Seething with indignation, he sat down and fiercely guzzled a pot of tea, feeling that this was the only way to cool the flames of anger in his heart.
Seeing that the time was about right, the procuress, flaunting her charm, appeared before the two of them again, and with a hand gesture signifying it was time to leave, she said, "Time is up, sirs, please go."
"If we must go, then we'll go! Do you think I actually enjoy being here?" Du Chenzhi, upset by the whole affair, vowed never to visit a brothel again! Marching angrily toward the exit, he suddenly remembered something and turned to look at the procuress, "Since we didn't do anything, shouldn't our silver be returned to us?"
Two thousand taels of silver, at that! They couldn't just let Cool Breeze Bright Moon Tower or Yue Xilou profit from this!