Later that same day Harry got his Nimbus 2000 and told Warren he was going flying out behind the mansion if the new student wanted to come watch though he added that he wouldn't be going any higher than the trees so there would be little risk of being seen by any of the neighbors. Warren agreed so a few minutes later Harry kicked off from the ground and began practicing some of his seeker moves while Warren watched. After several minutes of watching Harry climb, dive, spin, and just generally put on a good show Warren spread his wings and flew up to join Harry.
"Very nice" said Warren flying alongside Harry's broom, "you fly very well."
"Thank you" said Harry, "I've had a lot of practice what with the Quidditch team and all."
"It shows" said Warren, "do you think you'll be able to use your telekinesis to fly without your broom?"
"I don't know" said Harry, "I've actually talked about that with the professor. It will be wicked if I can. He thinks that it's possible but that I need more practice first before I'm ready to try that."
"I hope you can" said Warren, "there's nothing like being able to fly under your own power. That broom is great but what if you didn't need it? Trust me, it'll be amazing when that happens."
"I know" said Harry as he turned his broom and began his descent. Soon they were both on the ground again.
"That was fun" said Warren "we'll have to do it again some time." Harry enthusiastically agreed.
July 31st, 1993 was a Saturday so there was no training for anyone but Harry still got up and exercised as usual before having his breakfast. Today Scott, Bobby, and Warren were all in the kitchen when Harry arrived. He said "good morning" to all of them before getting some breakfast and joining them at the table.
"Good workout?" asked Scott.
"Yes, thanks" said Harry, "it's easier than when I started."
"That's normal" said Scott, "keep pushing yourself slowly and don't overdo it. You'll get stronger soon enough."
"I already feel stronger" said Harry who flexed his right arm. Muscles appeared when he did though they were as yet quite small.
"Keep it up" said Bobby" you'll be bigger than Arnold Schwarzenegger in no time."
"Yeah, that'll be the day" said Harry.
"Oh no" said Warren with a smile, "you keep at it. Soon enough we'll be able to Pump!" he clapped his hands and pointed at Harry, "You Up!" Harry laughed as he remembered the characters Warren was mimicking, Hans and Franz, whom he had seen on a rerun of the late night TV show Saturday Night Live the previous week.
"If I ever look like that" said Harry referring to their ridiculously overdeveloped muscles, "then please shoot me because I'll obviously have given up on doing anything else productive with my life."
"We will" said Bobby. While everyone ate their breakfasts the talk around the table remained light. Hedwig flew in at one point and Harry gave her an owl treat he had on hand. No one commented on this anymore as they were all used to it by now, even Warren.
"So what are everyone's plans today?" Scott asked them as they finished up their breakfasts.
"I don't have any" said Harry as he telekinetically sent his dishes to the sink, "there's no training today and I've done all of my summer homework."
"I have an idea" said Warren as he gave Scott a look to which Scott gave a small nod. Harry didn't see this.
"What's that?" asked Harry.
"Come with me" said Warren getting up from the table, "I want to show you something. Can you meet me in the entrance hall in about 15 minutes? It's a bit of a drive."
"Yes" said Harry, "what is it?"
"You'll see" said Warren, "and you should probably look presentable. No need to dress up just don't look like a slob."
"Uh, okay" said Harry as Warren left the room before looking at Bobby and Scott, "do either of you know what he's up to?"
"No clue" said Bobby. Scott said nothing and shrugged. Harry left the kitchen to go change in his room. He changed out of a t-shirt and shorts and into a pair of black jeans and a collared shirt with the sleeves rolled up which he tucked into his pants. He headed back to the entrance hall. Warren was there when he arrived and looked at him with approval. He was dressed in a similar manner. What made Harry pause though was that his wings seemed to have disappeared.
"Come on" Warren said and he and Harry walked to the mansion's garage, "is something wrong?" he added when he saw Harry staring at him.
"What happened to your wings?" asked Harry.
"I can fold them down and hold them under my clothes with a harness" said Warren, "so I can go outside without everyone seeing them."
"Isn't that uncomfortable?"
"No" said Warren, "at least not most of the time, although after a while it can feel like I'm wearing a straitjacket."
When they reached the garage Warren led Harry over to a red convertible with the top already down and motioned for Harry to get in.
"Is this your car?" asked Harry who was impressed by it. Uncle Vernon would have killed to have a car like this.
"Yes" said Warren. Once they were both inside and with seat belts fastened Warren started up the car. The door to the garage slid up automatically as the car approached it and they drove out of the garage, down the driveway and off of the property.
"Where are we going?" asked Harry.
"Into the city" said Warren as they headed out of town and began driving South, "there's someone I want to introduce you to."
"Who's that?"
"The professor and I" said Warren, "thought you might like to meet Tony Stark."
"What? Now?" asked Harry in surprise.
"Why not? You do own ten percent of S. I. and you've expressed an interest both in meeting him and learning about business. Seems like a good idea. Since he knows me I had no problem arranging it."
"He won't be busy?" asked Harry.
"It's Saturday" said Warren, "even moguls like Tony Stark rest on the weekends. Although with Stark you can never be sure exactly what he'll do from day to day." Harry thought that sounded a bit like Professor Dumbledore and wondered if brilliance and unpredictability went hand in hand. He decided it didn't really matter and would just take things as they came. It was a beautiful day and it seemed silly to waste it worrying over things that probably didn't matter much anyway.
They drove South and entered the city through the Bronx. They continued heading south through the borough on the Major Deegan Expressway before entering Manhattan on the Triborough Bridge which let them off on East 125th Street and heading further South on the FDR Drive before getting off at the 96th Street exit.
"Where are we going?" asked Harry, "Stark Tower?"
"No" said Warren, "although he's as likely to be there as anywhere else but I was told that today he'd be at the Stark Mansion."
Stark Mansion was located at 890 5th Avenue and took up the whole block between east 70th and 71st Streets. It was a very imposing house, being three stories high and set back from the street. Warren drove his car around to the side where the mansion's garage was and stopped at the gate to announce himself.
"Warren Worthington III along with Harry Potter to see Mr. Stark" he told the intercom box at the gate. A second later the gate opened and he drove inside. He parked the car in the garage and then led Harry around to the mansion's front door where he rang the bell. The door was opened almost at once by a distinguished looking older man dressed as a butler.
"Good morning Jarvis" said Warren.
"Good morning Mr. Worthington" said Jarvis, "Mr. Stark is expecting you. And I assume that this young gentleman is Mr. Potter?"
"It is" said Warren gesturing at Harry, "Harry Potter meet Jarvis, the Stark family butler."
"How do you do" said Harry.
"I am well Mr. Potter, thank you" said Jarvis, "if you'll both follow me" he led them through the front door into the entrance hall of Stark Mansion. From there he led them into a lounge on the first floor where he announced them to the occupant of the room.
"Hello Warren" said the new person who Warren then introduced to Harry as Tony Stark himself. Tony held out his hand to Harry who shook it. Tony was not very tall although he was taller than Harry by a good bit. He was definitely handsome with dark hair and a rakish mustache. It would seem that he deserved his suave playboy reputation.
"So" said Tony, "you're the young squirt who owns 10 percent of my company? Pleased to meet you kid."
"Likewise, Mr. Stark" said Harry not quite sure how to respond to this.
"Call me Tony. Your grandfather was the one who invested in my company back when my dad was still the owner" said Tony, "you're the only person other than me who owns a significant chunk of it. I'd advise you to keep what you have. You won't lose out by it."
"I'm sure of that" said Harry. Tony gestured for them to follow him to the mansion kitchen where he arranged some refreshments for them. Among them was a pot of tea.
"Since you're a Brit" he said to Harry as they all sat down at the kitchen table, "I figured you'd want some tea so here you go." Jarvis poured Harry a cup and handed it to him. Harry thanked him and sipped the hot liquid. It was very good tea. Somehow that didn't surprise Harry. What was the point of being incredibly rich if you settled for mediocre stuff?
"Warren tells me you want to learn about business" said Tony.
"Yes" said Harry, "I know next to nothing about the subject."
"There's plenty of time for you to learn" said Tony, "and I'd be happy to help teach you. But you're still young so don't forget to have fun while you're growing up. Once you're an adult there's no going back."
The conversation went on from there. It soon became apparent to Harry that although Tony Stark was a very successful businessman and a genius inventor he was also very much a kid at heart. Harry didn't say anything to him about the magical world but he suspected that Tony knew about it anyway. People like him usually did know more than they let on. The subject Tony loved talking about the most was technology and he and Warren talked quite a bit about advances in electronics that was a bit above Harry's understanding but he enjoyed listening all the same.
After a pleasant hour or so Warren and Harry left Stark Mansion although Tony told Harry to feel free to drop by any time.
"He's an interesting guy" said Harry as he and Warren drove away from the mansion.
"He is" said Warren, "he seemed to like you."
"And I liked him" said Harry, "although I'm sorry I didn't get to meet the Iron Man."
"Everyone wants to meet the Iron Man" said Warren, "he's not likely to be at Stark's mansion though. As his bodyguard you're more likely to see him at Stark Tower or anywhere else Tony goes outside of his home."
"Have you ever met him?"
"No" said Warren, "I've only ever seen pictures or TV footage of him."
"Are we heading back now?" asked Harry.
"Do you want to?" said Warren, "got anything you want to do while we're in town?"
"Actually" said Harry as he thought it over, "I own a penthouse on Park Avenue. If I'd known we were coming into the city today I would have brought the keys with me. I guess it will still be there next time."
"We can drive by the place if you want" said Warren, "what's the address?" It was in the lower 80s on Park Avenue which was not far from Stark Mansion. Although they didn't stop at the building Harry got a good enough look at the neighborhood to realize that it was a wealthy area indeed. He made a mental note to bring his keys next time so he could inspect the residence. It looked like it would be a very nice one.
After that they started driving back to the school.
"Mind if I turn on the radio?" asked Warren.
"It's your car" said Harry. Warren's right hand hit a control and the radio came to life. Harry didn't know much about popular music so he had no idea what to expect. His uncle had refused to let any of it in the house referring to it as "hooligan junk fit only for stupid layabouts." As for the wizarding world there wasn't much of a music scene there. Harry had heard of a band named the Weird Sisters and the singer Celestina Warbeck but that was about it.
What Harry heard on the radio was a real eye opener. The sound came up just as the last notes of a song were fading out. After a second another one started. At first there was just an electric guitar playing a few chords but then other instruments were added to the mix and the whole thing got much louder. Harry literally leaned back in his seat as if a hurricane wind had hit him. The music got quieter for a few seconds before the singer came in:
Load up on guns, bring your friends
It's fun to lose and to pretend
She's over-bored and self-assured
Oh no, I know a dirty word
This was followed by the word "hello" repeated over and over again with a few "how lows" mixed in for good measure. Then everything exploded for what was obviously the chorus:
With the lights out, it's less dangerous
Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now, entertain us
"What is this?" Harry found himself raising his voice to be heard over the music.
"You've never heard Nirvana before?" asked Warren.
"No" said Harry who was listening with wide eyes. He'd never heard anything like this song. The music was almost like a physical thing pounding at him. He felt an urge to smash something rising up in him as the song seemed to connect to an untapped aggressive side of himself that Harry didn't know he had. He reached over to the radio and turned UP the volume.
"You like it?" asked Warren as he saw Harry start to beat the rhythm on his thigh with one of his hands.
"I've never heard anything like it."
"You must have been living under a rock" said Warren with a grin.
"I think I was" said Harry as he realized he'd never once heard any "muggle" music at Hogwarts, "and I think the whole British wizarding world was living there with me."
"I can lend you the album" said Warren, "you can listen to the whole thing and tell me what you think of it."
"Thank you" said Harry. After a few more minutes the song ended and an announcer's voice came out of the radio.
"That was "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana off their album Nevermind from 1991. Their new album, In Utero, comes out in September and we look forward to hearing what those boys have come up with this time. Now let's go all the way back to 1976 for this classic from the Ramones. It's the "Blitzkrieg Bop."
The song started up and Harry listened. The "Blitzkrieg Bop" was a much more straight forward rock 'n roll song but Harry was captivated by it, especially the repeated phrase of Hey Ho! Let's go!
All during the drive back to the school Harry sat and soaked up the music coming from the radio. Warren was familiar with a lot of the songs and commented from time to time on ones he really liked or ones he didn't like so much. Harry couldn't get enough of it all. For the very first time he heard of bands like Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, the Clash, Live, Alice In Chains, Talking Heads, R.E.M., the Pretenders, Smashing Pumpkins, Metallica, Stone Temple Pilots, Mudhoney and many others both old and new. It was almost as big a revelation to him as finding out that he was a wizard.
They got back to Xavier's School in the early afternoon just as a band called They Might Be Giants was finishing up a song about a statue somehow getting the singer high. Harry wasn't sure what that was supposed to mean but it sounded interesting and the song had been catchy so he decided to learn more about the band later on. Once the car was parked Warren led Harry back into the mansion and took him to the diningroom. As soon as Harry entered the diningroom he was shocked to hear "Happy Birthday Harry!" and to see Scott, Bobby, and the professor all smiling at him and a big birthday cake sitting on the table along with a small pile of presents.
"Merlin!" he said when he was able to speak, "I forgot it was my birthday. How did you all know?"
"As you're a student attending my school" said Professor Xavier, "naturally I have your personal information."
"You set this up just for me?" asked Harry.
"Of course" said Scott, "we thought Warren taking you to meet Tony Stark was a good way to get you out of the mansion while we got things ready."
"You knew?" Harry looked at Warren who was grinning a wide grin, "no, don't answer that. It's written all over your face."
"But you had a good time, right?" said Warren.
"Yes" said Harry, "I did. Tony Stark is a very interesting man."
"That he is" said the professor, "now why don't you come over here and open your presents before we get to the cake? You have a few from your friends back home. Albus forwarded them to you."
"Really?" said Harry and he went over to where the presents were and started to open them. The first one was from Ron. As he opened it a newspaper clipping fell out which was about how Mr. Weasley had won 700 galleons from a lottery and how the whole Weasley family had gone to Egypt to visit Bill, the oldest son. There was picture with the article that showed all nine of them together. Ron himself was in the middle with his pet rat Scabbers on his shoulder. Ron also mentioned that Percy had been named Head Boy for the upcoming year at Hogwarts and Harry saw that a Head Boy badge was pinned to a fez that Percy was wearing. Yes, that was like Percy. He would want everyone to know he was now Hogwarts Head Boy.
Harry now turned to his present and unwrapped it. Inside was what looked like a miniature glass spinning top. There was another note from Ron beneath it.
Harry —this is a Pocket Sneakoscope. If there's someone untrustworthy around, it's supposed to light up and spin. Bill says it's rubbish sold for wizard tourists and isn't reliable, because it kept lighting up at dinner last night. But he didn't realize Fred and George had put beetles in his soup.
Bye —Ron
"That's an interesting device" said Warren as he stared at the Sneakoscope while it stood there balanced on its point, "at least no one here seems to be untrustworthy – today at any rate."
The next present was from Hermione and was a high quality broomstick servicing kit which impressed Harry a lot as he was sure she'd probably send him a book. He appreciated her gift very much and looked forward to using it on his Nimbus 2000 soon.
The next few items were from Scott, Bobby, Warren, and Professor Xavier all of whom had confined themselves to birthday cards simply because they hadn't known Harry for very long and didn't feel it would be appropriate to give bigger gifts.
The last gift was from Hagrid. He tore off the top layer of paper and glimpsed something green and leathery, but before he could unwrap it properly, the parcel gave a strange quiver, and whatever was inside it snapped loudly —as though it had jaws.
"What was that?" asked Bobby, "it sounded like it was alive."
"Who sends a living present through the mail?" asked Scott.
Harry poked the parcel nervously. It snapped loudly again.
"Apparently Hagrid does" said Harry, "I guess I really shouldn't be surprised. He did have a Cerberus as a pet and hatched a dragon's egg both during first year."
"You're joking, right?" said Scott.
"I wish I was" said Harry, "he named his Cerberus 'Fluffy.'"
"Fluffy?!" said Scott, Warren, and Bobby all together.
"Yes" said Harry, "oh and remind me to tell you about the colony of giants spiders he helped found in the nearby forest."
"I have to see that school before I die" said Warren.
"What did Hagrid send you?" asked Bobby.
Harry reached over and pulled away the wrapping paper. And out fell —a book. Harry just had time to register its handsome green cover, emblazoned with the golden title The Monster Book of Monsters, before it flipped onto its edge and scuttled sideways along the [table] like some weird crab. The book toppled off the [table] with a loud clunk and shuffled rapidly across the room.
"Somebody stop that book before it runs away!" called Harry.
"Now that's a sentence I never thought I'd hear anyone say in real life" said Warren as Bobby and Scott both cornered the book and grabbed it from either end. They managed to hold it closed but it was struggling hard. Harry came over to take it from them and as he reached for it his hand brushed the spine of the book. It immediately went quiet.
"What did you do?" asked Bobby.
"I don't know" said Harry, "all I did was brush its spine and it stopped moving."
"Maybe that's the secret" said the professor, "put it down and let's see what it does." Harry put the book down on the table but it didn't move again.
"What did Hagrid say about it?" asked the professor. Harry picked up the letter and read through it.
"Not much" said Harry, "just that he thinks I might find it to be useful next year."
"Maybe it's one of your course books for the fall" said Xavier as he handed Harry a last envelope, "this is also for you. I believe it's your start of term letter."
Harry took it and opened it. It was the letter. A list of books was included and, yes, The Monster Book of Monsters was on it.
"That's one book I won't have to buy" said Harry as he put the letter away.
"Now that you're done with the presents" said Scott, "how about some cake?" This proposal was roundly approved by all and soon everyone was consuming large pieces of chocolate birthday cake. It was only the second birthday cake Harry could remember ever having, the first one coming from Hagrid two years ago, and it was delicious.
A lazy afternoon followed. Professor Xavier went back to his office to do some work but the four students sat around the main livingroom and talked with each other. As time passed they began to talk about their lives from before they each came to the school. Harry learned that Scott was an orphan like him but had grown up in an orphanage. He had a younger brother out there somewhere but that brother had been adopted years ago and Scott had neither seen him nor heard from him since. He hoped to find him again someday and the professor had promised to help him with that.
Bobby talked about how his power had manifested for the first time and how it led to the formation of a frightened mob out to get him. Fortunately Professor Xavier had arrived and saved the situation.
As for Warren Harry had already heard his story so there was nothing new there although Harry was struck by how different Warren was from another blonde haired rich kid named Draco Malfoy. In just about every way Warren was a better person than Malfoy. Yes, he was rich, he had grown up with some spoiling, and he had an ego but he didn't act like everyone around him was dirt on the bottom of his shoes like Malfoy often did. From the first time they'd met Warren had been friendly and hadn't insulted him or judged him.
Finally Harry started telling the others a bit more about his own life. He told them a little about growing up with the Dursleys but didn't go into the details, only saying that they didn't like him or magic although he did mention that he'd become a fast runner from running away from his cousin so often when they played 'Harry Hunting.' He didn't spell everything out but the others got that Harry had been abused pretty quickly without Harry actually saying so.
"Have you ever talked to anyone about the Dursleys?" asked Scott.
"No" said Harry, "the professor asked me that too. I don't like thinking about them and I'd rather not tell a stranger about them either." No one said anything to that but Scott frowned to himself. He didn't like that Harry bottled everything up but he couldn't force him to talk about it.
Before they finished talking Harry finally told them about his encounters with Voldemort. To say they were all shocked would be a pretty accurate statement.
"That guy is still out there?" asked Warren when Harry finished telling them about the Chamber of Secrets and how his mutant powers had first manifested
"Dumbledore seems to think he's hiding in Albania" said Harry.
"It sounds like he's going to keep coming after you" said Scott.
"Probably" said Harry.
"You don't seem all that worried" said Bobby.
"I'm not sure what I can do about it right now" said Harry.
"Are you getting any extra training?" asked Warren.
"You mean like coming here?"
"No," said Warren, "I mean are you getting any training in how to defend yourself? Are they teaching you how to fight? If this guy's going to keep attacking you then you need to be able fight back."
"I'd love to" said Harry, "but there really hasn't been anything like that offered at Hogwarts beyond Defense Against the Dark Arts and the teachers for that class so far, to put it mildly, have not been very good."
"Well you're not at Hogwarts right now" said Warren, "and you won't be for several weeks yet. We'll help you, right guys?" Scott and Bobby both nodded.
"Anything we can do" said Scott, "I can ramp up your workouts in the gym and get you stronger."
"I can work out with you" said Bobby, "so you don't have to do it all by yourself."
"And I can start teaching you martial arts" said Warren, "I've gotten pretty skilled at that over the years. Is that okay with you?"
"Yes" said Harry.
"Good" said Warren rubbing his hands together with an evil smile on his face, "then for the next month you belong to us."
"Oh brother" said Harry as he rolled his eyes.
Unknown to the four students Professor Xavier had also been having thoughts on that same subject. He also felt, quite strongly, that Harry needed more training in how to fight and defend himself if he was to defeat Voldemort.
'If only I could keep him here for longer than just this summer' he thought to himself, 'I could help train him and get him ready for when Voldemort comes back. Perhaps the time has come to fully investigate Harry's scar.'
Professor Xavier leaned back in his chair and sent his mind out in a telepathic call. He found the one he was seeking almost at once.
"Hello Stephen?" he sent, "are you there?"
"Yes Charles" was the answer, "I'm here. What can I do for you?"
"Well" said Xavier, "it's like this..."