Chapter 24 - chapter 24

Alen only stared at Rain without saying anything. Rain sighed and said in a gentle voice " Alen,I know, you are not stupid and I am not hiding my intention forward you, you know how much I love you and I want to try my luck with you, I want to make you my mate and I am openly flirting with you, I am always make my intention clear to you, am I not?" Alen lower his head and looked at the ground and said in a low voice " you did but I already told you, I am waiting for my fated mate,so.." Rain sighed and said in a gentle voice " that's why I told you that I want to try my luck , I want you to fell in love with me before your fated mate appear and if you fated mate appear before you fell of me then I guess, I'll give up on you " .

Alen just repeat what Rain say on his mind and he thought ' she will give up on me ' suddenly his heart aches for some reason and he felt a pain in his chest, his stomach started to hurts and he unintentionally started to releasing his pheromones. Rain suddenly felt Alen's pheromones became stronger. Rain smell his pheromones and thought ' un, he's smell really good ' then she looked at him and thought ' but why he's releasing his pheromones ' Neel said " maybe he got excited when you mansion his fated mate" Rain doesn't said anything only stared at him. Rain felt sad and her heart hurts, she was looking at Alen and Alen was looking at the ground.

Alen was in his thought and snow was lessening his thoughts then he said in a worried voice " Alen! Alen don't tell me you.."

At that time, Rain said " we have reached your house" Alen looked at Rain and Rain said in a cheerful tone " so, bye Alen, see you tomorrow in the school and don't forget to tell Liam about our plan and he doesn't have to wait for you, okay?" Alen nodded and Rain gave a small smiled then turned around and started walking then left that placed without looking back. But Alen stood there and stared at her until she was out of his sight. After Rain left then he sighed and went inside his house.

Rain came back with a sad face. She doesn't know why she's feeling so sad , maybe it's related to Alen's fated mate or maybe it's for some other reason, she doesn't know, all she knows is her hurt like a hell. Neel sighed and said " Rain, cheer up, it's okay, you already know that he is waiting for his fated mate then why is that long face?" Rain said in a low voice, there was clear sadness in her voice" I know but it still hurts when I thought Alen will become someone else's mate after all of my afford, just because he is he's fated mate " Neel said in a gentle voice" hm, it's our destiny, so, cheer up, if Alen in your fate then he will be your's, don't worry, just try you best " Rain sighed and said in a Confident voice" Yes, Alen is mine , I will make him fell for me and marked him before his fated mate appear then no one can stole him from me" Neel said in a happy tone " yes, that's the Rain I know" .

At that time, Richard came then gave her a sweet smiled and said in a sweet voice " welcome home, my dear" Rain looked at him and only nodded. Richard looked at her worriedly and asked " what happened?" Rain shook her head and said " it's nothing" but Richard doesn't buy this he looked at her with a worried eyes.

At that time, Kien came downstairs and said in a cheerful tone " so, how was your date?" Rain glazed at him and Richard asked " dear, you went to a date?" Rain shook her head and said " it was not a date, I kinda forced him to spend some time with me and he is not interested in me" Kien said " hm, it's true, he's already rejected Rain once" Rain looked at Kien with death stared and Kien looked away. Richard looked at Kien and asked in a kinda deep voice " who is he?" Kien looked at him and said politely " oh, he is Mr.Meilfod's only son, Alen" Richard nodded and said " oh, I saw him, he's a very beautiful omega" then he's said in a angry voice " but how dare he rejected their alpha?" Rain looked at him and said in a low voice" dad, it's okay, forget it " Richard looked at Rian and eyes eyes become soft again then he sighed and said in a soft voice" should I talk to him?" Rain looked at him and smiled a little and asked in soft voice " what will you told him?" Richard started thinking and Rain smiled at his adorable act and Kien was smiling because of those father and daughter's behavior.