Chereads / Curiosity of God / Chapter 90 - Chapter 28 – Road to the Royal Announcement  

Chapter 90 - Chapter 28 – Road to the Royal Announcement  

It's been almost a week since Nina's fight with Veyron. I've devoted my afternoons to roaming streets of Avalon with Ilina, and sometimes Nina. My mornings have been spent on magic research with Alto, supervising sparring matches between Zara and either Nina or Klaus, dropping Alto, Zara, and sometimes Nina off for random Elmesia guild jobs to improve their rankings, and hot spring trips with Nina.


Zara defeats Klaus routinely in sparring matches now, despite Klaus having a few times more magic power and experience. Zara's growth as a swordsman is truly impressive. When Nina matches her strength and abilities to Zara, Zara is usually the winner in their sparring matches, much to Nina's annoyance.


Alto's education has advanced some, but she's stuck trying to learn my invisibility spell. While she has a good grasp on atoms, molecules, and chemical bonds, that spell requires learning about photon and wave theories of radiation.


That's been…challenging…for her. Something that doesn't take up space but still exists, and the whole idea of waves and wavelengths, is unintuitive to Alto. So, teaching her to manipulate non-matter with her magic is an ongoing effort.


Alto and Zara have both advanced to B-rank over the course of the week, the old-fashioned way, and they have developed a name for themselves at the guild. They've been asking me to drop them off in Elmesia to take guild jobs alone, and Gerard has been all too grateful for their help.


Naturally, they've both been approached by several adventuring parties for recruitment. I told them they were welcome to join, even freelance, but they seem uninterested in trusting other humans at random.


So, that's been my week! This morning, Elira and Dargo have requested a meeting with me and my party. We're currently on our way to the palace conference room that has become the standard location for such things.


When we arrive, Elira, Dargo, and Ilina are already seated on the couches, and Klaus and the other royal guard are seated behind them. The maid, apparently the same one that's always here, is pouring tea for everyone. The elves rise to greet my party and I, and everyone seems to be in good spirits. I give a light bow to the elven royalty with my greeting.


"Queen Elira, King Dargo, First Princess Ilina, we are humbled by the invitation this morning. What can we and Lady Nedonera do for you?" (Mizuki)


Elira rolls her eyes at my greeting.


"Mizuki, can we dispense with your formal nonsense? If you and my daughter are serious about getting married, regardless of how it turns out, that would make you my son-in-law. Just call me Elira when we're in private like this." (Elira)


Why did she just say that in front of the maid and guards!? I glance between everyone nervously. Ilina gives me an amused smile and a reassuring nod. Dargo piles on.


"Yes, Mizuk, I agree with Elira. Please call me Dargo when it's this level of privacy." (Dargo)


I stare at Klaus pleadingly, but he just smirks and shrugs at me. That traitor. I let out a huge sigh.


"Very well, I'll defer to your better judgement for this. I'll call you Elira and Dargo for such occasions. I'm sure Ilina is quite pleased that I won't be using her formal title anymore. Was this your doing, Ilina?" (Mizuki)


I narrow my eyes suspiciously at her as I ask. She puts on a very innocent expression.


"What? I'm sure I don't know what you're implying, Mizuki!" (Ilina)


Guilty…she's totally guilty, and she's not even trying that hard to hide it. However, my bigger concern is the help. I glance nervously between the guards and the maid.


"Uhm…Elira, not to sound too doubtful of you, but I'm surprised that you're fine casually discussing Ilina's and I's relationship with present company. My observation has been that your people don't even want me present in this country, much less romantically involved with their future queen. I know the palace employees are discreet, but are you not concerned about this at all?" (Mizuki)


Elira shakes her head.


"No, Mizuki. As I tried to explain to you before you kicked them out of our meeting after Ilina's and Alara's duel, Cayla and my personal guards would never repeat anything they hear. I trust this completely, and I'd even let them hear everything you've told me to date if you'd condone it. This trust is the reason you never see any other maids or guards around me for private meetings." (Elira)


That's a bold claim. I glance at Ilina to see what she thinks.


"I agree Mizuki, and I even recommend including them in future meetings with the elven royal family. Anything that my mother and father can hear, I think it's fine for them to hear as well. If you're not sure, ask them." (Ilina)


Oh? I glance at Elira, and she nods her agreement. I turn my gaze towards the maid, apparently her name is Cayla, and she smiles politely and nods her agreement.


"Okay, that's fine then. Cayla, was it? Thank you for your help this morning, as always. If you're fine with me asking you questions, could you tell me your honest opinion of Lady Nedonera?" (Mizuki)


I'm not too concerned whether she likes us, but it'd be nice if I could get a gauge of her character. Will she lie? Is she good at it, if so? Understanding some of what guides her decisions is all I'm after. Cayla looks confused by the question, but eyes Nina cautiously.


"Yes, Sir Mizuki, my name is Cayla. It's a pleasure to properly meet you. I'm not sure what consequence my opinion could be, but I suppose I'm…scared…of Lady Nedonera. I don't understand her actions or motivations, which is scary for someone so powerful. However, I heard that it's thanks to all of you, Lady Nedonera included, that we know Veyron and the demons are no longer a threat to us elves. So, she also has my respect and gratitude, of course." (Cayla)


Hmm…a relatively straightforward answer. Nothing concerning or surprising. I nod at Cayla with an appreciative smile.


"Thank you for your honesty, Cayla. Can I ask, then, what you think of me? Also, you can just call me Mizuki in such situations. I don't think I really deserve the honorifics, and they make me uncomfortable." (Mizuki)


Cayla gives a wide smile.


"Of course, Mizuki. I was concerned by your being human at first, but it's clear now that my concerns were unfounded. I think you're very kindhearted, and I don't fear you at all. You were more polite to me than any elven guests that I have served during my time here. I truly hope other elves around the city have not been unkind to you." (Cayla)


I watch her face as she responds, and she seems quite genuine. She's really not worried about me…why? We've barely spoken. I try to hide my confusion, and I press on with my next question.


"Well, I'm not sure I deserve that kind of praise, but I appreciate it regardless. Then, on that subject, how do you feel after learning about Ilina's and I's relationship?" (Mizuki)


Now Cayla looks conflicted, and she waits several moments before responding.


"Well…I don't take any issue with it personally. I've even heard that Princess Ilina wishes for you two to be married, and I think you'd personally be a good husband to her. However, it's…more complicated than your personal dynamics. For example, your short lifespan, the impossibility of royal children, the nobles' opinions, the reaction of the people, the difficulties with Princess Ilina finding husbands after you die, and the fact that she's now our First Princess. So, I'm confused why these issues aren't more of a concern." (Cayla)


I'm sure the shock shows on my face…that was frank. Seeing this, Cayla quickly becomes flustered and starts trying to apologize but I cut her off with a placating gesture. I smile reassuringly as I respond.


"No, no, that's okay Cayla. I very much appreciate your honesty. Alright, Cayla has convinced me, I'm fine with them staying for any of our discussions in the future. They can know anything you know, Elira and Dargo, as long as the information I originally kept from them does not spread further." (Mizuki)


Cayla looks deeply relieved, and Elira just looks…smug? Dargo and Ilina are simply smiling politely.


"To show my appreciation for your honesty, is there anything you'd like to ask me, Cayla? I won't be offended…you can ask whatever you want." (Mizuki)


Cayla looks surprised and conflicted, and her expression transitions to a mix of concern and curiosity.


"Uhm…could I know why your relationship with Lady Nedonera is this way? Why do you always seem to speak for her, and why does she trust you so much? I think you're very polite and clever, but it seems strange that such a trusted subordinate can't even use magic." (Cayla)


Looks like her curiosity won out, but she's also more than a little embarrassed. Nina decides to answer her question before I can.


"Fufufu…I do enjoy seeing how you all react when you learn the truth. The answer to your question is that everyone here considers Mizuki our leader, including me. Though, I'm his partner and lover as well. The idea that he cannot use magic is also laughably untrue. Mizuki is the strongest being on this entire planet, and not even Elder Dragons would survive combat with him if he truly desired violence." (Nina)


Nina…was the part about being my lover really necessary?


Cayla's mouth is hanging open in shock, and she looks at me questioningly. I just shrug and nod my agreement sheepishly. After a moment, her shock transitions to…relief!?


"Even though it raises more questions, I am glad to hear that. If Mizuki is the leader of your group, and that strong as well, I feel quite a bit safer honestly. Also, other things make more sense with this in mind. Can I also ask why the public union of Mizuki and Princess Ilina is being prioritized so much?" (Cayla)


"I can answer that, Cayla. Mizuki is like an Elder Dragon – he can't die of old age. Likely, he will far outlive even me, so he'd be my romantic partner for my whole life. It's also likely that any children we have would appear like normal elves or high elves, just with longer lifespans. So, since I don't want to take other husbands, and heirs are no issue, we would like to enjoy our extremely long lives together without hiding our relationship. Also, Lady Nedonera insists on it." (Ilina)


Cayla looks surprised, then nods appreciatively. Great, I'm glad that's all taken care of.


"Okay, now that all of that is out of the way…Elira, what did you call us here to discuss?" (Mizuki)


Elira nods solemnly.


"Yes, about that…it's regarding the upcoming royal announcement. I think that Alara might be a problem." (Elira)


Man…that chick is really starting to get on my nerves. I narrow my eyes at Elira, and she begins to look a little nervous.


"Could you elaborate please, Elira?" (Mizuki)


"Well…she's not going back on your deal. However, it seems that she intends to try and turn elven nobles and citizens against you at the royal announcement. I'd say we could just leave her out of the proceedings all together, but her presence and support of Ilina's succession would go a long way towards calming any concerns." (Elira)


Elira's gauging my reaction carefully, and it's painfully clear that she's concerned about how much tolerance I'll have for Alara going forward. Honestly, she's right to be concerned. I'm sick of that elf.


"Does anyone have any alternative suggestions to fix Alara's problematic intentions without affecting her support of Ilina's succession?" (Mizuki)


The room is completely silent, and a cold sweat seems to be forming on Elira. So, no dice. I let out a long, deep sigh.


"Very well, I'll handle it then. Bring Alara here immediately." (Mizuki)


Elira and Dargo immediately go pale.


"M-M-Mizuki, please don't…" (Elira)


I cut her off with a dismissive gesture and a look of impatience.


"Don't worry Elira, I promise not to kill or maim her, and she'll leave the room in perfect physical health. I make no other promises, though. Honestly, I think I've been incredibly generous to her, but my patience has been exhausted. So, this matter is getting permanently settled now. Please summon her at once." (Mizuki)


Elira looks at me pleadingly for a few moments, but I stare back at her coldly. I'm not budging on this. She hangs her head dejectedly, then sends one of her guards to fetch Alara.


After several minutes, Alara is brought into the conference room alone by the same royal guard. She's left standing as he returns to his post behind Elira. Seeing me, Alara's eyes flare with hatred.


"You!? Worthless human…every minute you breath our air is a danger to the elven race, and a disgrace to the very practice of magic. I may have made a deal to support Ilina's rule and leave the royal family, and I plan to honor it, but I have no obligations to you. I'll make sure the nobles and the people see you for the problematic presence that you are." (Alara)


I just give Alara the most cheerful smile I can manage in response.


"Good morning to you, too, Alara! Out of curiosity, would you say that my most pathetic trait is being human, or being unable to use magic?" (Mizuki)


Alara looks completely bewildered by my unexpected and nonchalant response, but it only slows her down a moment.


"Both are immensely pathetic, naturally, but being magicless is worse. To be so useless…it's shocking you haven't done the world a favor and rid it of yourself. I don't think I could live such a worthless existence." (Alara)


She's a good sport, as always. I let out a vicious smile.


"Alara, I'm so glad that you feel that way! It will make this much easier, after all." (Mizuki)


Alara's face contorts in confusion and rage.


"What are you…" (Alara)


Before she can finish her thought, I slow time, walk over, and punch her in the gut as I drop the time spell. I think I feel a rib crack as she crumples onto the floor. The room goes dead silent, and I can see Elira looking towards us fearfully. She does nothing, however.


Alara's still conscious, just wheezing pathetically.


"Now, Alara, that should shut you up enough to listen for once. You see, you've become a serious pain in my ass, and I'm done playing nice with you. So, we'll be getting to know each other better now." (Mizuki)


Alara is glaring up at me from the floor with hatred in her eyes, but also a bit of fear and surprise. I focus on forming a magic sphere around her, then…I drain all her magic. As I do, she seems to come closer to losing consciousness and slumps over on the floor.


After her magic is gone, I heal her completely and step away. Time to scare the shit out of her.


"Now, there you go Alara. I've healed your wounds, but I've also permanently taken away your magic. You're now one of those magicless people you seem to loathe so much. If you don't believe me, why don't you go ahead and try to kill me with your lightning?" (Mizuki)


That's a lie, the part about her magic loss being permanent. However, she has no way of knowing that, and it shouldn't regenerate enough for practical spell use for at least an hour.


[Fufufu…Mizuki, you're truly devious! I cannot wait to see her reaction to this!] (Nina)


Alara climbs to her feet, grimacing from her injuries, and throws her hand out towards me. She mutters an incantation and…nothing happens. Seeing this, Alara's face contorts in surprise. After a moment, her expression transitions to one of disbelief tainted with fear.


"W-What is the meaning of this…my magic…h-h-how could you…w-what are you!?" (Alara)


Alara stutters in denial, and she continues to direct incantations towards me in failure. As she does, more fear creeps into her expression, and her incantations become more frantic until she's practically screaming.


She continues this cycle for the better part of half an hour, as I watch patiently. When she's worn herself out, I ignore her murder attempts and reiterate my explanation.


"Pay attention, Alara. I told you…I took away your magic. You'll never be able to cast spells again." (Mizuki)


Alara looks at me with shock, fear, and some lingering hatred as her new reality sets in. Perfect, time to really set her straight.


[Now, Alara, imagine me just dropping you off alone on the demon continent or in one of the human countries in this state. How do you think you'd fare?] (Mizuki)


My thought message changes Alara's expression to one of pure fear, and she goes pale. After a few minutes she begins glancing between Elira and Nina frantically. Elira looks sad, but Nina appears amused.


"Mother!? Great Dragon!? Are both of you just going to allow him to do as he pleases with impunity!?" (Alara)


"I'm sorry, Alara…you brought this on yourself. I gave you every opportunity to avoid antagonizing him." (Elira)


"Fufufufu…I would have personally killed you long ago for such insolence. I think Mizuki is being lenient with you." (Nina)


Hearing their unsympathetic responses, Alara turns back to me, and I see hate begin to reemerge in her expression. However, it's soon overwhelmed by her fear, and she slumps to the floor again and looks at me frantically.


She spends a long time silently, with a conflicted expression on her face. When she eventually speaks, her voice sounds broken and despairing.


"Mizuki…please…just kill me. I give up." (Alara)


"Of course, this will only take a moment." (Mizuki)


I walk over to Alara and place my hand on her head. She doesn't fight it…she doesn't even look up. Then, I focus on pouring my own magic into her, and I will it to sink into her body and become one with her.


After a moment, it feels like she can't hold any more of my magic, and I release her and step away. Alara seems to have noticed that I didn't harm her, and she looks up at me in confusion.


"There you go Alara, I've returned your magic to you. Why don't you give it a try?" (Mizuki)


Alara stares at me dumbfounded for several moments, but eventually lifts her hand and conjures lightning around it with an incantation. She repeats this for several minutes in complete shock, then she finally turns her gaze towards me.


She's terrified, through and through. Now's the perfect time.


"You may have gathered that I'm not what you thought I was, Alara. I'm sure you want an explanation, but I don't give those to people like you. Instead, I'm going to make this very simple. You will uphold your deal from before, and you will never again attempt to inconvenience me, or anyone associated with me." (Mizuki)


I pause for a moment to gauge her reaction. She's still terrified, and I don't see any desire for hostility, but I wouldn't say she's completely cooperative either.


"I see…you don't look convinced that doing as I ask is in your best interests. You should know that if you don't comply, I can find you anywhere on the planet and take your magic, or I'll punish you in ways that will make that seem tame. However, if you never cross me, then you can still live happily as an elven noble." (Mizuki)


Alara seems to make up her mind, and she begins nodding furiously with a frantic expression.


"I-I promise, M-Mizuki! After this announcement, you'll n-never hear from or see me again! If anyone asks about you, I won't say a negative thing about you, or mention what happened today. I don't know what you are, and I don't want to know anymore. P-Please…just let me go peacefully." (Alara)


I glare at her, and she looks back fearfully. I still see no hints of deceit or hostility…I guess that's good enough for now. I let out a deep sigh.


"Alright, you can go back to where that guard found you. Stay unproblematic and do your part at the royal announcement to make this a smooth transition, and then you're free to go live your life. I promise to not bother you after that unless you cross me, or you're implicated in a crisis. How's that?" (Mizuki)


"T-Thank you!" (Alara)


After her thanks, Alara leaves the room in a hurry, and we're plunged into silence. I turn back towards everyone to assess the situation.


"Does anyone have any concerns about that situation, or how I handled it? I obviously had to bluff Alara a bit, and I truly don't want to hurt her. I didn't enjoy hitting her that first time, but it seemed like the easiest way to set the tone. I'm sorry if I scared any of you." (Mizuki)


After a moment of silence, the others begin commenting. Nina and Zara wear relatively relaxed expressions.


"Fufufu…I think that was beautifully done, Mizuki. It's like I've always said about you, you only show complete mercy or complete force. She rebuked one and got the other…I see no issue." (Nina)


"I personally agree with your stern approach, Mizuki. Half-measures are rarely effective with people like that elf, but I admit that I'm used to dealing with the wolf-kin who respect strength." (Zara)


Elira and Dargo weigh in next. Elira's face is a mix of pity and relief, while Dargo just seems…relieved.


"Mizuki, I honestly can't think of any better outcome. You've shown Alara more compassion than you showed the slavers you freed some of our people from, and she's done nothing but spite you in return. Thank you for being willing to reveal yourself to Alara to some degree to make this possible. It was quite scary seeing you like that, but…I think I agree that it was necessary." (Dargo)


"I'm having a harder time being as accepting as Dargo. I know she deserved every bit of that and more after how she's behaved, but…she's still my daughter. However, I am shocked that she's seemingly going to no longer be a problem child, and you didn't have to critically injure or kill her to make it a reality. I personally had no better paths to resolution in mind, so…I can come to terms with how you did it." (Elira)


Honestly…even Elira's reaction is better than I was expecting. I let my frustrations guide my actions a bit, so I was worried about the fallout. I turn to Ilina with a questioning gaze, and she looks…grateful.


"It's okay Mizuki. I was surprised when you hit her, but you were still gentler than I was when we fought. If I'm being honest…while I wish you'd given me a warning, this still feels like it was a compromise where you favored my feelings. I didn't think she'd get off that easy, or that you'd be willing to expose yourself to do it. So, thank you." (Ilina)


I'm honestly in shock…I think they are drastically overestimating my character here. I just basically tormented Alara in front of them, so some fear or condemnation would be well within expectation. Are they just lying because they're scared of how I'll react? The thought makes my blood run cold.


I turn to Alto…I can trust her. She'll be honest with me no matter what. Looking at her expression…I see fear and regret. I feel a rush of fear myself over what that may mean for our relationship going forward, but I'll accept it and try to make amends however I can.


"Alto, I…can you give me your honest opinion? I'm sorry for acting so rashly, and I know I should have consulted you all before. I can see the fear and regret on your face, and I know you may think I'm a monster after how I handled that situation. I only hope you give me the chance to correct my mistake." (Mizuki)


As I gauge Alto's reaction, her expression changes to one of pure confusion.


"Mizuki…you've got it backwards. My fear and regret were towards my own thoughts and actions. By the time Alara arrived and spoke to you, I…was thinking of much more severe actions. Exiling her from the country as a commoner at best or killing her at worst. I'm ashamed that I was more willing to kill a fellow elf than you were. Your approach may have seemed more personally malicious, but…it was clearly the best outcome for her in the long term." (Alto)


Alto is staring down at the floor in anguish, and I'm speechless as well. After a moment, she continues.


"If you'd tried to negotiate with her before, she'd have never listened. She considered you an existential threat because of your connection to Nina. Even if you calmly told her how powerful you were and tried to reason with her that opposing you was dangerous and futile, I think she'd have just feared you more and swapped to subterfuge. In retrospect, sudden and complete personal terror was the only way to truly put her in line, and you used minimal violence, so I don't condemn your actions, Mizuki." (Alto)


After a few moments to recover from my shock, I teleport Alto and I alone to Nina's old nest. Seeing the sudden change in scenery, Alto gives me a bewildered expression. Without another word, I walk over and wrap her in a hug. After a few seconds of confusion, she hugs me back.


"Thank you, Alto. Hearing you say that puts my mind at ease more than you could imagine. For what it's worth, I don't think you should be so hard on yourself about Alara, and the actions you didn't even take. Neither of us is going to see the best outcome every time, and sometimes both of us will overlook it. I'm still not sure that my approach with Alara was best. However, I don't think any less of you for actions that you considered today. You're still my trusted friend." (Mizuki)


Hearing my response, Alto squeezes me a little tighter, and we stay like that for a few minutes. Eventually, she lets me go and steps away. She directs a forced smirk at me.


"Thanks for bringing me out here just to hug me, it would damage my reputation with the other elves if we're too friendly. You're as soft hearted as ever, and it's a miracle that you managed to convince Alara otherwise. Anyway…I'm ready to return when you are." (Alto)


I just smile back at her and shake my head in amusement, then I teleport us back to the palace conference room. Everyone seems relatively calm when we return.


"Sorry everyone, Alto and I just needed to talk things out a bit in private. I appreciate what all of you told me, and that no one seems to take significant issue with how I handled things. So, can I consider the matter of Alara settled then?" (Mizuki)


The people in the room all nod their assent. Then, Elira redirects the conversation, still a little shaken.


"Very well, let's move on. Regarding the royal announcement…the general proceedings were already disclosed to Avalon's residents, the nobles, and the citizens of their respective territories. However, we'd like to clarify them with everyone here, and discuss some specifics." (Elira)


Elira and Dargo reiterate that the royal announcement will be a multi-day event, starting the day after tomorrow. The first day will be an evening reception with wine and snacks that's open to everyone who can meet a minimum dress code, where royals, nobles, and commoners from across the kingdom will intermingle.


The evening reception will take place inside the largest ballroom of the palace, but there will also be food stalls and entertainment outside the palace, in the main square and surrounding streets.


Commoners who meet the dress code requirements will be allowed to join the main reception in roughly one-hour cycles, since there will likely be too many to attend simultaneously. Priority for this will be determined by a series of raffles the morning of the reception day.


The second day will be for a private announcement and discussion with the elven nobles, and the third day will be for a public announcement and celebration.


The public announcement will occur from the main square, and the celebration afterwards will occur in a similar format as the reception. The raffles for priority will be conducted along with the reception raffles on the morning of the first day.


This is the extent of information that was publicly disclosed.


"Some commoners from other cities have already begun arriving, and so far, the inns in the city have enough capacity to accommodate them. We expect that the nobles and their attaches will begin arriving tomorrow evening, and there will be enough room in the palace for them as royal guests. Nobles are allowed to bring two guests with them for such occasions, and they will be given the same access to any festivities." (Dargo)


"As for the reception day, we'd also like to make a slight change of plans. Since you all managed to remedy the entire situation with the demons so soon after we disclosed plans for the royal announcement…" (Elira)


Elira pauses to give me a look that's somehow a mix of both gratitude and annoyance.


"We'd like to introduce Lady Nedonera and the rest of your party in the main square, before beginning the reception in the ballroom, and explain how you have resolved the situation with Veyron and the demons. We think this would buy some goodwill with the people and nobles alike and provide more opportunities for Mizuki to socialize during the reception. Mizuki, I'm assuming that you'd still like to maintain the charade that you're Lady Nedonera's subordinate?" (Elira)


Yeah, that's a good idea. There has been no official announcement about how things with the demons turned out. Since the nobles likely left their territories before Nina dealt with Veyron, sending messengers to them was also futile. Similarly, nobody in Avalon really knows how things concluded.


As far as pretty much everyone outside the palace is concerned, the demons may be preparing for war, and Veyron may be cooperating to decimate this kingdom.


"Yes, I would, thank you. I think that what you suggest is a great idea, and I'm assuming that you'll briefly let the nobles know about the demon and Veyron situation when they arrive, instead of keeping them in the dark until the public statement?" (Mizuki)


"Correct, we plan to hold a private meeting with them in the palace, the morning of the first day. Naturally, we'd appreciate your attendance. The nobles were solicited for such a meeting in their invitations. We originally intended to just introduce them to Lady Nedonera and discuss the anticipated demon invasion, but we didn't give them those details." (Dargo)


I nod agreeably.


"Of course, we'd love to attend. I do have a question, though, if you don't mind?" (Mizuki)


Elira and Dargo raise their eyebrows expectantly, and Dargo nods for me to continue.


"Could you explain to me how the noble houses work? How are their successors determined, what are the current heads of those houses like, and how many noble houses are there?" (Mizuki)


"Ahh, yes, I just assumed that Miss Alto or Ilina would have explained this by now." (Dargo)


Hearing their names, Alto and Ilina look a little embarrassed, but I don't think they're at fault. I never asked them, and when we're alone, Alto is more focused on our research, and Ilina and I…haven't been using that limited time to talk.


"Regardless, allow me to explain. While our royal family and kingdom are a matriarchy, but that's not necessarily true for the noble families. There are five noble houses, and their customs for succession vary. Some choose only daughters, while some select heirs independent of gender. Some believe in the birthrights of firstborns, while others are meritocratic." (Dargo)


Huh…I just imagined them all being cranky old men for some reason.


"First is the Uril house, which strictly adheres to appointing the firstborn high elf daughter as the heir. They are currently led by Tessa Uril, who I expect to most strongly oppose Ilina's succession. She shares Alara's sentiments on status and race, just less severely. She's also my younger cousin, the daughter of our last Queen's brother, and the noble closest to the royal bloodline." (Elira)


That's…a lot to take in. I guess I'll need to be wary of her. I glance at Dargo, and he nods his agreement solemnly.


"There's also the Egris house, which still only appoints daughters as their heirs, but they do so meritocratically. Their head of household is not always the oldest daughter, but it is usually a high elf. Cara Egris is their current head. She's a young high elf, reasonable, and surprisingly accepting of other races. She was the noble most open-minded about my suggestion years ago to relax our 'no humans in the kingdom' policy, though she ultimately advised against policy change. While she's empathetic, she's also cautious by nature." (Dargo)


So, I'll optimistically note her as a potential ally.


"Finally, there are the Zardo, Izthil, and Abel houses, whose heirs are decided without a significant gender, sub-race, or birthright influence. Jorah Abel is a middle-aged elf, and his prejudice against other races, especially humans, rivals Tessa Uril's. Darak Zardo is a high elf of very agreeable temperament, and he's even older than Queen Elira. Helena Izthil is a middle-aged elf, and she has a very calculating personality. Darak and Helena are essentially ambivalent towards other races, not intrinsically empathetic or prejudiced." (Dargo)


Hmm…so the Uril and Abel houses are likely to take issue with me, especially any familiarity with Ilina, while the Zardo, Izthil, and especially Egris houses are potential allies.


"I'll add that, from what my subordinates have surmised, one of the elven slaves you freed was actually a daughter of the Zardo house, just not a candidate for heir. Apparently, she had a message sent to Darak by carrier pigeon before departing home, so he's likely aware of Lady Nedonera and your party. I can't say the same for the other nobles, but I wouldn't rule out that rumors have spread from Avalon to their ears already." (Elira)


Oh? That's kind of good news, I think. Shouldn't that make the Zardo house a little bit more friendly towards us?


"Thank you both for explaining all of that. I think that covers everything I'd want to know about the nobles for now, and it will surely be helpful. So, what events will we be attending for the royal announcement? What will our roles be, and is there anything we need to know to fulfill them?" (Mizuki)


Elira and Dargo look happy about my question.


"Thank you for asking, Mizuki. At minimum, we'd like you and Lady Nedonera to attend all events, including any private meetings with the nobles. We'd like Alto and Zara both to attend the public announcement about resolving the demon crisis, and they're welcome but not required at all other events. The exception is meeting with the nobles. Every representative is limited to two guests, so only Alto or Zara will be able to accompany you as Lady Nedonera's other subordinate." (Elira)


Ooof…that's a lot of socializing, but I guess that's the whole point. I turn to Zara and Alto, and they're looking at me patiently, but Alto is obviously on edge.


"Zara, I'll be direct – Alto should be the other guest for meetings with the nobles. I declined her request to come to the demon continent with us, I brought you instead, and you got to fight Dez. So, this is only fair. Plus, I think having an elf in Nina's escort would be helpful. Finally, I'm betting that Alto wants to attend more than you do. It's exactly the kind of situation she had in mind when she asked to accompany me in this kingdom. Alto, have I deduced the reason for your nervous expression correctly?" (Mizuki)


Alto looks immensely relieved, and also a bit embarrassed. She nods at me appreciatively.


"Yes, Mizuki, you are correct. The very idea of you being subjected to the nobles without me around puts me on edge. I don't want them to judge you too harshly, but I also don't want them to ruin your relationship with the Elven Kingdom. I don't think my people see you the way I do yet, and it'd truly be their loss if they scorned you over racial prejudice. Zara, would you please yield the available spot to me?" (Alto)


Zara lets out an uncharacteristic smile.


"Fufufu…of course, Alto. Every point Mizuki made was valid, including that I was only mildly interested in attending." (Zara)


Seeing this conclusion, Dargo and Elira look relieved. I'm guessing they shared my opinion on Alto's value for these meetings. I turn to them with a smile.


"Alright! I guess that settles it. Is there anything else we should know or discuss?" (Mizuki)


Elira and Dargo glance at one another, then look at me nervously.


"Uhm…yes. Mizuki, we were wondering…what do you and the others plan to wear to these events? I don't want to offend you, but most of what we've seen you wear wouldn't be appropriate, and we don't know how much you know about elven customs." (Dargo)


Elira and Dargo are practically holding their breath they're so nervous. Are my clothes really that bad? After a moment, I can't help but laugh out loud, and they become puzzled.


"Hahahaha…I'm not offended, I was actually going to ask you about that. If you'd like, I'd be willing for all of us to submit to whatever wardrobe fittings you recommend for the events, and I'll cover all the costs myself. Would that be acceptable?" (Mizuki)


Elira and Dargo audibly exhale in relief, then direct smiles at me.


"Yes, Mizuki, I will have Cayla here make the arrangements for all of you to have your measurements taken after this meeting. The royal tailors will prepare several wardrobe options for each of you to choose from, and you don't need to worry about the cost. It would be our pleasure to take care of this." (Elira)


Cayla steps forward from the wall and bows deeply, then directs a smile and nod towards me. I nod appreciatively back at her.


"Okay, thank you very much, Elira and Dargo. You as well, Cayla. I do have one final question about the first meeting with the nobles. What will you do about Alara and Ilina? I'm assuming that only heirs and a spouse or guard accompany the nobles. By extension, if Elira is accompanied by Dargo and Ilina, wouldn't that suggest something strange about the succession before you've announced it?" (Mizuki)


Elira and Dargo eyes widen in surprise, and they smile like they're impressed. Sometimes I can't tell if they think highly of my intelligence or think I'm an idiot.


"Yes, normally. However, we'll just say that Ilina was brought instead because she recruited Lady Nedonera to resolve the Veyron and demon crisis and was therefore more appropriate given the context. At the reception later, Alara will be instructed to stay by my side and not cause trouble." (Elira)


Hmm…that seems like it should work just fine to me. I give Alto a questioning glance, and she nods approvingly. I'm sold then.


"Okay, thank you for explaining. Well then…is there anything else to be discussed this morning? It sounds like I have wardrobe fittings after this, and then Ilina's and I's afternoon trip through the city." (Mizuki)


"No, that's all we wanted to discuss. Cayla, can you see to Mizuki and his party?" (Elira)


Cayla walks over to the door and waits patiently with a smile, and Elira rises from the couch, signaling the end of the meeting. I let out a deep sigh and follow suit…I always hated trying on clothes in the mall for special occasions.


This seems like it will be equally tedious.




Several…hours…later, I'm walking through Avalon's main square outside the palace with Ilina and Klaus.


"Oi, Mizuki!"


I look towards the sound of the voice, and see Kudra, the elderly kur'kes vendor from our first tour of the city, waving politely at us. I smile and wave back, and we make our way towards him.


He seemed more than a little suspicious of me our first meeting, but it came from a good place – his concern for his princess, Ilina. It's hard to take that personally. After seeing me pass through his shop for over a week now, though, I'd say we're downright friendly.


As we approach Kudra, he gives a brief bow to Ilina.


"Princess Ilina, you look lovely as always. I see you're still touring Mizuki around Avalon regularly. How has the people's reception of you been?" (Kudra)


Kudra looks on intently, waiting for an answer.


"Thank you, Kudra, I hope your business has been well. As for our reception…I'd say the number of hostile or fearful stares have dropped considerably, though I still wouldn't consider Mizuki a favorite of the townspeople." (Ilina)


Ouch…but, yeah, that's pretty much how I see it, too. Kudra nods for a moment, then smiles.


"Well, that's good to hear. Even widespread indifference towards Mizuki would be desirable. As for my business, it's been thriving lately. I don't know if you've heard, but there's a human in town who seems completely incapable of basic math! He's a regular at my shop, and grossly overpays each time, so I've had very healthy profit margins." (Kudra)


I smirk at Kudra, and he pretends to not notice. Ilina is more amused.


"Fufufu…I guess Mizuki must have managed to befriend another elf after all. If a citizen of Avalon knows him so well, I suppose he's not a totally lost cause!" (Ilina)


I can hear Klaus cackling in response to Ilina's comment behind me, but I pay him no mind. After a moment, Kudra turns somewhat serious and directs his gaze towards me.


"Hey, Mizuki, my jokes aside…hang in there. Word of you has been getting around the town, and I've shared my opinion that you're an earnest young man that we don't need to fear. There are some elves that are very wary of you, but I'd say you fall more in the realm of a local curiosity at this point. That's progress!" (Kudra)


I give him a very appreciative smile.


"Thanks, Kudra…that means a lot to me. On that note, I guess we should go talk to more elves that dislike me. We'll stop back by your stand on our way home though!" (Mizuki)


Kudra nods approvingly and we say our farewells, then Ilina leads us out of the main square and down Avalon's busiest street.


There are pop-up stands at the edges of the street, and numerous permanent stores along the sidewalks. Every few minutes, a horse-drawn cart will whiz past carrying supplies – I'm always surprised by how fast they drive them on this street.


The sidewalks are relatively trafficked by elves, and after only an hour I'd say that I've passed over a hundred elven pedestrians. To my delight, less than ten of them gave me dirty looks, and most just looked at me in surprise then went about their day.


Occasionally, some of them would even smile and wave at me! That could be just because I'm with their princess, but I choose to credit my warm personality.


When we're about halfway to the city outskirts along the main street, I'm watching another horse-drawn cart zoom towards us, when a rubber-like ball rolls into the street about ten meters ahead of the horses. To my horror, an elven boy that's about 8 years old comes running after it.


Based on the horses' speed and proximity, it looks like he'll almost certainly get hit in the next few seconds.


I slow time as much as possible and survey the area around me. We're about 30 meters from him, and only Klaus seems to have noticed, but he wouldn't be able to do anything. From my vantage point, I don't see anyone else around the boy looking his way.


I swear under my breath…there's a decent chance that if I don't do anything he could die, but I'd risk exposing myself to scrutiny. I sigh deeply…I'll just avoid explicit magic.


I sprint towards the boy at top speed in slowed time, and the boy has seemingly noticed the speeding horses a couple of meters from him. At this point, I apply a max defensive spell on the boy to protect him from my rough handling.


When I finally grab him, the horses are only about a meter away, and I yank us both to the sidewalk in a crouch then drop the time and defense spells. I hear the horses thunder past us without slowing.


I'm nearly eye-level with the boy, and I assess him for injuries. He seems fine physically, but he's visibly shaken, and he's staring at me in shock. I smile at him reassuringly.


"Hey little dude, that was a close one! Are you okay?" (Mizuki)


The elven boy nods his head in a daze, but before he can respond, a late-20s looking elven woman comes running out of a nearby building and crouches down to hug him frantically. She has brown eyes and long brown hair that's matted to her forehead with sweat, and she's wearing an apron.


As she wraps the boy in a hug, she speaks at him shrilly.


"Cera, are you okay!? Did that cart hit you!? How many times have I told you to be careful and stay out of this street!" (elf woman)


The boy, Cera, nods back a bit fearfully, shaken from his earlier stupor.


"Yes, I'm okay Mom…I'm sorry…I just lost my ball." (Cera)


As Cera speaks, his mom inspects him carefully. Seeing no injuries, she breathes a huge sigh of relief and smiles, then begins speaking to me.


"That's good, I'm glad you're okay. Sir, I saw you pull my son out of the way of that cart as I tried to get over here in time…I really don't know how to thank you for saving him. My name's Kara, and if there's anything I…" (Kara)


Kara looks over towards me for the first time after she begins to speak, and she freezes mid-sentence. Her expression of relief and gratitude transitions to one of shock and fear, and she pulls Cera a little closer to her. So, I guess she's not a fan of humans.


I try to put on a reassuring smile.


"You don't need to worry Kara; you don't owe me anything. I'm sure my being human has given you quite the fright, and I apologize for that. I'll just be on my way so you can look after Cera in peace." (Mizuki)


As I stand and turn to leave, I hear footsteps behind me. Ilina and Klaus are running towards me with concerned expressions.


"Mizuki, is everything okay!? Why did you disappear suddenly? What happened?" (Ilina)


So, Klaus didn't have a chance to explain yet, I guess. I don't want to stick around here scaring Kara and her kid any longer, so I make a dismissive gesture and smile at Ilina as I walk towards them.


"Sorry about that, it's all fine! I just saw something that needed my attention quickly. We should probably head back to the palace now!" (Mizuki)


Klaus looks like he's about to interject, but before he can, I hear Kara call out from behind me.


"Wait! Please!" (Kara)


We all turn our attention to her in surprise. She's standing again now, and Cera is wrapped around one of her legs looking at me curiously. Kara's terrorized expression has been mostly replaced by embarrassment and guilt, and she's struggling to meet my gaze.


"I'm…very sorry for how I reacted. Even after watching you save my son's life, I treated you like a criminal out to harm him. I'm deeply ashamed of that, and I'd like the chance to make it up to you…please?" (Kara)


I wave my hands in a placating gesture and smile reassuringly.


"No, no, I promise that you don't need to do that. You were worried about your kid, and I won't pretend that humans at large haven't rightfully garnered some distrust from other races. You have my word, whatever it's worth – I'm not offended, and you don't owe me a debt. I'm just glad everything worked out." (Mizuki)


I turn to leave again, but Kara is insistent.


"Wait! I'm sorry, but please reconsider. I'm embarrassed to say so, but it's at least as much for me as it is for you. My husband died recently. He was a very kind man, you see, and…I can't help but think he'd be disappointed in how I acted just now. I don't think I'll be able to sleep if I leave things like this. I work at this tavern here, so can I at least treat you to a meal? Please?" (Kara)


So…that's why she had the apron. Was she forced to bring her kid to work because she's a single mother? I can already feel my heart breaking for them. I can't say no now…I nod my agreement at Kara. Her face seems to melt in relief.


"That sounds wonderful, thank you. However, I can't agree to letting you pay for our food. Perhaps instead you could just find a table where my presence won't scare your other customers, and where extra attention won't inconvenience Princess Ilina?" (Mizuki)


Kara becomes confused, then glances towards Ilina seriously for the first time. Her eyes go wide upon seeing Ilina. Did she…not know? I thought rumors of a human roaming the city with Princess Ilina had spread? Why else would she offer food to a human waltzing around a country where they're forbidden?


"P-Princess Ilina, it's very nice to m-meet you! I'm so sorry that I didn't greet you sooner!" (Kara)


Kara bows deeply to Ilina, and forces Cera's head down with her. Ilina just looks uncomfortable.


"That's quite alright, I promise. Why don't we just move somewhere quieter in the tavern to talk? I'm concerned about the attention we're garnering here." (Ilina)


Indeed, I can see several elves stopping and looking at us curiously. Kara nods quickly, then takes off into the tavern with Cera and waves for us to follow her. She leads us past the other customers to a back area, then walks off to frantically talk to an elderly man behind the tavern bar while gesturing at us. His eyes seem to go wide in shock, and he nods at her quickly.


Kara returns to us with a nervous smile, then leads us to a private room nearby with a large table and chairs inside. She gestures for us all to sit.


"Okay, I spoke to the owner and this room will be all yours. I'll be your personal waitress, so please ask me for whatever you want to order." (Kara)


She gestures to a large wooden menu on the wall of the room, and she smiles patiently. While we begin looking over the menu, Cera speaks up for the first time.


"Mom, can I eat with them, too?" (Cera)


Kara's face goes pale, and I can see that she's about to reprimand him. I interject before she can, though…I don't want her to have the additional stress of watching a kid while she works her shift.


"I think that would be a wonderful idea, Cera! Do you mind, Kara? Having a new friendly face around would be nice, and I promise that we'll look after him whenever you're out of the room." (Mizuki)


Kara looks conflicted for a moment, but Ilina piles on.


"Mizuki's offer is sincere. I promise that he'll be safe and welcome." (Ilina)


Kara nods reluctantly, but I see relief on her face as well…it makes me feel a little better. Cera squeals excitedly, and he climbs up in the empty chair next to me. Really?


He could have sat next to his own princess. Kara looks confused as well, and I stifle my laughter. This seems like a good opportunity to tease Ilina. I direct a thought message at her and Klaus.


[Ohh, Ilina, you see that? He picked a human over his own princess…are you in the habit of scaring children?] (Mizuki)


Klaus begins chuckling, and Ilina's eyes narrow at me dangerously. Oh yeah, I'm going to pay for that one later, but it will have been worth it.


After a few more minutes looking at the menu, we place our orders with Kara, and she leaves the room. I didn't explain why, but I ordered two meals – one is for Kara, who I'm hoping will take a break and eat with us.


I look down at Cera to see how he's doing, and I notice him staring at me intently. Uhm…what's that about? He doesn't make me wonder long.


"Do your ears hurt?" (Cera)


Klaus and Ilina burst out laughing, and I can't help but smile as well. I shake my head at Cera.


"No, this is normal for humans. Do your ears hurt?" (Mizuki)


Cera seems to give this some thought, then shrugs.


"No, I guess not. Can I touch your ears?" (Cera)


Ilina and Klaus break out in a fresh fit of laughter, but I have a soft spot for kids. I just smile at him and nod, then lean my head over so he can reach my ears.


"Sure, dude, knock yourself out." (Mizuki)


Cera grabs my ear and rubs it briefly.


"Wooahhh…they're so round and soft. Can you hear people when they talk?" (Cera)


"What do you think?" (Mizuki)


While all of us stifle our laughter, Cera once again contemplates my question, then he nods confidently.


"Yeah, I think so, you knew what Mom was saying even when you weren't looking." (Cera)


This kid is definitely going places. I nod at him approvingly, and he beams with pride. He's a good kid…I wonder what happened to his dad.


"Cera, you don't have to tell me, but I was wondering…do you know what happened to your dad?" (Mizuki)


Ilina shoots me a bewildered look, but Cera just nods.


"Yeah…he really liked helping people, so sometimes he would travel to do that. This time, he said he was going to help some wolf children. A few days ago, Mom told me that he died trying to save them. She says she heard it from a woman that was traveling with him." (Cera)


I feel myself go stiff…that sounds like he was part of the same outreach trip as Alto. Did she know him?


That detail doesn't really matter, but I can't help but wonder. Either way, I know exactly what she would want us to do. I turn to Klaus and Ilina, who are staring at me in surprise.


"Klaus, how much does it cost for two Avalon commoners to live?" (Mizuki)


"Uhm…if they already own a house in good condition, they'd need about one silver per month for basic supplies. I'd guess that a job like this pays maybe two silver per month at most." (Klaus)


So, just enough to get by while saving for emergency expenses, which is why she can't afford to have anyone look after Cera.


"Cera, I'm sorry about your dad. It sounds like he was a good guy, and I'm sure you and your mom miss him. Do you guys have your own house, by chance?" (Mizuki)


Cera nods sadly at first, but he perks up when he hears my question about the house.


"Yeah! Mom bought it right after dad left, and she was so happy!" (Cera)


I sigh in relief…that's good to hear. So, Kara's salary is sustaining them. As I think about this, Kara returns with our food and drinks and begins setting them on the table for us.


"Alright, can I get anything else for you all? Cera, please make sure you show proper manners around Princess Ilina while you eat." (Kara)


"Yes, actually. If you don't mind, could you sit and eat with us? I assume that if you are our personal waitress that your boss could spare you, and I'm willing to pay extra to cover any inconvenience. I got this second order of food for you, and there was something I wanted to discuss. You can consider it paying me back for earlier if that helps." (Mizuki)


Kara looks conflicted until I mention paying me back, then she nods dejectedly. I feel a little bad, but not enough to backtrack on my request. I smile gratefully.


"Great! Thank you, Kara. Cera, would you mind swapping seats with me so I can sit next to your mom? I wanted to talk with her about something." (Mizuki)


Cera looks confused, so I lean over and whisper in his ear quickly.


"It's a surprise, and I think it would make her happy, like your house." (Mizuki)


Hearing this, Cera breaks out in a smile and starts nodding furiously. We quickly swap our plates and drinks, and I move over next to the empty seat on our side of the table.


I move Kara's food to that spot on the table, then gesture at her to take a seat next to me. She moves to the table hesitantly, and she smiles nervously as she sits in the chair next to me.


We begin eating in earnest, and I let her settle in without bothering her at first. Cera has moved on to asking Klaus about being a royal guard, and about his sword, and the atmosphere at the table slowly begins to relax.


After quite some time, I feel Kara tug on my sleeve nervously. I turn towards her, and the others don't seem to notice. She looks apprehensive, and whispers to me.


"Mizuki…I appreciate this, but…I'm a little nervous about what you want to discuss. Could you tell me?" (Kara)


"Oh, I'm sorry, Kara! That didn't even occur to me. Of course, let me explain." (Mizuki)


I activate my item box spell secretly under the table, and I retrieve my coin purse. I've made a habit of always keeping at least 50 gold coins in it, since I got this spell. I pull a cloth napkin off the table, then count out twenty-one gold coins and wrap them in the napkin as Kara watches.


I discreetly set the money in Kara's lap, and her eyes go wide in surprise. Before she can respond, I whisper to her.


"Klaus says this is roughly twenty years' worth of your salary. I don't care how you spend the money, so long as it improves your lives and makes you happier. You can quit your job and live comfortably with Cera until he's grown, or you can hire someone to watch him for you while you keep working. I've also thrown in an extra gold coin, so that you and Cera can get nice clothes and attend the royal announcement at the palace, if you'd like." (Mizuki)


Kara's face is suspended in complete disbelief.


"Mizuki…I…can't accept this. You already saved Cera's life, and now you want to give us a small fortune? This is absurd! Plus, with all due respect, I can't be indebted to someone this much…especially a strange man that I don't know." (Kara)


"Fufufu…well, as I said, you don't owe me, and I'm never going to ask you for anything in return. My only ulterior motive is this…I need you to accept this money, like you needed to treat us to dinner. I've accepted that I'm strange, and it's fair to say you don't know me. So, if you need to know me better, then ask me as many questions as you want." (Mizuki)


Kara is glaring at me, bewildered, but she also seems curious.


"Okay…let's start with why you need to give me this money. You knew my reasoning for the dinner, so I'd like to know yours for this." (Kara)


"Essentially, I believe your husband was killed by human slavers trying to prevent the elven women and wolf-kin children from being kidnapped, while he was on an outreach trip to the wolf-kin village. You see, I'm the one who later freed everyone they kidnapped, and one of the elves asked to join me on my travels. She's a very dear friend to me now, and I know we'd both want to help the families of people like your husband." (Mizuki)


Kara's eyes go wide in shock.


"That…that was you? The young woman who told me about my husband said that a strange human freed them, and that he told them they owed him nothing and was kind enough to take them home. When I asked more about it, she said she wasn't allowed to discuss anything else." (Kara)


"Yes, that was me. Fufufu…I'm glad to hear that she thought I was kind, because some of the elves were very wary of me. Is she settling back into her life? Do you know if she needs anything?" (Mizuki)


Kara stares at me like I've grown a third eye, then shakes her head in exasperation.


"As far as I know, she's reunited with her family, happy, and healthy. Mizuki…why would you do these things? Freeing those kidnapped people, dropping a small fortune in my lap…those aren't trivial actions, and it's hard to believe you'd want nothing in return. Honestly, I thought you were just hoping that I'd feel indebted enough to sleep with you." (Kara)


Now my jaw is the one hanging open. How much of a sleazeball do I come off as!? Eventually, I recover enough to respond, and I direct a very serious gaze at her.


"Uhm…well, that never crossed my mind. Still, I understand your concern, I guess. Your question, though…the answer is simple. I acted in both cases because it was the right thing to do, and it was within my power. I didn't ask for anything in return because that would be like me agreeing that ignoring such injustice is the natural thing to do. That's not the world I want, one where ignoring injustice is normal." (Mizuki)


Kara looks at me, partly exasperated and partly skeptical.


"You can't be serious? That's really it?" (Kara)


I make direct eye contact with her, and don't flinch.


"That's it. So, will you accept the money now? It'd really make me happy, and I'm sure it'd make my friend happy, too." (Mizuki)


Kara studies my expression for several more moments, then closes her eyes and sighs heavily. When she looks at me again, she's smiling.


"Yes, we'll accept the money. Thank you, Mizuki, from the bottom of my heart." (Kara)


I smile back at her broadly, then produce one more gold coin and hand it to her.


"That makes me very happy, thank you. Here, this gold coin is for all the food today. Please tell your boss that the extra is for your wonderful service and us taking all your spare time." (Mizuki)


Kara rolls her eyes at me, but she accepts the gold. After that, we share a smile and then go back to enjoying our meals. I look across the table at everyone else, and I notice Ilina smiling at me. She seems to be happy for me, so I guess she gathered some of our conversation. I smile back at her affectionately.


I glance down at Cera, and he stares up at me questioningly. I grin and give him a thumbs up, like 'mission accomplished', and he breaks out in an excited smile. Yeah…despite the animosity I've received from elves in the past, this afternoon alone makes it all worth it.