Chereads / Curiosity of God / Chapter 78 - Chapter 16 – Taking Kids on Flights is Sometimes Fun  

Chapter 78 - Chapter 16 – Taking Kids on Flights is Sometimes Fun  

When I wake up, based on the traces of light through the window in our inn room, it seems to be close to sunrise. I'm treated to the view of Nina laying on my chest, both of us still bare skinned from the night before.


She's already awake, looking up at me. When she notices that I'm conscious, she smiles, then leans over and kisses me. Was she watching me while I slept this morning, waiting to do that? Creepy move, Nina.


After a moment, she pulls away and lays back down on my chest. I sense deep contentment from her through our connection, and I can't help but chuckle.


"You know, we do still have a bunch of children to help this morning?" (Mizuki)


Nina groans in annoyance and wraps around me tightly.


"They're probably tired from escaping the slavers yesterday, I bet they'd want us to stay here a little longer and let them rest, Mizuki." (Nina)


Yeahhh…no, I doubt that. I guess five minutes wouldn't hurt, though.


Eventually, I usher myself and an annoyed Nina out of bed and we get prepared for the day. There's lots to do.


After we're ready, I teleport Nina and myself to the clearing at her old nest. It's a little after sunrise. Everyone seems awake now, and several elves including Alto are with the wolf-kin children, who seem anxious.


Leaving Nina, I walk over to the barrier I put up by the forest's edge. I was curious if it would stay up after I left the area and fell asleep, and it seems like it did, though it appears to have weakened overnight.


Good to know. So, spells can stay active for a while without my direct supervision, so long as I will it and pour excess magic into them.


I hold my hand out to the barrier and imagine the magic being disrupted and dissipating into the atmosphere, then I feel the barrier give way. I turn back to the freed slaves, and I see that Alto has noticed our presence and is coming towards me. I walk over to meet her.


"Mizuki! I'm glad you're here. The elves are patient in general, and having Princess Ilina here settles their nerves even more, but the wolf-kin are still scared and wondering when they'll go home. I told them that you would be taking them today, but I think it'd help if they heard it from you." (Alto)


I nod at her and direct my gaze over to the group.


"Sure, I don't mind. Let's see if we can give them some good news." (Mizuki)


Alto nods happily, and we walk towards the elf and wolf-kin. As we near them, I see Ilina and Klaus standing with the elves nearby and we wave at each other. Next to them is…Nina!? That's not good.


I subconsciously quicken my pace, and I've forgotten about the children for now.


Alto and I arrive by Nina and the elves, and some of the elves are staring at me with…confusion? Not contempt or distrust? That's refreshing.


I glance at Ilina and, seeming to sense my thoughts, she chuckles and responds.


"Hey, Mizuki! If you're wondering why they're staring at you, it's because I told them that we're friends. So, now they're more than a little curious about you." (Ilina)


Well, that explains it. Upon hearing Ilina call us 'friends', I glance fearfully in Nina's direction. Surprisingly, she's just meeting my gaze with a soft smile, and I sense nothing but calmness from her. What the hell is going on?


Seeing my puzzled expression, Nina chuckles and addresses me.


"Fufufufu…I like seeing you so flustered for once, Mizuki. Don't worry, Ilina and I had a little chat before you came over here. We were just discussing our trip to the Elven Kingdom and the return of the freed elves." (Nina)


The fact that Nina seems completely tolerant of, if not friendly with, Ilina, disturbs me. Still, everything Nina said is good news. Moreover, it explains why the other elves were asking Ilina about me – a human as a royal guest in the Elven Kingdom is surely a shock to them.


"Yeah, we should all plan that out later today. That's more complicated though, relative to getting the wolf-kin home. So, maybe we should save that discussion for when Alto and I return." (Mizuki)


Everyone looks at me in surprise, but Nina is the first to speak. I sense surprise and agitation from her.


"Mizuki, aren't you forgetting someone?" (Nina)


"Well, actually I think you should stay here with everyone else for protection. If you took them, I'd have to go anyway. That'd leave everyone here without protection. Ilina's abilities would probably be enough, but I'd like the reassurance since I've never seen her in combat. I can take them without you, and it will probably be faster, even carrying that many." (Mizuki)


Nina purses her lips in mild frustration, but she seems to agree with my assessment. Why is she being so reasonable this morning? In contrast to Nina, the others just look confused. Ilina responds first again.


"Mizuki, I thought you and Nina couldn't teleport unless you've been somewhere before. How do you plan to get there on your own faster than she can fly? Also, what makes you think I could protect us?" (Ilina)


Klaus and Alto nod their shared confusion about how I plan to travel. Well, it couldn't remain a secret for much longer anyway.


"Ah…well I can fly, too, and I'm faster than Nina. Speaking of which, Ilina, can you require a royal vow of silence or something from all the elves here regarding my abilities? I feel like I've had enough exposure, and it's in your best interests as well. Other elves in your country will already hate me just for being human, and if they also get scared of my abilities, I may be forced to defend myself." (Mizuki)


Ilina goes a little pale, then turns to the other elves and says something about any abilities they see being a secret of the royal family that they're never allowed to discuss. They seem scared of disappointing her, but they also went stiff when they heard what I said about defending myself. So, I don't think they'll spread the information. Ilina turns back to me and nods, like 'we're good now'.


"As for why I assume you can protect them, I was able to measure your magic power. Other than Elder Dragons, you have the most power I've ever sensed from a person. Ergo, you're far from helpless." (Mizuki)


Ilina looks at me with surprise, but it seems to transition to bitterness, which she tries to hide. The hell? I'll have to follow up on that when I get back. Ilina says nothing after my remark, and Alto and Klaus seem to still be hung up on the same thing, which they voice in unison.


"You can fly!?" (Klaus, Alto)


I close my eyes and sigh deeply. I guess I should catch Klaus up, since Ilina didn't bother.


"Yes, Klaus, in general you'll find that I haven't been entirely honest about my abilities with you. Ilina can fill you in if it's relevant, so just ask her in the future." (Mizuki)


I turn to Alto to address her separately. She's looking up at me amazement, and her eyes are practically sparkling in anticipation. I can't help but chuckle at the sight.


"Fufufufu…Alto, I'm going to guess that you're very excited to fly?" (Mizuki)


She nods vigorously with a smile on her face.


"Well, that's good, I guess. Nina and I travel that way a lot, so if you're joining our group, it's good that you're not scared of it." (Mizuki)


[Uhm…Mizuki, what do you mean about that elf joining us?] (Nina)


Oh…shit. I totally forgot to tell Nina that last night. Well, that's her fault. I look over at her and she is shooting me a confused expression. Through our connection, I can also sense…just confusion? She's not upset.


"Ah, that's my bad Nina. I got so distracted last night that I forgot to mention it. Alto asked to join us on our adventures from now on. I tried to tell her that she's overestimating my company, but she insisted. I told her she could join us so long as you were fine with it. Is that okay?" (Mizuki)


I see Nina smirk, and I sense…amusement…and smugness!? It started when I mentioned getting distracted. Is this dragon really that proud of what she did?


"Fufufufu…in that case, it's fine. I don't mind, but she'll need her own room. She'll also need clothes and equipment. We can do all that later." (Nina)


Who the hell are you!? I look at her exasperated, and she gives me an inquisitive look in response, like 'what's the issue?'.


[Uhm…you sure, Nina? You're not going to fly off the handle about another woman joining us?] (Mizuki)


I sense confusion from Nina.


[Fufufu…no, why would I? She doesn't seem to be in love with you, and I don't sense any romantic interest from you. If it doesn't reduce our time together, or prevent us from being alone at night, I don't mind.] (Nina)


I'm completely stunned…is this because of last night? Wait…now that I think about it, Nina didn't say anything about Alto clinging on to me for teleportation even before that. She almost killed Ilina over that.


Is it possible she's always been reasonable, and she truly just had an issue with Ilina? Since Ilina admitted that Nina's concerns about her weren't unfounded, I can't even call her paranoid. After our talk last night, she's even being friendly with Ilina now. Crap…


[Nina, I think I owe you an apology. I might have seriously misjudged you because of how you used to act with Ilina. Please let me know if I can do anything to make it up to you. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt in the future.] (Mizuki)


Nina smiles at me warmly, then responds.


[It's okay, I'll have you make it up to me tonight. Also, you don't have to worry about Ilina and me anymore. Her friendship won't be an issue. If you asked nicely, I might even condone…more…between you and her eventually.] (Nina)


I'm sure my shock ripples through our connection with unprecedented intensity. I sense her amusement over my reaction, and she follows up before I can respond.


[I want to be clear about that last part. I said maybe…eventually. I've learned some things that change how I view Ilina. So, with time I might make an exception for her…if that's what you wanted. I'd come first, obviously, and you'd be expected to get my blessing beforehand.] (Nina)


I can't believe the nonsense I'm hearing…what could she have possibly learned that caused such a shift in her outlook? They couldn't have talked for more than five or ten minutes alone. Still…that might complicate things more than it simplifies them.


[Hey, Nina, you didn't tell Ilina about your potential 'exceptions' for her, did you? That might complicate things. I know you're aware of how I feel about her, and I think that you giving your blessing is very generous. However, things with her would never be the same for me as they are with you, and I'm not sure that's fair to her.] (Mizuki)


I sense that something about that reply makes Nina happy. Maybe my hesitation, or that I said my relationship with her is unique.


[Fufufu…yes, I told her about my change of opinion. It was part of a little agreement we made, so you'll just have to be a big boy and communicate with her if the time comes.] (Nina)


I can't believe the emotional violence she's subjecting me to the morning after swiping my V-card. How heartless.


Wait a minute...what about her?


Dragons don't interact with weaker creatures, and she doesn't talk to, or even seem to like, the other Elder Dragons. If there was a special someone on her last planet, wouldn't she have stayed there? There's no way she's gone tens of millennia without swiping her V-card, right?


Oh my god…I have to know. How do I ask subtly?


[Uhm, Nina, do Elder Dragons mate for life or something?] (Mizuki)


I sense surprise, confusion, and amusement from her in quick succession.


[Fufufufufufu…Mizuki, are you wondering if you were my first?] (Nina)


Busted. Her amusement intensifies as I remain silent.


[Yes, you are my first mate. I came to Azura from my home planet when I was still very young. I have long detested Halzar and Veyron, and I had no other equals on this planet. So, I'm happy that you came along, and we made the Dragon Bond. Fufufufu…after so long without a mate...I hope you're prepared.] (Nina)


I…need time to wrap my head around that. I thought my V-card run sucked, but…damn. Also, is this Dragon Bond our contract, and did she just imply it's basically a dragon marriage?


"Uhm…Mizuki, why are you and Nina just staring at one another?" (Klaus)


Klaus suddenly interrupts my thoughts with his question. I look around, and everyone is glancing between Nina and I in confusion. Crap…I guess I got caught up in thought communication and an awkward silence ensued.


"Ah, sorry Klaus, we were privately discussing…other matters." (Mizuki)


I quickly move the conversation along.


"Anyway, let's get on with taking the wolf-kin home! Alto, are you ready?" (Mizuki)


Alto nods her agreement. I walk over to where the wolf-kin are playing a little way away. Seeing me approach, they begin to look nervous and move behind the oldest in the group.


She's about Alto's height with a lean and toned build, like a runner. She has dark olive skin, grey eyes, and dark brown hair that her grey wolf ears can be seen poking out of. If I had to guess, I'd say she's around 15.


Oh yeah, what was with her being the only semi-adult? The rest of them look 6-10. The girl is eyeing me cautiously, but she doesn't seem antagonistic. Good, just the kind of person I like to talk to.


I direct a warm smile towards her and kneel so I'm closer to the height of the other kids.


"Hi everyone. I know we haven't really gotten a chance to speak, but my name is Mizuki. Maybe I should have taken the time to do this last night. Instead, I just took you from where you were being held, and I magically dropped you in the forest somewhere with strangers. I'm sorry for that, so I understand if you don't trust me very much. Could you tell me your names?" (Mizuki)


The younger ones seem to have trouble meeting my gaze, and they remain silent. The older girl looks at me evenly and responds for them.


"My name is Zara. Sorry, but the little ones aren't up for talking. We don't resent your actions, and we're not distrustful – wolf-kin wouldn't be so ungrateful. The little ones are reserved because they know you made all those humans who took us disappear. It's our custom to show deference to powerful strangers, and the young ones don't know how that may seem to other races yet." (Zara)


Hmm…that's some interesting insight into wolf-kin cultural norms. I nod at them with a smile to indicate that I understand and am not offended.


"That's fine, I understand. I appreciate you explaining that to me Zara, and you seem like a very reliable person, so I'm glad to have your help. If that's how everyone feels, then please know that you're welcome to consider me as a friend for the time being. Does anyone have any requests they'd like to make of me, or any questions they want to ask?" (Mizuki)


This seems to make the children a bit more forthcoming. One boy steps forward and asks a question excitedly.


"Have you ever fought a dragon before!? I heard this place used to belong to a dragon!" (wolf-kin boy 1)


"Fufufu…well, yes I have. You're correct, this was the nest of an Elder Dragon. However, it and I are friends, so it gave you all permission to stay here until you can go home. Any other questions?" (Mizuki)


There's a round of 'ooohs' from the kids, and Zara's eyes go up in surprise. Then, a little girl clinging to Zara asks me a question.


"Are you really going to take us home?" (wolf-kin girl 1)


I smile at her and nod reassuringly.


"That's right! I'm going to fly you there today, so fast that it should only take 2-3 hours. However, I can only get you to the biggest wolf-kin village without help, so that's where I'm taking you first. If they need help to get you to your families safely after that, I'll offer my help." (Mizuki)


There's a palpable rush of excitement from the kids over that information. Not sure if it's the flying, the returning home, or both. Zara's mouth is hanging open. She recovers quickly and responds.


"That won't be necessary, we all lived in the main village. Thank you for doing that much. When can we leave?" (Zara)


Well, that's convenient for me. With the threat of slavers, I guess it makes sense that most demi-humans of the same species would group together.


"We can leave soon, but I need your help with something first to prepare for the trip. Is that okay?" (Mizuki)


"Sure…but what can we do to help you?" (Zara)


She looks at me, genuinely puzzled.


"Well, I have the ability to track things over very long distances. One of the things I can track is different types of species. So, if one of you lets me tune my ability to your magic signature, then I'll be able to track other wolf-kin. After that, I can look for the largest grouping of wolf-kin in the correct general direction and take you there." (Mizuki)


Zara goes a little pale, while the kids just seem confused.


"Y-You'll really be able to sense our village from that far away, just by practicing on one of us?" (Zara)


I nod at her patiently. After a moment, she speaks up.


"What do you need us to do for that?" (Zara)


"Basically, I just need one of you to volunteer to let me hold your hand for a minute and test you with my magic. It doesn't matter who, and it won't hurt or anything, you'll just awkwardly hold my hand for a bit." (Mizuki)


Zara raises her eyebrows and holds out her own hand. There's an assent of groans from the kids – I guess they wanted to be the test subjects?


I nod my thanks at her and grab her hand, then focus on the familiar practice of tuning my magic sense to her. After a minute, it feels like it's done.


I let her go and test it out in the immediate area. Yup, four signatures. Then, I focus my magic sense in a narrow web as far to the north as I can.


I'm shocked by how few clusters of wolf-kin there are within my range, and there is one clear mega-cluster of them around 800 km away. That must be the main village – we're good to go.


I smile at all of them.


"Alright, it worked! I found your village. I'll know for sure how long it will take once we get started, but I'd guess 2-3 hours. So, is everyone ready to fly?" (Mizuki)


Zara nods, and there's a round of cheers from the kids. I glance at Alto and she's practically buzzing. I stifle a laugh at the sight.


I have the kids line up in two rows, with Zara and I in the front, facing north in our 'surfer' stances. Alto is in my row to my left, and the other wolf-kin fill out the rest of the ranks.


I want everyone to be able to grab one another for stabilization if they start to twist in the altered gravity. I let them know what to expect in this regard.


I can rebalance myself with gravity spells, but it'd be harder to do it for them when I'm already altering their local gravity to keep them moving with me. I also must make a bigger wind shield and heat the inside of it.


After I have logistics straight in my head and we're facing north, I focus on lifting us all slowly. The magic consumption isn't really the bad part, it's focusing on so many bodies and spells. It's manageable, but I think this is about my limit for flight right now.


We lift off the ground and there's a round of screams from the kids, and I feel Alto grab me to balance herself. However, I'm sure at this point that I can manage it, it'll just be tiring. I glance at the elves gawking on the ground, and I chuckle.


Once we get to a decent height above the tree line, I activate the invisibility, wind shield, and heating spells for flight, then begin to accelerate us north. I accelerate much more slowly than usual to avoid stressing the others. While we're getting up to speed, I use a quick magic sense to orient towards the village.


After a while, the pacing feels like it's as much as I can comfortably handle for a long flight, and a quick magic sense lets me estimate that we should get there in a couple hours.


The passengers are thoroughly enjoying the view at this point. Glancing at Alto, her mouth is wide open and she's staring at the landscape sprawled out in front of her as it whizzes by. We're already out of the forest at this point, and she's seeing a mix of plains and lakes blur together. I decide that now is a good time to chat.


"So, Alto, it seems like a good time for me to ask, are you still dead set on joining Nina and I on our adventures after this?" (Mizuki)


Alto manages to peel her gaze from the scenery to give me a warm smile, and she nods calmly.


"Yes, Mizuki, I remain certain that I've made the right decision. If any doubts lingered, they were extinguished when I saw you interact with the kids, and especially when we began flying. I'm very much looking forward to my time with your group." (Alto)


It makes me happy to hear that, and I give her an appreciative smile in return.


"In that case, you should know that Nina and I will demand that you're treated as a full member of our group. We insist that you let us get you clothes, equipment, weapons, and pay for your necessities while you're with us. We'll also need to assess where your skills are at, and depending on what they are, I think that I might be able to train you with new techniques that you'll appreciate." (Mizuki)


I hear her chuckle beside me with her typical amusement.


"I can't promise that I'm comfortable with being spoiled, but I'll at least tolerate it if you insist. I'll look at it as you two appreciating and accepting me. As for my skills, I'm an elemental class with every standard subtype affinity, and my magic power level is also just over a three. I've had extensive magic training." (Alto)


I direct a surprised look at her, and she smirks with total confidence. Rightfully so – she could become an S-ranked adventurer if she isn't already at that level.


She probably doesn't think I can teach her anything, based on that last comment. I can be smug, too, though. I smirk back and her and chuckle. She looks surprised.


"Fufufu…that is extremely impressive Alto, I mean it. However, if you're thinking that means I can't teach you anything new, I think you'd be wrong. Can you use spells to cast lightning, or cast powerful fire spells without an incantation?" (Mizuki)


Alto gives me a stupefied expression, and she responds after a moment of silence.


"Well, no, Mizuki. That's not possible. Any elven scholar will tell you that lightning is a rare dark class spell, not elemental class. As for incantation-less spells, they are exceedingly difficult to cast at all, and even then, they're far inferior." (Alto)


I smile at her textbook answer – she's the perfect student with which to test my theory about how magic works.


"You're correct…about what the scholars would say. However, I'm almost certain that they fundamentally misunderstand magic. After all, according to the same tests you probably took, I have no ability to use magic. What if I told you that I could teach you to summon lightning, fly, teleport, or use healing? If you study hard and keep an open mind about how the world works, I wouldn't rule it out." (Mizuki)


Alto's eyes go wide at that information, and she seems to ponder it skeptically while gazing out at the horizon. After a few minutes, I see her start smiling, and fierce determination is apparent in her eyes. Yeah, Alto…I'm excited to see what you can do, too. Oh, that reminds me…


"Hey, Alto, sorry to change the subject, but…if you're so strong how did those humans capture you? I'm not trying to insult you; it just seems to not add up. I've already confirmed that you're as strong as you say, so what happened?" (Mizuki)


Surprisingly, Zara is the one who answers. I guess she's been listening.


"She was taken the same way I was…they captured others before her and threatened to kill those already at their mercy if she didn't submit. If she'd been alone, or a woman of less character, she'd have been fine." (Zara)


That makes more sense…that's rough. I glance at Alto and nod sympathetically, but she just looks out at the horizon solemnly. I look back at Zara, and she's staring at me intently. Jeez, what gives?


She's not angry, but I also can't place her emotion. Before I think about it too long, she speaks.


"Mizuki, did I hear correctly that this woman is joining you and the other human on your adventures?" (Zara)


"Well, yes, that's correct. Also, the other woman, Nina, isn't human. She's the Elder Dragon that I mentioned whose nest you were staying in." (Mizuki)


I glance back at Zara, and she seems deep in thought. I thought she'd be more surprised about Nina.


"You only met this woman last night, correct? Why would you agree to take her with you? Strong as she is, it can't compare to the Elder Dragon's strength or your own." (Zara)


So, that must be the wolf-kin attitude, huh?


"Yes, because I respect her, and I can tell that she's reliable. When we met, she was skeptical, but she was level-headed enough to act appropriately despite that. Moreover, I liked how much she valued honesty, even when it was unpleasant. Finally, she overcame any bias against me based solely on my actions, and few people are that openminded. Plus, she's funny and I like her company." (Mizuki)


Alto looks over in surprise at my earnest praise.


"You were already thinking that when we met, while I was so cold to you? Fufufu…you continue to surprise me, Mizuki. Well, for what it's worth the feeling is mutual. I think I'm starting to like you more than most elves. I'll deny it if you tell any of them, though." (Alto)


I can't help but laugh at her last comment…good old Alto, I really am going to enjoy having her around. I glance at Zara, and…she's smiling!?


"Thank you for answering my questions, Mizuki. That was helpful." (Zara)


She looks back out to the horizon with a thoughtful expression, and a pleasant silence falls over our group.


When we approach the wolf-kin village, I can feel a bit of exhaustion from the sustained flight. The village looks kind of like a low-budget state fair from up here. There are lots of tents spread out informally around some central features like a cooking area, a bonfire with lots of seating around it, and what looks like a training ground.


I drop the invisibility spell, so we don't spook them too much. Zara directs me to land near the bonfire feature in the center. There are lots of wolf-kin in the surrounding area, and our appearance is noticed. A bustle of activity is breaking out below as we descend.


I set us down near the central bonfire and activate max body enhancement while deactivating all my other spells, and I put a max defense spell on Alto, too, just in case. As wolf-kin begin gathering around us, I see faces mixed with suspicion, surprise, anger, and relief. I see the three kids run towards several of the relieved faces. About that time, a 60s-looking wolf-kin man comes forward.


"Oh, thank goodness, our missing children have returned to us! Please relax wolf-kin!" (old wolf-kin man)


He aims a cautious but warm smile my way and addresses me directly.


"Greeting's visitor, my name is Vardo, the elder wolf-kin of this village. Do we have you to thank for the safe return of our missing children?" (Vardo)


Before I can respond, a large 20s-looking wolf-kin man comes barreling towards those of us left where we landed.


"You dare come here, you filthy human!? I'll kill you!" (young wolf-kin man)


He's running at me in a rage, and obviously intends to harm me. I groan internally and prepare to incapacitate him.


However, before I can do anything I see Zara flash past me and elbow him in the gut. The blow doubles him over, and then she does a flip forward and kicks him in the back of the head towards the ground. The blow slams him into the earth with tremendous force, and he seems stunned temporarily.


Holy shit…Zara's kind of a badass.


After a moment, he starts trying to get up and hollers out.


"What gives, sis, why'd you hit me like that!?" (Zara's brother?)


Uhm…what? Is that dumbass Zara's older brother? She looks down at him with contempt and rolls her eyes.


"Zoda, you should be thanking me for saving your life. Setting aside the fact that man saved me, he could have easily killed you by accident. Are you so stupid that can't tell when you're outmatched? If he wanted to wipe out this whole village by himself, we wouldn't even be able to slow him down." (Zara)


Zoda looks up at me in surprise, but he seems skeptical. Regardless, he climbs to his feet unsteadily, and nods at me apologetically. Then, he silently takes up a position behind Vardo.


Well, now that's settled. The elder is looking at me nervously after Zara's statement. I should respond.


I make a placating gesture and smile as nonthreateningly as I can at everyone.


"Please, you can all relax, I'm not going to harm anyone. I also don't believe that you owe me any debt. I just came to return the children that were taken from you. I'm happy to see that all the kids have been reunited with their families, and you should know that your children were all very kind and brave. Since everyone is safe, my elf friend and I will leave you peacefully now!" (Mizuki)


Everyone stares at me with dumbfounded expressions. The wolf-kin are awkwardly silent, and at that moment Alto begins laughing next to me. I glance over at her and she's shaking her head at me.


"Fufufu…Mizuki, you're such a weird human that they don't even know what to say to you!" (Alto)


Alto continues laughing hysterically next to me, then collects herself to address everyone.


"Hello again, wolf-kin! Some of you may recognize me as one of the elves who was captured along with your children. This man also helped set me free, and I can assure you that as ridiculous as he sounded, he meant every word of it. I'm sure he'd be willing to sit down with elder Vardo and answer questions before we depart. He still has to return my people home, so I'm sure he's just trying to hurry for their sakes." (Alto)


There is chatter among the wolf-kin at Alto's statements, but Vardo looks at me questioningly, like 'that true?'. I nod my agreement at him. He smiles and addresses the wolf-kin behind him.


"Be at ease everyone, I'll talk with the human who returned our children, and then we should let him be on his way. I'm sure that we'll see him again if it's meant to be. For now, please return to your tasks!" (Vardo)


After Vardo speaks, the wolf-kin begin filing out of the central bonfire area with curious glances at me. Vardo gestures at me to follow him, and Alto and I join him in a small tent nearby. Zara also follows.


There are mats around the tent, and we all sit down at his suggestion. Zara is on one side with Vardo, and Alto is with me. Vardo smiles at me with a weary look, and then speaks.


"So, perhaps you could tell me how our paths came to cross?" (Vardo)


I nod and tell him everything, from learning about the kidnapped elves through the guild, to deciding to jail break them instead of doing reconnaissance. I don't get specific about my abilities, but just say that me and my powerful friends were able to track the elves and found the wolf-kin there. Then, we set them free and decided to return them today.


Vardo listens throughout with a surprised face, and he seems to keep glancing to my left where Alto is. After I'm done, and Vardo is thinking quietly, I finally look at Alto. She is leaned back staring at me with a smirk and amused expression. She addresses the wolf-kin.


"See, didn't I tell you, he's just an absurd human, right?" (Alto)


What the hell, Alto!? The wolf-kin nod their agreement, though. Damn, guys, seriously? Vardo recovers first.


"Well, in any event, you have our thanks. You say we don't owe you anything, but that's not the wolf-kin way. I won't trouble you with it now, since it sounds like there are others who need you. However, please consider returning later, so we can at least treat you to a meal and let the parents of those children express their gratitude." (Vardo)


I nod politely, and he seems relieved.


"Sure, I can't promise that it will be very soon, but I can promise to come back when it's reasonable to do so. Do you have any other questions before we depart?" (Mizuki)


Vardo shakes his head, but Zara interjects with a serious expression.


"I do. Will you let me join you on your travels as the elf woman has?" (Zara)


I hear Alto chuckle next to me, so I'm guessing she's not surprised. A heads-up would've been nice.


Zara is looking at me patiently, waiting for an answer. Honestly, I have a few concerns. I think Zara is cool-headed and reliable, unlike her brother. But…


"Hmm…I have a few reservations. The first and most important is that, while I have quite a bit of respect for your character and skills, you still look only fifteen to me, and I don't want to put kids in danger by bringing them with me. Maybe when you're an adult we can revisit it." (Mizuki)


Zara seems unperturbed and responds evenly.


"That's of no concern. I'm sixteen, and an adult by wolf-kin law. We don't coddle our young like humans do. What are your other concerns?" (Zara)


Wait, really? Hmm…I don't know. Still, for all I know, wolf-kin mature faster than humans. I shouldn't project my own arbitrary laws onto other species when determining their right to autonomy. After all, I just admitted that she seemed mature and reliable.


I sigh and nod.


"Okay, then that's fine. My next concern is that we'll be making a trip to the Elven Kingdom soon and I'm not sure that you'll be welcome with us, so you might be left behind. If so, you could just come back here while I'm away, or stay with another human I trust and train. We might be gone for months for all I know." (Mizuki)


Zara thinks that over for a moment, then responds calmly again.


"Hmm…I'd like to come with you now regardless. If possible, I'd accompany you to the Elven Kingdom. If I can't, then I'm not sure if I'd rather train as an adventurer with other humans or come back here, but I will decide by then. Is that all?" (Zara)


Dude…nothing fazes her.


"Well, my last concern is actually a question, it's debatably the most important. Why do you want to come? Your life offers so many possibilities, so I want to know how much thought you've put into this. Why would you leave home to adventure with someone of another race that you've known less than a day?" (Mizuki)


Zara glances nervously at Vardo, but he's already looking at her and smiles reassuringly. She nods and turns to address me.


"The wolf-kin, and demi-humans generally, have operated in a way that allows our people to be exploited and suffer. I may be the next leader of our pack, and I think we need to change to survive. If I come with you, I may grow stronger and learn things that will help my people one day. All about weapons, armor, what the other nations and races are like, how magic really works, and who knows what else." (Zara)


That is…like, the best answer she could have given. If she's only lived here, and she is seeking new experiences and new ways of thinking, she'll certainly get it by coming with us. I have no reason to deny her request.


I smile at her approvingly.


"Very well. I'm okay with it, but you should know that it's not only up to me. Nina and now Alto need to approve. You'll also be subject to the same stipulations you heard me give to Alto." (Mizuki)


Alto interjects.


"I give my approval." (Alto)


Zara nods and a smile appears on her face.


"I accept your conditions, so let us ask for Nina's decision when we return." (Zara)


Well, aren't they just adorable, coordinating already? I love to see it. That exchange before did raise some questions, though, so I'd like to circle back.


"Hey, Zara, is Vardo your dad or grandfather or something? Why are you in line to be the next elder?" (Mizuki)


Vardo and Zara look surprised at my abrupt question. Zara shakes her head.


"No. My mother is dead, and my father missing, for many years now. Vardo and the village took care of us after that. The last elder selects and trains those they think should replace them…that is our way. It has nothing to do with family…Vardo just considered me worthy. My idiot brother, Zoda, is not a candidate for elder." (Zara)


Huh…I kind of respect that. So, the wolf-kin have a semi-meritocratic leadership style. I nod appreciatively at the explanation.


"Okay, thanks, Zara. Well, I think that takes care of everything for now, then. We'll probably be back eventually. Gather whatever you want, and we can leave when you're ready. We'll be going back the fast way, not flying. Just come back here and get me when you've said your goodbyes and collected any belongings." (Mizuki)


Zara smiles and nods, then departs the tent quickly without a word. I look at Alto next to me…she's characteristically smug.


"Well, well, looks like I got new company even sooner than I told you I would." (Alto)


She's looking sideways at me with a smirk, and she is leaned back casually. As much shit as she gives me, I still find it hard to be offended by it. It's just so good-natured. I'll be sarcastic in return, to show my respect, of course.


"Yes, Alto, don't worry. I already knew you were an excellent judge of character and wellspring of good advice. No need to beat a dead horse." (Mizuki)


She raises her eyebrows in amusement, then smiles and looks towards Vardo. Apparently, he's staring at me curiously. I look at him with a questioning expression. He smiles and addresses me.


"Are you sure you're actually human? Between your strange eyes, Zara's liking of you, and an elf behaving like your dear friend, I'm a little skeptical." (Vardo)


Man…people in this world really don't like humans. I nod at Vardo confirmatively, then I chuckle and address Alto.


"Uh oh, Alto, you hear that? You're already getting a reputation in the demi-human community as my dear friend. Fufufufu…will your pride survive?" (Mizuki)


Alto puts on a fake-upset persona and responds back like she's devastated.


"Tch…my humiliation knows no end. Let's just consider it fair trade for these outrageous spoils of working together that you mentioned on the way here. That should console me some, at least." (Alto)


What a funny lady. Before I can continue pestering her, Zara returns to the tent wearing different clothes and holding a dagger, but nothing else. The hell?


Sensing my confusion, perhaps, she responds.


"I'm attached to only one item, this dagger that my father left behind. I changed clothes because I refuse to start a new adventure in the clothes that marked my time as a slave. This was all I needed, and I've already said goodbye to my brother. Vardo condones my travel, so we can go whenever you'd like." (Zara)


That's so matter of fact of her. I glance at Vardo and he nods. I stand up in the tent and Alto joins me. Alright, looks like we're ready.


"Alright! Alto, Zara, we'll teleport back, so you know the drill. Vardo, thanks for everything. We're going to disappear from your tent, so don't freak out." (Mizuki)


Vardo raises an eyebrow in confusion, but he nods his agreement. Zara and Alto squeeze in on either side of me and place their hands on my shoulders.


When they both nod that they're ready, I flash one last grin to Vardo, then I teleport us all back to Nina's clearing.


Looks like our adventuring party is really filling out.