This is getting to know about the people who you actually must learn about their lives to not make the same mistake and make sure that you are capable of your life.
What about making you live alone without guidance without support!!
How will you make life very easy for you??
We have a man who was unmasked for the real things, he wasn't alone, he never was but the experience he had was unexpected.
He used to achieve things he hadn't done all the time but this is unknown.
He wanted to make the world a better place for the people he loved, he loved caring about his mother and his father.
He loved them so much until one day he was driving to have fresh air with them as usual.
The real things aren't the best for your heart but they are for your life.
The car crashed and the man couldn't bear that, he lost them in the blink of an eye.
All good things about them became just memories and they wouldn't come back.
The feeling of losing a loved one isn't like any feelings but it is what makes you go forward, it is Life.
The incident is like you must take a great risk for going on and you don't want this to happen anyway.
So be it and I want to have it going not just like you go forward but the way you take is very hard.
So the man was at the burial with no one beside him, no friends no family no one.
This is just the bad taste of the food and the necessity is a way to being perfect and isn't bad for you.
You know that sometimes we like bad things that we think are good and we sometimes hate good things that we think are bad for us.
The wrong status of this is what keeps us away from the goal and the way depends on you.
So from now on take the unwanted good things for development and making goals.
The man wished that his life would end right now and nothing would happen anymore.
He started to be a bad person; he didn't want to talk to anyone and he got anything by his angry face and for what.
You lost your people so see what it's best for.
Unfortunately, the world isn't like you want to see and the rain starts and nothing will make the rain stop.
The robbery was a key for being unknown and alone and the discussion isn't different.
It's the same as you think, you want to rob to have more and more than people.
You want to live right?? NOT JUST LIKE THAT.
If you want peace, love, and caring just wait for your time.
Well, this time is different and the man decided to rob a small shop near his house.
He covered his face and entered with a weapon with him.
He ran away from the shop with tears on his face and the wonders crossed our mind.
The scene was the mother with a crying baby how will he kill or rob the simple family just like that?
A woman with a baby just remember the sound of his crying in your mind.
The door opened finally the rob was simply like killing and the killing was like wasting the life in your hands.
Let me say the trouble is anything but a drop of liquid you can fix it and nothing will make the trouble exist anymore.
The man started to make himself worth for the world and start the best things for the future.
He decided to learn how to teach children and the beginning was very hard and the job was certainly something.
Many times he fell by not doing the right thing until one day came.
He was inspired by a woman younger than him and she was better than anyone to teach children.
She surely knew how to raise and teach a child making him love her so much and he wanted to get close and marry her.
He was asking politely and she was helpful to him always and he expressed his feelings towards her and she couldn't believe it so she asked him to give her time to think.
She returned home and she couldn't get the meaning of this situation what he thought about her!!
She wanted to know him as he did to get to understand each other.
She was the most beautiful woman to the man; her talk, her kindness, her works how she was before ?? Nobody knows.
She went with him in many places and she finally loved him with his kindness and his responsibilities.
They got married and lived in one house with every single good day for each other.
Until they had a dream come true; their first child.
The child is a girl and she is as beautiful as her mother they were happy.
Soon after 2 years, the man had a terrible accident with his wife.
Sadly the wife was dead because of the accident.
Well this time let me tell you something life isn't like anyone else, you want love others want peace and maybe a good life.
The ties are going to be difficult because we must learn something about that and I assure you that the kind is essential for being in the world with some people not all of them.
Returning to normal life won't happen unfortunately, the risk we must take is what makes you capable of doing anything in the future and for what??
Well, you will know one day.
The accident left the man alone but this time he was beside her daughter and he must protect her and help her in her situation.
This is Life !!