After I met that self-proclaimed god I felt cold very cold weak even. That's when I woke up. I looked at my hands and they were let's just say a toddlers. I look at the rest of my body and it appears as a 5 or 6 year olds body. After I get out of my bed a flood of memories that aren't at all mine flood my head as if some was trying to tell me something. I don't remember what happened all I know is that I died and how to speak. As I walk to the door and open it I see the way the wood is carved and how the handle of the door is also wood. I open the door as I see an entire wooden house and 3 people sitting at a table. One of them I remember from my flood of memories his name is Andrew he's around my age and we're friends. I look at the other two both of them are my parents. My mother is a younger looking woman with blond hair longer hair and the lower half of the hair is braided. Her clothes look dusty as if she was working. I don't know why but the look of everyone here makes me disgusted and wants to say trash out loud I guess I shouldn't talk or go outside until this problem is over. I close the door before I see what my dad looks like. I see a book and I don't know this mysterious language. But it looks like Russian…. Wait what is Russian? I knew a few words of Russian so I don't think that there is any other language for humans. I open the door but this time it creeps open and my father turns at me and I now know his face brownish hair and a clear face with nothing on it so probably jobless. And lastly my friend has teal hair and a clean face also jobless but that's cause he is just 3. His hair is a bit on the medium side so long but still short. I walk out and take a seat. My father speaks this unknown language and then I remember in a memory of this body a tree flying and then taking off. I then relize it I am in a "fantasy" wait no I just said fantasy outloud. My mother looks at me and the language I don't know strikes again. I then eat my food and leave I need to learn this world's language and fast!