Chereads / Tales of Soweiland / Chapter 2 - Fury

Chapter 2 - Fury

"IMBECILES!" The King's voice echoed through the hallways of his castle in Vienna. He was sitting on his throne, donning his dark purple cape, blade firmly strapped to his waist.

He. Was. Furious.

Not only had some random orphan from Linam managed to publicly speak out against him, numerous times, without being punished, his elite enforcers had just informed him that he had escaped to a neighboring country.

"We're sorry Mr. Gaspar sir-" their leader was on his knees trying to explain to his majesty, but to no avail.

"Oh you're "sOrRy". Well THAT WON'T FIX ANYTHING, will it?"


"Get out of here, and don't bother coming back without this Kane's head!" The king finally announced.

The enforcers all immediately got up and bolted out of the room, before the King changed his mind and decided to hang them all.

But he was sceptical. He knew that just ignoring this issue wouldn't fix anything, Something was definitely brewing already, and he had no clue when it would be coming.

After a little bit of thinking, he had come up with a temporary solution.

"TOMAS!" He called out. Soon enough, a man, wearing a lab coat and rectangular glasses that covered his eyes, would walk through the doors of his throne room and stand before him.

"What do you want, father?" Tomas asked. He was the King's second son of three. Indoctrinated from a very young age to do his father's bidding.

"I assume you've already heard of this revolutionary idealist from Soweiland?"

"Yes father."

"Good. The enforcers have driven him out of my empire, but his ideas have connected with a lot of my moronic underlings, especially in that hellhole, Sowei City."

"What does that have to do with me?"

The King was a little irritated by this comment.

"If you would allow me to FINISH MY SENTENCE?"

Tomas stayed quiet. He did not want to enrage his father any further.

"As I was saying, we need to do something so that the peasants don't start another revolution. I want you, to disguise yourself and go into Soweiland. If you pick up anything, contact me immediately."

"Of course father. When do I leave?"

"Now preferably. Go, get out of my sight. And don't fail."

After that, Tomas put his hands in his pockets, turned around and left the throne room.

As he was walking through the corridors of the royal family's castle, he came across his older brother and the heir to the throne, Francis.

Francis wasn't like his siblings, as he was against their father's methods and thought his tyrannical rule should have definitely ended by now.

"And where are you going?" He asked his brother.

"Father has given me an assignment." Tomas replied.

"Which is?"

"To be a spy in Soweiland. The peasants are acting out of order again."

"Are you blind? Father is clearly trying to use this as an excuse to rile up the army and mindlessly kill the people of Soweiland, again!" Francis was tired of his brother consistently acting as a mindless slave for their father. "Don't go through with this! Innocent people could and will die!"

"You cannot stop me brother, my duty is to our father. And so should yours."

"Our sister, that he abandoned there, might be in Sowei City. Do you want to risk getting her killed?"

"She was clearly not worthy of being a part of this family. Let her die." Francis couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"A-are you even listening to yourself? Father doesn't even value your existence! He doesn't even treat you like a son, he treats you like an enforcer!"

Tomas silently raised an eyebrow, which could barely be seen though his opaque glasses.

"You can't let him dictate your life like that! You must stand up for yourself already!"

"I have an assignment to do. Get out of my way."

Francis was in shock. Tomas walked right past him, completely ignoring his baffled brother, and heading out the castle doors.

After leaving, Tomas would forge a fake ID card, and would now go under the name 'Thomas Gardner'. He took a chariot to Sowei City, and was to lurk in the shadows of the city, listening for whispers of revolution.

After his son left, the King sent a telegraph to the newspaper in Sowei City. An announcement.

"I will be visiting the city soon. Make sure the public knows about this."