Chereads / Reborn (HP-FF) / Chapter 9 - Chapter 9

Chapter 9 - Chapter 9

"Oh fuck." Hill let out a deep breath as she laid in bed with Harry, both without a stitch of clothes as their bodies were covered by nothing but the bed sheet. "Wow, that wasn't half bad." She commented, her hair spread out over her pillow as her chest moved up and down with each breath.

"I'm sorry but if I recall correctly then you were the one who was screaming my name." Harry reminded her as he lay next to her.

"Shut it." Hill said softly as she swatted his arm. "What was the thing you did with your tongue?" She suddenly asked.

"Parsletounge." Harry answered, "I can speak to snakes." He added when she gave him a look that said she clearly did not what he was talking about. "I can speak to snakes, they speak back to me."

"You speak to snakes?" She repeated as if testing the words.

"They are surprisingly intelligent."

"Well...that's good to know." She said eventually.

"Should I expect Fury to find out that I can speak to snakes?" Harry asked lightly.

"I'm not sure, depends on if I am willing to tell him how I found out." Hill replied. "You can speak to any other animals?" She asked curiously.

"A couple." Harry frowned before looking back at Hill. "you want to go one more time?" He offered. Hill stayed quiet for several moments as she thought on the answer.

"Fine but this time I'm on top." She said in a voice that said she would not accept any arguments.

"Works for me." Harry shrugged right before Hill straddled him.

"Good." She grinned before she placed her hands on both sides of his head and leaned down to capture his lips with her own, Harry gladly returned fire as he placed his hands on her waist before allowing the to go lower and grab a handful.

"Well, that was enjoyable." Harry said to Hill as he and Hill stepped out of the shower.

"The shower or the sex?" She raised an eyebrow as she took a towel and wrapped it around her body.

"I was referring to the shower sex but the a shower and regular sex are also enjoyable on their own." Harry replied as his wand appeared in his hand, he cast a drying charm over himself. "Do you want me to dry you off?" Harry offered, she looked hesitant before nodding.

"That would be appreciated." She said as Harry waved his wand over her, Hill briefly felt like she had been placed in a giant towel and a second later she was completely dry. "Useful." She commented.

"Indeed." Harry nodded just before clothes manifested and he found himself wearing black trainers, blue jeans, a white shirt and a black jacket.

"Again, useful." She said as she looked him up and down.

"Thanks, so I guess I will be off now." Harry replied.

"I guess so." She nodded.

"Just to let you know that if I find a file about my sexual prowess in Shield's records then I will be furious." Harry added, half joking.

"So I should stick to writing on the bathroom walls?" Hill asked in an innocent voice.

"Only if I can do the same." Harry replied before he gave her a small nod as he walked out, once he had left Hill's place Harry teleported back into his own apartment to find Padfoot sitting on his sofa and watching TV. Padfoot looked at him and gave him a questioning look followed by a small bark. "No," Harry shook his head. "me and Hill just slept together."


"No she is not pregnant." Harry rolled his eyes.


"No there is not going to be a yet at the end of the sentence."


"No I am not nor will I ever be neutered."


"Pretty sure."

Harry had placed Padfoot's bowl in front of him before he waved he placed his own food, a burger and chips, down on his table. Harry had sat down and was about to eat when suddenly knock was heard on his door. Harry sighed at the interruption before he teleported to the door, Harry peaked through the peephole and saw none other than Natasha Romanoff at his door.

Harry stepped back and slowly opened the door just enough for him to peak out and look at her. She was wearing blue jeans with blue trainers and a white T-shirt, her hair was let lose and descended past her shoulders, in her left hand was a black folder and on her wrist was a silver watch.

"I'm not buying anything." Harry said quickly.

"Very funny," Natasha rolled her eyes. "are you going to invite me in?" She asked.

"Not really." Harry shrugged.

"Just open the damn door." She said with an amused smile as she resisted the urge to roll her eyes for a second time. Harry sighed before fully opening the door.

"I don't mean to be rude but I was about to eat." Harry said.

"Well I'm sorry to ruin your meal," Natasha said as she entered. "oh hi boy." She smiled at Padfoot who looked up from eating his food and barked in greeting before returning to eating.

"Yeah don't bother trying to talk to him until his bowl is empty." Harry said as he closed the door. "Nope," Harry said quickly when he saw Natasha go near his food. "take either of our food and you will be bitten. What are you doing here anyway?"

"What? I can't just come and visit?" She said with an innocent expression that was matched by her voice.

"No." Harry said as he walked past her and sat down at his table and decided to start eating as he was not going to hold off on his food for uninvited guests.

"Well a couple of things actually," Natasha commented as she sat down next to him, she reached for a chip only to get her hand slapped away. She sent him a playful glare before she leaned back and continued talking. "first thing I want to know is did you really sleep with Hill?"

"That's the first thing you want to know?" Harry stopped eating and raised an eyebrow at her.

"Me and Barton have a bet about if you really did or not." Natasha explained.

"Ask Hill and my answer is whatever she says." Harry said dismissively.

"Ah so you did sleep with her." She said, Padfoot barked from his position and to Natasha it sounded surprisingly like he was agreeing with her.

"Fine," Harry sighed. "I did. How did you find out?"

"I'm a spy in an intelligence organization, you do the math." She replied. "I wouldn't worry about all of Shield knowing about it, not yet anyway, though you would be a bit of a legend if they did find out."

"I don't know why people can't just get a life and mind their own fucking business." Harry complained in a tired voice.

"People will always be interested in other people," Natasha said, speaking like she was telling him an obvious fact. "by the way Fury wanted me to give you this." Natasha said as she gestured to the folder which she put on the table. "I'm supposed to wait until you read it then call back after you've decided if you are going to accept or not."

"I'm eating." Harry reminded her.

"I'm not in a rush." Natasha shrugged as she glanced towards the TV. "Oh I love this episode." She grinned and leaned back. Harry was tempted to make a comment but decided to instead just focus on eating. Once he was done Harry cleaned up his table, once he finished he sat back down and looked at the file. Though not before he glanced at Padfoot and Natasha who were now both sitting together with Natasha petting Padfoot's head. The folder contained a rather simple mission involving infiltrating a building and getting a copy of some data.

"Tell Blackbeard I'll do it." Harry said once he was done reading, he held the folder out and Natasha took it.

"Blackbeard?" She asked in an amused voice.

"He's got an eyepatch, beard and a ship, you look me in the eye and tell me you have never once thought the word 'pirate' while thinking about him." Harry challenged her.

"Maybe once or twice." Natasha admitted with a small smirk. "Bit of an easy joke though."

"I'm sorry but do I look like I specialize in creativity?"

"Still, you shouldn't go for the low hanging fruit. Anyway Fury will be glad that you've accepted." Natasha replied but made no effort to move as she kept her eyes on the TV. Harry sat back and simply watched watched alongside her. "I read the report on your mission by the way." She said a few minutes later after the episode had ended.

"So just anyone can read that then?"

"Does it bother you?" She asked him, ignoring his question for the time being.

"Does what bother me?"

"All the people you killed, does it bother you?" She asked, her voice was more curious than accusatory.

"No." Harry answered honestly. "No it doesn't bother me, what about you?"

"What about me?"

"Don't play dumb, I know who you are and I know that I am not the only killer in this room. Does it bother you?" Natasha was silent for several moments before she replied.

"You mean me being a killer or you being a killer?"

"Either, both, whichever."

"No," She said as she looked him in the eye. "no it doesn't bother me. If you don't mind me asking, why did you settle on 'Grim' for a name? I mean there are so many other more flattering choices."

"You mean like 'Black Widow' or 'Hawkeye'?" Harry retorted.

"Better than Grim." She replied, "That just makes you sound like an anti-social loner."

"I am an anti-social loner." Harry pointed out.

"I can break you out of that." She smirked at him, she would have said more if she wasn't interrupted by a beeping noise, she pulled out her phone and looked at it. "Damn," She whispered before she stood up. "I'll tell Fury you've accepted the mission." She added before she petted Padfoot one more time before she walked over to the door with Harry standing up and walking after her, she opened the door and glanced back at Harry. "I'll see you later." She said before she left his apartment, Harry was about to close the door when he noticed someone coming in the opposite direction that Natasha had left in.

"H...Harry," Alexis said quickly. "can I talk to you?" She asked hopefully as she rushed forwards and stopped in front of him, hoping to stop him in case he decided to close the door.

"Go on." Harry said.

"I...know our last conversation was a little..." She paused as she tried to think up the right word. "awkward." She eventually settled on. "I...I wanted to say sorry."

"It's fine," Harry said dismissively. "I...I'm not really experienced with this shit but I think I probably could have let you down in a nicer way."

"Anyway, I'm sorry and I was hoping that there were no bad feelings."

"No bad feelings, don't worry about it." Harry waved her off.

"Well...I am glad." She smiled. "I guess I should go now."

"Probably." Harry agreed as he nodded. He waited for her to go but she seemed unable to move.

"I...I'll be off now." She said a few seconds later as she gestured in the direction she had come from.

"Yep." Harry nodded, waiting for her to leave.

"Yeah." She nodded slowly.

"Alright," Harry said after losing what little patience he had. "here's what's going to happen, I am going to close this door and once it is closed your legs will activate and carry you away. Got it?"

" it." She nodded.

"Goodbye." Harry said before he closed the door, he shook his head before walking back in and sitting on his sofa.

"Woof." Padfoot barked.

"No I am not getting with Alexis."

"Woof, woof."

"You only like her because she petted you." Harry responded.


"Yes it is. I don't know who you are trying to fool."


"No, I am not buying you a phone." Harry replied as he rolled his eyes.


"Who the hell would you even call?" Harry couldn't help but ask.

A year later and Harry found himself settled into a nice routine, for the most part his life would consist of relaxing at home and occasionally doing jobs for Shield. The only real change was also the random nights he would spend with Hill, apparently she liked their first night enough to have a repeat performance. Harry didn't complain though, she understood that it was all simply physical so he didn't worry much about feelings being involved plus they had only spent a few nights together spread out throughout the whole year.

One week after returning from his last mission Harry received a call from Shield.

"Yes?" Harry asked as he answered the phone.

"Mr Potter," Coulson's voice replied. "we have a mission for you."

"What type of mission?" Harry asked.

"A rescue mission hopefully, we need you to find someone and if they are alive we'd like for you to bring him back."


"Tony Stark."

A.N: Hi guys, hope you liked the chapter, also if anyone is interested in Harry and Hill's current relationship status then it is probably best described as 'work friends with benefits', or at least called that until I think of a better description. And yes I am starting to bring in the other Avengers, I hope you guys look forward to it. Below I'm placing some omakes that I forgot to write for the last chapter, just some fun, not meant to be taken seriously. Thanks for reading, feel free to leave a review.

Omake 1 :

"!" Hill said after taking several deep breaths. "That was really good."

"Thanks." Harry smirked.

"Yeah, you were so much better than my husband."

"You have a husband?

"No but if I did then I am pretty sure that you would be better."

"Well...thanks I guess."

"Yeah," Hill grinned as her hand slid down his body. "I..." She paused when her hand reached the desired destination. "hold on, where's your condom?!"

"The fuck's a condom?"

(A.N: If you know where I got this joke from then well done)

Omake 2 :

"Alright," Hill said, stripping down once Harry had entered her home. "let's do this." She said once she was completely naked.

"I call dibs on the bed, you can sleep on the couch." Harry said as he looked towards the bedroom.


"Oh I didn't want to sleep with you, my apartment's under work so I needed a place to say. Thanks by the way." Harry said as he tapped her on the shoulder before walking off, leaving a gaping Hill.

Omake 3 :

"Natasha?" Clint asked as he saw Natasha scowling in the corner and writing in a book. "Are you alright?" He asked in a concerned voice.

"Shush!" Natasha hissed. "I'm coming up with a plan to seduce Potter."


"Because if Hill can seduce him yet I can't then I lose my spot as top seducer of the month and I only need to win it one more time to break my personal record. So I'm coming up with ideas to seduce him, look at them and tell me what you think." She said as she shoved the book into his hand.

"Um...the first plan is a bit too expensive." Barton frowned.

"Well I could buy some cheaper wine." Natasha said with a thoughtful voice.

"I meant the zeppelin." Barton replied. "Why a zeppelin?"

"Because I couldn't do what I had planned in a helicopter." Natasha said as if it was obvious.

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