Chereads / John Snow is A Girl / Chapter 54 - Nature

Chapter 54 - Nature

Olivia is now ready to start her task of cleansing the North and also find a way to protect her kingdom from beasts beyond the known lands. 

The true North has been ravaged by dark magic for far too long and needs a thorough cleansing from a recently born Mistress of nature. She of course started from the Haunted forest which contain most of the food for the city.

Her power seeps deep into the earth expelling all the dark curses and rituals performed by the night king and his army.

When she is finished, there is a content sigh from the plants on the land but she has only just started and the true North now includes the land of ever winter.

"That could only be done by our elders. Since when did she exude the nature's breath?" A child of the forest asked her sisters. They have been following Olivia since a while back. 

"She must have received the blessing now that she killed the night king. Then she deserves our respect. She must have been chosen by the old gods."

Olivia ignored them and continued with her work. The more land she 'cures' the more land appear in her space making her very happy. It turns out the true North had been badly wounded by millennials of dark magic infection.

The soil now has more tenacity than before and the previously desolate areas have turned vibrant with plant life even as there is snow everywhere. 

Olivia doesn't run the city herself all she does is fly in to sleep and fly out in the morning. Lola is always with her enjoying the time they spend in nature.

Olivia's space land at some point stopped growing in size and improved in quality. By now she has cleansed the death poison on land inside her city, the forest, the land beyond the forest headed straight for land of always winter. 

Because of the runes that land was being purified gradually but now Olivia has made it fertile. She even moved the Iron particles all over her planting lands so their food will not be doused with iron which would probably make them develop many sicknesses.

She didn't get rid of the quality but moved it to the land with iron mines and iron wood trees. This is an ability she possess because she can manipulate earth and can connect with it on a deeper level. 

For the first time in thousands of years, true north may see the four seasons. Olivia is very excited about this but she is more worried about the fertility of her lands. If the snow doesn't stop falling, then she will plant warm stones deep underground to melt it or simply inscribe runes. Whichever is more plausible at the time.

She finally saw three fresh water streams. Halfway through to the lands of always winter. The problem is till contaminated snow, so Olivia does her task and hopes there will be fishes in the future. This action allowed for the water in her space to gain a bit of spiritual power. 

Rogo has been coming with her at two and half years he can speak now, he plays with Lola without a care in the world. Olivia had wanted to send him to a school but Rogo was insistent on following her out. She is glad to have allowed this, his laughter and playful antics bring her good mood back after working so monotonous.

After all the work she finally came across a serious problem as soon as she entered the territory of the previous night king. The land here has the breath of death, no land spirit it is just dead aura all around. She took Rogo back home not wanting him to be affected by this place. She has a lot of work to do from now on. 

Olivia didn't only cleanse the breath of death but also nurtured the soil even discovering many hot springs. The dark place slowly became normal and livable place. When Olivia went further east she saw the soil is even harder and although not corroded with the aura of death, it is shrouded in mystery.

The land of the true North all together with in the known map is now more than half the northern lands below the wall. Olivia decided she can enrich this place for now before attempting to venture into the unknown.

Even without the night king the land further north is bone chilling cold. She decided to end her adventure when she felt she has reached a place no human can live. Feeling the ground she can feel the ocean is very far away from this here.

Olivia closed her eyes and raised a wall with her magic. This place is vast compared to the size of the land where the ice wall is made south.

She made the fog move back and even after a long while she couldn't see the end or the beginning of another inhabitable land. Not even an animal on sight, probably because of the level of cold here.

Olivia doesn't think there is something out there but she would rather not take and chances with the lives of her people. She pulled the earth from the unknown lands and made it into a massive 100 feet tall wall made from condensed earth magic.

Besides performing nature's magic with ease, she can now use the elemental powers as if it is second nature. Building the wall is another long project but she didn't need any help since she wants to make an absolutely perfect structure that will be sturdy and last long. 

There is no major movements or anything like that as she simply transforms the soil's form and shape. She made it look transparent like glass even though it is not clear enough to see what is happening on the other side. She did this so there is no large dark shadow looming over these fertile lands. 

That day when she demolished the ice structures of the night king's strong hold, she purified all the ice and dissolve it into fresh water. As a result, there is a purified deep water lake in the previous layer of the night king.

With her new blessings she manifested fresh water lakes of several sizes all over the lands depending on the terrain of the specific location.

Olivia decided to make a forest in this place. Complete with fresh water. In fact all the lands near the new wall are turned into forests. There will be water here and there. She is satisfied with the size of her lands and now that it is all habitable and fertile, it is time to allocate the high and minor lords of her kingdom.

She drew a new map of the true north complete with the wall all the locations of fresh water marked and the size of each place indicated. She marked the places where she will have harbors built and where she will build her great wall.

Olivia grew up hearing about how people on several fishing villages are being attached by the raiders from the Iron born she doesn't want her home to be the same especially with the anticipated long winter. Not to mention the new unknown enemies from the great beyond. 

As a result she decided to construct a great wall shutting in all of true north. The harbor cities will be like Hardhome operating autonomous and outside the main wall.

She did several transfer spells where by she took earth from several tall mountains and steep hills to facilitate her wall. She started from the new wall connected it and slowly surrounded the true North.

Time went by slowly but the work didn't seem to end. The height of the great wall is not as tall at the ice wall, only about 100 feet high with about half it's width. There are silver frames and magnificent silver gates where Olivia is planning on building harbors in her kingdom. She shaped the silver flame sigil on the wall, left space for gates and inserted the frames herself. 

This resulted in more work because Olivia decided to forge the gates of the wall herself but she didn't insert them to the frames because of all the screws and small details she had no patience for. 

Months turned into a year as Olivia builds the great wall further north of the true North. It looked magnificent, this one will not need maintenance as often as the ice wall because of her earth 'blessing' which supports and makes her spells near perfect. 

Her construction of the great wall on the sides near the sea has one glaring disadvantage and that is the fact she doesn't have outside lands from where to take soil from. She had to practically flatten her main lands to make it. This resulted in the demolition of many mountains. The terrain in the true North became relatively flat but not completely and not everywhere.

A year later she stood on the bridge opposite the shadow tower raising her hands, she condensed the soil making it obsidian like marble and then she touched it. Where she touched it a small white dot appeared then it enlarged traveling all the way back to the beginning of her wall turning it all ice like in image. 

She didn't go through the pain of making an ice wall but she can make it look like ice just to make it more appealing to the eye. 

Olivia made sure not to connect to the ice wall for when it collapse and take down her hard work. The Haunted forest city wall is enclosed within, this side became easier to finish perhaps because Olivia didn't want to be watched while she worked.

She turned it ice like, didn't forget to make silver flames sigil every few miles and shape heavy wooden gates which will be even heavier and fire proof after being pasted with the colorless paste.

She left instructions to insert the gate and do the same for the other side of the map. The wall has several watch point but Olivia will leave the construction of towers to the city and it's budget. 

While she worked on this project the world moved on. The red lands expanded their Castles and residential areas according to the plan drawn by Olivia. The former slaves who were freed by Daenerys from Yunkai and Astapor ran towards the red lands upon hearing they are not an enslaving city. This is because the masters started a new round of enslavement. 

The people kept coming in by the hundreds and by the end of a few months they would reach several thousands. The council members decided to send several ships to bring whoever wants to run this direction to board the ships and make it easy for to grow the population.

When the first year ended they has already recruited over 6 thousands this way from these cities. For others when they heard of a city striving with in the desolate mountains of the red lands, their first thought was to conquer this place and sell all the residents as slaves.

They would son realize the people living there are not normal humans but fierce soldiers stronger than the Dothraki and faster than horses. All the invaders who attacked the red lands were met in the open. 

At first the sell swords had thought these new people are stupid to meet them like this when they have massive wall that could never be bridged easily but then when the fighting started it became a one sided slaughter. Three large attacks took place in the red lands and three armies were wiped out completely. 

This made the masters very nervous especially since not one of the hostile forces came back to report. The fighting soldiers were released and became part of the red lands while the sell swords were all killed. The absolute defeat of their strongest attack in the end sent a strong message. 

Similar to the North, Olivia had cursed the water supply in this place so those who betray the city will have a heart attack and die. With in the new rescued slaves there were more than a few who died suddenly.

The council members knew what was going on and would investigate where necessary. The various products manufactured in the north has also started being manufactured from the red lands.

Ginyr and Vince have several teams to distribute the products to several places on contracts making more income for the Snow flame kingdom. Olivia's percentage cut is deposited into her account in the Iron bank.

Her dragons are ignoring the outside noise and constructing the massive wall around the red lands using magic. They are dragons with very large pool of magic so they completed a large part of the job relatively faster than Olivia but had to fine tune the rough edges here and there. 

Olivia trusted Aeryn to help her sister and make a much taller and larger wall than the one they made before. Olivia had instructed them to focus on this task and not bother with the invading armies unless they target them.

While Olivia is working on restoring her lands, Robb Stark has accomplished a few more victories against the new king of Iron Islands and reinforced the security of the North during this winter. It is easier now that all the citizens are grouped together.

He married Talisa and legitimized his daughter with her. It had been over a year and the Frey girl refused to become his wife and requested to be allowed her freedom. She went to the true North where most of her family members were but she didn't find them, they are in the red lands so she went there too.

Even if she didn't love her father but to marry a man who single handedly destroyed her entire house is something she can not bring herself to do. On top of that he is deeply in love with that foreign wench. She has already spent the first half of her life at the whims of a man who didn't care for her she will not live the last half in the same way.

Robb and his queen wife have a set of boy twins this time around and everyone was very happy. The Northerners are happy with a legitimate heir but are not happy with the origin of the mother.

Luckily the north kings can marry several wives and even Caitlyn encourages Robb to take a Northerner wife to quell the anger of his people. Of course Robb doesn't want to upset his wife but his mind quickly changed when Olivia sends him a letter stating that she has sent a cure for Roose Bolton.

Without any way to keep his most powerful rival Robb starts contemplating bringing in another wife. He is upset why Olivia didn't give his cure to him instead of sending it to Bolton directly at least this way he would have been able to manipulate the situation now it just looks like his sister has abandoned him.

He is still worried when Bolton dies under suspicious circumstances leaving his illegitimate son and the two years old legitimate baby boy. Olivia had told Robb that Bolton bastard is a menace and should be eradicated sooner rather than later.

Robb has entered the test of northern king ship but he failed every time. First it was the high old tongue, then he had to deal with many things once he was put in a scenario where the Iron born allied with the Lannisters to take revenge for killing Tywin Lannister.

He won the battle but lost an arm and and eye. The Lannisters had acquired gold from the Tyrells and hired sell swords, together with the ships of the iron born they invaded his lands, raiding and killing innocents.

He met them and fought with his men fiercely but they were relentless, coming up every week, after a long war the men are wary while the enemy still came in numbers. However they managed to push them back this time but Robb failed this test however because he 'let the sea drown his lands.'

"What did you learn from this?" The spirit had asked him. He looked up and said.

"Fuck honor. As long as my people are safe." The spirit had smiled and he moved on to the next phase.

"I have seen your father behead many people just because his honor demands it. Honor is important but it shouldn't be your driving force. This is the North not the Vale." These words had knocked Robb off his feet.

This....looking back it is really true that father's many actions were 'honorable' even the loot in Kings landing he refused it because it was bloody leading to a decade long famine in the North. This was pure foolishness but leaders are not without flaws.

Then he thought to his own decisions. It is true than if Olivia didn't take away Talisa at that time he would have done something to fracture his army all because of honor.

The next test was about his heart. Where does it lay? The Lannisters kidnapped his wife and queen. They asked that he doesn't bring his army to stop the raiding in his lands.

Robb knew what her fate will be at the hands of such a vicious family. What's worse is that her people don't consider Talisa their queen because she is a foreigner but now she is to suffer for them. This presented a complex problem.

He didn't want to let his wife suffer and he doesn't want his people to suffer. He is a king, why should there only be two options? He went to the Bolton bastard and told him to find a way to bring his wife back un harmed and not only will he legitimize him, he will give him his own lands with a vast population.

He even promised to build him a set of farming glass houses on his expense. It is obvious how the boy wants to be legitimized and this way he doesn't have to spill his own blood.

He used the boy's desperation for legitimacy to his advantage. But he was not going to trust this person he is only using Ramsay as a front but what he is going to do is to find his wife using Bran's powers.

The spies around Robb send information to their masters that the king is sending Ramsey to retrieve the queen. Robb disappeared over night while the Lannisters took Ramsey into custody he was busy stealing his wife back.

Ramsey is beheaded by the Lannisters thinking he let himself be caught to distract them. Robb passed this test having used his enemies to get rid of a nuisance called Ramsey and retrieved his wife. While finding and disposing of the spies around him.

"Well done."

The spirit of the land rarely praised him. The following test will have to be taken after he rested so he come out and spread open the map on the table noticing all the shores and places the North is still vulnerable to invasion.

Luckily his parents hade a lot of children, and so he decided to build three castles for his siblings one at the dragon point, one below the new gift east on those barren hills. But if Olivia can turn a desolate and frozen place like that land into the paradise he saw that day, anything is possible. Now he just needs to convince his siblings.

Those lands can be fixed and a Stark can be put there to help guard against the North. In the test he saw how vulnerable they are against an all out Greyjoy fleet. Four siblings. It is without question the most competent must guard the Moat Cailin because of its strategic position and its massive structure.

The previous war of the five kings has taken almost all of the wealth, Robb is aware those towers in the moat are only half furnished or not furnished at all because of the funds. He realized he has to borrow funds from his sister this time.

Robb has been learning many things about his own lands from the test, other than calling it a test, it is more appropriate to call it orientation to the lands of the North.
