Chereads / Curiosity of God / Chapter 86 - Chapter 24 – Revelations of Romance and Research  

Chapter 86 - Chapter 24 – Revelations of Romance and Research  

After I returned to the inn, I informed everyone that I'd smoothed things over with Elira and Dargo, so they all voluntarily returned to the palace with me. Zara asked to train with Klaus again, and they both left to spar when Ilina ordered him to agree, so it was just the four of us now.


After the lengthy series of events since Alara's intrusion in the meeting this morning, it is now afternoon. We are standing outside the guest rooms, deciding what to do.


"Alto, would you like to do some more magic research with the rest of our afternoon? It'd be just the two of us, so you'll have my undivided attention. I'll also agree to study whatever you want, within reason." (Mizuki)


Alto's head snaps towards me, and she fixes me with a hopeful but suspicious glare.


"Mizuki, don't joke around. You really mean that? The whole afternoon, no distractions, and we'll study whatever I want? Why?" (Alto)


"Well, the short answer is because I appreciate you and enjoy your company. I was reflecting on it earlier…as far as platonic relationships in this world, I think you might be my best friend. We haven't spent much quality time bonding over our shared hobby, and I'd like to change that. Please don't let it go to your head." (Mizuki)


Alto looks at me stunned for a moment, seemingly touched, but manages to swap back to her trademark smirk.


"Fufufu…well if it means more magic research, then I guess I can tolerate your company for the rest of the afternoon. I'll head to the library now, so you can talk with the less platonic women in your life alone. Come meet me when you're done!" (Alto)


Following her…friendly…remarks, Alto leaves the room with a smile and a wave. Ilina is smiling at me nervously, trying not to immediately revert to the awkward state befitting our last discussion. Nina is smirking at Ilina's nerves, and I feel a sense of amusement from her.


"Fufufu…so, Ilina, let's discuss Mizuki's babies." (Nina)


At this rate, I'm going to murder this dragon before any babies are involved.


"Yeah…no. We won't be doing that right now, Nina. You couldn't get pregnant for decades to centuries regardless, so it's pointless to discuss today. Ilina, I'm guessing that you want to know what your parents had to say?" (Mizuki)


Ilina is already blushing from Nina's outburst, and just nods her head gratefully.


"Sure! Well, much to my surprise, your mother had a complete mood change and started insisting that we should be romantically involved. Even after I reiterated that I'm with Nina, and that was never going to change, her and your father were still adamant about it." (Mizuki)


Ilina forgets her embarrassment and gives me a bewildered look.


"What!? How is that possible? What about the kingdom's prejudice against humans, having an heir, and her personal disagreements?" (Ilina)


"She absurdly claimed that since some children would be completely elven and sufficiently long-lived, heirs wouldn't be a problem, and she'd just hand any human children over to me and report them as miscarriages. She said her personal feelings were that having me attached to you and an elven child were good for the kingdom. Finally, she'd avoid the kingdom's prejudice by keeping me as a secret concubine. She even said that if you wanted to, you could avoid taking an official husband." (Mizuki)


Ilina's mouth is hanging open in shock.


"Honestly, I never thought she'd openly support something so ridiculous. Still, that sounds mostly agreeable to me given my situation. Except for that last part, I wouldn't want to do that." (Ilina)


Seriously, she's fine with all of that!?


"Oh, I don't really think that's a problem. You taking husbands would be totally fine with her, and obviously I'd support it regardless." (Mizuki)


Ilina shrieks in surprise and confusion, then directs a withering gaze at me. Uh oh…what'd I do?


"No, you idiot, I don't want husbands! I'm saying I don't want you as a secret concubine! When your life was going to be short, I told you that I'd be okay with a secret romance, and that I'd be taking other husbands. Then, our whole relationship would've begun and ended before I ever considered a husband, and I could stomach secrecy for something so brief. Now that you're going to be around my whole life, though, I'm not willing to take other husbands or hide you forever. Ideally, I'd…want to get married." (Ilina)


Before I can process my stupefied expression, Nina makes her opinion known.


"Mizuki, I agree. The elf Queen's proposal is unacceptable. I will not allow a secret fling with Ilina. If you're going to be romantically involved while she's alive, and especially with children, I insist that it be recognized. Ideally, with an elven marriage." (Nina)


Ilina and I both look at Nina in shock.


"I know I'm going to regret entertaining this discussion, but why not?" (Mizuki)


"If your relationship with Ilina is not recognized in the Elven Kingdom, then any children will not have a healthy relationship with you. Aside from the inherent disrespect, this will make it challenging for us and our own children to have meaningful relationships with them! Until it's certain that your relationship and children would be clearly recognized, I won't give my blessing for your romance to progress that far." (Nina)


I mean…that's…


"Nina, I apologize. I thought you'd lost your mind, but I was wrong. Starting from the strange fact that you're okay with Ilina and I being romantic, that condition of yours makes a terrifying amount of sense. I'm very surprised to hear that you're even insisting on marriage, though, since that would make Ilina my wife while you're not." (Mizuki)


"Fufufufu…don't be ridiculous, Mizuki. Human and elven marriages are hollow compared to the Dragon Bond we have. I couldn't begin to consider such a trivial characterization as a threat." (Nina)


Nina looks smug, but Ilina looks concerned.


"Mizuki, so I take it you agree with her?" (Ilina)


"You mean about not being fully romantic unless our relationship is public? Yeah, actually. However, it wouldn't matter if I disagreed with Nina. I'm never betraying Nina's trust like that. We're literally a part of each other, constantly connected, and she's the only person in my life who will be with me indefinitely. No matter her reasons, if she says no, it's a no. Still, I thought you agreed with Nina, too?" (Mizuki)


I sense a rush of gratitude and bliss from Nina, but also a touch of guilt. Ilina seems somewhat dejected.


"Well…yeah…but it was nice to know that I still had the option to be with you like that if the best-case scenario doesn't happen." (Ilina)


[Mizuki, I don't think my pride can take admitting it to the little elf, but the truth is she doesn't irk me anymore. It's obvious to me that I'm your priority, and I really appreciate how clear you've made that to her as well. So, I wouldn't mind you being with her at all. If you're hesitating about something more with her because of me, please stop. Honestly, I might even feel bad for the girl if you're only ever friends.] (Nina)


[If I'm being honest with you…yeah, you know I have feelings for her to a degree. It's also true that a large part of my hesitation is an inability to accept that this is truly okay with both of you and will continue to be for thousands of years. If you change your mind later, that would be understandable and I'd forgive you, but that'd hurt me as much as Ilina. Even if you don't revoke your blessing, just knowing it was bothering you would be awful. So, knowing all that, are you still sure you're okay with this? You can take more time to think.] (Mizuki)


I sense surprise, amusement, and then deep happiness from Nina is rapid succession. Then I see her smile.


[You care so much about me, that you're holding back from fear that a decision of yours I condoned might make me uncomfortable thousands of years in the future? Fufufu…Mizuki, thank you. If it puts your mind at ease, I can tell you that you two not being romantic is at least as likely to bring me discomfort later in my life as me allowing it to happen. So, trust me…I'm sure that I'm okay with it. But...don't tell Ilina I advocated for her.] (Nina)


Damn it…I love that dragon at least as much as I'm annoyed by her. I sigh deeply, and then smile at Ilina. She gives me a puzzled look.


"Nina, if you didn't have plans until tonight, could I ask you for a favor?" (Mizuki)


Nina raises her eyebrows in surprise.


"Oh? You rarely ask me for favors that take up my evening, Mizuki, I'm intrigued. What is it?" (Nina)


"If I did my math right, you should have time to fly to the edge of the demon continent before dark. Would you mind doing that? I wanted to take a trip there with you tomorrow afternoon, just the two of us and possibly Zara. If you go today, and I pick you up, we can teleport straight there tomorrow. While you're out flying, if you see anything interesting that you'd like to visit together later, I'll come mark that too." (Mizuki)


Before Nina can answer, Ilina interjects.


"Mizuki are you insane!? They're literally preparing an army right where she's headed!" (Ilina)


"I only plan for her to make it to the very edge as a reference point and then immediately return with me. The only thing that's even remotely capable of seriously hurting her on that continent is Veyron, and I'm not sure that even he could kill her after our contract. I'll be able to tell for sure when I finally get on the same continent as him." (Mizuki)


"Fufufu…what Mizuki says is true, Ilina, you need not worry. Mizuki, I'd be happy to do that for you. I assume that you'll pay me back later?" (Nina)


Nina's reassurance seems to calm Ilina. From Nina, I'm sensing very suggestive emotions, so there's no misunderstanding her either. However, I have other things on my mind right now. I know she can probably sense me become deathly serious, and I sense her confusion in return.


[Nina, I know you don't like Veyron, and I don't doubt that you could probably beat him. However, if there is any chance that I might lose you, I'm not going to risk it. If you notice Veyron in your vicinity, promise that you'll call me immediately. When the time comes, I'll let you attempt the fight alone, but I want to be there. I can't revive the dead or rewind time, so if I lost you…I might wipe that entire continent off the map. I'm not joking.] (Mizuki)


I sense the slightest twinge of fear from Nina at the severity of my words, but it passes quickly.


[You have my word Mizuki, I understand.] (Nina)


I breathe a sigh of relief and try to exude a more positive attitude.


"Of course. Alright then, Nina, safe travels!" (Mizuki)


Nina smiles and heads away from Ilina and I, leaving us alone.


[Fufufu…Mizuki, by the way…I don't give my blessing yet for mating with Ilina, but anything else is fine. Just make sure it doesn't affect us spending time together when I return.] (Nina)


I push amusement and annoyance to Nina through our connection, but I can't deny that was funny. I turn my attention to Ilina. I think I've finally made up my mind, and I only have my favorite dragon to thank for that.


I walk over to Ilina so that we're only a couple of feet apart, and smile at her. She gives a polite smile back, but it's obvious that she's still upset about how we left our conversation. I have some work to do.


"So, Ilina…what's your plan to get your mother and country on board with recognizing our relationship?" (Mizuki)


Ilina gives me a puzzled look, and I think I detect a hint of annoyance even. I might deserve that.


"I don't have one, Mizuki. You've flatly refused to circumvent Nina, which I understand, but you also haven't given me any indication that you'd agree to being married even if it was an option. Our relationship is completely platonic, with no promise of anything more from your end. Scheming to fix the things in its way seems pointless right now." (Ilina)


"Well, I guess we could get married if you want, though I really don't want to be king. However, I can assure you that us not being in a romantic relationship would disappoint me. So, we better get to doing what you do best and scheme to fix your country's issues. We only have ten millennia together after all, and I'd hate to waste them over elven prejudice." (Mizuki)


Ilina's eyes go wide in shock, like she's trying to process what I'm saying but can't quite manage it.


"Mizuki…you mean…" (Ilina)


Before she can say any more, I close the distance between us and kiss her. I feel a squeal of surprise from her, then she wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me more tightly. Eventually, we break apart, and she's wearing an unusually stupid grin that's a mix between satisfaction and disbelief.


"Mizuki, I don't understand. What about what Nina said?" (Ilina)


I can see that she's now equally as nervous as she is happy. I shrug at her and smirk.


"What about it? Like I told you, I'd never do anything that Nina didn't approve of." (Mizuki)


I fix her with a knowing smile, and the realization dawns on her. Ilina smiles without reserve for a few moments, then her smile transitions into a devious grin.


Before I can think too long on it, she grabs me by the shirt and pulls me into the nearest guest room.




"Well now, Mizuki, that took you a little longer than I was expecting." (Alto)


Alto says this to me as I finally make my way into the library to meet her like we'd previously discussed. I swear that Ilina and I were not in the bedroom that long…Alto is just impatient. Alto gives me an inquisitive smirk.


"Hmm…oh, yeah? I just wanted to give you plenty of time to decide on what you wanted to study today, that's all!" (Mizuki)


"Fufufufu…is that so? Well, did anything else interesting happen while you were generously running late for my sake?" (Alto)


I think I'm having a hard time suppressing the shit-eating grin on my face.


"Maybe. As an academic exercise, completely hypothetical of course, could you think of any way to get Elira and the Elven Kingdom to officially recognize a romantic relationship between their future queen and a human? Bonus points will be awarded if you can formulate a strategy where marriage would be tolerated within a century." (Mizuki)


Alto's eyes go wide in shock, and it takes her a minute to respond.


"Okay, Mizuki, we're cutting the jokes for now. Seriously, are you telling me that my favorite princess in the world and my beloved partner in magic research have become a couple, and will get married if possible?" (Alto)


She stares at me with total anticipation, and I smile back at her affectionately.


"Yes, and I'm excited for my best friend to be the first person to know the news." (Mizuki)


I barely get the statement out before Alto squeals excitedly and jumps forward to wrap me in a hug.


"Skreeee…Mizuki! That's wonderful news! I'm so happy for you both!" (Alto)


Alto partially releases me from the hug to look me in the eyes excitedly.


"I won't pretend that it's going to be easy, but with me on your team, the three of us will make it work eventually. There's no chance I'd let this opportunity slip by. Mizuki…with you and Ilina as our leaders…the Elven Kingdom might actually become the driving force for peace and equality that I've always wanted it to be." (Alto)


"I appreciate your confidence, but I hope I can live up to your expectations. Also, if I get swindled into being this country's king, then I'm telling you right now that you're getting drafted for something equally tedious in the elven government. Also, I'll flat refuse anyone who tries to stop you and I from continuing our private research." (Mizuki)


"Fufufu…well, I already knew you were the sort that can't handle anything on your own, so I'm happy to be of help if that's what it takes. We're of the same mind about our research." (Alto)


"I'm glad to hear it, Alto. Speaking of research, are you ready to start for today?" (Mizuki)


Alto nods vigorously with a huge smile on her face.


"Yes, please! Can we start with more about the atoms you told me about?" (Alto)


I can't help but chuckle at her enthusiasm. I share her passion for learning about the natural world, too. However, there's something else I should ask her first. Something…that's been nagging at me since the last time I trained her.


"Sure, Alto, but can I ask you something first, about spells and incantations? I noticed something a few days ago, and it's been really bothering me ever since." (Mizuki)


Alto gives me a puzzled expression, but she nods her agreement.


"Thanks. What I noticed was when Ilina demonstrated her item box spell. That incantation seemed to reference the very concept of spacetime that I told you about. There has never been any mortal on this planet before me, even another interplanetary traveler, who should know about that. My people didn't learn about that until long after atoms, and even that doesn't seem to be known on this planet. So, where did that incantation come from? Do you know if new incantations are ever created by people on this planet?" (Mizuki)


Alto looks at me, confused.


"New incantations? No, I don't believe so. I don't exactly know where they come from, just that every one of them has been around an indefinite amount of time in the planet's history. Why do you ask?" (Alto)


So…Azazel's squirrely behavior when I first came here, when I asked him about incantations…could he have planted all the incantations here from the start? I can only assume that he knows they're misleading about the nature of magic, so that must be intentional. I can feel a chill run up my spine. Alto seems to notice the shift in my mood and becomes worried.


"Mizuki…what is it?" (Alto)


"If I tell you, can it stay between us? It's dangerous, Alto, and I can't promise that me saying it out loud to you isn't dangerous. You still want to know?" (Mizuki)


Alto returns my serious expression for a moment, then nods her agreement.


"I think the incantations were created by the god of this world and given to its people. Since there have been several interplanetary travelers over the eons, and the idea of strong incantation-less magic still doesn't exist here, I think that this was probably done on the other worlds as well. Moreover, it's possible that the gods of these worlds may even be actively suppressing the kind of magic theory that I teach you." (Mizuki)


Alto's face goes pale.


"Mizuki…I know better than to take your ideas lightly…but that's still hard to believe. Azazel, by all accounts, wants this world to prosper. Your magic theory is nothing short of an extraordinary step forward in our understanding, that could drastically improve our lives. Why would someone like Azazel limit its spread?" (Alto)


Fair question, but I don't think it's hard to believe at all if you know what I do.


"That's actually surprisingly simple in my mind. Do you know what a god's job is?" (Mizuki)


"Is it not to help people and promote good in the world?" (Alto)


"I don't think so, not strictly speaking anyway. It's just to make sure that life flourishes on the planet for as long as it reasonably can. Gods don't have other ethical imperatives. When I came here, Azazel told me that I could do anything I want, so long as it didn't threaten the very existence of life on this planet. If I wanted to wipe out only half of every life form and rule this world, I think he'd still stand aside." (Mizuki)


Alto's face becomes troubled, but then it returns to confusion.


"Okay, still, isn't that even more of a reason for him to let your understanding of magic flourish in the world? Not doing so is a kind of interference." (Alto)


I shake my head solemnly.


"I don't think so. As I've suggested before, if someone were to understand the natural world as people on my planet do, and they had access to the magic power that you do, they could wipe out a country with one or two spells. If as much as a tenth of this planet's people could wipe out whole countries in under an hour, don't you think that qualifies as an existential threat to life on the planet?" (Mizuki)


"I…guess I see your point. What does giving us incantations have to do with that, though? Also, why were your people allowed to have this knowledge if the gods are suppressing it? Why would Azazel even allow you to come here? Most importantly, now that you could actively do what you described at any time, why hasn't he intervened? Those things don't make sense." (Alto)


She always asks the right questions, but I think I have answers to them. The more I think about it, the more sense it makes.


"I think incantations were a way to guide you away from the eventuality I described. If you knew from the start how important natural theory was to magic theory, or knew nothing at all, you'd necessarily study both as diligently as my people did until it was dangerous. By giving you all those incantations from the start, magic provided everything you needed, so people were not forced to study natural theory." (Mizuki)


"Okay, the elves' complacency may signal some truth to that. Then, if this level of knowledge of the natural world is so dangerous, and the gods are actively preventing it from wreaking havoc, then why were your people allowed to acquire it?" (Alto)


"I think because we had no magic, and we didn't even know that it existed. We had ways to recreate the effects of those country-destroying spells I mentioned without using any magic at all. However, doing it takes lots of preparation, rare resources, and very talented people working together for a long time. It's not the same as a tenth of the population being able to do it singlehandedly whenever they want." (Mizuki)


"Fine, that explains letting it happen on your home world. Still, why would Azazel bring you here, and in so doing, knowingly combine the two things that you just said were problematic?" (Alto)


"Yeah…that one I'm least sure about. I have two ideas, which could both be true. First, he never expected me to deduce this much. My planet had zero magic theory, so he thought I'd just accept Azura's magic theory like other travelers. If I did, I wouldn't spread or utilize natural theory, since you haven't advanced enough to use it non-magically. Second, he was just curious enough about me to risk it. Like you, he's a researcher at heart, and he wanted to know how powerful I'd be in such a different environment." (Mizuki)


"If he'd already brought others here from planets with greater knowledge of natural theory, without incident, that seems reasonable for him to think you wouldn't be an issue. However, even if you're right about all these other things, why would he not intervene now? It's crystal clear that you embody exactly what he's allegedly tried to avoid?" (Alto)


"I think if I acted on it too much, he absolutely would intervene. He probably wants to uphold his promise about my only limiter being to not threaten the basis of life on this planet. To date, despite having this knowledge and tremendous magic, I've refused to aimlessly spread it or use it for large scale destruction. So, he's leaving me alone out of respect for our agreement. However, I'm concerned about where we stand with each other now. So…I need to try and visit him soon to discuss it." (Mizuki)


Alto's eyes go wide in shock, like I just said the sun doesn't exist.


"Mizuki…how do you plan to visit a god?" (Alto)


"Well, I'm going to try teleporting to him. I think there's a decent chance the place we first met is in normal spacetime. If so, then enough magic power should get me there. If not, the worst case is that I end up transported into the empty void between planets, but with magic I should be able to survive and return here. Given the circumstances, I think it's worth the risk. You want to come? He's a pretty cool god." (Mizuki)


"C-C-Come meet a g-g-god!?" (Alto)


I just chuckle at her and nod. She stares at me for several moments, then takes a deep breath and gives me a confident smile.


"Alright, Mizuki, let's go track down a god, then. I'll trust you." (Alto)


"Great, I wouldn't have it any other way. Come here next to me and I'll start the preparations." (Mizuki)


Alto smiles and walks over to wrap me in a functional hug. I take hold of her, then close my eyes to focus on the spells I need to prepare. However, before I can get started…


"That...won't be necessary, Mizuki. I've come to you, so let's have that chat, shall we?"


I turn around behind me to see a muscular blonde man in a lab coat and sweater standing in the palace library. A smile slowly spreads on my face, and Alto looks between him and me in alarm.


"Alto, you can relax. Allow me to introduce you. This is Azazel, the god of Azura." (Mizuki)




Azazel closed us privately in the palace library so we could talk without interruption. He even conjured some tea for us.


Alto is staring at him with a mix of awe, excitement, and apprehension. I'm feeling a little bit more relaxed than her.


"So, Azazel, let me start by saying…it's good to see you! You remain my favorite god, and I've been really enjoying my life here so far." (Mizuki)


"Fufufu…I'm glad to hear that. Mazel tov, by the way. Soon to be doubly so, it seems?" (Azazel)


Azazel seems a little bit less formal now than the first time I met him, and he's wearing a relatively friendly smile.


"Well, we'll see. I don't think Ilina's mother or people would approve, so I'm going to try and figure something out to fix that. Fortunately, my dear friend Alto here has promised to help me!" (Mizuki)


"H-H-Hello, Sir Azazel, it's a p-pleasure to meet you!" (Alto)


Azazel chuckles at Alto, presumably her nervous behavior, and makes a dismissive gesture with a friendly smile.


"Fufu…please don't be so nervous, Alto, and drop the 'sir'. It's nice to meet you as well. I must confess, you and Mizuki make quite the enviable pair. I think it's very nice that you have each other for your magic studies…I have to do all my research alone!" (Azazel)


Azazel seems to sigh dejectedly after his statement. Poor guy.


"Fufufu…I agree, I'm lucky to have a friend like Alto. Also, if you're really looking for a research partner, I suppose that's something we might be able to address with this chat today. To get to business, I'm assuming that you've been watching me closely if you showed up like that. So, could you tell me how much I got right?" (Mizuki)


Azazel smiles at me, then shakes his head in exasperation as he chuckles.


"You deduced virtually everything correctly, Mizuki. It's astonishing, truly. To think that you'd see through most of the false magic theory principles here so quickly…it's honestly a little annoying!" (Azazel)


"Look, I know you're saying you're annoyed, but I can only seem to take it as the highest form of flattery. Fufufu…no hard feelings, right?" (Mizuki)


"Tch…no, no hard feelings. You also pegged me correctly when you said I'd risk my mandate a little for some intellectual stimulation. Surprising me with your wit counts as intellectual stimulation. So, in a way, I'm thankful." (Azazel)


"Good, I don't want to antagonize you. After all, you sent me base jumping unprepared last time I did that, right?" (Mizuki)


Azazel gives me a coy smile while sipping his tea.


"I'm sure that I have no idea what you mean, Mizuki." (Azazel)


Uh huh, sure buddy. Alto looks confused.


"Uhm…Mizuki, what is base jumping?" (Alto)


"I can tell you later, along with anything else weird you hear, if you just remind me. Alright, Azazel, I'm assuming that you also have some things you want to discuss, or requests you want to make. I'd also like to ask a favor or two in that case. However, we should probably start with the discussion that benefits us both?" (Mizuki)


"Again, you're correct, Mizuki. I have questions I'd like answered, and perhaps a favor. But yes, let's start with the things you think we both want discussed." (Azazel)


"Sure. First, can I confirm that I'm allowed to do whatever I want and learn whatever I want about magic and natural theories, so long as I don't threaten planetary life support directly or through spreading dangerous capabilities? For example, I can even use the nuclear explosion spell I theorized about for personal goals?" (Mizuki)


"Yes, that was our deal and I'll uphold it. Even in the extreme case you described." (Azazel)


"Thanks. Second, can I continue teaching a very few trusted friends what I know, like with Alto, as long as I ensure that they follow the same rules that we agreed on?" (Mizuki)


"Hmm…if you do as you say and also limit it to three such disciples at a time, then I'll allow it. So, pick carefully, and be aware of what you'll have to do to them and anyone they tell if they betray you. I'll be expecting you to clean up any messes in your now very long life." (Azazel)


Alto jumps in at this point excitedly.


"T-Thank you Azazel. You have my word, I won't betray Mizuki or your trust!" (Alto)


"Fufufu…only time will tell, but I'm glad you seem to mean it." (Azazel)


"On that subject, my third question is…have I slipped up somewhere and left loose ends that I need to tie up?" (Mizuki)


"No, good job! You were close a couple of times. Telling Zara everything would probably not be a good idea, given her dedication to improving her people's lives by spreading new knowledge. Similarly, telling those elven royals anything more about how magic fundamentally works could quickly become dangerous. Nina is so loyal to you she's not really a concern, but Ilina…that's tricky given her position within her kingdom." (Azazel)


"Thanks, that helps a lot. Fourth question. Can I teach people other than my disciples about natural theories, in a metaphorical vacuum, where I don't relate them to magic use at all? Cellular theory and genetics, atomic and fundamental force theories, and advanced mathematics?" (Mizuki)


Azazel becomes very thoughtful for a few moments before responding.


"Your world's math is fine, and it is the least problematic for exploiting magic fundamentals. The biology principles you mentioned are probably fine, but it's possible they could become problematic. I'd say you're playing with fire, but I'll leave it up to you. Physics and chemistry theories from your world would be a surefire way to ruin things. All your most alarming magic insights are deeply rooted in those subjects." (Azazel)


Yeah…that's what I figured. What a bummer!


"Okay, thanks very much for this Azazel. I think that's everything that's mutually beneficial that I want to ask right now. So, I'm very curious to hear what I can do for a god. Why don't you start off that portion of our meeting?" (Mizuki)


Azazel smiles excitedly.


"Thank you, Mizuki, that's very kind of you. My requests are almost entirely to divulge things you've speculated about privately without speaking aloud. Have you had any more revelations about the universe that I should be aware of?" (Azazel)


"One or two come to mind. In addition to counting my answer as a small favor, will you tell me if I've guessed right?" (Mizuki)


"Fufufu…sure, that's something I can relate to." (Azazel)


"Thanks, then. The first is that I don't think you gods are brought into existence with an intrinsic understanding of the universe. I think you have a lot better tools to study it, and more time, but you're still trying to understand its secrets, and you have yet to do so fully. Some of you care for it more than others, like yourself." (Mizuki)


"Well, that's not such a crazy deduction, and you are correct on all counts. Next revelation?" (Azazel)


"I think this incantation-type magic limitation scheme you've got here is standard practice on most if not all other magical worlds. By extension, I doubt the gods would adopt it with such prevalence independently, so there must be gods that the planetary gods all take orders from, like a council." (Mizuki)


Azazel raises his eyebrows in surprise.


"Well, correct on one account and mostly correct on another. All planetary gods are subordinate to a single stronger god, who created most if not all of us. I didn't expect you to be paying so much attention to us. Any more insights?" (Azazel)


Huh, so that's the hierarchy?


"Yes, one more. Magic can only manipulate existing features of the natural world. It can't directly create or destroy matter or radiation, directly interchange matter and radiation, or do more than distort spacetime. However, there's another type of energy without these limits, and its visualization requirements may be less stringent – your god powers. I think humans can somehow interact with it, and it's separate from magic, or else human beliefs wouldn't manifest Earth godlings with godly powers." (Mizuki)


Azazel goes stiff, and he begins looking at me very carefully. I stare at him questioningly.


"To think…you've really deduced that much. That's all correct, Mizuki. It's called aether, and it's the very essence of deities. However, no mortal on any planet in all of time has managed to consciously control aether the way magic is controlled. To my knowledge, no other mortal has even deduced its existence and properties. Be warned that, if you continue pursuing it, you may draw cosmic attention to yourself…it won't necessarily be good for you." (Azazel)


"As always Azazel, I appreciate you being such a kind god to me. I'll be taking your advice about aether very seriously, I promise." (Mizuki)


Azazel nods and lets out a deep sigh.


"My, my, I never expected bringing you here to be so much fun, or so much trouble. My final request is just an ongoing thing. Help me with my research when I ask! Also, if you have any other revelations, let's discuss them. This was very fun for me. You were correct about being able to teleport to my office, so just do that with you and Alto if we need to talk, or if I summon you. So, what were your favors?" (Azazel)


There can only be one first request, the most important thing possible.


"Azazel, for the love of all that is sacred to you, please block Dio from being able to enter my dreams anymore. The godling is insufferable. You can tell him that, when I feel like it, I'll come see you and update him on my life like he asked. You're also welcome to do it, whichever you prefer." (Mizuki)


Azazel looks at me dumbfounded for a moment, then begins laughing hysterically. Eventually, he gets himself under control, then waves his hand towards me and I feel a warm sensation wash over me.


"There you go, you're now impervious to all mental attacks and manipulation. I think you deserve that much – Dio really did go too far. I'd hate for you to go insane when our partnership has just started up." (Azazel)


I might actually worship Azazel from here forward.


"Azazel…from the bottom of my heart…thank you. Now, the second one is a big ask, I'm guessing, but I'm willing to justify how important it is. That said, please just tell me if it's too much instead of dropping me from orbit this time?" (Mizuki)


"Fufufu…fine, go ahead and ask it of me." (Azazel)


"Thanks. Could you please make Alto ageless like me? If she's willing, that is." (Mizuki)


Alto squeals in surprise.


"Mizuki, you want him to do what!?" (Alto)


I give her a sheepish smile.


"If what I suggested is too much, Azazel could also probably just extend your natural lifespan to any length you want. I'll take all the time I can get with my best friend. You're the only one I truly trust with everything Azazel has told us, who can also fully appreciate it. Ever since finding out I'm not aging, it's sad knowing that my time with you is so finite. That's how I feel, but I don't want to force anything on you." (Mizuki)


Alto seems to think it over for a moment, then turns to Azazel.


"Would what Mizuki says truly be possible, for me to live as long as he does?" (Alto)


Azazel looks quite surprised, and more than a little hesitant.


"Well…yes, I suppose. However, that's no small request, Mizuki. It may sound heartless, but do you have a better reason for me doing this than just your feelings?" (Azazel)


I thought he might need me to justify it to him, that's why I only asked about Alto. I think he'll accept the reasons for extending her life more easily than anyone else's life.


"Well, I'm guessing that I will generally stabilize life on your world without you having to interfere. Alto and I are on the same page, so her sticking around should boost that effect. Moreover, just imagine what kind of things might occur to me or be discovered over indefinite amounts of time if I have an excellent research partner like Alto. I wouldn't say the arrangement has zero benefits for you. So, are those reasons good enough?" (Mizuki)


Alto shakes his head at me like he's amused, then flashes me a smile.


"Fufufu…indeed, you've read me well, Mizuki. Those seem like potential benefits for me. Very well. I think I'd be justified in granting this last favor for you, in exchange for what you've told me. Alto, what kind of lifespan would you like?" (Azazel)


Alto looks like she's going to faint as she turns to me.


"Mizuki…what is the point of all that time?" (Alto)


"Well, you once told me that you want a better world for everyone on Azura. We're a very long way from that. Fixing it may not occur in one lifetime, even an elven lifetime. We can work towards your dream together in the background for as long as it takes. When we're done, if we ever are, we can just study natural theory, magic theory, and maybe even aether theory together. If you ever get bored of that, we can die. I don't think you will, though, just look at Azazel – still ever curious." (Mizuki)


Alto's face transitions to one of disbelief, then contemplation. Eventually, I see her flash me the confident smirk I've grown fond of.


"Fufufu…well, I guess you'd never really get anything important done without my help. I wouldn't want Azazel to suffer you fumbling with the care of Azura, so I guess I'll stick around with you, Mizuki. Azazel…please make me ageless, as Mizuki is." (Alto)


Alto is politely looking at Azazel with a smile, but her expression is laced with determination. Azazel chuckles back at her, then holds his hand out.


"Fufufu…yes, I think I'm making the right decision. It's going to be so much fun watching you work together on my planet. Please make it an exciting place, like I've always strived to do!" (Azazel)


As Azazel focuses on her, a brilliant light begins to course through Alto and spill out, to the point that I'm blinded temporarily. Eventually, the light subsides, and I look around the room. Alto is similarly coming to her senses, but Azazel is nowhere to be found. Well, that was quite the stylish exit.


Alto and I look at each other and shake our heads in exasperation, then we share a knowing smile.


"Fufufu…he sure knows how to make a dramatic exit, doesn't he?" (Mizuki)


"I agree…to think you have such a familiar relationship with a god, Mizuki. I hope that, now that my life will be so long, you plan to keep me this entertained on a regular basis!" (Alto)


"Again, I feel the weight of your excessive expectations, Alto. So, it seems we have a god-given job to do…what would you like to study the rest of the day?" (Mizuki)


I smile at Alto as I ask her opinion, and she seems to think it over carefully. I can tell that she's buzzing with excitement.


Before she can answer, however, I sense intense surprise from Nina and a shrill thought message reaches me.


[Mizuki! You must come to me immediately! Please hurry!] (Nina)


Nina's voice is nearly frantic, and I feel my own fear wash over me at the implication. Without even a word to Alto, I focus on Nina's location through our connection and teleport to her.