The planet Fordon was a planet where in the history of humanity, the powerful has never sided with the weak, and that remained the case until 57 years ago. When Arcturons first grawled out of abysses (gates), 7 billion people died in the span of a mere 3 years, since no weapon humanity had, worked on them. However one day humanity awakened a system and gained classes, skills and talents to become strong enough to kill Arcturons.The classes were separated into 4 categories, Common, uncommon, epic and legendary.Humanity started fighting back and eventually regained lost land and built base cities ranging from 1 star bases used by adventurers to 5 star bases which were the most secure.
This brings us to the present day, the international awakening day which all 17 year olds go through. On this day all 17 year olds awaken their classes.This was also the last day of their academic school career as for the next 4 years they will learn how to grasp their skill to their utmost potential.
Edrea Aziz is your typical introvert, a loner who has never had any expectations placed on him. His one goal in life is just to live happily.
As he watched his classmates slowly get their classes he started wondering what his own class will be.
"Edrea Aziz"
He slowly walked to the front.
"Place your hand on the measuring stone"
He slowly extended his hand and touched the round purple magic stone.
Suddenly a system appeared in front of his eyes with the words.
(Mythical', 'point distributer)
'I didnt even know that the mythycal class existed and also, whats a point distibuter.'
"What is your class" the teacher asked standing behind him.
Knowing that if he said his class was Mythical, point distributer it could cause choas he decided to quickly look at his first skill to give a random class.
(Sword slash Lv.1)
"Warrior sir"
"Good enough, Andrew Mattock"
He walked off the stage and past the approaching boy.
'How does my class even work'
As he searched his menu he noticed something strange.
(Distribute points)
'Whats this'
When he clicked on it a menu suddenly popped up saying 'how many points do you wish to give yourself'
'The next skill upgrade costs 100 points so lets choose that'
(Confirming challenge needed to do)
(100 push ups for task completion)
'Do I really have to do a hundred push ups.'
He decided to wait until he was alone later at night, for now he would just go and see what type of talent he unlocked.
He moved onto the next platform where an old man waited for new students. After seeing the old man nudge for him to go up he slowly went up the stairs, exciited to find out what talent he would gain.
"Place your hand on the talent stone, the as for the class awakening."
Edrea did as told and put him hand on the talent stone. The next second the talent stone turned black shocking the old man presiding over the test.
"No colour huh, sorry kid, I guess you don't have a talent."
However Edrea didn't listen to the old man as the next second he heard the system voice again.
'Mythical talent unlocked.'