"Who are you calling shameless and impudent?" Gu Changsheng cut in decisively, with a sly counterquestion.
"Ah, since Chief Jiao admits to being shameless himself, then Changsheng really has nothing more to say. It's commendable to have such self-awareness, Chief Jiao... You must maintain this virtue..." Gu Changsheng looked at Jiao Fangyi with a face full of pity, his words even less courteous.
Just moments before, Gu Changsheng had relentlessly pressured Hu Yihai with his overwhelming presence, clearly visible to her from just outside the door. Hu Yihai, though stingy and unlikeable, was at least capable of distinguishing between urgencies. Over time, Gu Changsheng had come to reassess him; if nothing else, Hu Yihai represented the Liuzhou Medical Guild, and she, Gu Changsheng, was also set to represent the Liuzhou Medical Guild in the competition. There's a saying: united we stand. This was extremely important!