Chereads / Harry Potter got trained / Chapter 28 - Chapter 28

Chapter 28 - Chapter 28

It was a nice and sunny day in Kear Mohen, as Harry walked through the forest with a small hunting rifle, looking for some traces of a rabbit that he was chasing for dinner tonight. They had of course something to eat, but John and Geralt told him that he had to be capable of gathering his own food in case he would be out in the wild for a while. As he was watching the ground, he noticed some strange traces he could not sort to any animal he knew, so it had to be something new. He readied his rifle and was watching the trees and bushes; in case it would be close enough to attack him. He also told Callie to turn on the infrared vision so he could see it better if it did not hide his body heat. He walked slowly through the forest towards the castle, as Geralt and John may know what this is.

In the shadow of the trees, someone was hidden with his active camouflage activated and observed the small boy in his sights. He did not want to hurt him, as he was the charge of his friend and ally, John. He wanted to see why John was still in this place, even when out there where many battles to win and they could use his help too. But he had to admit, this young human was trained well for his age and was also cautious when he was faced with something unknown to him. The being had to change his position to observe further, when a small stone flew to the place he was just moments before, and he heard a shot as his shield deflected it. He accelerated his steps to evade the following fire as he surmised that he had some thermal-vision in his spectacles to see him, but he did not counterattack with his rifle, instead he retreated as it was not his intent to kill the boy.

Harry saw whatever it was running away thanks to his glasses and Callie, now noticing that his ammunition was spent. He decided to forget the rabbit and run back to the castle to notify John and Geralt about his findings. It was his luck that he walked past a small trap he had laid out before with a rabbit in it, so took it with him after he killed it with his knife, as it would have died if he had left it there either way. He then ran off once more, soon arriving in the castle and going into the main hall. He was lucky once more, as both men he wanted to see were sitting on the table, locking over a map of the surroundings. He took his AI device out of his pocket and placed it beside them, telling Callie to show them what he saw.

"I do not know what this was, but according to the books from school it looked like a werewolf, but it was bright day light, so I dismissed this. Geralt, you know almost all the animals here, do you know what this was?" Harry ended his rapport, giving he rabbit to Triss, who took it to the kitchen. John had listened intently as Geralt remembered where he saw this body shape once. He looked at John, telling Harry that they would tell him later, but first they needed to talk with each other.

Harry, just slightly mad to be treated like a small child, walked up the stairs to his room as lunch was not ready for at least half an hour later. As he closed his door, he heard something jumping up and down on his bed, causing him to pull out his dagger and getting ready to defend himself. What he was not ready for was the small being jumping up and down was clothed in something that looked like a rag that he wore like a tunic and looked like a small bat with his big eyes and bat-shaped ears. Harry stood still and waited for it to notice him, when it did and stopped almost immediately as it fell back unto the bed. The being then climbed down slowly and bowed to Harry and began to speak.

"Hello, Harry Potter sir, my name is Dobby the house elf. I came here with a warning for you, you cannot return to Hogwarts." Dobby wringed his hands, as he looked up to Harry who had a shocked face right now. Why could he not return to Hogwarts? Something was wrong right now.

"Why? Who decided that? Has Malfoy something to do with it? Did you also warn my friends?" Harry began to become nervous; he did not know what was happening right now. Callie tried to calm him down, getting him to think more logically. "And what is a house elf if you don't mind me asking?"

"Ah house elf is a servant for a magical family, sir. We do everything that is asked of us, whatever it is. If we cannot fulfill the demands, we must punish ourselves and before your ask, I must punish myself for coming to you and warning you, as my master does not know that I am here." Dobby looked downcast, not really looking forward to it.

Harry had pity with the small creature and offered him a seat and something to drink, then he could tell him everything he wanted him to know. At the sudden wailing from Dobby, Harry though that he did something wrong and tried to calm the elf down.

The door to his room opened and John came in together with Geralt, as Callie had called them via Cortana to see what was going on. Dobby had a shocked expression and wanted to flee, but Harry assured him that they would not hurt him in any way. So, Dobby once more calmed down and told them what he could, without hurting himself for telling something that he shouldn't. Not that Harry and Geralt had to hold him back sometimes as it seemed that his masters were not nice to Dobby as it slipped out of him. What surprised them all is Dobby knew, or had an eye of, John was. "Dobby knows the Master Chief sir. Stronger than even half-giant Hagrid, he is! But Dobby did not know Harry Potter lived with Witchers!" Dobby looked at Geralt in wide eyed awe. "The Dark Lord feared Witchers, he did. Was very angry he could not get Witchers to join him. But, Sirs, the danger at Hogwarts, for Harry Potter is great!" Dobby warned. After thanking them for saving him, he promised them that he would not try to stop Harry as he recognized how strong he was.

"I think we need to talk with Triss about her appointment for the post of Defense teacher. She would be in a good position to call us, if necessary, without the delay our communication causes." John stood back up, but was hold back from Geralt, as he told him that he will talk with Triss, but now John needed to talk with Harry about the being in the woods. John just nodded, telling Harry to sit back down as Geralt closed the door. John then investigated a corner where he noticed something glimmering, causing him to frown a bit.

"Arbiter, please decloak yourself. And why, if you don't mind me asking, are you even here?" Harry was confused as John talked with seemingly nothing in the corner than something appeared out of nowhere. Surprised, he grabbed once more his dagger and prepared to fight, as John lifted his hand and signaled him to stop. Even when Harry trusted him, this being was a stranger to him, so he kept his guard up.

The being placed his hands to his side, trying to show that he meant no harm.

"Hello Demon, I am here to see how far this young boy has come in all these years with your tutelage. I never intended to harm him, do not worry. But I must say, if I wanted, I could had killed him on multiple occasions, only after I left a trace on purpose, he paid more attention to his surroundings. I guess it is his age, as you, for example, would have noticed me as soon I was in your near vicinity. But I was surprised that he knew how to use his tools at his disposal, as he threw a stone towards me, before he opened fire to where I was running to evade the stone. So, if you will allow it, I could teach him to feel any presence like a recruit from my people would learn at the beginning of his training." The being, the Sangheili ruler called the Arbiter Thel Vadam, explained to John why he was here, with Harry still confused on what was happening. John introduced the Arbiter to him, explaining that it was him Harry noticed in the woods. Harry relaxed a bit but held his dagger still in his hand.

Thel saw this caution from the young human, admiring it as it meant he would not fall for any peace offering so easy like others would. He nodded to Harry, showing him that he can store his weapon while he also asked John what his answer was.

"I think we can try, but I will stay close while you teach him Sangheili. I hope you don't mind?" John raised his brow, daring his former enemy to tell him that he would have to stay behind. To his surprise, the Sangheili agreed to it, saying that the Spartan could also profit from this training. And so, they discussed how they would make this session work for them while Callie and Cortana looked up the difference in physiology of the human body to the alien that would teach them.

A few weeks later, Harry sat in the forest meditating, listening to anything different from the normal sounds. A small snap from a leave on the ground caught his attention and he jumped up to his feet and pulled out his pistol. It was his Glock, but for training purposes it would fire blanks, as the small explosion from this round would emit a small light through the laser in front of the muzzle, which would react to the contraption his opponents wore. As he did not see anything, he scanned his surroundings with his eyes, hoping he would see the small glint of a weapon or the shimmer of the camouflage from the Arbiter. That was a mistake, as he heard the telltale sound of the Plasma blade igniting behind him, so he ducked out of the strike from the Arbiter and turned around, opening fire. As the Arbiter was the more experienced warrior, he evaded the shots, jumped to Harry and pushed him to the ground, blade only centimeters from Harry's face.

"Well, you made some progress young one, but you still have much to learn. That was to be expected, as even the most powerful warriors trained their whole life and you only begun to grasp the founding of real martial arts." Thel Vadam released Harry, who stood back up and massaged his neck. He knew that this was maybe he highest praise he would ever hear from this honorable warrior, who fought with John in their war 11 years ago. Harry holstered the pistol once more, as the Arbiter held a device out for him, signaling Harry that his lesson was not over just yet. Harry shook his head and pulled his sword out of its sheet, getting into his fighting stance.

The Arbiter let out a sound which should imitate a sigh and activated his blade in training-mode. He then launched himself towards Harry, who had to sidestep to not be pushed down once more and raised his sword for a block, as the sizzling blade from Thel moved towards him in an arc. As Harry was weaker and lighter, he was pushed back as the Arbiter once more pushed for the attack causing Harry to use his skills purely in defense. It did not take long until Harry lost his sword and had to dive towards it as the blade from the Arbiter came for his neck. His small stature was his only advantage, as he could move faster as his opponent predicted and when he felt the sword once more in his hands, he stood back up behind the Arbiter, his blade ready to strike.

Harry heard a whistle, which was the signal to end the session. John came out of the bushes and looked to both with a small smile on his face. "Arbiter, you still have the skills that even the most powerful fighters are no match for you. But the position of your blade's caused me to call this a draw, as if it were a real fight, both of you would be dying right now. Harry, watch where the weapon from your opponent is, never let the tunnel vision blind you from any danger." John explained, as Harry looked down and saw the tip from the plasma sword almost touching his stomach. If he would have gone through with his attack, the momentum would have carried his sword towards its target, but he would also be dead just like John told him. Harry stepped back and put his sword back into its scabbard, while the Arbiter deactivated his plasma sword and turned around. He had a, for his race at least, smile on his face for showing Harry what he wanted him to see. These few days he could share with them, he begun to see what John saw into the boy. Harry had potential to be so much more than a typical human, even for this world. But he would need to return soon, so he wrote down what kind of exercises they had to repeat to further the progression.

When they arrived back in the castle, Harry walked into his room to pack for the next few days in the burrow, like he promised Mr. Weasley as they would also shop for school supplies together as they received their Hogwarts letters just the day before. Harry wondered how a purely wizarding family was doing their shopping, as Yen and Triss were his only comparison from using magic, and they used a different kind of it. He also wondered how they would get him, as they told him they would come to Kear Mohen, he just had to send the location to them.

Hedwig arrived in his room, with a letter on her leg, presenting it to Harry. He wondered what it was, as he recognized the handwriting from Hermione and tried to remember what day it was as it could happen in a vacation that you forget the day itself. After he opened the letter, he had to smile as she wished him a happy birthday and told him that they would meet in Diagon Alley during the shopping trip. Harry had of course asked Mr. Weasley if he agreed with it, almost surprised on how giddy he was to meet a pair of muggle parents. He would see why that was, maybe he was just curious. While he sat down on his bed after giving Hedwig some owl treats, another small owl landed on his window seal and hooted, lifting her leg. This letter was written on parchment, in contrast to the normal paper from Hermione's letter, but it also contained some good wishes for his birthday with the promise that she would give him his gift when they would meet the next time. Harry thought that it would be better for her if that would not be in school and wrote on another paper his question when they would go to Diagon alley to buy the supplies for their second year. As the small owl still waited, he didn't want to use Hedwig for this trip, as she was surely tired after flying from Hermione to make sure that she could send her letter.

Nina, Daphne's owl, was glad that the friend of her mistress was smart enough to see her waiting for a treat, as he gave her some together with a letter for Daphne, which he fastened on her leg while she swallowed the small meal. Hedwig was looking down from her perch, clicking her beak at the small owl to hurry up. Nina just nodded and flew back to her home, as Harry finished packing for the few days with the Weasley family.

Someplace else in the country, a blond girl was walking up and down in her room, nervously chewing her fingernails as she tried to listen what was going on in the room next to hers. It was the office of her father, David Greengrass, where he was talking with Lucius Malfoy about something that could impact her or her sister's future. As far she knew, Malfoy came to their house with the intention to evoke an ancient form of marriage contract for the betterment of both Family's, at least he did put it that way. As the Greengrass family was one of pure blood, in the society where this would rule supreme, she and her sister were almost worth as much as gold. Of course, she knew that her father did not like such old ways of doing things and rather have it that his daughter's would live a normal life and find their own husbands, but Malfoy had almost too much reach into the ministry to hurt the businesses of his rivals when they would not comply with his views, and he used it.

"David, I must insist that we negotiate the future of our children, as my son is the same age and even in the same house as your oldest daughter and they would surely further both of our bloodlines. As my son is also the heir apparent of house Black, due to my wife's line of ancestry and the imprisonment of Sirius Black, we would wield a mighty position in the Wizengamot for the foreseeable future. This way, we can protect our old tradition and stump the decay in its roots. Of course, me and the rest of my family would also put our resources together with yours, and with the investments we would deal we would be even richer than we already are. Now, what do you say?" Lucius, Draco's father, was a smooth talker, but everyone who could think rationally would hear the hidden meaning in these words. If David doesn't comply, they would have some problems soon for their investments, as Malfoy would just swoop in and take the businesses over that David had already invested so much money.

David knew that naturally, but he would be dammed if he allowed this man to hand his daughters to his son. As far he heard, Draco was a real piece of work and by far not the ideal son in law. For all he cared, he would just take the money from their vaults and would spend it as much he could, just like his father did with the Black vaults he had access thanks to his wife, Narcissa Malfoy neé Black. But he had to buy time, until he could talk with Harry Potter in secret, thankfully he had respected his whish in the letter and did not talk to anyone about it, not even Daphne. Then if what he heard from the goblins was true, Potter could save him and his businesses from Malfoy's grasp by just taking them before Lucius could.

"Listen here, Mr. Malfoy, and don't you dare to use my first name again before I permit it, I still must think about it. Even if we were in the same house back in Hogwarts and even in the same year, we still are not so closely associated with each other as that I would just answer you right away. So, give me some time and I will deliver you an answer by owl before Christmas. But be aware, Mr. Malfoy that I do not condemn my daughters to such old ways to gain more power. Now, please leave my house and do not return, except I would invite you. Good day." David was hiding his fury about this former Death Eater's proposal but had to control himself to not hex him to the next kingdom come.

Lucius was not stupid; he knew that David was playing for time and would rather risk bankruptcy before he would agree to something like a marriage contract while his daughters were still so young. Lucius just had to make sure that David would see the benefits of agreeing to it early, as this way they had security for the future. What he did not know was, that David had other plans for his daughters, something they could choose out of their own will.

"Very well, Mr. Greengrass I will wait for your answer, but don't take too long. Who knows what happens and you would need the safety of our alliance." Lucius stood back up and left the office, with David not even showing any sign to show him out. As the door closed behind Malfoy, he let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose as a headache began to form. He called his house elf and asked him to fetch some potion against it as he began to write another letter to Harry, asking him when they could talk. He then heard a knock on the door and granted entry, as he saw his daughter Daphne coming into the room, looking nervous and pale. He smiled at her and told her that she could take a seat, he was soon finished with the letter.

Daphne took her seat, waiting as patient as she could right now until her father was finished with whatever it was. She just hoped that it was not what she was afraid off, but his smile was at least a bit reassuring so she relaxed a bit. As her father placed his quill back into its holder, he folded the letter up and sealed it, ready to be send.

"Now my dear, I guess you came in here with some questions. But first, I want to inform you that you do not have to worry in any way. Even if you overheard, or rather tried to listen in secret, I don't have any intention on making any kind of deal with Malfoy, even if you would fall in love with his son." Daphne scoffed at that, causing her father to grin as he saw that his daughter seemed to have the similar taste in men as her mother. He then proceeded to talk with her about what was discussed with their visitor, as she was the heir to his house because he had no son. Daphne listened intently, trying to get as much information from it as she could.

"You want to tell me that this slimy git wants me or my sister as some kind of trophy for his son, only because he is the apparent heir of house Black? As if I would give a toss about that kind of stuff. As far I'm concerned, he could be the descendant of Merlin himself and I would not like him. After what happened in school, I am sure that the only girls who would take him is Parkinson, and she is so dimwitted." Daphne was fuming, crossing her arms over her chest and not calming down at all.

David was grinning, thinking it would be a good time mentioning the letter he had sent to Harry, asking him if they could talk about his heritage that David had found out. He kept it for himself thought, knowing full well that telling her everything he found would blow her mind. Then who would believe him that Harry was the descendant of not just the house of Potter, but also of Gryffindor, Slytherin and Peverell, making him the almost single most powerful wizard in the politics of the ministry. If he would wish to do it, he could floor every law that would need a majority to pass and cause a pat situation where either all the others would gather to outvote him or would need to get him on their side, as his vote was almost half of all the counting votes in the Wizengamot. David had the suspicion that Dumbledor knows this, as no one claimed to be the proxy of these houses to use these votes, and Dumbledore never mentions them missing. So, he had to know that the heir is born, but not yet of age and his legal guardian never reappearing. And if the rumors he heard about the blood adoption from Sirius Black, the rightful heir of the house Black until found guilty of his crimes where true, it meant that Harry even could also cast a vote for the Black family. David was still curious why it never occurred to the minister that Sirius did not have a formal trial, as Madam Bones from the DMLE told him about it multiple times. He guessed that Lucius had bribed the minister to keep it under the rug for a while longer, but he did not count on David and his lawyers in. They soon had enough evidence to force an investigation for Sirius and get the case to rest for good.

Hearing all of this, Daphne was not sure how she should behave around Harry in the future. True, if Harry knew all of this, and she was pretty sure he did, as he was raised by Geralt and Yennefer and he had to talk with the goblin nation and take all the tests needed to reactivate all the family vaults, that would have revealed everything to him. But as Harry never even mentions it how high up the latter he was as the heir apparent of the house Black, so he wanted to be treated like he was a normal boy. Or as normal as you could be with the people he grew up with and was trained by. And she really needed to talk with Hermione about her feelings, as Daphne was sure when they would talk about them it would not end in a fight between them. For her luck, Harry was still a young boy and rather oblivious to see the signs a girl would give him when they would be interested. Or at least she thought that was the case.

Back in Kear Mohen, Harry was walking down the stairs to the main hall for dinner, after he had packed everything he would need for the few days he would visit them. As he passed a window, he looked outside to enjoy the view as the sun was setting behind the horizon. He enjoyed the view while he walked further down, soon arriving by the main hall. He noticed that the table was not set until now, so he walked into the kitchen to grab some plates while Triss and Yen were cooking. It was at this moment when the fire turned green, and a man stumbled out of it. As the man looked up, he saw two fireballs in front of him and a boy with his dagger. The man lifted his hands up, as two other men came into the kitchen.

"Ah sorry, I should have told you that I would try the Floo network Harry. And to the others, please let me introduce myself, I am Arthur Weasley, the head of the Weasley family and I am here to take Harry with me for the next few days." Arthur was looking apologetic at the people present, realizing that he would have scared them today. The sorceresses dissipated the fire and the men relaxed, as Geralt even offered some coffee until they had dinner. Mr. Weasley thanked him for the coffee but declined the dinner as he had already eaten. He would just wait until Harry was ready to leave and looked over the place for something interesting.

Harry found Mr. Weasley after dinner by the cars, as he was admiring them for the wonderous things they were for him. Mr. Weasley once more apologized to the sudden appearance in the fireplace as he would wait there until Harry grabbed his backpack. As Harry returned, he said goodbye to the others and whished them a good day until he would return before school. Mr. Weasley then threw some powder into the fire and explained to Harry how to use the Floo by speaking the place he wanted to visit loud and clear. Harry did just that and was pulled up the chimney of the fireplace, soon being pushed out of another fireplace and landing on his feet.

"Welcome to the Burrow, Harry. I hope the Floo did not make you sick."