Chereads / The Holodex Henshin / Chapter 9 - Chaotic Bar Fight, Enter the Space Sheriff 2

Chapter 9 - Chaotic Bar Fight, Enter the Space Sheriff 2

Everyone present was momentarily stunned into silence upon realizing that Cassie and Edward both knew Huey. Greg, however, was surprised for a different reason. He anticipated that the boys would rush over to confront the kid who had toppled their motorcycles.

It most certainly wouldn't have been the first time he had watched the duo kick some ass.


Several months ago, a gang of bikers had decided to stop by Makoto's on a much busier night. Edward had been busy flirting with one of the waitresses inside and Norvin had been outside chatting with Greg. The large bouncer didn't really care for nerdy things, sports were more his style.

Norvin had gone through a faze of playing soccer and football related games on his PlayStation at one point. He scoured the internet for all related information to enhance his strategies for online matches. During this process, he absorbed and retained a wealth of information and facts, which made it effortless for him to engage in conversations with Greg or any other sports enthusiast on equal terms.

"Did you know the average goal in the last World Cup came after 25 passes?" 

Greg looked surprised. "That's impressive! The teamwork involved in executing those plays is something else, I thought that it was way more passes than that, all the fake dives those guys take distract me from noticing that kind of stuff."

"Right?! Don't forget about the defensive strategy either—one solid tackle can change the momentum entirely, when it's legit that is. Those guys do take a lot of dives haha."

Greg was really enjoying the back and forth with Norvin, when a patron came out to have a smoke, they usually tried yapping with the big man about anime; it was a breath of fresh air to be talking about something he enjoyed for once.

"Definitely! It would be cool if...ugh, these guys again..." Greg trailed off as ten motorcycles, bobber and chopper style pulled up to the front, they were cocky enough to all pull up onto the sidewalk, just a mere ten feet from the front door where Norvin, Greg and a few other customers were standing.

"Whoa, hang on! Sorry, folks, but the bars at capacity right now..." Greg moved in front of the door to bar their way. The last time they had come to the pub, they had done nothing but harass all the female employees.

The group exchanged glances and burst into laughter. A burly member stepped up, attempting to shove past the bouncer while spitting on the ground. "I don't believe it is, step aside so we can see for ourselves," he demanded.

Norvin moved to stand beside Greg and spit right back onto the biker's boot.

"Are your stupid ears full of wax dipshit? The man told you no. So, get lost."

Norvin's grin was wide, he was eager for confrontation; individuals like these bikers greatly irritated him. He viewed them as the antithesis of what one should strive to become.

The bikers were all shocked and stared at the guy with weird grey and white hair standing in their way. They noticed that he looked just like any other person that normally came to Makoto's. He was even wearing a shirt with an anime styled robot on it. He was not a bouncer at all.

"Are you kidding me? You're dead kid."

Greg was surprised as well; he hadn't expected the laid-back Norvin to do something like this, but it felt good to know someone had his back.

The biker with spit on his boot turned to look at his friends, then, without warning, he threw a big fist at Norvin's head.

Norvin's grin got even wider, he ducked the sucker punch and pulled on the man's arm violently. The biker tried to pull away, but to his surprise, Norvin's grip was like a vice!

"What th..."


Norvin had bounced his opponent's head off the front door with a move that looked like a judo toss!

"Get him!" Another biker hollered as he started to throw his own fist towards Norvin. Greg stepped beside Norvin and together they prepared to fight. As the gang rushed ahead, the bar door swung open, revealing a towering figure wearing striped sweatpants and a matching jacket, filling the doorway. The bikers hesitated, taking in the sight of the colossal man stepping outside.

Edward had heard the first loud thud and had guessed what was going on. 

He stepped forward and cracked his massive knuckles.

After a few exchanges, Greg managed to knock out his opponent, when he turned to deal with the next one, he was shocked at what he saw. The other eight ruffians had all been knocked to the cement and did not look very good.

"Don't worry Greg, I held back, okay? Can't set a bad example for my students..." Edward had a grin on his face.


Greg finished standing Norvin's bike up, then shook his head while remembering the wild beatdown. It wasn't really realistic for two men to thrash so many people in mere seconds, he was scared for the safety of the young, blonde kid in front of him.

"Oh, hey Norvin, what's good bro?" Huey dropped the larger bike that he was struggling to pick up back to the ground and held up his chubby hand for a high five. He had decided to completely ignore Edward and Cassie.

"Are you serious Hue? Why are you here?" Cassie stared daggers at Huey, she was mad that he had knocked over Edward's bike, and then dropped it again when he noticed she was locking arms with the big man.

"Mind your own business sis, I'm here to buy some stuff from my good buddy Norvin here..." 

After Huey said this, Cassie turned towards Norvin and raised one of her eyebrows at him. He shrugged while his eyes ran up and down his bike, looking to see if the plastics had been scratched.

"Yup, he isn't lying..."

Norvin winked at Huey. "...I've got a couple thing's here for you bud, they're upstairs by the cabinets, buddy discount may be gone though, you know, since you dumped by bike over."

Huey's face fell and the open hand he had lifted towards Norvin started to drop as well. 

"I'm sorry bro..."

Norvin laughed and gave the shorty the high five he wanted.

"It's all good man, I'm just teasing you, they're really just dirt bikes with some fancy parts at the end of the day; worst thing that can happen is needing to straighten out your handlebars if they get a bit sideways, no big deal." 

Norvin had decided to make things easier on the kid, seeing as how both Edward and Cassie were probably going to give Huey a hard time.

Huey smiled and then his eyes suddenly went large as he tried to grab Norvin's hand to take a better look. "YO! Is that the hero holodex you have on!?"

Huey had noticed the large, custom black smartwatch Norvin was sporting on the wrist he had brought up to return Huey's high five. Norvin dodged the chubby fingers easily.

"It is bud, let's all go back inside for another drink, I'll show you it and hook you up with your stuff."

"Okay cool! How much for it?" Huey looked excited and only really cared about the watch at this point, he was still ignoring Cassie and Edward.

The couple both rolled their eyes at the same time, while Greg shook his head and chuckled, moving to stand up Edward's bike for him. 

"Thanks, Greg, you're the man," Edward said, offering gratitude to the other large man while suppressing the scowl and slap intended for Huey. Upon discovering Huey's relation to Cassie, he opted to treat him with a bit more kindness, in spite of the boy's rudeness.

They made their way back to the bar door, with Norvin holding it open for his friends as they re-entered. Once the door closed, Greg resumed his post in front of it.

Before anyone had a chance to say anything else, Huey started pestering Norvin again. "So dude, how much for that thing? Show me all of the heroes in there!"

"I'll show you for sure Huey, but it ain't for sale, I've put way too many hours into this thing and I want to keep it for myself." He opened the app he created for the hero holodex on his watch and started rotating through entries to show his friend. Huey started calling them out as the various images flashed past his eyes.

"Lots of Kamen Rider and Super Sentai of course...Power Ranger movie things. Hhhmmm...some Ultraman...Armored Spiderman and some other Marvel stuff...Guyver...Garo...Blue Beetle...Gridman...Saint Seiya Cloths...Metal Heroes and Beetle Borgs...Gohan's Great Saiyaman form?! You even have Catopesra's suit from the 'Tournament of power' in DBS...Hahaha the God Gundam and the Escaflowne? Bro, what?!" 

Huey was drooling over the images popping up on Norvin's wrist more than ever.

Norvin shrugged his shoulders. 

"Those are suits in my books Hue. The idea I had is that you take on the shape of Van or Domon, get their skills and then the suit materializes around you."

"Yeah I guess, but those are mechs..."

Edward stood there with narrowed eyes, just looking at the two. Cassie tugged on his sleeve and started pulling him towards the bar counter.

"Come on, handsome, I'm thirsty and really feel like having a beer. Is there any chance you could leave your bike here overnight? If I have a few drinks, you could drop me off with my car... or we could head to your place and pick up your bike in the morning," she said with the most seductive smile she was capable of making towards Edward. 

"Oh heck yeah, I'm down for that, leave the nerds to do their things..." Edward was now excited himself at the prospect of driving the Porsche, and maybe taking Cassie for a ride too! His face was flushed with a deep red color, which made Cassie giggle. 

Edward began turning back to Norvin and Huey to inform them that they would be on their own for the remainder of the night. However, before he could speak to the two guys arguing over the definition of a suit, Greg's shouts could be heard from outside.


A sword blade suddenly pierced through the bar door! It dripped lots of fresh red blood onto the floor and was then withdrawn. The bar went dead silent and moments later the door was violently kicked off of its hinges!