Chereads / personal 5 / Chapter 65 - B53

Chapter 65 - B53

The Next Day, I woke up in the Townhouse I was renting in Reykjavik, showered, dressed, and headed out to the Rådssal for my second session of the Regentskapsråd since I'd arrived on Rasalhague. I was confident that I had obtained Jarl Andrews' votes after last night's meeting at the Herring Club, and with the confirmation I had received this morning from Precentor Armanovitch's Office in the HPG Complex of the terms of the ComStar Loan having been accepted by my treasury, I felt like I could at least count on several other swing votes turning my way today as well.

I made my way over to the Rådssal in what was effectively a smooth ride, however, which made me a bit suspicious. I was honestly expecting a car bomb or something to be tried on my Aircar, and when my Security said they'd found nothing of the sort, I switched to watching for a potential ambush by a Shinobi Gunman from a nearby roof or something. Yet as I mounted the steps of the Rådssal without having been shot at once, my suspicions only deepened. As I went through security, I thought about the current predicament some more.

I couldn't believe the Combine in general, and Theodore Kurita in specific were so blind that they didn't realize I had likely just taken a commanding lead in the race for the Throne of Rasalhague. If they hadn't attempted to Assassinate me last night, then surely they'd have tried something this morning? That was how they operated, after all. Otherwise, why keep training camps for literal ninjas running if you weren't going to use them? My bodyguard, a Ministry of the Interior Agent by the name of Michal Novak was on edge too, and when one of Minister Simowitz's people was on edge, it was always wise to expect something.

However, nothing happened. I made it through security and into the Regentskapsråd Hall without so much as being stopped by a potential Combine Agent once. As the day's business began, I could only frown at that. The business of state began with the accession of Dom Antonio De Moura as Marquês of Goito, a title he claimed by dint of being the only surviving member of any of the founding families of Goito left. As this was practically a pro-forma decision anyway, I voted yes on my keypad before turning back to Agent Novak.

"They have to be planning something, yes?" I questioned.

"Undoubtedly, My Lord. However, it seems that Theodore Kurita is far less impatient than any of his relatives. He seems content to wait for the time being." Answered Agent Novak.

"I do have to wonder what for, though. Surely he cannot be blind to my current lead?" I queried.

"I doubt it, My Lord. However, in the absence of any intelligence, it is best to bide our time." Offered Agent Novak.

I turned back to the proceedings as Dom Antonio was confirmed to his Landholding and Title, along with their attached seat on the Regentskapsråd. The next few items on the agenda were also light fare. An amended proposal by the Comte de Rochambeau of Feltre to reform the laws around the internal transport of marijuana, which I voted yes on to keep him sweet even though it was unlikely to pass was next.

That was followed by a proposal by Dom Bernardino Oliveira, Marquês of Balsta regarding Wine Production and Export. Apparently, the Vineyards of Balsta were quite a nice little moneymaker for him but the export of Balsta Wine had been put on the backburner in favor of more heavy industry. Dom Bernardino wanted more consideration for import and export duties on Agricultural Goods. I could agree to that, and so voted yes. After all, trade in agricultural goods could bolster the economy when Industry was flagging.

It was a proposal I found myself sharing an agreement with the Comte de Rochefort on, ironically. Though we were opposed in most things, owing to his Combine Backing, Agricultural Goods were defined as any food, drink, plant, or animal product not used in industrial processes, which included the Julmust, Birch Beer, Sarsparilla, and Root Beer I made in plants on Sigurd, Gotterdamerung, and New Ålborg. I knew that the Comte de Rochefort would come out ahead on that, being the owner of Pomme De Terre Foods, but I wasn't opposed to measures that would enrich everyone, just measures that would enrich him and his backers only.

Following that was a series of debates on Military Reform. Apparently, the KungsArmé was in need of a serious update with little in the way of budget to help. It was here that Theodore Kurita played another card in his hand. The loan of Military Equipment to the KungsArmé by the Draconis Combine was proposed by Armand Rochefort.

"I happen to have various contacts still in the many Zaibatsu of the Combine. It is possible that we may be able to secure a loan from them of military equipment for the KungsArmé. At least until the KungsArmé can attain the budgets it so desperately requires." Offered Armand Rochefort.

"And what would your contacts ask for in return for this no-doubt generous offer?" Asked Vévoda Kolowrat from the Speaker's Podium.

"I have spoken to Samuel Botterfield over at Luthien Armor Works, and he is prepared to lend us the equipment we need in exchange for stock in several companies. The proposal in specific is being sent to your noteputers now, My Lords." Informed Armand Rochefort.

"We will take a fifteen-minute recess while the Lords of this Chamber read over the Data provided. When we return, we will put the proposal up for debate by the chamber." Announced Vévoda Kolowrat from the Speaker's Podium, banging his gavel of office down to dismiss the Regentskapsråd for recess.

Agent Novak and I secluded ourselves in a conference room to sift through the data being sent over the Rådssal's Intranet. There was a lot of it in the proposal and slogging through it took most of the fifteen-minute recess allotted to us, but we managed, largely thanks to using my Personal Noteputer's Uplink to the Pentagon Two-class Dropship Obertynwhose computers did a lot of the number crunching since it was just sitting in the Reykjavik Spaceport not flying or fighting. It appeared that the Comte de Rochefort's proposal was insidious, just as I expected it to be. Another subtle play by Theodore Kurita that likely would have been beyond his father, the Coordinator.

The Proposal was couched in the most general terms imaginable and wrapped in legalese, but conferring with Agent Novak, who was more attuned to Rasalhaguian Affairs by necessity of his assignment, seemed to come up with one conclusion. Though the terminology was vague, it seemed to be a way for Luthien Armor Works to become a significant minority shareholder in GKT Enterprises, Bergen Industries, Swedenborg Heavy Industries, Amau Electronics, and several other Key Corporations in the Principality.

"I'm willing to bet this is just one prong of a larger game. None of these stocks would by themselves make Luthien Armor Works a majority shareholder or even the largest minority shareholder, but they're all second or third down on the list of Minority Shareholders. I'll bet a bottle of good schnapps that if this passes, several of Luthien Armor Works' shell corporations are going to be ready to start purchasing more stock in these Companies." Cautioned Agent Novak.

"You think they're planning a hostile takeover of an entire nation's economy?" I frowned.

"Speaking frankly, My Lord. If they are thinking it likely that they will lose the election for Prince to you, then this would be a first step to take before jumping straight to assassination." Insisted Agent Novak.

"I'll give Theodore Kurita this much, he's a lot more subtle than his father." I sighed.

"The problem is, how do we counter? Our factories are already running at maximum capacity and even with Predlitz and Krakow now, there's no wiggle room." Grumbled Agent Novak.

"Not yet, no. But the bulk of that production is being spent on the Grand Ducal Guards' new equipment. We have a lot of Old Equipment being rotated out. The Dragoons, LTV-Fours, and Old-Model Hipparchs for example." I pointed out.

"Weren't those earmarked for possible Militia Use?" Questioned Agent Novak.

"They were, but better that they be used to avoid this skullduggery from taking the Principality down. I can always produce more equipment for Militia at a later date, after all." I shrugged.

"Sensible, but I'm unsure how well equipping the KungsArmé over time will play with the Chamber when the offer of potential equipment now for what, let's face it, a downside nobody really has the time to parse at the moment, is on the table." Admitted Agent Novak.

"We're about to find out. Recess is almost over." I informed.

We exited the conference room and were herded back into the Regentskapsråd chamber by the various guards and security posted about the hallways of the Rådssal. As soon as everyone took their seats once more, Vévoda Kolowrat stepped back up to the Speaker's Podium and slammed his gavel down on it to call the session back into order.

"We will now open the floor for debate on the Proposal by the Comte De Rochefort of Pomme De Terre, regarding the proposed loan of military equipment by Luthien Armor Works to the KungsArmé in exchange for various stock options as security." Intoned Vévoda Kolowrat.

I knew I had to be at least one of the first to speak, so I called out to the Speaker's Podium to let me have the floor, gesticulating with my arms to stand out from the crowd of Nobles, many of whom were seeking the same.

"The Chair recognizes Ksiaze Poniatowski of Predlitz and Krakow!" Called out Vévoda Kolowrat.

"Thank you, My Lord Speaker. I have crunched the numbers and find this to be an unacceptable risk to the Security and Economy of our Principality!" I called out.

Shouts and jeers came down from the section surrounding Armand Rochefort, though I noticed the Comte of Pomme de Terre himself was strangely quiet. Instead, gazing at me intently as if scrutinizing what sort of opponent I am likely to be.

"Order! I will have order in this chamber!" Snapped Vévoda Kolowrat, banging his gavel.

As the jeers died down, Vévoda Kolowrat spoke up again, saying, "Please continue."

"Thank you, My Lord Speaker. While none of these stock packages listed as security will make Luthien Armor Works a majority shareholder in any of these companies, or even the largest minority shareholder, they will make Luthien Armor Works the second or third largest minority shareholder, depending on the Company." I opined.

"What are you saying? Are you implying the Comte de Rochefort's lying?" Jeered Valdeherren Sparre of Skallevoll, one of the Comte de Rochefort's lackeys.

"No, I am implying the Comte de Rochefort's contacts in Luthien Armor Works may be attempting to pull a fast one on this Chamber. Who amongst you trusts Combine Zaibatsu to not have shell companies attempt to buy up further stock should this proposal pass? Surely you have not all forgotten the So-called Partnerships the Principality's Industry was forced to labor under while under the heel of the Combine's boot? Should this measure pass, what is to stop Luthien Armor Works from attempting to buy up further stock and essentially force a hostile takeover of the entire economy of our Principality? Would you go back to living as Combine Serfs?" I demanded.

"And where would we get the equipment from otherwise?" Queried Armand Rochefort, finally voicing his thoughts.

"That is an excellent question. The KungsArmé is dreadfully underequipped and largely fitted out with castoffs from the Lyrans and Combine. We do not have nearly enough of anything to call ourselves a proper force. Where would we get the equipment from, should you have your way?" Asked Haakon Magnusson from just off to the side of Armand Rochefort's group.

"I will provide. As we speak, I am phasing out my Equipment as new builds of beyond-cutting-edge designs roll off my factory floors. I am speaking of Dragoon Heavy Battlemechs, equipped with technology that was standard during the time of the Star League, LTV-Four Hover Tanks, and Hipparch Cavalry Tanks of the same standard, SLDF-Quality Infantry Gear including Infantry Pulse Lasers and Jump Packs, in eight years, the KungsArmé will be better equipped than the Combine if you'll but give me a chance to prove it!" I pleaded.

"You expect us to believe you have such equipment?" Sneered Armand Rochefort.

As I responded, I looked the Comte de Rochefort of Pomme de Terre dead in the eye and said, "Perhaps you should ask your contacts at Luthien Armor Works just why they are currently producing so much Military Equipment that they can afford to loan some to the KungsArmé next you meet them. Ask them about the Oberon Campaign and see what they say."

When the proposal came up for a vote, my own beat out Armand Rochefort's, albeit narrowly. Instant gratification would always be more tempting than steady gratification over time for a certain type of person, I supposed. More interesting were the results of the second vote for Prince since I'd arrived. I'd picked up eighteen votes over yesterday's total, Jarl Andrews' sixteen plus two others. However, the Comte De Rochefort had also gained, with Haakon Magnusson transferring his votes to Armand Rochefort. Between that and picking up a few others, the Comte de Rochefort had Fifty-eight votes.

The Chamber was effectively split right now, however, if I could meet with Stefan Shor, Knut Fraga, and Marek Kolowrat, they could whip their votes back over to me, which would leave me with all but five of the votes, and the nomination. I had a meeting scheduled with Knut Fraga for tonight over dinner to begin working on that.

I didn't know it just yet, but my performance at today's session had just earned me a visit from some of those very same Combine Shinobi I was dreading, though they wouldn't make their attempt until I had retired for the evening. For now, I had to head for the Herring Club, where once again, I would make my pitch to another of the Regentskapsråd's leaders.

Hopefully, I would be able to get the Ex-Tarnhelm Commando Leader on side. . .


AN: The next chapter is already up on my Patreon, so check the link in the threadmarked post if you guys feel like throwing me a couple bucks to get chapters in advance. Everyone who does is super appreciated and I can't thank my patrons enough.

All right, so here's the next chapter, where we see exactly what Theodore Kurita was planning. A hostile takeover of an entire nation's economy through skullduggery may not be the flat-out conquest that Takashi prefers, but that's what makes Theodore so dangerous. He's willing to do subtle while Takashi isn't. You'll note he also managed to consolidate Haakon Magnusson's votes with Armand Rochefort's as a stalling tactic, in case he had to send in the Ninjas to gank somebody.

After all, if the Ninjas succeed in assassinating Jozef, then the votes he accumulated come up for grabs, and he won't have anyone with the kind of technical capabilities sitting at the spaceport to parse all the legalese and numerical chicanery of his various ploys to worry about.

At any rate, the next chapter will involve the meeting with Hertig Knut Fraga of Kirchbach at the Herring Club.

Stay tuned. . .