciding on the mountain. The lake gave off death, nothing else. No second chances were going to be given to him if he had decided to go in that direction. </p><p>Ezekiel suddenly heard a noise as he was walking into a small clearing. Slowly turning around he saw what he could only assume to be an Entity. </p><p>It resembled a chimpanzee, but its nails seemed to have grown and its eyes were pure red. </p><p>A small smile played across his face, he could tell the monkey was killable, at least it wasn't Juvenile or whatever the equivalent to that in monster terms was. </p><p>Suddenly it dove at him, its arms outstretched seemingly taking away my ability to dodge side to side. </p><p>With its speed even if Ezekiel jumped backward it would still be able to catch him, the monkey suddenly opened its mouth, its teeth as sharp as knives, his blood-red eyes wanting to rip Ezekiel apart limb from limb. </p><p>Noticing he had limited options Ezekiel opted to dive directly under it, the monkey had probably assumed he would instinctually jump back so it had aimed higher than needed. Allowing Ezekiel to do the unexpected and dive below. As Ezekiel was directly under the Monkey his sword finally entered his grip. </p><p>Stabbing directly upward Ezekiel expected to cause a stab wound in the torso, but sadly it wasn't that easy. All he received for his efforts was his hands shaking from trying to stab what felt like concrete. </p><p>Ezekiel quickly spun around to see a monkey chuckling. </p><p>*** </p><p>'Not bad not bad' Claire internally praised the young man for his cleverness, although it was crude to dive under a blood monkey the way he did, it worked. </p><p>Although she could tell he was new at fighting Entities. </p><p>'Claire, never attack the upper body of a Blood monkey, it's nearly impenetrable' The harsh teachings of her tutor ran through her head like a recording while she watched him attempt what many others have already tried. </p><p>'He looks around my age, maybe a year younger' Claire thought to herself. </p><p>Taking a closer look at the young man Claire saw his dark hair that seemed a tad too long for him, paired with his excited blue eyes, she would be lying if she said she didn't find him attractive. Although a glint of darkness could be seen behind his eyes giving him a dangerous feeling. </p><p>That dangerous feeling made me think that maybe he would be able to surpass my expectations and manage to kill this Entity. </p><p>She had witnessed 3 others die to Blood Monkeys already, all of them not prepared for what had happened. </p><p>An Entity managed to transport either a large portion or all the people inside Longing City into the middle of Entity territory. </p><p>Separating each level awakened into different zones and effectively killing thousands of humans every minute and Claire was going to be one of those humans unless She found help. </p><p>Claire knew she couldn't survive without somebody competent to help me. So she was desperate to find some. </p><p>Refocusing her attention on the fight, She noticed the young man looking at the smiling Monkey and then glancing at his sword, then back at the monkey. Slowly his eyes became dull and the smell of fear oozed off him. </p><p>The battle was done, he had fallen into an abyss he wouldn't be able to climb out of. </p><p>His earlier move was luck, and now fear overtook him, Claire guessed that fear was the emotion given to him by Ariel allowing it to overtake him so easily. </p><p>Even the stupid Monkey knew the battle was over, it began to slowly walk towards him as he backed up fast. His back hit a tree and he slid down his butt landing on the ground. He wasn't even holding his sword up anymore. </p><p>Claire was impressed at how quickly his will was snapped, it usually takes some injuries before this happens. </p><p>Most of the time, she would just turn and leave but she felt that at least somebody witnessing his death was the least she could do for him. </p><p>The Blood Monkey had finally arrived before him, he was now visibly shaking. The mouth of the Monkey now opened wide went in to bite the neck of the young man. </p><p>For some reason, Blood Monkeys enjoyed blood so whenever they could they would opt for killing their victims with their teeth. </p><p>Claire closed her eyes not wanting to witness the gruesome scene that was bound to follow, waiting to hear the screams of the young man who had given up on the will to live. </p><p>But the screams never came, she opened my eyes only to see a sword stabbed through the mouth of the monkey and out the top of his head. </p><p>A large grin was plastered all over the face of the man who had killed it. </p><p>*** </p><p><You Have Defeated The Rebirth Blood Monkey> </p><p><Turning Hate into Vitality> </p><p><Absorbing leftover fear before Blood Monkey's transformation> </p><p><Absorbing the Darkness inside an Entity> </p><p><The Darkness Inside You Grows> </p><p> </p><p>Although emotions are mainly seen as a source of power in this world they can be used in so many more ways. </p><p>Deceit is a very effective and useful way to use emotions, especially in unknown situations. The Blood Monkey was unknown to Ezekiel, he didn't know if he could hurt it much less kill it. </p><p>He was confident in one thing though that almost all creatures have one common weakness, their insides. So Ezekiel decided to kill the Monkey by stabbing it through the mouth, but easier said than done. </p><p>He had to force it's guard down, and the easiest way to force another's guard down is to make them think the fight is over. Ezekiel pictured returning to his old life, his life of nothing, and fear began to overtake him. </p><p>His own body was fooled, shaking involuntarily at the very thought of returning to the way he once was. And if he fooled his own body, it easily fooled the Monkey, spectacularly at that. </p><p>After Ezekiel killed the monkey he decided to test the sturdiness of the Blood Monkey. Quickly realizing that other than the upper half of the Blood monkey the rest of its body he was able to cut, albeit with slight difficulties, Ezekiel was even able to chop off its head. </p><p>He also managed to find its weakness, in its back, there was a large spot in the center that allowed you to just stab right through it, like a hot knife through butter. </p><p>He also found that unlike when he killed humans, he absorbed some excess emotions from entities. </p><p>He doesn't know why that's the case, and after a couple of seconds of contemplating, he just gave up. No point in worrying over something he couldn't figure out. </p><p>After absorbing the excess emotions Ezekiel had also absorbed the hate from the entities turning it into vitality. Afterward, he felt stronger, his strength had increased in a new way compared to when he had killed those humans. Ezekiel could finally feel his vitality, but he couldn't access it. </p><p>Most people would naturally grow with absorbing hate, and then progress their emotions through the excess emotions of entities </p><p>Absorbing the Darkness of others was exclusively Ezekiels. </p><p>After finishing up with his tests Ezekiel finally put his sword away and prepared to head off once again. </p><p>"Wait" </p><p>Right before he was about to leave Ezekiel heard somebody yell from behind him, turning he saw a girl panting for breath staring directly into his eyes. She had blonde hair and green eyes, and being a couple of inches shorter than him she had to look up to reach his eyes. </p><p>She was wearing a blue skirt with a nice top, not something one would wear when fighting. She had a lovely figure and a pretty face. But an expression of disbelief was covering it, after a couple of seconds of heavy breathing she finally spoke again. </p><p>"Let's work together" </p></p></main><!--[--><!--]--></div><!--]--><!--[--><!--]--><!----><!--[--><!--]--><div class="sm:mx-64px sm:pb-64px pb-48px mx-20px mt-auto" data-v-40c8fb78><div class="nav-btn-group sm:mt-64px mt-48px"><a class="block flex-1 text-center font-medium py-12px hover-10 active-10 hover:text-s-gray-700 sm:py-15px <sm:hidden relative after:content-DEFAULT after:absolute after:right-0 after:w-1px after:bg-outline-black-8 after:top-12px after:bottom-12px" href="/novel/30201231505070505/81302923828578025"><!--[-->Previous chapter<!--]--></a><a class="block flex-1 text-center font-medium py-12px hover-10 active-10 hover:text-s-gray-700 sm:py-15px <sm:hidden relative after:content-DEFAULT after:absolute after:right-0 after:w-1px after:bg-outline-black-8 after:top-12px after:bottom-12px" href="/chapterlist/30201231505070505" 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