On July 31st, 1991, Harry Potter was woken up by 5 girls jumping onto him at once. "Happy Birthday, Harry!" They shouted at him. He groaned as his mind registered what was going on.
"Did you really have to jump on me," asked Harry. He rubbed his silver eyes of their muck as he addressed the girls.
"Yes," said a girl with bushy brown hair and hazel eyes with flecks of silver dotting them. "You know you'd never get up otherwise, Harry."
"Ease up, Hermione." Said a girl with long red hair and green irises surrounded by a ring of silver. "It's his birthday after all."
"And the birthday boy should be allowed to sleep in," said Harry.
"Be glad we went with Luna's idea and not Daphne's," said a girl with short black hair, and glasses over a pair of golden eyes, rather than silver, a rare trait as their teacher stated. "She wanted to dump a bucket of ice water on your head."
"It would've been payback for the snake you sent into my bed," said a girl with long platinum hair and one blue eye and one silver eye.
"I thought a girl who wanted to be in Slytherin House would've loved waking up next to a snake."
"Oh, stuff it, Potter." Next to her, a slightly younger girl with silver eyes and a dark grey pupil rather than a black one, a biproduct of accessing Soul Magic with a seer bloodline in her veins. "Oh, quiet Luna."
"Where's your sister, Daphne?"
"With Mum. She wanted to wait till you came down. We got bored, so we came down here."
"And you managed to convince sweet and innocent Hermione to join you?" Luna pouted. "Luna, we both know you're sweet, but not innocent. You were the one who came up with the idea." She merely whistled innocently. Harry chuckled as he got out of bed. "I'll be down in a bit, I need to do my morning routine." The girls hugged Harry and left, Hermione dragging Luna behind her as she tried to stay with Harry. After getting ready for the day, Harry went to the dining room of Potter Manor, ready to go through the events planned for the day.
"Morning Harry," said Lily Potter, her hair still the vibrant orange with white streaks she'd had for 10 years. "How's it feel being 11?"
"Like any other day, Mum."
"Don't say that, you only turn 11 once."
"It's not that special, it's just like any other day of the year."
"You've been listening to Elijah's philosophy again, haven't you?"
"And why shouldn't my apprentice listen to me," said Elijah as he came in from a jog. Lily had offered a guest room to Elijah so that the girls had a central place to go to.
"Stop calling him your apprentice, you're just a basic teacher."
"Who's been training him and the girls since they were 4. At least I provide a brotherly figure and set a good example, unlike some mangy mutts."
"I heard that," said Sirius from where he was sitting, Amelia Bones beside him in her uniform.
"Sirius, you know he's right?"
"So, I want to show my godson how his father was in school, is that a crime?"
"Considering the things you talked James into," said Amelia, "Like the infamous panty raid incident our final year, yes it should be." Sirius cringed as Harry chuckled.
"Dodge," said Elijah as he tossed an apple at Harry. Harry reacted on instinct and caught it rather than dodging and was met with an exploding apple.
"Damn Pavlov," muttered Harry.
"Language, Harry, honestly," said Hermione. Luna giggled as she and Astoria watched Harry clean the bits of apple off his face.
"Happy birthday, Harry," said Astoria, She looked like a smaller version of her sister Daphne, only with normal light blue eyes.
"Thank you, Astoria. And thank you for not joining in my wake-up call, orchestrated by a certain moon child who will not be mentioned." Luna stuck her tongue out at him before resuming eating her cereal. Harry smiled at the other guests in the dining room as they wished him a happy birthday. Harry sat next to Susan and Luna as he ate the pancakes his mother had made.
"3," said Luna, "2,1." As soon as her countdown finished, an owl flew into the dining room and dropped off the letter that Harry had been expecting, and the girls, sans Luna, had received.
"Right on time," said Sirius.
"Do I have to attend Hogwarts," asked Harry. "I already know how to use magic."
"Stagnation benefits no one but your enemies, Harry," said Elijah, cleaning his Glock 19 handgun. "We know Voldemort is still out there, we need to be prepared, and while, yes, you do know Soul Magic, it will raise questions we don't want answered right away. Voldemort is persistent, our only saving grace that he does not know about Soul Magic, is that I was not there and had not instructed Lily in it passed the Soul Sight."
"Speaking of which," said Lily as she took off her apron and served Harry his breakfast. She stared Harry in the eyes and showed a toothy grin. "Ah hah! I know you were faking. Trying to act cool in front of the girls?" Harry blushed as Lily stated that out loud. "I wonder who put that in your head?" She cast a glance at both Sirius and Elijah. Sirius whistled innocently, lowering in his seat while Elijah finished reassembling the handgun and looked at her.
"I deny nothing."
"And you're giving Harry dating advice because…?"
"Not dating advice, life advice."
"Life advice, that's what you're calling it?"
"Better than 'Being a Badass 101'. And don't start with the language lecture Hermione, or it's three extra laps around the manor when we get back." Hermione clasped a hand over her mouth, so she didn't speak up.
"I know I've asked this, and I know you and Amelia have both answered, but remind me, why do you have them exercising?"
"Sirius, for the hundredth time."
"300th, exactly," said Amelia.
"Exercising strengthens ones stamina and energy, making sure they last longer in combat scenarios and have more energy to go throughout the day. It also helps strengthen the mind allowing you to retain knowledge. Why do you have such a hard time grasping that?"
"Because he's a lazy mutt," said Harry, sipping his water with a smug look.
"Point, Harry," said Amelia as she wrote down in a small notebook.
"You're still keeping track?!" asked Sirius.
"Yes, because as long as my fiancé keeps acting like a child, I'm going keep track of how often he loses to an actual child." Amelia smiled at Sirius who mock grunted and folded his arms on his chest. Amelia checked the time and swore under her breath. "I need to get to work, Sirius, don't be late."
"Yes ma'am!" he said, saluting to his fiancé.
"And don't be cheeky. Or it's to the foot of the bed with you." She kissed him and apparated away. Lily checked the time as Harry sent his reply off with the Hogwarts owl.
"Alright, gang. Time to head off, gather your things and get ready. We're taking the floo in ten minutes." As everyone was gathering their things, Lily walked up to Elijah. "Have you told them yet?"
"No. Though, I believe Daphne has guessed it. She's gotten better at enhancement magic, I wouldn't be surprised if she heard me tell you and is listening right now." They glanced at her and saw the young girl swivel back around quickly. "Lo and behold. At least she can keep secrets, unlike Tracey."
"Agreed. Won't they be surprised though?"
"Lily, the entire Wizarding World will be stunned."
"True. Well, all except for Luna and Pandora."
"I forgot about the seer duo. Can't hide anything from them."
"Can't say it isn't fun to try."
"True." Once all of the kids were ready, Lily sent them one by one through the fireplace, and followed Elijah and Sirius through. She landed on her back and slid next to where Harry was.
"Yes Harry?"
"Why does this always happen to us?"
"Bad balance I think."
"Ah." Elijah smirked and helped them both up.
"Your balance wouldn't be bad if you just let me teach you Capoeira like Susan."
"Not my style, honestly," said Harry.
"It's a good evasive technique in a magical duel."
"It looks ridiculous."
"I think it looks cool," said Susan.
"You both should learn at least one type of martial art. It will help with your focus, balance, and control."
"I'll be fine on my own."
"Uh huh. Dodge." Elijah hit Harry with a stinging curse when Harry didn't move out of the way.
"I told you to dodge,"
"Arse." Muttered Harry.
"Harry…" said Lily.
"Sorry." The group left the Leaky Cauldron through the back entrance and made their way to Gringotts Wizarding Bank. Once they were inside, they were greeted met by a young man the same age as Harry, and an old woman.
"Oh," said Lily. "Hello Augusta, Neville." The two turned to her and Neville smiled.
"Aunt Lily! Hi!"
"Hello, Lily. Wasn't expecting you here. Finally showing your face to the public after 10 years?"
"Yes, well, Kind of have no choice now. New job."
"You have a job?"
"Well I need to do something now that Harry is going to be attending Hogwarts. It'll get boring doing nothing all day, and with Dumbledore still trying to gain control of the Potter votes, even though he's had no luck at all, I thought it high time to step out of the shadows."
"I couldn't agree more." As the two temporary heads of House Potter and Longbottom spoke, Neville went to Elijah.
"Hey there Neville, how're the parents?"
"Better than last time. Thank you again for helping them, Lord Crowe."
"Think nothing of it. I'm sorry it took me as long as it did, 9 years without parents isn't good."
"I'm just happy they're around to see me attend Hogwarts. Speaking of," he turned to Harry. "What house are you hopping to be in, Harry?"
"He's coming to Slytherin with me and Tracey, of course." Said Daphne, Tracey nodding in agreement.
"No," said Susan. "He's coming to Hufflepuff with me."
"You're both wrong," said Hermione. "With Harry's intelligence, he'll be coming to Ravenclaw with me, and later, Luna." As the girls started arguing, Harry slowly turned to a nervous Neville.
"Now look what you've done, Nev."
"Sorry, I forgot they were all looking to go to different Houses." Elijah smiled as a goblin walked over to him
"Lord Crowe, your monthly stock reports, sir."
"Oh, thank you Griphook. I'd forgotten about it. Sorry to make you work harder than you need."
"Think nothing of it, from one soldier to another, I don't mind as long as I respect the business." Griphook turned to the children. "Here getting money for school supplies, correct?"
"Yes, Coin master Griphook," said Harry.
"Very well. Step to the last line and I'll handle your transaction personally."
"Hermione, come with me," said Elijah. "I'll handle your funds as your official magical guardian."
"Yes sir," said Hermione with a small salute to the silver eyed soldier.
Once everyone had funds for their school supplies, and Luna had money for snacks, the group left to their first destination, Madam Malkin's Robes for all Occasions. As everyone was being measured, Harry found himself waiting on a podium and going over his Soul Magic lessons to pass the time.
'Okay, Soul Magic is the connection of one's soul to their physical body, and the physical body to the natural world. A means of strengthening the connection one has to magic as a whole. Because of this, one's magical reserves have an unusually high absorption rate, giving it latent anti-magic capabilities that can absorb minor and weak directed magical attacks. One can channel that energy into a shield, protecting them from even an Unforgivable Curse. Daphne figured out that Soul Magic can be used to physically enhance one's body, including sight and hearing as well as physical strength and stamina, handy in a fight. I've only figured out how to enhance my sight, though that was mostly so I could stop wearing glasses.
'According to Elijah, there are other secrets of Soul Magic that the other families knew of, but those families' grimoires were either destroyed or lost since the families' destruction. Elijah's family tried for years to collect whatever grimoires remained but had no luck. The only known way to unlock Soul Magic in a person is by way of the Silver Wands, special wands created by the Crowe Family. A clear indication that one uses Soul Magic is the silver color that replaces the original color of one's eyes, a lesser indication is either fully white hair, or white streaks lining one's hair, like Mum's. A rare offset of the silver eyes is golden eyes, like Tracey's, a rare genetic trait for Soul Magic users. I've learned that because of the connection between the body and the soul, achieving an Animagus form is easier for one with Soul Magic than anyone else, granting an even more powerful connection to their Animal Spirit and, therefore, their Animagus form as well.'
Harry was broken from his thoughts as Madam Malkin walked in. "Hello there, dearie. Sorry to keep you waiting for so long."
"It's no problem, Madam Malkin, I'm sure the girls took up most of your time trying to find new outfits and accessories."
"Know them well," she asked as her enchanted measuring tape did its job.
"All my life, fortunately."
"Life-long friends then?"
"Yes. And I'm thankful for every one of them."
"That's good." She finished taking the measurements she turned to the young boy. "Alright then dear, your Hogwarts robes will be ready in a couple of hours, just pay at the counter and come back in about 2 hours."
"Yes, ma'am." Harry joined the others at the counter and paid for his robes. When they went back outside, Lily turned to them.
"Alright, where to next?"
"Might I suggest Ollivander's," said Elijah. "Harry still needs his wand, so we don't rouse suspicion."
"Good point, Elijah. I'll take the girls to get the rest of their supplies, you take Harry to get his wand."
"Sounds like a plan." Harry and his teacher made their way to Ollivander's as Lily and the girls went to Flourish and Blotts. Harry turned to Elijah right before they went in.
"You said he likes sneaking up on people, right?"
"That's what Lily said. I got my wand from a shop in America, not here in Diagon Alley. Activate your Soul Sight, so we're not caught unawares."
"Hello there," said a voice above them. They both jumped as they looked up. They saw an elderly man dangling his head out of the window above the door. He saw their eyes and smiled. "More Soul Magic users! Glorious! Come in! Come in!" He pulled his head back in as they turned to each other.
"So much for not being caught unawares," said Harry. They stepped into the shop and looked around. Garrick Ollivander stood off to the side as they entered the wand shop. He smiled and shook both of their hands.
"So," he turned to Elijah. "You must be the teacher the other users told me about, Elijah Crowe, yes?"
"Yes, sir. And, I take it you're Garrick Ollivander?"
"Indeed I am! Garrick Ollivander, wand maker extraordinaire!" He gave an overexaggerated bow and smiled at the two Soul Magic users. "Now, I assume you're here to procure a wand for use at Hogwarts, yes?"
"Yes I am, Mr. Ollivander." The wizened old man turned to him and seemed to be observing him rather closely.
'Wait a minute.' Thought Elijah. He activated his Soul Sight and looked at Ollivander, only to have to look away from a bright light. 'What the…?' Turning off the Soul Sight, Elijah looked at Ollivander in surprise.
"Hello, Mr. Potter."
"You know who I am?"
"Yes, indeed I do. You are so much like your mother. And look so much like your father, except for those peculiar eyes. No doubt because of the Soul Magic. Glorious! Now then, I've found that your friends have each had difficulty finding a wand that fits them, each have had to build one from scratch. Which option would you like to take?"
"Let's try and find a wand first, if none of them work, then we'll make one."
"Just like the others. This will be exciting!" He went to a wall full of wand slots and selected a box. He brought it over to Harry and smiled. "A rather unique wand, made a long time ago. Blackthorn and phoenix tail feather, given willingly, 11 ½", sturdy." Harry grasped the wand and froze, feeling something about the wand. Immediately he handed it back and shook his head.
"Not quite. There is an element there that fits, but nothing else."
"Could you tell which element?"
"Not right away. I'd need another wand for comparison."
"Then let's try another, shall we?" Ollivander stepped off to the side and pulled out another box. "Let's see if phoenix tail feather was the element. Try this wand. Holly and phoenix tail feather, willingly given, 11", nice and supple." Harry grasped the wand and immediately put it back down.
"No. I don't feel anything from that wand, no similar connection."
"Then it was the Blackthorn. Very interesting. Hmm. I only have one other Blackthorn wand in stock, Blackthorn and dragon heartstring, 9 ½" unyielding. Difficult to bond with but once it's done, it will remain bonded to you, forever, giving no allegiance to anyone else." Harry grasped the wand as it was presented to him and frowned.
"The wood is definitely right, I feel a connection to it on some level, but the core, length, and flexibility feel… off. If that makes any sense."
"Perfect sense, Mr. Potter. The same words were spoken by your companions. Each found an element that stuck with them, but not anything else. That's when they decided to make their own wands. Follow me to the back of the shop, we'll see what core fits you, and if you'll need two wand cores."
"A rare, but not unheard of phenomenon. It happens once in every some odd thousand outcomes. Now then, let's make your wand, Mr. Potter." Harry and Elijah followed Ollivander to the back of his shop and looked around at all of the different types of wood and cores.
"Impressive," said Elijah. It puts the Crowe Chironasium to shame."
"The Crowe's were wand makers?" asked Ollivander.
"Wand and staff makers. Though, primarily, we made the Silver Wands. These are the wands used to activate Soul Magic."
"Silver Wands?! You must let me see one! It must be magnificent!"
"Sorry, Mr. Ollivander. I don't carry Silver Wands on me unless I feel they will be needed. The next time we come to get a wand though, I'll be sure to bring one."
"Do remember to do so, and your next purchase will be half off."
"What about this one?" asked Harry.
"It'll be extra, I'm afraid. It is a custom design."
"Damn. Oh well. Let's get started, Mr. Ollivander."
"Yes, let's!" Ollivander led Harry towards a wall filled with wand cores. Harry looked around but couldn't see anything in particular.
"Harry," said Elijah. "Try searching with your soul, not your eyes. Lesson 88. Soul Tracing. Using this technique, you can find anything your soul is connected to or has a possible connection to. Close your eyes, reach out with your soul and wait for a particular response, one you find significant." Closing his eyes, Harry did just that. After a minute, Harry felt and heard a faint hum. Harry followed it and reached out. He pulled out a small phial the size of his palm with small slightly curved horns.
"What is this?" asked Harry.
"Horned Serpent horn," said Ollivander. He took the phial and pulled out a moderately sized horn. "Very tricky, and not my usual pick for ingredients in wand making, then again, neither was Blackthorn wood. Horned Serpent horns are fascinating. They're exceptionally powerful and sensitive to Parseltongue."
"Sounds like it fits just right for you, Harry." Said Elijah.
"Very handy and should make an interesting combination with Blackthorn wood. Blackthorn wood is normally best suited for warriors. Wands made with this wood need to undergo great danger or hardships with their wielder before becoming fully bonded. Horned Serpent horns, when used as a wand core, can alert the wielder to danger by emitting a faint musical note, alerting the wielder. This combination of wood and core… yes… it shall fit you nicely, Mr. Potter. Now all I need is how long to make it, and I can guess, your right handed, correct?" Harry nodded and Ollivander went to a desk. Instantly a measuring tape sprang from the desk and went to Harry, much like Madam Malkin's. It started measuring Harry as Ollivander asked random questions.
"Got it." Said Ollivander. "I'll start making the wand right away. It should be ready in about 3 hours. This will be a delicate process, I've never worked with this combination before, it will be spectacular. You can pay for the wand when it's ready." Harry and Elijah left and started heading to Flourish and Blotts.
They stepped in and saw Lily and Daphne trying to pry Hermione away from a new selection of books that had arrived earlier in the week.
"By now, they should really know not to start at Flourish and Blotts."
"I'm pretty sure they weren't considering new books coming in before we arrived." Said Elijah. They walked over and saw Tracey finishing off the purchases for everyone and Susan and Luna talking with Hannah Abbot. Harry went to Hermione, making her look up.
"Having a good read, Hermione?"
"You buying the books?"
"I want to…"
"Are they important for school?"
"Well, no, but…"
"Then leave them behind. You can read them another time."
"But Harry…"
"Priorities, Hermione. Supplies now, pleasures later."
"But, but…" She sighed and put the book down. "Fine."
"How is it when I said the exact same thing she doesn't listen to me," asked Lily.
"Just gotta know how to talk to her is all," responded Harry. Lily and Elijah shared a look, knowing it had something to do with the soul bond the six of them share. Harry turned to Tracey. "All set?"
"Yep, all of our books are purchased, including yours, your welcome, by the way." She replied, ending with a mock snobbish look.
"Thank you, Tracey." He took his books and kissed her cheek, making her blush.
"Alright," said Lily, we've got all the cauldrons , phials, and telescopes at Potter Manor, we have the books, robes, cloak, and gloves are being made along with Harry's wand, all we need are scales, which we'll get on our way back to the Manor, let's head to Eyelop's to get the pets, then head to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor to pass the time."
"Hey," said Elijah, looking around. We came here with Sirius, where did he go?"
"Went to Gambol and Japes, said something about getting new prank material," said Tracey.
"Why didn't you stop him," asked Lily.
"Who am I? His keeper?"
"Considering he's a child locked in a man's body, everyone who knows him is his keeper," said Elijah.
"Everyone except Luna, that is," said Daphne. "She's his enabler." Luna smiled innocently at them all, making them sigh.
"I'll go get him," said Harry.
"Thank you, son," replied Lily. Harry made his way to the infamous joke shop and saw Sirius talking with a couple of red headed twins. He walked up to them and heard them talking about magical prank items, giving Harry an idea. He smirked and reached into his pocket for something before slipping something on his finger.
"Sirius, been looking all over for you."
"Hey, Pup!" He clapped Harry on the back and gestured to the twins. "This is Fred and George Weasley. They're Hogwarts students, third years. Fred, George, this is my godson, Harry."
"Nice to meet you, Harry," said the twin on the right.
"Going to Hogwarts this year, eh?" said the twin on the left.
"Just like our…"
"… Little brother, Ron." They said together. Harry grinned.
"Twin speak, a classic, if predictable, trick. Nice to meet you." Harry said, extending his hand. The twin on the right, presumably Fred, reached to shake Harry's hand and was shocked as soon as they shook.
"Ow! What…" Harry smirked and showed the hand buzzer on his finger.
"Hand buzzer, muggle prank toy, also a classic."
"Well done, Harry," said Sirius. "I'll make a Marauder of you yet."
"What did you just say?" asked George.
"Heard of us have you?" Sirius asked with a smirk. He gave an overly dramatic bow. "Padfoot, at your service." The twins looked at each other before bowing before Sirius.
"We're not worthy!" they chanted over and over. Sirius merely smirked and basked in his worship.
"Great," said Harry with a smirk. "Like his ego needed a boost. I shouldn't have done anything."
"On the contrary Harry," said Fred, getting up off his knees, his brother following.
"If you hadn't done that," said George.
"We wouldn't have known we were in the presence of our hero…"
"…nay, our mentor. And then…"
"… we wouldn't have been able…"
"… to return this." They both said as George pulled out an old piece of folded parchment.
"Is that…" asked Sirius. Fred merely grinned and placed his wand on the parchment.
"I solemnly swear, that I am up to no good." Instantly, ink appeared on the parchment, showing what seemed to Harry to be a map of Hogwarts. What amazed Harry was the fact that he could see footprints pacing back and forth in an office with the name 'Albus Dumbledore' over them.
"HA HAH! It is! Our masterpiece!"
"What is that?"
"This, Harry," said George.
"Is the Marauder's Map." Said both twins as Sirius grinned like the fool he liked to be.
"Impressed? You should be. Me and your father decided to map out the school to navigate it better when we learned our Animagus forms, to help Moony. After we mapped every inch we could find, even hidden and secret passages, Moony used the Homonculous Charm to make it track everything in the school. I added a charm that would insult Snivelus if he ever found it. Your mother even added her own touch when she joined the group by adding the word activated concealment charm."
"Mom helped create this? My mom? The woman who scorns you almost as much as Aunt Amelia for your behavior?"
"She has her rebellious side as well. One of the things that drew Prongs to her in the first place. Damn useful item, until the traitor who shall not be named dropped it and got it confiscated by Filch." He took the map and smiled nostalgically. He turned to the twins. "How much have you memorized?"
"All of it." They smiled.
"Then you won't mind if I give this to my godson here, would you?"
"It was yours originally," said Fred.
"Only fair you give it to who you wish, O Great One."
"Christ," said Harry. "You gave him a title. Aunt Amelia is going to wring my neck for this boost in his enormous ego." Sirius brought his own wand to the map, smiling.
"Mischief managed." The map disappeared, and he folded it back up before turning to Harry. "Harry, as one of the last two official remaining Marauders, I, Padfoot, The Great One," Harry rolled his at that last part. "Give to you, your inheritance. One of the last things your father would've wanted you to have. The Marauder's Map. Use it irresponsibly, and with great mischief. Long live the Marauders."
"Long live the Marauders," said Fred and George, who Harry had noticed had taken two prank broomsticks, dropped to one knee, and were treating them like knights do their swords in a knighting ceremony.
"This is a mad house," said Harry with a smile. He took the map from his godfather and rolled his eyes once more as the twins trumpeted a fanfare. "Come on, Padfoot, the others are waiting."
"Alright, I'm coming. Good luck with those pranks, boys!"
"Goodbye, O Great One," said George.
"See you in school, Prince of Mischief." Said Fred. Harry paused, hearing that. Sirius turned to his godson and saw a grin growing on his face, making himself smile in turn.
"'Prince of Mischief' has a nice ring to it."
"I couldn't agree more, Pup." They made their way to Eyelop's to meet up with everyone.
Lily saw them enter with matching grins and quirked an eyebrow.
"What did you two do?"
"Nothing, Mum." Said Harry, he grinned wider before speaking again. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." Lily paused hearing that and instantly turned on them.
"SIRIUS!" she shouted accusingly.
"My hands are clean of this. We just met Hogwarts current Marauders. They happened to have the Map. Harry told them who I was…"
"And they returned the map to me. After showing Harry how it worked of course. I explained how it was made."
"I'd thought that Filch would've destroy that thing by now."
"Not if he knew what it was, must've spent all this time trying to figure out what it did."
"Hey, Hermione!" Harry called to his bushy haired best friend.
"What is it, Harry?"
"Don't have to worry about mapping the school, now. Got a map right in my pocket."
"Brilliant! That'll save us a lot of time!"
"Harry," said Lily. "I don't want you using that map for anything but navigation, do you hear me?"
"Loud and clear, Mum."
"Good. Now pick your pet, everyone has spent their time picking so you can as well."
"Alright." Harry spent a few minutes wandering the shop before his eyes were drawn to a snowy owl. The owl woke up and stared back at him.
"Careful with that one," said the female employee tending to a kneazle Hermione was eyeing. "She's a bit feisty. Snapped at the last three people who tried petting her." Harry merely stared into her eyes and reached out with his soul to her. The owl blinked once before relaxing at the feeling of Harry's soul and flew over to him, landing on his shoulder gently. She gently nipped at his ear, making him smile. "Wow, never seen her act like that before. You must have a way with animals, kid."
"He just has a way with the ladies," said Elijah, winking at her. She chuckled and continued working.
"What do you want to call her, Harry?" asked Luna.
"How about, Hedwig?" The owl made a noise of approval before nipping at his ear again.
"She likes it." Luna smiled and pet her feathers gently. Hermione walked over, carrying the kneazle in her arms.
She's beautiful, Harry." Hedwig flapped her wings in a smug gesture, as if to say 'of course'. Harry just smiled as he went to the counter. He paid for Hedwig, a handful of treats, and a cage for her when in transport. Daphne bought a black cat with one blue eye and one green eye. Luna decided to wait to get a pet for when she attends Hogwarts herself. Hermione got her kneazle which she named Crookshanks. Tracey bought a raven that she named Edgar. Susan had bought an egg she felt calling to her. It was a blue and white egg as large as her head. She held it close to her protectively as Harry helped pay for it.
Once all the pets were bought, they made their way to the ice cream parlor, Susan hugging the egg to her chest, motherly. "Luna," asked Harry.
"Can you see what the egg will hatch?"
"Yes, but I'm not saying."
"Why not?"
"You're no fun."
"The surprise is the fun," said Susan smiling. They all sat down after getting their ice cream and discussed about everything and nothing until they met up with someone Sirius and Harry hadn't known was in town.
"Hope you guys saved some ice cream for me." Said a voice behind the two. Elijah smiled as they turned around surprised.
"Moony!" shouted Sirius and Harry. They shot up and gave the werewolf a hug. Lily and the girls smiled at the reunion.
"When did you get back?" asked Harry.
"This morning. I wasn't going to miss your birthday, Cub. Nor was I going to leave you alone to corrupt him into our old ways, Sirius."
"Too late for that, isn't it, Prince of Mischief?"
"Oh no," said Remus Lupin. Harry smirked.
"I believe so, O Great One."
"Don't call him that," said Remus with a smirk. "We'll never hear the end of it." The Marauders, old and new, laughed as the others shook their heads. Elijah checked his watch and turned to Lily. Robes should be done by now. Harry's wand will be done in about 20 minutes."
"Alright then. Everyone, time to pick up your robes." Making their way back to Madam Malkin's the group started discussing their new pets, with Daphne trying to come up with a name for her odd-eyed black cat. Remus saw Susan's egg and grew intrigued.
"What kind of egg is that, Susan?"
"Not sure, Mr. Lupin. I just felt it calling to me."
"A product of your Soul Magic, I'm assuming."
"More than likely," said Elijah. "Hell, I've been practicing it longer than they have, and I still haven't learned everything Soul Magic can do."
"I don't doubt it. With everything you've told us, it sounds like the families split up the knowledge amongst themselves so that not every aspect died off and would be relearned at a later time by the other families."
"It seems a bit stupid in hindsight," said Tracey. "Why couldn't they have shared all of the secrets they had learned with each other?"
"It was mainly because even with Soul Magic, there are darker arts. Spells that were rumored to absorb and steal souls. Because of this, none of the families shared more knowledge with the others out of fear of someone figuring out how to absorb souls."
"That sounds horrifying," said Harry. "Having your soul ripped from your body."
"I'd imagine it is," said Remus. "It's no wonder someone invented the Patronus Charm in an attempt to drive away dementors." The group retrieved their robes with only a little trouble as they encountered a man abusing his house elf. Elijah had to hold Harry and Hermione back from doing anything too rash as Lily, Remus and Sirius held the others back as well.
"I still can't believe something like this still happens in this day and age." Said Hermione, hugging Crookshanks to her chest as he looked around.
"There has to be something we can do about it," said Harry.
"There is," said Lily. "You just have to wait until all of you come of age. The 'Dragon Alliance' will mean a change of things to come, a change for the better in future years."
"Lily's right," said Elijah. "The wizarding world has always been slow to change, especially in recent years. The wars against Grindelwald and Voldemort have brought Britain's magical population down significantly. Hell even MACUSA was slow to change, choosing to remain as they were and fully separate the magical and nonmagical worlds. It took the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to make them change their minds. It was seen as a form of espionage at first, then more and more mundane born graduates of Ilvermorny brought innovations to the magical worlds. There was even talk of a new branch of magic appearing in both magical America and Japan, bridging the gap between magical and mundane."
"That sounds too good to be true," Tracey said, feeding Edgar a treat.
"I'd never seen it myself, it was just a rumor I heard."
"What was it called?" asked Hermione.
"You know what, I actually don't remember." Soon, the group made it back to Ollivander's for Harry's wand. Ollivander greeted them with a smile and welcomed them in. He brought a box over to harry and uncovered it. It had a tan handle and a dark brown shaft. Intricate spiral-like designs riddled the wand. It measured in at 11".
"This is your wand, Mr. Potter. Blackthorn and Horned Serpent horn, 11", nice and supple." He held the box out to Harry. "Give it a try." Harry grasped the wand lightly and instantly, the boy-who-lived was engulfed in a bright light, similar to that caused by the Crowe Family Silver Wands. When everyone's vision had cleared, they saw Harry's hair had turned completely white, much like his teacher, and the intricate designs on the wand had turned silver as well. Ollivander smiled as he looked at Harry. "Remarkable! I've never seen such a powerful thing before, and it's only half bonded to you as well! Imagine what a full bonding would look like!" Ollivander went to his desk and pulled out a journal, recording the events of the day.
"Harry," said Hermione. "That was incredible!"
"Like the new look Harry," said Elijah with a smirk. "It's flattering." Harry looked at him in confusion until Daphne held the compact mirror Lily had gifted her for her 11th birthday. Harry gawked at his hair, changed from it's natural black, to a glistening white.
"No wonder you like it," said Harry. "You're vain enough to claim you invented this look."
"Who's to say I didn't?"
"Well if you invented it," said Susan. "Then Harry's perfected it." The other girls nodded in agreement as Harry blushed.
"Mr. Potter," said Ollivander. "Forget what I said before, no charge at all just for that brilliant display!"
"I can't do that, Mr. Ollivander. You wouldn't be thanked properly otherwise for this masterpiece. I'm going to pay full price for everything, as agreed."
"If you insist, Mr. Potter." Harry paid for the wand and an Auror grade holster at Amelia's approval and recommendation.
And the group left the shop. They got the rest of the supplies and headed back to Potter Manor, where Harry was met with a big surprise.
The second Harry entered the main foyer behind everyone, a massive shout of "SURPRISE!" startled him into stopping mid step. In front of him were the girls' families, the Tonks family, and a man with a peg leg, a magical eye whizzing about in place watching in all directions, and a chunk of his nose missing. Along with them was the Longbottom Family with Frank and Alice Longbottom sitting in enchanted wheelchairs, smiling at him.
"Wotcher, Harry!" said a girl with bright pink hair, as she walked over to him.
"Hello, Nymphadora," said Harry with a cocky smirk as she growled at the name.
"I've told you a hundred times, do not call me that name!" She aimed her wand at him, ready to hex him when he wagged his finger in her face.
"No hexing the birthday boy, common curtesy."
"You little…"
"Nymphadora…" said her mother. "Behave."
"But he…"
"Now." Nymphadora Tonks grumbled to herself as she stomped away from Harry.
"You know next time she sees you, which is at Hogwarts, by the way," said Daphne. "She'll unleash hell on you, right?"
"Oh, I know. But it was worth it for today. Besides, I doubt we'll meet each other, thanks to something Sirius gave me," he said under his breath. Neville and Augusta wheeled Frank and Alice over to him.
"Happy birthday, Harry," said Frank. He looked at the color of Harry's hair. "When did that happen?"
"Earlier today when I got my wand." He pulled it out to show them, Alastor Moody made his way over to look at it himself. He made to grab the wand, only to be on the receiving end of a stinging hex from Harry.
"Well done, lad," said the one-eyed Auror. "Kept your head on a swivel and didn't let me disarm ya."
"It's bad form to try and take a wand without permission, Auror Moody," said Elijah as he stood behind the Auror.
"And it's bad luck to stand behind a man like me, Gunnery Sergeant Crowe." Elijah smirked and moved around him to shake his hand.
"Harry, show the old man your wand."
"Disrespectful Yank," muttered Moody as Harry extended his wand to him. The battle-hardened Auror took the wand and examined it with his enchanted glass eye. "Blackthorn wand, a warrior's wand. Very nice. And what the devil is that core, boy?"
"Horned Serpent horn. Powerful core, works well with parseltongue, can alert me to danger I cannot see myself, sir."
"Very good, just don't get to lazy because of it. Constant vigilance! That's how you survive in this world, lad."
"Yes, sir!" said Harry as he saluted, a habit he picked up from his training with Elijah. Moody saluted back, showing a ghost of a smile and nothing more before going back to his spot in the room, watching anything and everything and keeping the entrance in clear view.
"It's an impressive wand, Harry." Said Alice.
"I'm sure James would've been proud."
"Thank you, Aunt Alice. Though, considering the stories, I'd hate to hear the comments he'd make about the hair."
"They'd be colorful, that's for sure." Harry smiled and talked with them for a bit before going to the Tonks.
"Hello, Uncle Ted, Aunt Andromeda."
"Happy birthday, Harry," said Andromeda before giving him a hug. "I love what you've done with your hair. It looks spectacular."
"Thank you, but it was kind of an accident. Happened when I got my wand."
"Whatever the case," said Ted Tonks. "You look handsome. You'll be sure to grab the attention of all of the girls."
"He doesn't need every girls attention, Ted. Just his girls." They smiled as Harry blushed. Go enjoy your party, Harry. I'm sure you'll love the gifts you're going to receive. Harry nodded and joined the girls as Lily played some songs on a shielded stereo system she bought a few years prior.
Albus Dumbledore was nervous. He'd received an immediate response from Harry Potter, from Potter Manor, of all places. On further inspection of the Dursley's where he had placed Harry under the blood wards, he learned that the Dursley's no longer lived there. Petunia, and her son Dudley, had moved out a year prior after Petunia's husband, Vernon, after being fired from his job, had gotten drunk, and started beating Dudley. Petunia had tried to stop it, only to receive a fist to her face. Wasting no time, Petunia had called the police and had Vernon arrested for child and spousal abuse. What's more, he had learned that Harry had never lived with the Dursley's at all, despite his blood wards telling him otherwise. And the woman he had placed to watch him, Arabella Figg, had not noticed anything unusual at all in all 10 years she'd been watching the Dursley's.
Dumbledore started pacing his office, Harry was in the wind, and had been for 10 years without his knowledge of where. All he did know, was that Harry was at least aware of his magic and aware of Hogwarts, his immediate response was a give-in. 'This is not good.' He thought to himself. 'I don't know who raised Young Harry, but they've no doubt taught him of the Wizarding World. I have no idea what else they've told him, I don't even know if his current guardians are aware of his status in the Wizengamot. I can only hope they don't, and that Harry was blissfully unaware that he has a powerful role in the Wizarding World's politics. But who took him from his family? And without tripping my wards and detection spells, no less.
'Whoever they are, they must be powerful. Powerful enough to trick spells cast from the Elder Wand. A worrying thought, that something out there that can match a Hallow in power exists. Given that Harry hasn't popped up in the Wizarding World's news at all in ten years tells me he's been isolated most, if not all of his life. This can still play to my advantage. Harry must be starving for companionship every child needs a best friend after all. Perhaps young Ronald would do. He is kind enough and would keep Harry on the path of the Light, until the day he needs to sacrifice himself to stop Tom.
'But that means that the Potter votes and wealth will be distributed to whoever Harry wishes upon his death. I need to find a way to keep it under control so that the wrong people don't get that money. I believe Arthur has a young daughter, just a year younger than Harry, and a fan of the Harry Potter stories parents read to their kids. She should do nicely. It should work, it has to. Harry Potter must sacrifice himself for the Greater Good.'