Here I was laying on my bed, crying like a crybaby a lot has been happening in my life.I hated myself for being a nuisance and crying over spilt milk because of my silly mistakes .Sometimes I blame my parents for leaving me alone with my evil aunt who always hated me and was always upto no good. I was just a young teenage girl who was soon going to be an adult yet my aunt treated me like trash. My Mother left me just to go look for money and we already had enough money to sustain us and live a humble,simple life. She was all money minded, was wealth more important than their old child? Some people only thought that you cannot survive this life without money, but this can also be true.
That day I was in a very damp mood since once again we had quarelled with my aunt.This was becoming a normal occurrence and today so much worse and here I was sobbing silently on my bed with no one to comfort me.My mind could not take it anymore and I decided to go out and have a walk to at least clear my head. Maybe the cold breeze will make me more sober.I could often snuck through the window of my bedroom when my aunt and cousins were loud asleep, to go to the nearest park. I quickly grabbed my jacket and headed out. Immediately, after I stepped out of the compound I felt more relaxed and free. My aunt's place was like a cage with no escape to the other world .After some minutes , I finally reached the park and sat down on the freshly trimmed grass. The breeze was so cool,calming all my tensed nerves. I sat there like a lost bunny as I dawned into my sorrowful state , soon the rain started pouring down but I did not care because the pain in my heart was more unbearable than the cold and strong gushes of wind. Suddenly , I felt a pair of warm hands on my shoulders. I was so pre occupied in my thoughts that i did not feel the person's presence . I looked up to see a tall dark figure of a boy wearing a long black coat, from the angle the boy looked really handsome and had a dark aura looming around him. " Hey beautiful, you are going to freeze soon if you continue staying here,also this place is really dangerous at this time of the night. So can I at least walk you home to ensure that you are safe and sound."I had the stranger talk. He really yapped a lot but the only words I had were the last part that this place was not safe. Now I really feared for my safety, ' what if I got injured or got abducted , what was I going to tell my aunt' this words were ringing on my mind. "Okay I don't mind ." I blurted out all of a sudden. The stranger looked surprised and so did I. My own words surprised me, How could I let a stranger walk me home what if he abuses me or do the unthinkable. But, he looks pretty harmless and a caring person. Without so much thought I agreed to the stranger's request. As promised the guy walked me home and made sure I arrived in the house safely. The walk to home was so quite no one wanted to talk to each other,he did try to strike little conversations but I was in no mood for talking. Before he left, he asked for my phone number and without giving thought to it. I gave it to him absentmindly and the guy left afterwards. What a long day full of different events and occurrences. I snuck back in and hopefully no one was awake and no one had noticed that I was not home. I said a short prayer silently because if my aunt had found out it could have been a hell of a ruckus. I went straight to bed and fell asleep instantly without even changing into my pajamas. My cheeks were so sore and puffy from all the crying and sobbing. My eyes were also red. I hoped for a good sleep since the following day schools were resuming and once schools resumed it was going to be hectic. I soon drifted to a dreamless sleep since I only had four hours to sleep and I was already stressed by the fact that schools were reopening.