-Hello sir, just a moment please- a woman stopped me. I was not a fan of being talked to by strangers, it always made me anxious. Like of all the people on this busy street, why me? Nonetheless, a quick glance made me stand, her brown nervous eyes, her tight dress…among other noticeable things. By the time I had noticed the lens focused right at me, it was too late.
-Hello sir, my name is Natalie and I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions concerning the state of the nation- she said. I so badly wanted to be somewhere else, could she not read body language? Maybe they did not teach her, or maybe I was the one not giving off enough signs that I wanted to be left alone.
Her forehead furrowed and I could swear the grip on the small microphone she had in her hand tightened. I guess she really wanted someone to talk to on camera. By the looks of it, she must not have had a lot of luck. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail, not that it was significant other than the fact that it was a trend among the youth, and she had this youthful energy about her. Most probably an intern, or new on the job.
-Alright.- I finally decided, her face lit up, goodness she had such a beautiful smile.
-So, recently we have had an increase in prices in various commodities. Even the most basic of goods are experiencing a shift in…- gracious her question was so long. I was indeed right that she was a rookie, she bored me even with her question. No wonder he could not find a lot of on participants. They were probably bored to death.
By every word I could feel my mind slowly drifting away to what I was supposed to buy in the market. Bread maybe, maybe I treat myself for a change and get some delicious pastry.-...what do you think?-
I was absent in mind but I usually pay some form of attention. I looked her dead in the eye, the tiny device in her hand was now close to my mouth. Was she holding her breath? She felt so anxious that even i started to feel the same.
Now then, back to the question that I had at hand, 'what did I think'. Should I tell her she smelt like strawberries? …No, bad idea. Women do not take kindly to being complimented on their scents, trust me on this, experience taught me well.
From how she started, I could draw out how the entire question went. I was disinterested in politics and matters of the nation but even i in my great ignorance was not so ignorant as to not know the basic goings of a nation.
-You are asking the wrong questions my dear, it is not as to what i think, but what i believe- she looked confused, and for good reason. You go in expecting a quick answer and it turns out an essay. At that moment, my environment faded into the background, albeit it was in the background but more so in the backgrounder…if that is even a word.
-You see, I could say I think the nation is heading in quite a splendid direction…if that is what you want me to say, but do I believe that? Simply no. Another example was if I stated that if I were the ruler of this land then I would be able to lead us in such glorious prosperity that my name would go down in the books, but do I believe that? Absolutely not. You see my dear, Think is such a vague word. I could lie to you simply put. But a belief is something much deeper, you cannot simply lie upon a belief, now can you?- I asked her a question, but she looked even more lost.
I took that time to re-analyze what I would have continued to say, then the past thoughts collided with the ongoing thoughts and I lost all that I should have said all together. Nevertheless, as the theatre says, the show must go on.
-I think that in a short while things will get increasingly difficult, but after that there will be brighter days ahead. As for what I believe, even if I aired out my views right here right now, it would not matter. I have no say even if they say I do. It's all about the illusion they create.- with that i finished my statement, nicely done i might say.
She continued staring as if she was expecting more from me,so I gave a little smile followed by a littler nod and she realised. He thanked me for my contribution then went on her way. I decided to buy myself a treat, probably some Mandazi, or chapati, but I liked them when they were hot, not cold and hard in the morning.
It was not until I went to bed that the speech of what I forgot to say and should have said began to haunt me. To be honest, I was tormented…but such is life, and with that I believe I grew, or maybe I think I grew.